Page name: Valusia III [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-11 03:09:52
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Rosi returned with a measuring tape and piece of parchment and pencil. "Today I am gonna write down some measurements so I can have some new clothes made for you." She then brought in breakfast and tea for Lily, "I hope you like it, I guessed you had no problem with most of dinner." She waited until Lily was done eating and began to make the appropriate notations down. "So, Lily is there colors you dislike or prefer not to wear?" Sitting on the bed was clean undergarments and the 'borrowed' clothes.

"Not particularly, I'm told I wear almost all colors well... did you need my measurements?" Lily asked after she was done eating, she polished the plate almost, and she drank all of her tea though it tasted very strange. Still Lily was curious about what was going to happen to her today, did Da'Karis make plans with Goram, or did Goram simply make plans after seeing that sigil. "Rosi... Goram isn't made because I'm here is he? If I need to... to pay him back for anything I can work fo him. I helped my uncle at his tavern sometimes so I sort of know what to do." Lily offered, she was sure Rosi was waiting for her to get undressed and that was very embaressing even if the other woman helped wash her yesterday, that was... yesterday.

"Goram is concerned about the overall safety of the house, bringing someone back is out of the normalness of for Da'Karis. I'm gonna turn around so you can slip those underthings on then I'm gonna get yer measurements." She did as she said and turned her back for Lily to do what she needed. Da'karis and Goram had been up late discussing the situation and finally the old goat had to accept the human's point of view. "So, you served in a bar once? Perhaps we can get you working to lessen Goram's concerns it couldn't hurt."

"er... I served food once. My uncle wouldn't let me do the alcohol... my parents would've gotten real mad... but yes I've done some work, I've mostly been trained in the art of fighting though... as a ranger." Lily said softly and slowly as she slid the underthings on and then was prepared to let this total stranger take ehr measurements. "Um I'm ready..." Lily said blushing softly still. "It might be because of who I am... nothing normal happens around me and my family." Lily said out loud, she was wondering if it really was because of her being a ravenwood that this happened, well whatever the reason she was simply glad the gods swayed Da'KAris's decision.

Rosi moved and began to measure Lily and note the numbers on the parchment, "You truly are an exotic beauty here in Valusia Lily. Da'Karis left a sum of coin with me to arrange for you to have some clothes and I have a great deal of free time today to be your guide." She waited for Lily to dress and wrote down a couple notes about what to get Lily. "Shall we inquire if Goram could use you in the inn that way we have somewhere to go. Or are you hoping to get enough money to head home?" she asked and again Lily wondered if the spell had ended and she could just call out to Darryl.

"He did? You mean he was here?! He was supposed to come and get me!" Lily said adjusting the clothing and looking at Rosi. "Oh yeah... how do women in Valusia wear their hair... I don't want to make any pho puax while I'm here. I gotta go find him and make him keep his promise." Lily said quickly wanting to get going to go and get Da'Karis, she didn't know why he had left money but she would ask him that too. He was kind of spooky wearing all black and his voice not having any real emotion in it at all and being all hidden murderer kind of. But she was determind to get him as a friend, because the more friends you had the better the outcome of any adventure. This was the advice from her parents for any adventure. But she wanted to go out with Rosi too. "I do need money for the trip home... and some real clothes so after I find Da'Karis and make him keep his promise can we go get me some real clothes and then talk to Goram?" Lily asked she spoke fast and moved fast, she was all over the entire room as she spoke and asked questions.

Rosi looked at her with equal parts admiration and curiousity, was she really going to go find Da'Karis and force him into doing something with her? "Um, Lily I believe he is going over the paperwork that he got last night what was he supposed to do with you?" Part of Rosi wanted to tell Lily where to find the assassin and the other part wanted to keep her a safe distance. "Most likely he is in his room upstairs it actually goes the entire length of the inn and tavern." Rosi smiled at her and extended her hand, "Perhaps he will be ready to go after we return with better fitting closthes."

"You think so? Well you know him better then I do so I'll believe you... but he made me a promise yesterday and no one breaks a promise with me! If he's doing something important... I guess I'd better let him work on it anyways, my parents always said when you are very important there is only half of the work being done with people. The other half is all in the details of paperwork." Lily said quickly and then quoting her family. It would be strange to know that her family probably assumed Lily never slowed down enough to listen to them, while in reality she listened to every word and knew what everyone thought about well... everything. Lily though she was bright and merry and could sometimes be in your face a lot, was largely ignored or seen as childish. It was a large underestimation. Lily put her hair up as Rosi had told hermost girls wear theirs and then she took Rosi's hand.

They walked out into Valusia's market district for quite sometime looking at all the clothing on sale. Every so often Rosi would look about, then head them in another direction to a shop. After a little while Lily thought she knew why, a man in chain mail was shadowing them and keeping a close eye on them. Rosi looked back and drew Lily closer to her, "Whatever happens do not stray far from me, you could get lost and that would be bad. We need to take your purchases back to the inn and I need to describe him to Da'Karis."

"Okay, don't forget the scar along his jawline and the way he's slowly loosing his hair on top. That might be important too... especially how the weapons are cheaper then the armor." Lily said understandingly, she had been folowed before but not in valusia obviously. "Come on let's go. I'll keep you safe okay Rosi?" Lily promised softly, thankfully the dagger Rosi had given her was easy to hide on her person. "Let's go back now and I'll keep an eye on him. After all I've been dealing with stuff like this my whole life!" Lily laughed softly, to her it was a simple enough solution, leave and lose the bad guy. Or get somewhere safe. Give the description to whoever needed it and let it sort itself out. She could however protect Rosi and herself if need be.

A couple more turns and their enemies multiplied there were now four of them and Rosi was making turns without really paying attention right into a dead end. "Oh no we got to retrace our steps." she said turning around only to see the way out was blocked by three of the four men. "Don't worry wench we only want the blonde and answers about what happened to our boss." the one in the lead said. They all had longswords and and looked like they knew what they were used for.

"I'm not really blonde... just blond-ish." Lily said pushing Rosi behind her. If she had to she'd protect Rosi all by herself. SHe was a Ravenwood after all and she would do her best to take of anyone she needed to, that got involved with her. She didn't pull out her daggerlookout yet, and she had only a small chance this might actually work. Surprise was the key element here in her plan as well. "So... you're boss... some kind of degenerate... old... balding maybe has a thing for younger girls? Does illegal things I'm assuming?" Lily asked curiously. "Because I can tell you I've met a few of those and I haven't even been around for very long around here yet and you may be surprised with how many people fit that kind of description and why would you want to follow someone like that anyways? You're all relatively handsome and I'm sure you all have skills that you could do a great deal with for yourselves." Lily spoke and spoke.

They approached in a triangular formation the leader in the back, they never heard or saw Da'Karis come from the direction of the look out with his blades already bloody. "Come on little girl if you tell us what we want to know maybe we'll not try putting you back on the market." he said before a hand slipped around his mouth and a blade across his throat. The others stopped about ten feet from Lily and Rosi and waited for the signal to move in, one that would not be coming. The guy on the right turned and saw Da'Karis and his dead partner and rather than fight fled to one side. The other man charged the assassin and caught both blades in a quick arc over his forearm then between his ribs.

"Oh good I was hoping you'd actually show up. I mean I was prepard to fight believe me, but you don't grow up in a family like mine without learning how to fight a whole gang at once but the odds are never good against someone like me! That's... gross I've always hated that smell though... I mean it's a nessecary part of life and all but it's gross all the same, mother says there's nothing wrong with not liking it, she says that even if you don't like it, it doesn't mean you can't follow your chosen path if that's to help people. And Boy I am relieved you are here to help us out of this dead end! I have n idea where I am and I don't think Rosi knows either by now! You've come back to keep your promise though right? You will won't you? you promised!" Lily said making a face at the smell of hot blood all over the cobblestones at her feet. She stepped over and around the puddles of blood and the dead body's. She held her hand out to Rosi to get her out of the dead end and away from this dead end. "Um... there was another guy... and you might want to go catch the one that ran." Lily suggested and let him know about the fourth man.

He turned and gave chase leaving the women by themselves and Rosi pulled her in the direction of the of the inn. "We need to get back before.." she stopped short when she say Da'Karis wiping blood off of his blades. "You know, perhaps you should have been escorting her instead of me." Rosi said. Da'Karis looked at her oddly, "Very well come with me then Lily and we won't be long." He flagged down a passing valet and gave him a few coins to take the packages back to the inn.

"Great! I hope my stuff is still there! I don't want to be without my weapons! Make it back safe okay Rosi! I'll see you later! I actually had fun, you know besides the men trying to capture and kill us and sell us as slaves and stuff..." Lily said apologizing to her friend, but she was excited to be able to go with Da'Karis mostly because he would help her find her things again. She hoped that with him around personally that trouble wouldn't continue to follow her... but with her record here in Valusia she might have to either stay at the inn and work for Goram or disguise herself. "Thank you for saving me again... I really appreciate it, I mean... I REALLY appreciate it. I'd probably be sold and chained up naked somewhere with who knows who doing I don't want to know what to me. But with you here... I don't have to worry, I mean you might even be better then my parents or brothers and sisters." Lily said walking close to him, really close. She wasn't touching him but she was talking and talking and she was very close.

"The intetion of Gregor was to sell you to the Circle, they are a secretive group that does a lot of things in Valusia, but their purchase of you would be for a sexual plaything. From what I have gathered they enjoy perversions or sexual taboos of many kinds, no doubt you would be currently suffering one of those." He led her back to the Three Moons and took her upstairs without a lot of fanfare. "No one has come or gone since I left to rescue you, so prepare yourself Lily." He unlocked the door and went inside first to allow her to prepare herself for the sight hanging from the rafters.

Lily went red and then silent when Da'Karis brought up sex. She didn't want to think about what might have happened to her if she had been sold... of how Gerard had betrayed her to sell her to someone else. She didn't want to think about Gerard at all, she still loved him she couldn't help it. So she followed Da'Karis silently then when they went up to the room and he told her to prepare she hadn't any kind of idea what he meant. Until the door was opened and they walked in. "O-ooh gods!" Lily said tears in her eyes instantly, even as bile rose up her throat. She turned around quickly and buried her face against Da'Karis's chest. Her tears wet his clothing and her breathing shook her body, she hated him for what he had done to her... she had wanted him dead. But she had been in love with him, she had still hoped he had loved her. She never wanted to see him dead, not really. She shook as she cried, at least keeping herself from vomiting. But she couldn't stop herself from crying again.

Da'Karis didn't move except to close the door, neither did he say anything or offer her comfort. He had done this and all things concerned Gerard looked better then when he had been questing the man, thus he did not mourn his death. "you must gather what is left of your things and we must go." he said in his usual tone, she wondered if he ever said anything in a different tone.  "he offered me what little remained of the money he had to release him, then he said he'd give me you to release him." he told her this to wipe away any feelings she had for him. "I believe the ring over there and the backpack are all that remain, his things are also there, feel free to take them too."

"I don't want his things! Please don't leave him hanging like that! I'll get my things Da'Karis! I know he was an aweful person and probably evil or something but please don't leave him like that!" Lily said wiping her eyes she hurried over to her things and grabbed them, slipping her ring over her finger and then she pulled her bag over her shoulders. "Please Da'Karis, take me back to the other inn." Lily begged softly sniffling as she fought the urge to cry more. This whole time in Valusia had been one bad thing after another and she really didn't want to continue when these aweful things keep happening to her.

He put her out into the hallway for a long few minutes then came back out of the room and relocked it. "we shall return to the inn then come along Lily." his voice wasn't angry or confused at her tears. It could honestly be said he didn't judge her or think her weak for feeling for the man who wished to sell her into slavery. He led her to the back of the inn and up a steep hidden staircase to a door which he opened for her. "Goram is still deciding whether or not to leave you work for him, you may wait up here only touch nothing."

"Da'Karis... Thank you for saving me and bringing me here... I may not seem... able to take care of myself or anything... And I know I probably seem weak and like a little girl, silly and not very bright when it comes to common sense... and I've been told I'm vapid before and I know it doesn't seem like I know much or know how to judge things for myself. But I'll work really hard okay? I'll be helpful... Just tell me what to do and I will do it okay?" Lily said softly, though she said a lot of it softly she still said a lot of it. Most of it all making her sound even worse, but she only said what everyone else had said about her before.

He looked at her again for a few long moments, "perhaps you are simply putting people at ease for who you really are, projection of a weak position when you are strong is a way to surprise one's enemy or ally even." He walked over to a wardrobe and removed his weapons and then his coat and tunic. Lily could finally see his face clearly and moreso his chest and arms, in several spots she could see tattoos were he had touched them, but his chest and back carried several scars. He then walked over and filled a basin and wiped himself down as well as one could then disposed of the water. All around Lily could see books and maps, bottles of things and all sorts of interesting things.

Lily went bright red, when he complimented her. She really wasn't so smart, and well, she always wanted to get smarter but no one seamed to want to help her get there. She was staring rather fascinatingly at Da'Karis. He was gorgeous! Scarred... but very heavily muscled and what a face! Lily blushed, watching him move around. She wanted to explore the rest of the room and see what all he had in his possession but then again watching him was much more fascinating to her. "Da'Karis... is that your name or is it more like a title or something? Like what you do instead of who you are? Because my family has known a lot of people who had nick names like that. I mean everyone seems to be very afraid of you but you sem really nice despite what you've done." Lily spoke over her embaressment.

He looked at her as she spoke and blushed looking at him in that kind of way, that she wished to know more about him. "I have been Da'Karis for years now and before that I was an apprentice to Da'Karis, I had a name but none speak it and I wish not to say it now. You may feel free to look through the books on all but the top shelf of the bookcase." His small library was quite extensive for its size, covering all manner of subjects even a book on sexuality. Never once did he think that her blush might be from his lack of a shirt or the compliment he paid her.

"Oh... um no I don't want to invade your space or anything... I mean you don't even know me so that's okay... um...sorry I ramble on sometimes I know my family has been trying to stop me for years they say I speak so fast that sometimes you'd have to record me somehow and play it back slower just for anyone to be able to gather everything I've said though Conner never seems t have a problem understanding me well... that's probably because he's my twin brother but still as long as someone understands you then there's not too much more you need isn't there? I mean like, there's rarely anyone who see past what you show them and those that do look past rarely understand what is past. Mummy told me that's when you find the one the gods had intended for you. You know your soul mate? I wish I could find mine, I though going adventuring would help me do that and become stronger like my parents, I guess the gods had other plans for me." Lily said very quickly and looking at the floor after he addressed her curiosity about his room, She was embaressed at any members of the family getting half naked in front of her except when they were sparring, or Conner. "I'm sorry you don't like your name anymore. I bet it was a wonderful name, since you grew up so strong." lily finished rather lamely after her word marathon, she was still blushing slightly at him being half naked in front of her but he was very honest and very straight forward and she liked that. For some reason he made her feel more at ease. It was probably because he was so dangerous, Lily lived around the strongest warriors in Baerlon, so just being close to someone of immense skill and strength was probably putting her at such ease.

Da'Karis blinked having not believed one person could talk that fast and impart so much information about themselves. "Do you always blush so much Lily?" he asked pulling a shirt out of a drawer and putting it on. "As far as your talking other than giving rather than making a person work to get the information on your life is how you speak." He sat at one of the desks and began to pour over the papers he took from Gregor's house and even opened the few papers he took from Gerard. "If you wish the chair is quite comfortable and the fire is warm, take a book and read or I can show you the way downstairs."

"No I... I like it here, It reminds me of my grandmothers study, she always asked me to slow down when I was there to think about what I wanted to say before I ever said it and she said that it was okay to talk like I did but I didn't have to. She said that I feel left out. But if that was true and I was left out how come I get to spend so much time with Daddy and Mummy. Do you want any help? I'm sure I could help somehow. Elsa my older sister she says I blush red more then a straberry is. Mummy just says I'm innocent and Daddy always says he'll kill anyone who makes it otherwise. He almost killed Gerard once. I don't know if it was a good thing or not that he spared him really. I'll sit down then." Lily said before grabbing a random book on his shelf and then she sat down in the chair and opened it up. She finally stopped talking and instead every couple of paragraphs she would sigh softly, sadly. Lily was obviously feeling very alone beiong away from her entire family.

Da'Karis shuffled the papers around for a little while gaining some knowledge from them until her noises finally broke through the wall he placed between them to do his work. "Is there something you'd like to do Lily? See part of the city, see some of the people on the street the preform for coin perhaps?" His mind quickly tallied up places he could take her and still get something done of the day Standing he walked over and sat across from her and studdied the young woman closely. She was exotic by standards here, with soft blonde hair and alabaster skin, no wonder the circle wanted her. Perhaps if enough people saw her out someone would tip their hand.

"You think that would be a good idea with this circle of people after me? That (shudder) dead old man told me the circle of people bid the highest on me and won me. That they outbid my uncles people, though I don't know why my uncle's people would want to buy me, my uncle is one of the most evil men ever! But if you think it's safe and if you'll be there I would really really really like to go out and see more of Valusia, but uh... My weapons weren't in my pack and I only have one dagger, if I could get some throwing daggers it would be a lot better, I'm wonderfully good with throwing daggers!" Lily said excitedly, she gently placed the book down and closed it, it was obvious she might have grown up privalaged but she never disrespected well... anything.

"If your family wants you back why not use them to go home? We can look for throwing daggers at the market, I don't fear The Circle in truth I'm looking for them." Da'Karis stood and slipped his knives on before turning to her, "While we are out in public, do not use Da'Karis I can pass for a normal person when not wearing my coat or kiding my face." It was true, Lily could almost say if he passed her in Baerlon he'd be just another traveler. It almost made her wonder how far he had ever travelled from Valusia.

Lily smiled softly. "My mother and father would never let me even leave my room ever again if I went home now. Especially if I told them about what happened once I got here. I don't want to make things worse for them or anything so I'll find my own way home. I think that's best. Um... What do I call you then Da'KAris?" Lily asks softly after talking quickly, it seemed most of the time she spoke of random things that didn't really matter with everything that did matter either right in the middle or at the end. Of course she was curious about him and he did look handsome, a little scary still but handsome and if she could help him she would after all she owed him her life twice over now. "If I can help any way I will... I owe you my life." Lily said and she was very serious about that as well, life oaths were nothing to not be serious about in her family and they would do anything they needed to, to repay those debts. Though Lily had a feeling she might owe him more and never be able to repay him, even though she wanted to really bad he seemed much better trained and skilled then she was.

"You won't need to, I will be close enough to talk to in any company. If I stray then you should continue what you will be doing until I return to your side. We will return here for dinner and then I will need to leave so you will remain here or in your room where it is safe. At least for now save your life debts I saved only your virtue from The Circle." They exited his stairwell and then out into the crowd again to where preformers worked for what coin the could get. Lily noticed some things Valusians could do that Andorians didn't, as she saw a man give a girl some coin and she knelt to pleasure him in an alleyway.

Lily blushed bright red at seeing that so she kept most of her focus on the entertainers. Musicians, Dancers, sword demonstraiters, snake something or else. She did find someone from Shadizar dancing and she itched to dance along but refrained, she missed when Mother and her sisters would all dance together. But with everyone pregnant now, well okay with Grandma Lai pregnant now and everyone else with newborns and her here in Valusia it would be impossible. So Lily passed on wishing she had coin to toss to each and every performer she passed. She then went to the market area adjacent to the perfomers. Everything was so different here then it was at home. Here they all screamed and yelled what they were selling and prices, they had stalls out on the very streets themselves. There were afew stores inside but they were dark and unless Da'Karis went first Lily wasn't going anywhere dark inside again.

They shopped and watched the preformers for several hours, no one made themselves known to be watching them. Da'Karis took her back to the inn and went back to his rooms, they had purchased Lily a set of throwing daggers and he paid for them with the money he recovered from Gerard's room. "I need to prepare now, so you should either read or I can have Rosi bring you up something to eat while I prepare." He again striped down to only his pants and lit somecandles in an area in front of an idol, he most commune like mother did at home. "Have you decided on dinner tonight Lily?" he stopped to ask her, his eyes were on hers, and for all she could tell he never eyed her chest or body just into her eyes.

"Um whatever is on hand is fine, I'm not a picky eater at all. Who is it that you are praying too Da'Karis?" Lily asked blushing softly once again, not only was he half undressed... again. But his stare, the way he looked directly into her own eyes was something she very much so wasn't used to. She was flustered all kinds of ways around this strange man. She was intrigued by everything this man did and how he acted, including his training. She wondered if he would be mad if she wanted to watch him one day. In fact she didn't know what to do with herself with him around, he either treated her like a statue or payed far too much attention to her for her tastes.

"I do not pray, the idol encourages meditation I center my breathing and mind to what I will have to do later." He wrote something down on a piece of paper and put it inside a small hole in the wall and Lily could hear a noise like something being lowered, like when she was on the ship. "Dinner will be up soon, would you like to wash up before it arrives?" He indicated a small screened area where another basin was set up for her use. He returned to his meditation while dinner was cooking downstairs and left Lily up to her own devices.

"Thank you Da'Karis, I really appreciate everything you're doing, even if it's just to help yourself. Mom and Dad say that whenever you do a job and it hurts people even if it meets the goal in the end it's a success but when the job you do does help people, you make ally's that will help with the next mission which makes it a bigger success, they are both successes, but it's whether or not the people will know how to help you with the next one or if you make if harder on yourself by not having someone else help you that makes every mission. Not the success at the end. I hope I can be of help to you in your missions because you decided to save me." Lily spoke quickly trying to make the point that had taken her years to figure out with her parents help to Da'Karis. She went behind the screen and pulled her clothing off leaving room for herself to still be covered and decent. She was wiping herself down and blushing rather heavily because he was just on the other side of the screen she was kind of naked around.

He said nothing, but did take note of her words as his breathing slowed and his mind opened and he pondered The Circle in it's entireity. They had to be of high station and people of wealth, which would add difficulty to his job. As Lily finished washing and redressing, Rosi and a young man entered the room with a basket and set it on the table, "Well, don't you look relaxed and clean Lily. This is Felipe, he helps in our kitchens and the inn, however he can't speak so don't be offended if he doesn't talk to you. Kind of like 'other' people who shall remain nameless!" If Da'Karis heard her he made no movement or indication of it.

"What's that mean? Why are you yelling at him he's meditating. He's probably deep enough into it he can't even hear you. Why did you bring Felipe up here? Hello Felipe! It's wonderful to meet you, my name is Lily! I do hope we can become friends! I mean if it wouldn't be too much trouble to you. I think personally I'll need as many friends as I can get here in Valusia. So I do hope we can be friends. I know I'm a little hard to get used to and all but if you ever get to tired of me you can always walk out of the room I'm in. That's what my brothers always did. So what did you bring up here Rosi? Why did you bring Felipe here?" Lily talked and talked walking over and chatting happily to everyone.

Rosi smiled at Lily, "I always give him a hard time and do not believe that he can't hear me. We have roasted chicken and vegetables, some rice with cheese and fruit for dinner. And for you a light wine and Da'Karis tea as is his usual beverage. Felipe is nice enough to carry the basket for me and help me set the table." Da'Karis stood and replaced his shirt before walking to the table and nodding to Felipe and sipping from the cup of tea.

"Oh thank you very much! I'm very surprised you get along so well with him Rosi, I thought he was grouchy to everybody because you know of his job and all. But he has an amazing book collection, half of them even my parents don't own and that's pretty amazing all in it's own right. Wow this smells delicious I've never had food like this before and now I'm getting it everyday! Maybe this hasn't been the worst experience ever! At least I hope my parents aren't too worried... or my brother. But then I shouldn't talk bout sad things GRandmother always says it's best to think of the best not the bad in any given situation. And this is deffinetly the best. Having you as a friend Rosi and Da'Karis as a guide and protector. Even meeting you all, I think I have to say this adventure has turned out better then I thought it would... after the whole getting here part anyways. Should I say a blessing out loud or silently?" Lily talked and talked as everyone sat or prepared the table and she was trully happy to be around people she could trust, because she did with Da'Karis, he had saved her life and she had debts to him she needed to repay.

"If you feel the need to say a blessing, I would prefer it silently." he responded as he cut the chicken and filled his plate. Rosi smiled reassuringly at Lily, the assassin was rough about the edges sometimes, but in whole a good man. Felipe made a few motions to Rosi and took his leave after nodding and smiling at Lily. Rosi gathered soiled laundry and spent some time gathering other things, sending the dirty things down the chute to be cleaned. Lily could hear her hum quietly to herself and that left her and Da'Karis at the table for dinner.

Lily sat silently in prayer for several minutes, she was obviously very earnest in her prayers and was a devout young woman. once she was done and filled her own plate she smiled at Da'Karis brightly and sipped the wine cautiously, then ate. Since it was his table he should be the one to initiate conversation, Lily after all was the social one in the family and her ettiquet sometimes saved her and her whole family in courts. So now she used it, sitting primly like the daughter of those she was and eating with the best manners not letting the silverware clink or make noise against the plate. It seemed like perhaps Karis wanted silence when he ate and though she had many questions she stayed silent just this once for him.

He ate without speaking of anything for a long time, knowing that she had questions. Finally he looked at her, "You may ask your questions, one at a time however." She could be a little hard to handle when she talked so rapidly, but her waiting to ask questions was like pressure building behind a damn. Rosi turned and stared at the two of them, Da'Karis never talked when he ate be it in his room or when he ate downstairs. Lily was either intriguing to him or he figured sooner or later she'd start asking anyway.

"Oh thank goodness I thought we were going to go through dinner without saying a single thing! Da'Karis... do you not like to talk to people?" Lily asked blurting out the first part of it and then she composed herself and slowed down her speeking, not only that but she kept her manners up the whole time. Even when Rosi was back and all she wanted to do was talk and get answers. She really wanted to get all the answers but she thought it might be best to work up to it like magic. She did have a few other questions that were somewhat benign she could ask.

He looked at her and she could almost swear he was going to smile, instead he took a bite of chicken. "It isn't that I dislike talking to people, just I feel people talk to much about things that do not truly matter. Your questions have purppose, to find out more about me and who I am they have a purpose." Rosi smiled at Lily and had a seat, she was desperate to see what the Andorian would ask next. Da'Karis kept his eyes on Lily's, he opened the door for questions and he was sure she'd have many.

"The style of swordplay you use... or how you throw your knives... do you think it would be okay if I watched you do it? I've never seen any kind of swordplay like yours and I'd very much like to see it under better circumstances. I mean I don't want to be rude by asking you it might be against your training or religion and I apologize if I offend with these kind of questions but it's kind of my family business and if I can bring back anything new that might help it might make them less angry." Lily said stopping so that she could chew and eat more of her food, she almost thought she had gotten a smile out of him and she was a little disappointed that he hadn't smiled.

Da'Karis let all of her words sink in took what he needed then weighed his answer. "It took me many years to learn how to fight like I do, you may watch all you like. However, it will not be tonight as I have a job to do and will not return until later." He finished his food and stood up to begin to get ready for his next target. Back to the wardrobe that held his equipment and again he removed his long sleeved shirt for the no sleeved tunic he wore one she first saw him. Rosi gathered up his plate and then sat and waited for Lily to also finish her meal.

"Do you need help? I'm very deft at throwing daggers if nothing else as a distraction." Lily said standing once he had stood on his feet. She finished all of her food, as was only polite. She didn't want this to be the end not when he told her she was allowed to ask questions and she really wanted to know more about him... and she had some other questions too though he might not like them as much of course. If she was left behind in this place with nothing to do she would go crazy. "please I want to help somehow!" Lily said softly very dramatically and full of emotion. It was clear not only her mouth moved but that she had energy and had a little trouble keeping herself still.

Stopping he looked back at her, "Not tonight Lily, perhaps my next move. Tonight will be violent and I cannot be distracted by worrying for the safety of another. Stay up here if you will or have Rosi show you about the inn, I will speak with you more tomorrow." He then pulled his coat on and left, Rosi sighed and stood behind Lily with her hands on the girl's shoulders. "It is his way and the way of his mentor, at least it was before."

"Before what? He slips up and get's injured and because he's a goof he gets sloppy from the injury and then he gets killed and I could have helped and I already owe him twice over for saving my life and virginity and I need to. No I have to my family honor demands I repay him Rosi!" Lily cried dramatically turning around and leaning her forehead on Rosi's shoulder. "At least something to do! I just sit around all the time and he just sits there or moves around doing nothing and leaves me all alone and it's quiet all the time!" Lily complains it was obvious she was young and full of energy and full of idea's in her head about what honor was from her home and not worrying about what honor was from about this area.

Rosi guided them to a chair and they sat down to talk about Da'Karis and what he does. "My friend, he has been alone a very long time the road he walks is dark and doesn't afford him friends. His mentor had him and a lover and the woman betrayed them, killing the mentor and scarring Da'Karis. The road of recovery was long and hard for him, If you like I will take you down to the inn and you can help me serve or you can look up here for a little while. The books on the top shelf are names of people he has killed and the reason he was sent after them.'

"I'd rather do work then do nothing. Men betray women just as often! My uncle is proof of that! Sons against fathers and brothers against brothers. The Elder once told me that silence would give me all the answers, but I can't be silent! I've never been able to be silent Rosi! I can only do the best I can. If I wasn't drugged I wouldn't have had to be rescued. I could have gotten out on my own! OOOH! I need to do something!" Lily said clearly agitated she stood up and paced vigorously around the room her arms waving around as she ranted on.

Rosi tried not to smile, "You have a choice remain here and yell at him when he returns or come with me. If you wish you can remain here and also discuss how you can help him for the next assignment." She finished gathering things and waited for Lily to make her decision. Would Da'Karis be angry if she was waiting for him to return so she could let him know she didn't like being left behind.

"Can't I work and then come back up here when he's due back? Or should I leave him alone after his mission. No... I'll see him tomorrow... I bet I already bothered him a lot in the last two days. Conner always told me it's best to give people a day or two to recover after a visit with me. He says it's like cleaning up after a storm. He used to call me Storm Lily when we were little kids. Can I do what you do Rosi? Please? Maybe I can make enough money to pay for my own way home... Orsomething." Lily mumbled the last part. At the moment she really had no idea what to do. She'd never been out on her own. Maybe she should think of what her parents would do and do that.

"Of course you can come back up here, I think Da'Karis doesn't have enough interaction with people. I was honestly surprised that he gave you leave to come up here, either he wants to keep an eye on you or he thinks someone may try to come get you." Rosi led her down to the tavern area of the inn and got her an apron and introduced her to the others. Theo was the tapman and got the drinks, Corine was the cook who Felipe helped and washed dishes. They were all pleasant and welcomed her warmly, then she took Lily out to start waiting on the tables.

Lily was almost a natural at handling dirty dishes and ferrying them into the back to be washed. She was so used to doing it for the family when they ate informally as the eldest unwed daughter it was easy for her by now. "You think someone still wants me Rosi?" She asked after she finished cleaning some tables and seeing as it was slow she thought perhaps a little talking would be allowed. This was very different then Uncle Lyle's Tavern though. So she watched closely to Theo and Rosi and what they were doing. She handed all coin to Rosi to handle as well from each table and took none herself. Right now it was obvious she wanted to work her frustrations out and working in a physical sense was what she needed exactly.

"Do you mean as a slave or something else dear one?" Rosi asked for clarification. If Lily meant that would she find love then her answer was simple, there was always hope. Now if she meant about slavers, then the answer rested with Da'Karis and he would not be back until later. She kept Lily's money in one pocket and her own in another, and was very impressed by the young woman's desire to work. Finally, the last of the customers departed and the doors were locked for the night, Lily could do as she wished for the rest of the night.

"I'm going to clean the tables better... and then the floor and maybe some of the fireplaces... and possibly more pans. And do the dishes." Lily said softly, she was still agitated and had far to much energy inside of her still bottled up. With nothing better to do she would clean the whole tavern if no one stopped her. "I mean any which way Rosi, I mean the one man I thought loved me sold me to his uncle who wasn't his uncle and turned out to be a slave trader who sold me and then got killed by me being rescued by Da'Karis and that's a long name I want a simpler one to call him by because that's really tricky to say but my point is still the same I think He's my only hope and I still owe him three times over for my life and he won't let me do anything to help repay my debts I'll be here forever!" Lily exhaled softly before inhaling again largely and then grabbing a broom a bucket and a wrag went off to go clean and work out more of her frustrations.

Rosi blinked twice trying to hold onto everything she just heard, "Lily, dearest there are only two people who know Da'Karis's real name him and the boss and neither talk about it. And you speak of 'only hope' what exactly do you mean? and sometimes it isn't about repaying debts sometimes you can't." She followed Lily into the taproom, "Besides Corine and Felipe handled all the dishes along with pots and pans. Theo handles the bar and I usually do the tables and floors, so you can do the floors and I will handle the rest, then off to bed with you or back to await Da'Karis to return." Inwardly she hoped that at sometime Lily would slow down, otherwise she would need to get a translator.

"Well Then I'll give him a nickname! My family can't find me! and I won't go back empty handed with a debt left unpaid behind! I just need to do something with my hands and I don't want to die So I'll leave Kar's room alone. But if I clean down here I wont't bother anyone and things will be clean... extra clean maybe but clean!" Lily said getting ready to begin at the fireplaces, moving the logs and pulling out the old ash and soot, then putting the good coals back in and new logs to be burnt. She would dust too, and clean everything twice over, she couldn't practice anything because all of her things were gone, so cleaning it would have to be and for Lily she might get the whole Tavern done in short time.

"Kar?!" Rosi almost fell over after the name passed her lips, "Oh, Lily somehow I think he won't answer to it. And something like what you believe you owe Da'Karis isn't like owing him money. Your family will be happy just to have you back with them." Lily's refusal to go home amazed Rosi, if her family was like Lily's she'd be on a boat tomorrow morning. "You really plan on cleaning this whole place tonight? When are you going to sleep?" her question was full of concern.

"I'll sleep once I get tired. You realy think he won't like that name? It's so easy to say though! It isn't like oweing him money he saved my life! I haveto return that. I have t prove helpful or save his life in return or it will be overmy head forever and Ravenwoods never leave a debt unpaid. "I would get on a boat but how would I pay for that! Besides right now... they are probably better off without me being around so a while cause they are probably really pissed and I don't want to be around with them all beign angry at me." Lily says as she began to clean. She spoke quickly even as she began to clean. It was true though Lily could often go to sleep and wake up only hours later and still be fine and she mostly just wanted to do something with her hands right now.

"I would bring the name up to him before using it all the time Lily, better you not give hiim a shorter name and make him cross." Rosi busied herself with a few small jobs until she began to get tired, perhaps Lily would be willing to help with her last duty of the night. "I need to take up food for Da'Karis before I turn in, just some bread and stew. Since you are insistant about staying up perhaps you could take it up?" She waited to see what the answer would be, Lily was uncommon in the fact that Da'Karis let her be anywhere near him.

"Sure I'll take it up for you Rosi, Don't worry about me okay? I'll stay out of trouble Promise." Lily said with a smile, for once not speaking a mile a moment because she was cleaning out the fireplaces and dusting, which took some chairs for her to reach everywhere and get everything and not only that but she had to concentrate. While she knew how to clean she wasn't as good at it as when she was younger and helping the older Bowers with chores and stuff. She was a little rusty one might say.

The hours went by and Lily remembered suddenly about the stew and bread for Da'Karis. Rosi had told her that he would return by second chiming of the bells and the food should be waiting for him. It was well past the chiming of the second and probably not long before the chiming of the third when she remembered. Quickly she needed to blow out what candles remained lit, get the food and make a dash up to his chambers.

So Lily grabbed, blew and dashed. While to be sure he was a night dweller, Lily knew people didn't like getting out of their usual ways of life. Hopefully though eh wouldn't be upset with her being late. Of course she had no chance to clean up and so she was covered in soot and dirt and her clothes were just as dirty. But the food was good and hot, and her hands had been wiped hasitly clean, her footfalls were not silent, but they were quiet enough not to disturb anyone in the inn.

Lily was unprepared for what she saw when she opened his door, Da'Karis was standing at the marble basin naked and washing blood from his body. On the chair beside him was his clothes equally as bloody, his tattoos and many scars were visible in the light of his room. Without looking he began to speak, "I was wondering when dinner might arrive or if I would need to head downstairs." He stopped when he saw that it was Lily standing at the door and reached out to pickup a towel and cover himself. "Lily, I see you've started trying to integrate yourself here at the inn, how was your first night at work?" he asked turning to head to the table.

Lily stopped in her tracks. She was only halfway through the door way when she finally saw him. Her mouth was open but no sound was coming from her at all. HEr face under all the dirt and soot was as red as the blood was coming off of his body and dirtying the water in the basin. While her eyes took in the tattoo's and the nudity they skipped over the scars and blood, for the most part scars were a part of one's body if you were a Ravenwood, as for blood she was used enough of seeing her family covered in it, though it wasn't always red. And not always from humans. Lily stood like the village idiot dirty and covered in soot yet standing in the doorway with her mouth open. Not speaking a word even though he invited her into conversation.

Da'Karis was surprised that she had not said a word, to him nudity was natural and not that disturbing. "Lily, if you wish you can set the food down and use fresh water to wash the blood from the basin and clean yourself as well." He was hungry the job had not gone the way he had planned it and several more deaths happened then were needed. Still the contract was fulfilled and the proof was turned over to the client, and he got paid. He almost smiled though as he looked at Lily and how shocked she seemed.

"Uh..." Lily mumbled looking at the ground immediately her face going impossibly redder and she shuffled over to the table setting down the tray. Not even glancing back at Da'Karis, she was far to embaressed to say anything and mollified at seeing him naked and barging into his own room like she had and to top it all off she had just stood there staring at him! How embaressing! Lily did walk over to the wash Basin and she found a cleanish corner of the rag he had used to wash with and she wiped down her face and hands. She must look like a common girl to him, in an unappealing way at that! Lily was overall mortified with herself and so was silent still!

Da'Karis ate not really giving the incident a second thought, the stew was warm and filling. Soon he would rest and in the morning would discuss the next move or wait to see what the fallout from this job would be. He did look up at Lily trying to clean off the soot and dirt she earned while helping downstairs. At some point he would have to send her home, she did not belong here and even her sense of duty and honor didn't change that fact. "So, did you volunteer or were you recruited to join the ranks of the tavern employees?"

"I asked." Lily said softly almost a whisper, she was still slowly working on cleaning herself, but she was careful to not really face Da'Karis because he wasn't dressed he only had a towel about his waist and though he didn't have much hair she knew where that trail led and it was a place she didn't think she should be trying to follow in her own head. She was still blushing heavily and she didn't think she'd be able to stop. So she continued to clean herself of dirt and soot, she would have to go to bed soon though or she wouldn't be able to get up as early as she would like. Though the time of day was different then what it was in Baerlon she awoke when the sun slowly began to climb into the sky.

Da'Karis stood up and went to his wardrobe pulling out some light clothes and changed while her back was to him. He then took a small book from beside his bed and got a pen and ink, he kept track of who and how many he killed. It would serve as a teaching aide if he ever took an apprentice, although that time would be far away. He sipped at the drink and made all the needed notations. "You realize you did not have to volunteer to help downstairs, you are after all a guest here in this house." he explained.

"I know but I can't stand being idle, not when I know you could use a hand however stubburn you are about accepting it and I still owe you for what you've done so in a small way working helps you and me. I'll take care of the water and the wrag. And the dishes so don't worry about them. I'll be going to bed soon and tomorrow I'm going to try and find a way to help you again, and learn how to work. I thought I would be really good at it but it's a lot harder to do then I thought I mean it's harder then sparring with my brothers even!" Lily talked away immedietly more releived and at ease once he was dressed and busy with something. Lily was as clean as she could get without a really good scrubbing and she went to his table and gathered the dirty things to take downstairs and then once cleaning that all she would head to her own rooms and sleep.

Valusia IV

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