Page name: Use me [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-06-21 19:04:43
Last author: sweet.tx.tea
Owner: sweet.tx.tea
# of watchers: 3
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See me.

a . ] Absolutely no stealing anyone’s work; please abide by the uploading rules of Elftown.
b . ] Please upload your images to Elftown; believe it or not, this isn't to be annoying, it's just to ensure that everyone can see your image.
c . ] No harassment; we will kick you out.
d . ] No vulgar comments about anyone’s house/photos/writing/personal identity/manipulations/ect.; it is wrongrude. Also, if they wanted your opinion, they’d ask.
e . ] No editing wikis except Eligibility Pending and the entry pages; everything else is soon to be password-protected. Also, please allow the moderator[sweet.tx.tea] to handle adding pages, décor images, ect. The truth is, if I need help, I will ask you for it.
f . ] For Manipulation:
Please provide a proof photo if you are going to manipulate your photo in any way. This proof should include a bowl. We don’t care what shape, size, or color; just show us your bowl. If your manipulation is more artistic instead of photographic, no proof is needed.
g . ] Please keep your images no larger than <img500:; we have to have space for all entries.
h . ] All participants are allowed to submit THREE ENTRIES PER SECTION. If you would like to provide a link to a wiki with all the photo's you took for the theme, you may do so.
i . ] As long as your photo follows the theme, it is NOT required that you HAVE TO HAVE A MODEL in the shot. Person/place/thing here does apply, not just person. Remember, the key here is to portray the theme of puppets clearly, imaginatively, artistically.
j . ] For Manipulation:
We have a submission style we would like you to follow. [ EXAMPLE below: ]
1. [ name ]
Title: date finished
<img500: PROOF: <img500:

Feel me.
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2010-01-28 [nehirwen]: This page confuses me.
What are the rules about stockphotos? Can you use stockphotos made by others (and list them with your entry)?
And if you really have to use your own, it's not really workable to provide proof photos, specially since people tend to use a few to a lot of photos in one piece and often can't go back to locations they took their stockphotos.. :\

2010-01-28 [sweet.tx.tea]: Stock photos are acceptable as long as listed, dear. :] The proofs are just for photos you take yourself. We don't want people stealing images. :] I shall make a change or two to clarify.

2010-01-28 [nehirwen]: OK, thanks.

2010-02-02 [Death By COLOUR]: Would it be acceptable to do a digital painting, and not a photo manipulation? I didn't see the option of a painting someplace.

2010-02-02 [sweet.tx.tea]: Yes it would. :]

2010-02-02 [Death By COLOUR]: Awesome, I will consider doing this if I have time. :D

2010-02-02 [sweet.tx.tea]: YAY! We are excited to have you!

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