Page name: Valusia V [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-06-22 01:35:55
Last author: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia IV

For several long minutes they waited for signs of being followed either by the Sothite or slaver guards. No signs of pursuit were evident, "Come Lily we must get back to the inn. Are you alright?" They began to walk back towards the inn he stopped long enough to take a cloak to wrap around her. They encountered several city guards, but nothing threatening as the inn came into view. Once in his room he let go of her and dropped a set of papers onto his desk and got her a robe and warm water to wash off the dirt and chill of the Sothite popping up.

"I'm okay." Lily said very softly, she felt lonely when he let her go and she snuggled into the cloak he had given her. She didn't speak the rest of the way home, nor once she was in his room. She said thank you softly and began to wash slowly. Even though it felt wonderful to get the dirt off of her face and arms and legs. she wished for a real bath like back home but she rinsed out her hair as best as she could. She used the towel he had left for her to dry off and she stayed quiet still. Probably the longest she had ever been so quiet since Kar had rescued her the very first time.

"Tomorrow Rosi will draw you a proper bath, if you wish you may use my bed." he said removing his coat and weapons. He needed to look over the papers and begin to figure his next step closer to the Circle. Rosi had left some food and some wine on the table and he tore a small piece for himself. "If you are hungry the meat is very good and I'm sure the wine is one of the best we have here." he said looking at the first paper and noting several names. Lily had not wailed or complained about being left in the slaver camp, he was truly impressed and needed to rethink about what kind of woman she was.

"Thank you..." Lily said softly walking over to the table and getting a small chunk of bread for herself. She really wasn't all that hungry and though she was really tired she glanced over at him before quickly closing the distance between them and giving him a tight hug for a moment before she lost her nerve and ran from the room closing the door behind her and running down the stairs with barely a sound from her feet. She didn't stop until she was in her own rooms with the door closed. Her cheeks red, she stripped then and ate her bread before climbing in and falling asleep almost instantly. She awoke the next morning before dawn like she always did. Made her prayers and got dressed to go work downstairs. She still wasn't hungry but she would eat something and get right to work.

Rosi smiled when she came down stairs and set a plate in front of her, "Good morning and how was your first mission with him?"

"It was good. Kind of worrying but nothing awful like I had imagined." Lily said softly sitting down and saying a quick prayer to her gods before digging into her meal. Because she had skipped eating last night she was very hungry this morning. She didn't say much this morning either still shaken by the meeting with a Sothite, why in the world were they here and why had he said he had been looking for her? or at least that's what it seemed like. Lily contemplated for a little while as she ate.

Da'Karis did not come down in the morning, in truth he did not come down in the afternoon either. Rosi and Lily took orders and waited on tables most of the day before they even had a chance to sit and talk at all. "I believe anything he got has him up their pouring over papers and notes looking for anything that would be a sign. After this shift I am going to the baths, would you like to come with me? Nothing better to relax your pains away than good hot water." A few of the men quickly volunteered to wash numerous parts of Rosi for her, to which she giggled and motioned them away.

"I would enjoy that as long as dirty stinky men kept their filthy hands away from our glorious goddess like body's." Lily agreed blowing a raspberry at the men, she was cute and they all always teased. Though she was blushing at the teasing, they were never really bad about it. Still she was an innocent and sometimes she thought they did such things to make her blush more then to tease Rosi about it. Lily wasn't at all sad or unhappy about Kar's not coming down, after last night and being held close like he had well Lily blushed just remembering it. It wasn't anything but innocent but still Lily's heart raced at remembering it. Not only that but finding out the Soth's were looking for her.

Once they arrived at the baths pretty much the Sothite and anything else was forgotten. The women's bath was beautiful with white marble and sheer curtains and not a man in sight. Rosi found an open place to change and removed her clothes and then got towels for her and Lily. "They have people who deliver wonderful massages, but for the most part I just like soaking in the lavender bath or there is another one that is calming and makes you sleepy." Several of the other women were chatting and made mention of another Andorian woman and how Lily was the third one they saw today.

Lily kept herself covered being as shy as she was. "I'll follow you Rosi. She said softly just looking around. Though she picked up all the whispered words, her days in court coming to her about what she had learned and how to learn things. If she was the third female... that meant two others were walking around. This was a pretty fancy place and it looked like an occasional thing for people who made their type of money but the higher class could come daily.... so if people were enjoying things occasionally this was their day out to do it. So it couldn't have been long ago they saw these women. Lily suddenly didn't want to stay very long. But then again the temptation of a real bath in a place that looked so exotic was enough to sway Lily into staying to enjoy herself. She washed up first and scrubbed her long hair until it was fairly sparkling like gold. For all that her father had black hair and her mother had hair the color of tree bark, her and Conner had come out golden blonde. Emphasis on the golden color variation. But her hair was all clean and wet it hung to her knees, it was something Lily was very proud of. She like Lyriel kept it long.

Rosi also scrubbed herself clean then went to go soak in the tubs, she decided on lavender and the water came up to her neck and she settled in and groaned as the tightness left her body. "Every couple of weeks I bring myself here and enjoy myself for a little while." Rosi explained. Another lady got into the same tub and laid back, "Hello again Rosi, how is everything at the inn?" Rosi smiled without opening her eyes, "Lily may I introduce Gabrielle, she is a somewhat patron of the inn. Especially when she has information to sell to a particular resident."

"Oh she's an informant? Hello it's very nice to meet you miss Gabrielle." Lily said smiling brightly, she knew exactly what informants were after all she was the most prominent family in Baerlon and her cousin was the king. Not that many people knew that of course. Though recently she was wondering if she would get dye for her hair so she seemed less Andorian, but then that would be expensive and she needed to save up for supplies and a ticket home.

She smiled sweetly at Lily before she continued, "He wanted to know what I knew about a man named Kashim. He has a inn on the rougher side of town and freguently his boarders go missing, then he sells their things to cover the bill due him. Local guardsmen were stonewalled when they went to investigate a claim that a first mate disappeared from a merchant galley. Conversely, two new group have come to Valusia one calls themselves the Disciples of Soth the other simply The Guild. Been recruiting heavily in the city and outlaying towns, any investigation has been met with resistance by the watch command."

Lily gasped softly and then she sank a little deeper in the water sort of hugging herself. The Sothite's had a base here now! And for some reason they were looking for her! they were even recruiting... which meant that maybe uncle Galin would show up! Oh man was she ever in big trouble! "Um Hey Rosi... I think I should head back now... just in case they need any help. For anything. And I should wash my clothes too." Lily said reaching out of the bath on the very edge where she had put her towel. She covered herself discreetly while getting out. She had to stay at the inn and find a way to hide herself better. Kar would know how. He could help, and she had to get some more throwing daggers because that was the weapon she was best at. She wouldn't walk around the street anymore. Not with Sothites running around. She didn't want to just leave Rosi but she didn't dare stay out much longer now that she knew.

When she arrived back at the inn it was quiet and they told her they were fine and she could take time for herself. But, no one could tell her if Da'Karis was in his room or not, no one had seen him all day. "If you wish I have a couple bowls of stew you could take up with some bread and wine." the cook offered. "He doesn't mind being interrupted so bad when you make sure he's fed." 

"Um no... That's okay I guess I'll go and repair some of my clothes. If anyone needs me I'll be in my room until the dinner rush. Then I'll be down to help serve." Lily said with a small smile at the cook. Lily was being terribly quiet all day and it wasn't normal even in the short time she had been there everyone had gotten used to her energy and her non stop words. But today she was quiet and she continued to look at the door. She did want to talk to Kar but not right now. Not after speaking with that informant woman. Lily wanted to think some on all the information she had learned.

Lily came downstairs later to help with the dinner service and was asked many times if she was alright. Da'Karis was not seen at all and Rosi said that he had left the inn some time ago. Most of the locals that were there had lively conversations about everything going on in the city and country. One thing that caught her attention was this Guild and Lord Ravenwood who brought it to their shores. So, that meant her earlier fears were confirmed, Galin Ravenwood was in Valusia for some reason.

"Rosi do you know when Da'Karis will be back? I wanted to ask him a few questions." Lily asked curiously a little bit, she was kept pretty busy serving is any of the regulars noticed her being quiet they really didn't say anything. So Lily worked as hard as she always had. She would wait until he did come back and ask for his help. Help in making her look like a native Valusian. And hopefully less like a Ravenwood. Though hat's of disguise were awful expensive she'd never be able to afford one and she wouldn't ask for one Either.

Nearing the end of dinner service a little boy entered the inn with a note in his hand and gave it to Rosi. She opened it quickly and read it, then turned and headed to the wine cellar. "Lily, you will need to take care of everything for a short time, he encountered more trouble than he was ready for and needs some help." Injury that Da'Karis could not handle happened rarely and when they did it required special treatments. When Rosi reappeared she shook her head, "Sometimes I wonder about him and the risks he takes to fulfill his missions."

"He needs a partner." Lily said softly, in her family no one did anything without a partner, Mom and Dad taught them that two different people always made things better and easier. Even if they don't think it will in the beginning and then Conner would always tease Lily about how there wasn't anyone more stranger then she was. But she sighed softly remembering her twin and her parents and missing them all the more now that she didn't know what to do and how to do it. She really was a stupid foolish girl. "I'll take care of everything I promise Rosi, You go help Kar- er Da'Karis." Lily said dutifully then trying to cover her slip up of his name. She hadn't asked him yet if she could give him a nick name and his name was just so damned hard to pronounce. She had to speak slowly and deliberately when she did say his name, she much liked the nickname she gave him better. But Lily turned and sped up her work pace, to cover herself AND Rosi was going to be a big job for Lily but she was determined to do it well and make Rosi proud.

"The chamber below has been appointed for him to use alternate ways of healing. We will need to go and help him at the end of our shift, unless you think it might be too difficult to see him." Rosi picked up and in no time they were back serving customers and everyone was happy as usual. The night drew on longer and a great number of guardsmen even stopped for a drink as they went off duty. They sat huddled together at a table in Lily's section and while smiling they began to knock on the table to get her attention.

"Sorry sorry here I am! What can I get you men?" Lily asked brightly, she had hurried to finish taking food to another table and came right over to the guardsmen table. She was smiling brightly and was happy while working, the only time she wasn't quiet. She did wonder why they huddled like they did but it wasn't her place to be asking questions so instead she waited for their answers. She still looked exotic to this place, unlike any of the other girls but she was dressed as a serving girl and she did good work.

"Round of ales miss that and some beef pies." the leader of the group said. As some of them talked about what they had seen that day while on duty, "I'm serious I watched two men going across the roofs and then another man knock the second off. He fell a good distance, but we didn't find him when we got to the spot." Lily knew then what had happened with Da'Karis and the need for healing. One of the men also added a bowl of stew to his order.

"Coming right up sirs!" Lily said cheerfully, she got the ales and put in the orders for the pies and stew. She returned to the table and set all the ales down before passing them out. She then had to run to another table to clear the dishes and then go to the kitchen and get the pies and stew which she carried by carefully balancing them on her arms and hands. She finally had the table filled with food and had a moment to breath easy. Pondering just how bad a fall it was or how badly Kar was hurt.

At the end of the shift Rosi quickly wiped up and once the doors were locked she brought Lily into the kitchen. Quickly she put some stew into a bowl and got some other things around then turned and smiled at Lily. "He usually is hungry once he gets out and don't focus too much on the injuries you see." then she proceeded to head down into the wine cellar. Lily had seen the wine cellar her first night, but when Rosi opened a section of wall and continued down a small flight of stairs, it was all new. The smell of parafin and some sort of herbs hung in the air and Lily could even tell there was steam in the air as it felt humid.

"Um Rosi is he bathing right now? Cause I don't think we should be um... peeping on him. I thought you healed him up anyways? Don't you guys have potions and magic to use here?" Lily asked softly following Rosi anyways, she didn't think now was really the time to talk to him about what she had been wanting to talk to him about and certainly the topic of his new nickname should be left to the side as well. Lily wondered why he was up on the roof top to begin with but he didn't really seem very talkative ever and his missions he always kept silent about.

"He is soaking in a herbal parafin it speeds the healing without using magic. Da'Karis has limited access to magic without showing who he really is to a priest or guards. I'll crack the solid part and then we'll move behind the screen until he is dressed." She opened the door and Lily could see the chamber was lit with magic and in a depression in the middle was a milky pool of wax and she could make out Da'Karis's face just at the level of the solid top coat. She was unsure if he was okay or asleep, Rosi walked to the pool and pushed hard upon the surface with a stick until it broke.

Lily watched fascinated she had never heard of such a bath before and if he was harmed that badly maybe she should offer her own healing spell. She only had the one and it was really the only piece of magic she was really good with. But she waited silently as she had been the entire day before, as odd as it was she was staying that way. Her mind was for once too full for her mouth to be able to handle any possible outflow. There was one other skill she was good at. Bandages in her family she had often been the one recruited to help bandage her aunt Arten had even tried to convince her to become a healer but her ineptitude at magic had shot that down quickly. Lily sighed softly watching Rosi help Kar, if only she wasn't so stupid and useless she could help more and really do something that would fix what she had done.

When Da'Karis stood up Lily saw that except for a loin cloth his was naked and had several bruises that must have hurt a great deal. He wasted no time in getting out and washed the last of the parafin off and behind a screen changed. "My thanks Rosi, I will still need several balms before I can return to my mission at hand. Lily are you able to apply and tie bandages to speed along my healing?" He had been a fool not checking for a second man on the roof and paid for it when he crashed through the roof some distance below.

"Oh yes I'm very good at it. If you wanted I do have a low level healing spell I could use to maybe help?" Lily offered her voice soft she seemed much more shy lately then she had been. Maybe now would be a good time to ask her questions of him. "Maybe you'll let me help with your mission too." She offered almost as a joke thinking he would say no again. Like he had all the other times before until the last mission. "I also have food for you." She mentioned just remembering the things she held in her arms.

"Good, but let us go upstairs to my rooms while I can look over what I have. And after I eat I'll see what you can do for me Lily." Da'Karis said putting on a robe and walking past his coat and armor. Lily could see a large slice in it and even some blood on it meaning Da'Karis could be hurt. When they arrived in his rooms Da'karis put on a pair of pants and sat in front of some more papers. Rosi spread her fingers to measure the bruises on his ribs and back, much to the withering looks of the assassin.

The entire time Lily stay silent happier when he had pants on but still quiet all the same. Waiting for him to give her permission for once. Which meant she really was bothered by something and she just didn't want to ask or know how to ask or how to go about it in general. Lily was hardly a complicated person. Though she complicated things a lot it was most or all accidental on her part. She wondered what had made the slice though and whether or not he would help with what she had to ask about.

Rosi went and got the balm and bandages and brought them to the table, "Go ahead Lily, I want to see your magic at work." Da'Karis blinked at her quick orders and looked at Lily giving her a slight nod. Rosi poured two glasses of wine and set one beside Da'Karis and one beside Lily, then took a seat to watch. "Anything special you wish of me Lily for your magic to work?" he leaned back in the seat and watched her. His eyes slipped over Lily and it was enough to make anyone a little nervous getting within arms reach.

"Nope just sit there. If you've ever had healing magic done then you'll know what it feels like now. If not... let's say your tummy will feel ticklish." Lily said with a smile she got close not nervous in the least, it helps having a family as strange as hers. "Sorry about my hands." She says softly before placing them on some of the biggest bruised areas. She began to chant and within five minute he could feel a difference. It was a low level spell but it would help the worst of the injuries say the internal ones if he had any. But by the time she was done she was sweating, magic was always hard for Lily and she didn't really know why. "Okay now to use ointment and bandages on the rest!" She smiled brightly even though she was a little out of breath even. She grabbed the balms and began to gently rub them over his skin, her fingers light as feathers using to pressure to hurt him only the soothing feeling of her movements. Then she wrapped him up in mere moments before he could even complain if he was inclined to. "Done!" She smiled happily.

He caught her hand his fingers over her wrist, "Thank you Lily, I should be back to normal by the morning." Rosi smiled, that was the closest to praise she had ever heard Da'Karis come to in all the years she knew him. "Well, you two should both eat and enjoy your wine. I'm going to go downstairs and get some sleep before the day starts tomorrow." She stood up and left the room before either one could say much else in the way to stop her.

"Um hey Kar... you can have my wine. I'll just drink some water." Lily said standing and pouring herself a glass of clean water from the jug. She hadn't realized she'd let out his nickname she was a little flustered by his thanks of her, "If you still need healed I mean if your trying to pretend to be a big strong man and you still have bad injuries I can use my spell again tomorrow. But I did have a question to ask you... maybe more then one I'm not really sure at this point but the mission. That man we ran into well it got me to thinking and I think you're the only person I can really talk to about this or ask Kar so please say it's okay for me to ask? She asked her big brown eyes so innocent and gentle. She was like a puppy s really cute puppy.

Da'Karis had stood up when she was pouring the water and when she turned he watched her closely. "I know the man troubled you which is why I attacked him without hesitation. Now, I know there is something more to what is troubling you and I want to know." He was very close to Lily within her arms reach and the fact they were so close in height looking just a little down into her eyes. The nickname either did not register or did not bother him in the least, but she could see his chest rise and fall with his breath.

"My uncle... is looking for me. The man you attacked was one of his men. I'm well know in my home and... they can find me easily here... I want to know how to hide... how to not be recognized by them. I thought you would know Kar. You and Rosi are my only friends here and While Rosi took me to the baths today she told me about the Sothites settling in a barracks close to here. That means a lot more men will be looking for me and... my Uncle is a madman. It's a really long story the history of it all, but I'm really scared. Scared they'll find me and take me to my Uncle... who I found out is here in Valusia!" Lily let all her worry out suddenly, with him so close n saying so much to her she just couldn't keep silent any more. "I think he wants to use me against my parents... against my family. I'm so scared Kar I don't know what to do all of a sudden." Lily says setting down her glass because she was shaking so badly she needed to hold herself to try and stop her trembling.

Da'Karis wasn't one for touching, his mentor had shown him in one way or another that letting emotion in led one to death. But, her admission brought something out and he put his hands upon her shoulders. "I will help you hide until I can send you home, Lily and if needed I will prevent his men from taking you from this place." Even saying what he did made him feel like he was shedding the title of Da'Karis and becoming the young apprentice that watched his mentor die. But, he knew that somehow Lily would bring him closer to the Circle and the ultimate goal of the assassin.

"Okay... Okay thank you Kar. So you can help me blend in then? You know not stand out nearly as much? I'll do everything I can to help you do anything you need Kar I swear it on my family name." Lily said smiling softly. She stopped trembling as much and was now shaking just a little. She felt so much better now that Kar was giving her a reassuring touch on the shoulder and had promised to help protect her.

"It's fine if you feel safer here then stay here, not many people can come in here without my knowing. We will begin in the morning Lily." Da'Karis said letting his hands slip down off her shoulders. He picked up his glass of wine and drained it before setting the glass back onto the tray and picking up a piece of paper. It had been a rough map that his target had been carrying, he had thought it was a member of the Circle. But, now he was not so sure thinking it may be one of these men Lily was afraid of.

"Mom said my uncle favors his old ways. And he was taught by my grandfather. So he would set up his men like he was taught. Old military fashion from Bearlon." Lily said softly wondering if anything she knew might help him in the least. "Mom also said he always tried to recreate things no matter when and where he's at. You don't think my Uncle would hunt me down for no reason do you Kar? I mean I know he once waned to raise me and my brother as his own children and all. But that was the last time he died and mom says he's a completely different person now. One who scares her a lot. Though she didn't say that to me I over heard her saying it not that I was spying on purpose it just kind of happens a lot in my house." Lily babbled on before eating her portion and drinking water. She had sworn of wine since that incident that happened when she had gotten to Valusia.

Da'Karis listened and made mental notes, "If he sets up his men like the guards of Baerlon or the military of Andor I should be able to handle them. I visited there once a contract against some Venirian nobles in Baerlon, a quick in and out contract." He looked askance at Lily to see her opinion that he had been in her home country once. He took a bite of stew and some bread and chewed carefully before speaking again. He began to make a list of who Lily's family might be and the list was short and it began to trouble him.

"Well not like they do now but like they did back in the old days. That's how my father and uncle were taught. There's all kinds of people there but I was so desperate to leave and now I don't really know why. You said it was okay to sleep here right? Because I feel safe here with you. Thank you so much for everything you've done Kar and if you need any help with any mission you let me know okay and I'll help you out. My family... is always there and I think I had to get away too see how much that really meant." Lily said suddenly speaking all at once again as now her fears were relieved by Kar, she slid into his bed and pulled the covers over herself, she was asleep within moments she knew he was a killer and she felt comfortable around him. Not many young noblewomen could claim that ability.

Valusia VI

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