Page name: Valusia XVII [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-11-28 20:39:28
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XVI

Rosi spent as long as Lily needed to get everything out before she even spoke again. "Dearest, I'm so sorry that you are upset and I'd give anything to make you feel better." Lily had still not told her everything that had transpired, but she had a feeling that it was something to rattle a young girl who casually talked about demons and the like.

"I just got home sick that's all... I think I'm going upstairs, to my room." Lily said the pin and kerchief tightly balled up in her hand. She stood and sadly smiling at Rosi headed inside to go up the stairs and head to her room, not the one she had been sharing with Kar, but the personal room she still had. She closed the door and lay down on the bed, she had a lot to think about and she didn't really know where to start or what to think at the beginning of her thoughts. She just didn't even know where to begin, there was only so many people she felt she could trust now. She could trust Kar, and Rosi, Conner and Grandpa, but could she trust both parents? The older kids? Lai or Arten even?

It was later before a knock on her door and Da'Karis spoke from the other side, "Lily" They had not seen each other for a while and was concerned when Rosi had told him that Lily was upset. All of her decisions and options laid out in front of Lily, people to trust and who had lied and who told the truth and it all made her head spin. Could she trust Da'Karis or was he using her to find his targets and leave her alone once he did, and the sex was that a bonus to his situation?

"Kar?" Lily called softly before opening the door just a crack for her to see it was him. She looked up at him and instantly began biting her bottom lip. She made the decision to open the door for him though, it was clear she had been crying, her eyes were red and swollen. She seemed worn out, her shoulders were sagging and the vibrancy she always seemed to have was gone. She sat on the bed and let out a heavy sigh, the pin and kerchief still in her hands.

He came and sat down beside Lily and rather than talk he simply put his arm around her. He would not pry into what was going on, only try to understand and if she wanted it then help her.

"I went to see my uncle. He let me speak to my mother." Lily said softly leaning heavily into Kar. "I told her I was staying here. I can't go back now... My mother lied to me... She is lying to my Father... I can't trust my uncle... I can only trust you... Can I trust you?" Lily asked softly looking up into Kar's face, she loved him, she wanted to trust him. She needed to trust him, she loved him. But she loved her mother who was lying to her father, to everyone. Lily simply didn't know what to do, who to trust, what her next move should be.

"Sometimes, something happens and you are forced to do something you never would ever done. Do not judge your mother too harshly Lily." Da'Karis said softly holding her close to him. "You are now part of me, I will go where you go even if you can't see me trust in that." he whispered kissing her cheek lightly. He did not know everything that her mother and uncle had said to her.

"Then... I'll trust you." Lily said wrapping her arms around him. "Can... I move upstairs?" She asks timidly, she didn't want to be separate from him now. "My mother is lying to my father, My uncle wants to claim my mother, take her from my father and has tried to kill her in the past, Now my mother made a pact with him... to protect her children... she doesn't trust or believe in my father anymore." Lily says softly, hoping this explanation would let him know why she was struggling to trust people all of a sudden, and why this situation made her feel so distraught.

He looked her in the eyes and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, "Since that first night together I wondered why you didn't move up there anyway. Let's gather anything you still have here and go upstairs. But, you had better behave yourself." he chided like he did when he said he was going to send her home.

"I'll do my best for you." Lily promised getting to her feet and gathering her things. There honestly wasn't much, most of what she owned was already in his room. She smiled softly at him though, he really had no idea how much this all meant to her. She would do anything in her power to help him in any way she could now.

When they got up to his room he made room for her things and told her anything else she got he'd find a place for them as well. Da'Karis then went and began going through some information he was given. If Lily had any questions or wanted to talk he would put it aside to talk with her.

Lily said nothing, she simply began to put her clothes away in the space he had made for her things. Her new things too she began to put away, though when it came to the coat and three new black shirts she looking over her shoulder to make sure Kar was firmly interested in his own work put those away in his things. Let him find them on his own and then maybe he wouldn't be upset that she spent all of her earnings on mostly things for him. She did keep her other costume as hidden as she could from him. Practicing those dances and training with him... would help her take her mind off of things. She grabbed one of the shirts she had been trying to fix for Kar and sat near the fireplace to try and continue to fix it. However by the time she was ready to go to bed she'd made several more holes in the shirt than it had started with and the stitches pulled irregularly, it was doomed.

Da'Karis looked at the shirt and smiled, "Well, it would most likely make a better sleeping gown for you now with openings for someone to kiss your exposed skin." He handed the shirt back to Lily and washed up preparing for bed as well and watched to see if Lily felt comfortable being in the same room with him.

Lily blushed softly but looking at the shirt she sighed. Undressing from the days clothing she washed her hands and her face and pulled the now ruined shirt on to sleep in. Might as well she figured. She hadn't looked at him while she undressed and redressed, there was only a faint pink flush on her cheeks and she climbed into the bed. "Sorry I ruined it, maybe I should try to pay more attention." Lily said with a small smile, she was trying her best to lighten the mood between them and her problem.

Da'Karis slipped his hand under the shirt and touched her bare stomach, "It is a shirt and it looks far more fetching on you in it's current state. If you need to repair me with stitches I yes would appreciate a more focused hand." He drew Lily close and got ready to sleep, he felt more at peace with the young lady here in his bed. Perhaps it was the fact he knew she was not getting into trouble or that they had shared something that bound them together now.

"For some reason my stitching on flesh is far better than any of my stitching on cloth." Lily said softly snuggling back against him and into the bed. She had to admit now that she was officially moved into the room with Kar she did feel somehow a lot better. Even though she just found out that her mother was lying to the rest of her entire family, and that she didn't know what else her mother might have lied about and it was true that she ran away from them all, and they all wanted her back and she was refusing to do that as well. Was that... was she just as bad as her mother was? Those were the last thoughts until Lily fell asleep cradled and eased by the warmth of the body behind her.

In the morning Lily awoke and Da'Karis was still there against her and still holding her. She did not know however that he had been awake for sometime and was being careful not to rouse her. Their room was quiet and the sun was just beginning to come over the horizon and a small shaft of light was growing from the large window.

Lily blinked slowly and yawned looking around the room. Turning her head she looked over at Kar. "You're still here..." Lily said her voice still sleepy sounding. She smiled and snuggled deeply into Kar's chest rubbing her cheek against his chest softly. She was very happy about waking while he was still here in bed. The sun was up which meant she had slept in longer then usual too. She was just thrown off of everything after finding out about her mother lying to her family and to her. About her uncle actually being nice and looking out for her which she was still struggling to find out if it were true or not.

"Of course, we slept wrapped up like we did. I did not want to wake you unless I had reason." he told her as he began pulling the shirt up exposing Lily inch by inch. "I do not truly know what is wrong but you know that I will listen and do whatever you need Lily." he told her looking deeply into her eyes.

"Yes... I know you'll be here for me." Lily said with a small smile though a blush began and intensified as Kar lifted the shirt higher. Lily knew it was going to take time to figure all of this out... her family and her troubles but she had Kar standing beside her, figuratively speaking anyways. Lily leaned forward and gently kissed Kar, she didn't want to be embarrassed about being naked and have him looking at her anymore. Since taking the initiative worked rather well last time she figured that it might help this time too.

Da'Karis returned the kiss, but still Lily's shirt traveled higher until she felt it brought up past her hips and his bare fingers on her skin. "Would it be possible for your Uncle to still take the mantel of Lord Soth while also bringing about this guild? Your family had more enemies and some became friends, is it possible he changed as well? Perhaps more discussion with your mother might be in order." by the time he finished Lily realized the shirt was open and his hands were gently teasing her skin.

"My uncle has been killed three times. And three times he's come back. This last time he stabbed my brother through the chest... a man who does that is not a man who can change. He told my mother he was a changed man... that he was only using the name Soth to push adventurers in the right direction... My mother... is his obsession. He either wants to kill her or... own her I think." Lily spoke, it was helping keep her blush down certainly and she gasped now and then as Kar touched or stroked her skin hotly. "He was working with a drow wizard... my sister Lyriel's father for a really long time. He even tried to kill his own son... my uncle is evil. I just don't know what he's up to." Lily said trying to keep talking to keep the blush away and give herself more courage to be seen naked by Kar.

"Then you need answers on why your mother would ask for his help and gather an idea about how best to proceed. It sounds as though your family has no desire to trust him yet he did not harm you." Da'Karis said slowly letting his eyes move down Lily's body. One hand rested on her hip and the other came to rest on her bare breast.

"How do I get information on a man who is a lie? or even on my own mother!? She only sees me as a child, that's why I ran away. I had to they wouldn't let me... be me. But you do... You don't tell me what to do, you don't order me around or treat me like a glass figure..." Lily said softly watching his face, he seemed so... focused and yet... like he was looking at a puzzle something that needed figuring out. Lily hadn't noticed that he looked at her like that before. Or even that his eyes were dark and his pupils thin as he focused solely on her. How his face seemed relaxed, his body still not in a stealthy way but in a calm and soothed way and she certainly was one who knew the difference between that. and for once she forgot to blush, she was so intent on studying him.

"If he has offered you the chance to use his communication device to speak with her and privacy to do so, then take him up on it to speak with your mother. I let you do what you will because as of now I have all the time needed to help you if needed." He said leaning toward her and kissing her neck. "I believe your parents have so many to care for they worry and believe keeping you close will keep you safe." Da'Karis continued before lowering his kisses further down her chest until he enveloped her nipple into his mouth.

"AH! K-kar! But... he could be setting either of us up for a trap! mmm! K-kar... s-so good." Lily moaned softly trying to keep herself talking but she was on the losing side of this particular battle, especially with Kar's skilled hands and tongue at play. She threw her head back and moaned, her hand reaching out and into Kar's hair to clutch lightly, needing something to anchor her to the world of here and now.

Letting her nipple slide from his lips he asked a simple question, "do you trust me Lily?" Then without waiting for her answer his kisses fell in a line traveling down her body until he parted her legs and she felt his tongue begin to tease her sex. Da'Karis then began to move the covers so that they were completely exposed, a fitting test to get Lily over her shyness.

"Y-yes!" Lily gasped, her legs wrapping around his shoulders as he overwhelmed her with his tongue. She did blush but it was only the faintest of pink. She moaned and squirmed as he continued to tease her unendingly. There was really nothing she could do while he pleased her. She had to cling to the sheets to stop from squirming, and even that almost wasn't enough.

He continued to take his time with Lily and move with her, Lily needed to relax and let her mind wander and worry about everything else when the time came. The more noises she made the more it urged him on to bring her to climax and then see where they went from there. This was better then the life his master had before the one he chose killed him. Da'Karis doubted that he needed to fear the same happening to him, Lily was different from Angahed.

Lily climaxed more than once. "Please! Kar please!I need more! I need you! Kar please!" Lily begged she didn't know what she needed to do, for anything but Kar, she knew she wanted to stay with Kar so that was where she was going to start. Right now she needed Kar and that was all she was focusing on at all.

He began to slowly kiss up Lily's body until he again wrapped his lips around her erect left nipple and placed the head of his manhood against her sex and slowly pressed it inside. Da'Karis moaned as her body enveloped him in her warmth and released her nipple to press his lips to hers as his hands continued to pull her hips closer to his.

Lily trembled as he slowly inched his way inside of her. Her nails raked down his back, not hard however, just in the most satisfying way she could express. She moaned as he filled her, she never seemed to get tired of that feeling. He was always so gentle, but good lord he was huge every time. "So... big! mmmm! yyeesss! Gods! Gods!" Lily moaned and cried out as he seated himself inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his hips tightly trying to draw him in deeper.

He smiled and kissed her deeply as he began to withdraw then press forward again savoring how well they fit together. It was a marvel that while they were wrapped up in each other Lily did not notice that there was no blanket covering them and all of them was visible to each other. Still he continued to thrust as Lily urged him and he did as best he could to go deeper with every motion. Once her legs wrapped around him, his hands took hold of her bottom and used them to help her up and down his length even more.

Lily moaned and writhed beneath Kar as he filled her over and over. She now had a glimpse of why her entire family was so hell bent on their partners, what could be more glorious than this act of carnal pleasure between man and woman, lover and loved. She met his thrusts with those of her own, finding that sweet rhythm that she could lose herself to. She couldn't stifle the moans and sounds of pleasure Kar forced from her as they made love. Her face now red from their activities rather than embarrassment.

Finally with another thrust Da'karis reached climax and Lily felt his manhood swell and spill inside her. He grunted and continued thrusting until he lowered himself and kissed Lily's neck, "You truly are an amazing woman and I hope I did not disappoint you." Drawing Lily close he gently grazed her skin with his hands until they were laying close together again. Work and new contracts would have to wait right now he was happy to be spending time with Lily.

Lily sighed happily, laying here in bed with him after wonderful sex, was something Lily enjoyed more then anything else. "Don't you have work today? people to kill for other people?" Lily asked after she calmed down from her sexual high, she began to blush softly the longer they lay there uncovered. She ran her own hands over his arms however, over and over, it was calming to her. So was his voice.

"I have a meeting later, right now I much prefer where I am." he answered cupping her one of her breasts and lightly stroking all of his fingers around it. The sun shining in through the window warmed their skin and he pulled her closer and kissed her neck, right now he felt happy.

"I wish we could be together forever." Lily said softly running her fingers through his hair and running her nails lightly over his bare back. She was blushing almost a red now, she was trying to distract herself with the details of his tattoo's and scars, running her fingers gently over the patterns.

"still the crimson creeps into your cheeks, I would have thought it would no longer happen since we have been this way several times." he said letting his hand wrap around her and bring her closer to him. A knock at the door turn his attention and he pulled the blanket up over them before Rosi opened the door and came in. "Planning on sleeping the day away you two, or will Lily be coming to work?" she chirped as she opened the curtains letting light flood into the room. Da'Karis looked at Lily and she saw the evilest of grins cross his face and his hand slip down between her thighs and gently rub her.

"Rosi!! You could knock!" Lily exclaimed in surprise at her friends abrupt entrance, she blinked in the sudden light and then she squeaked as Kar began to tease her flesh. Lily's cheeks went crimson as her lover played her body like a finely tuned instrument in front of her friend who was wondering around the room. "K-kar!" Lily whispered in a half frantic, half erotic whisper. Lily had never thought of herself like most of the rest of her family... I.E. full of exhibitionists.

"I did knock dearest." she replied as she flitted about the main room cleaning as she went and setting dishes near the door to go downstairs. Da'Karis smiled at Lily and he continued to tease her flesh and whispered in her ear, "does this feel good my lover, I would see you climax again as you look even more beautiful if that is possible." Once her job was done she stopped by the table, "Lily shall I tell them you will be coming down to work or do you need a day or so before resuming your duties?"

"I! I'll be down for lunch shift." Lily said biting at her bottom lip to try and sound normal best she could. "K-kar please!" Lily whispered and begged softly, at the same time. She didn't think she could handle this, her best friend in the room while her lover maliciously teased her to completion. She might die of embarrassment. Lily was already a bright red and she was doing her best to make herself seem mostly normal.

"Rosi, won't they be missing you? Lily and I will come down for breakfast soon unless there is something else we need to know." Da'Karis said looking Lily in the eyes. Rosi turned and gathered the dishes, "Very well I will see you when you come down then." Once the door closed Da'Karis kissed Lily deeply as his hands continued to roam her body.

"Kar! God's Kar! W-why would you do that?! Ooooh god's Kar please I need more!" Lily moaned and writhed openly, her friend had left and she longed for more than just Kar's hands. SHe still couldn't believe that he would do something so... so... capricious.

Da'Karis smiled and again pulled away the blanket and leaned down to kiss Lily again, then rolled onto his back. "I think we should give you power over this joining Lily." he said placing his manhood at the entrance of her sex and letting her weight slowly down onto him. He wrapped his hands about her waist and thrust up as she began to get a rhythm going.

Lily gasped at the first of their joining, but she quickly began a rhythm between them. She moaned in time to his thrusts and her bounces. It wasn't until she was almost glistening that she tightened around him tightly and ground herself on his manhood crying as she climaxed from their joining.

The way she tightened around him was almost unbelievable and he groaned as he climaxed as well. Da'Karis rubbed Lily's hips as they both basked in the post climax bliss, "I think I can get very used to having you here with me Lily Ravenwood." He enjoyed her company and they enjoyed one another being intimate like this. Hopefully, things would stay like this for some time.

Lily giggled and it was a very girlish sound. She lay a-top of Kar regaining her breath. She panted heavily and knew she would need a bath before working the lunch shift. She still had time however before then so she could relax for now and just enjoy the skin time with her lover. Though she didn't understand why he would begin to play with her body while Rosi had been in the room.

"I see your usual bubbly personality has returned and for that I am happy." he said holding her. "Do you feel like training at all today or this evening or just staying in? I will have to leave for at least an hour to go meet with an old friend who can give me my next lead." he explained kissing the side of Lily's neck.

"I would train tonight after my serving shift. While I am busy you can attend all you need right? I won't be disturbing your routine too much in a bad way?" Lily asked softly just now worrying over the possibility of destroying his work day, though he had said it was fine that he had nothing today, she almost didn't believe him.

He pinched her lightly and teased, "I do not have a routine for you to disturb and no you do not cause me any problems, except for excited chatting. The only way you will not train tonight is if I have to deal with my information." The more they were together the more truthful he spoke to her, Lily made his life better in ways he never thought a woman could. "No go get ready, or Rosi will come back looking for you." he ordered with a teasing spank.

Lily made a face but jumped out of the bed and hurried to put clothing on. She was blushing softly by the time she was dressed mostly because she knew he was watching her and she while was getting used to being naked was not entirely comfortable with it yet and he certainly wasn't making it easy on her. She was in her serving attire and ran a brush through her hair so no one would suspect all the crazy sex she had been having all night and morning. It was a lot faster than it normally took because it was still so short, and she didn't have to brush it often as long as she ran her hands through her hair it usually got out all the knots. "Alright I have to go now Kar, don't worry I'll drink my tea the moment I have a chance, I know we both don't want anything to happen even by accident! I hope Rosi didn't suspect anything that you were doing... oh well I'll see you later okay? I love you be safe!" Lily said chatting away before walking back over to the bed giving him a quick kiss and then hurrying down the stairs and to the kitchen.

Valusia XVIII

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