Valerie has the ability to call forth things that linger in the soil to defend herself, be it roots of plants or corpses of dead creatures. This ability seems to be influenced by the seasons as she finds it easier to manipulate plants in the spring and summer months and things dead in the autum and winter months.
Valerie is average height, about 5'6”, and very slender. Her movements are graceful, even regal, which is made strange by her heavy goth clothing and makeup. She has green eyes and her hair is dyed dark red.
Val's moods tend to shift unpredictably. In an attempt to keep her bi-polar disorder under control, she tends to keep fairly quiet around others, particularly people she doesn't know well.
Distinguishing marks or traits:
A scar on her forehead that she keeps covered by her hair.
Valerie's life has been dominated by controlling men. Her parents were divorced when she was about five years old, but her father soon remarried. Her new stepmother was highly abusive and her father manipulative, he convinced her time again that if she told anyone what her step-mother was doing she would never see him again. Like any loving, naive daughter, she never told anyone about the abuse of her step-mother. This went on for nearly five years, until she was about ten years-old; her father crashed his car into a tree, driving home drunk from the bar. Finally free of her step-mother, Vicky's life improved for a while. She and her mother were very close and grew closer over those years. Eventually, however her mother remarried. Tom seemed great at first, but as time went on he proved to be no better than husband number one. He spent copious amounts of money on alcohol, gambling, and—Vicky suspected—even women. When he was out of money, he turned to Vicky's mother for more, forcing Vicky to find a job as soon as the law allowed just so that her mother could pay the bills. Vicky is lucky to have gotten a job at the local funeral home at such a young age and she hopes will bring in enough money for her to move out as soon as she turns 18.
Diagnosed bi-polar, allergic to tobacco, loves to garden Persephone: Goddess of Springtime and Queen of the Dead
Persephone is a sweet and caring goddess, always generous to those who wish to make deals on behalf of those they care for. But she is not to be underestimated, as she has the protection of Hades and the support of the dead at her back.