Page name: Valusia XX [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-10-21 04:23:14
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XIX

Later that night over dinner she told Da'Karis about her thought to write home again, to get his thoughts. "Perhaps your family is less likely to believe you are alright without being able to see it for themselves. And did you not say that your note was written in a language only you and your twin could understand? If he is not at home then no one can make heads or tails of your missive." He was silent for a little while then made a suggestion, " I know a wizard who will create a missive that will allow them to see and hear you, and if you speak plainly they will know you are alright."

"No... If they can see me... they'll know exactly what to look for. It's better if I just write another letter. Probably... I mean I should right? Because the more I send them the more they'll believe I am alright... and just sending a little bit for my brother should let them know it is still me and from me... It should be enough and there's no reason he wouldn't be there. I wan't the only one they keep in the Manor. They just allowed him more freedom was all which was completely unfair in my opinion! But now I'm here and that doesn't matter anymore." Lily spoke fast and once she had said her fill began to eat more. It had seemed all from one breath that she spoke but she hadn't paused in her stride but for a moments hesitation here and there as she spoke. Clearly she was worried about her family at home, but likewise, she didn't seem to want to return either.

Da'Karis listened to everything she had to say before he spoke, "Perhaps there is a problem, I have some contacts with whom we can find out more information. But, if not then yes I suppose a second letter would re-enforce that you are alright in your travel to discover yourself." He stood up and put his finished dishes into the crate to go downstairs he turned to Lily to enquire if she was done as well. "Tonight would you like to soak in the hot springs with me?" he offered, his fight this afternoon left him sore and in need of a soak.

"Yes... You need looked at." Lily said rising and putting her dishes away herself. She was getting somewhat used to treating him. "You don't think there really is a problem do you? My family has a lot of enemies." Lily asked softly looking worriedly up at Kar. She needed to look after him, Kar was always getting injured, and so he really needed looked after. But now He mentioned that family might be in trouble and there was a lot of bad guys that wanted her mother and father dead.

Da'Karis nodded and headed to get their robes, Lily needed to make up her own mind about reaching out to her parents without anyone deciding for her. It was one of the things he wanted to make sure she would do, decide things for herself. Without talking anymore about the subject they went to the springs where Da'Karis undressed and Lily could see his bruises before he got into the water. "Are you still joining me Lily?" he asked watching her movements, a slight smile knowing she'd disrobe in front of him.

Lily turned her back to him blushing very softly, she let the robe slide down her shoulders and arms, then into her hands. She hung it up on the peg, grabbing his and hanging it too, she then covered her breasts with her arm and blushing a little more walked to the water. A hand towel in the other hand covering her privates from sight and she slowly sank into the water within reach of him. While she was becoming much more comfortable with being naked around him... and having sex... full nudity was embarrassing still for her. "I am." She said softly settling into the water and taking hold of the cloth with both hands, to wash him.

Da'Karis likewise took a rag and began to wash her, he enjoyed the two of them being equals in everything. "My next job may keep me away for several days as one of my larger employers has another job for me to do." he explained as he rubbed her arm from shoulder to finger tips.

"Can't I help you? Maybe I could be useful and should go this time?" Lily asked softly turning to look at him over her shoulder, her big soft colored eyes all hopeful and her eyelashes moist from the steam of the water. she liked him most like this in these quiet moments. The water glistened from the candle light, making him seem too good to be true. His tattoo's a contrast from the rest of his sun darkened skin.

He drew her close, "I will go tomorrow and do my evaluation of the job and endeavour to find how best to include you and your talents. Is that agreeable to you?" He took the rag and began to wash her front, starting at her collarbone and washing in small circles. Lily wanted to help and he enjoyed the fact that she wanted to do something, but he was concerned for her safety as well.

"Yes! I just don't want you to have to be alone anymore!" Lily said smiling brightly, she was containing herself somewhat around him because she knew that was what he wanted. But she relaxed fully and smiled brightly, She sighed softly at the soft and comforting touch of his. Her nipples hardened at the soft and soapy touch, and she leaned back against him. "I know I'm getting better all the time and imagine if you don't have to get so injured to do your job anymore." She chatted trying to keep it short.

He leaned her back a little more with her neck on his shoulder so he could continue washing her. His hands worked down her stomach as he supported her. "I have not really been alone since our first time laying together. And every job has risk of injury, I am an assassin, not a bread baker." he said kissing her neck as his hands disappeared beneath the water.

Lily giggled and tried to contain a fit of them as he washed her stomach a very ticklish and sensitive location. "I know, it's not like working in a bar is the safest place either. Technically. Anyways I meant having someone watch your back... you know, a partner." Lily's voice went softer the lower his hands went and her breath hitched slightly in anticipation. She knew she shouldn't be so worked up around him all the time but she had become accustomed to him wanting to see her and touch her all the time.

Again he kissed her neck, "I am glad you wish to watch over me while I operate, I could not ask for a better partner." His hands reappeared from under the water, he didn't want Lily to think that only sex was the reason he kept her around. He found the darkness that once prevaded his world lessened being around her.

"Can... Can I be... Will you let me be a little bold?" Lily asked softly, she knew he was always being so gentle with her and patient. Only the gods knew how much patience he had and was using all on her, patience her own family didn't seem to all have in large quantities. So she wanted to try and prove that his patience was worth it, that she was worth it, and while she always practiced what he taught her and lately her magic a little too, there were other things she hoped he would be pleased with her about. A start of it was, being bolder, however because it was Lily she was going slow to gain that boldness.

"Of course Lily, I wouldn't not refuse you." Kar said letting her go. He was curious to see what she had in mind.

"I've been thinking a lot..." Lily said softly carefully turning around in his lap. Sitting with her thighs splayed on either side of his own, straddling his lap but not so close that her core was too close to his own. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts out of the warmth of the water making her nipples tighten, as she looked into his eyes. "I... I don't want to return home alone. I don't want you to have to work alone. I want to work with you and maybe in doing so you get less injured, and we get bigger contracts. I guess what I'm really trying to say is... I want to be your partner Kar. For real. So... start training me like you mean it. And... I'll take more initiative too... in other area's." Lily said blushing just a little. Promising to be more bold in the bedroom was about as serious as she could get. Lily was looking into Kar's eye's, though she was sort of horny now that he'd gently manhandled her, she was sort of getting used to being touched and caressed.

"I don't think either of us will ever be truly alone Lily." Da'Karis said letting his hands come to rest on her hips. "My training is only as hard as you wish it to be, I feel you and your bow are more helpful to watching my back than anything else. And not to mention or touch in healing and other places, help immensely." he continued as his left hand gently closed over her breast and teased her nipple. "Where you go, I will always follow, if not in body then in spirit."

"So..." Lily bit her bottom lip to try and control herself a little, though her cheeks became tinged with pink. "So no more leaving me behind when you go on missions? And no more talk of shipping me off home?" Lily asked softly her voice breathy and a few low moans escaping her 'control' such as it was. Her big green eyes sparkled in happiness and lust as she watched his face closely. Her thighs tensed over his own, as she tried to remain calm and serious. It was however a losing battle. With Kar as her opponent... it always was.

"You will come with me, however we will need to agree on how you can best help our team." He said drawing her mouth to his and kissing her deeply. "However, how else will I keep you in line if not to threaten to send you away?" he teased as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. Lily's noises and even the light pink hue of her cheeks entranced the assassin. And Lily felt his manhood stiffen and nudge against her sex under the water.

"Meanie." Lily pouted softly, she had moaned and leaned into the kiss heavily, soon enough however the pout was gone replaced instead by the look of lust on her face as he sweetly tortured her. to get back at him, though her blush deepened slightly she re-positioned herself and rubbed his length with her own sex. Not close enough for him to enter but instead just to give them both pleasurable friction. "I'll show you." She whispered softly leaning down to gentle nibble on his ear lobes and kiss along his jaw. She loved the way he always knew just how to touch her and get her riled up so easily.

"I never said I was good." he responded through a moan of his own. Both hands travelled down and squeezed Lily's backside drawing still closer to him and he kissed her body even as she kissed along his jaw. In truth, he wasn't good, he followed a set of rules used by Da'Karis throughout the ages. And while he was paid for murder, it was always with a clear conscious and no issue with morals.

"I like that you aren't." Lily said softly against his skin as she nipped her way down to the connection of flesh between neck and shoulder. She would leave love bites on a few of her bites, but she knew he didn't mind a few gentle bites. she did want him to know how serious she was though and so she raised her hips and slowly engulfed his manhood with her hot flesh. Moaning against his skin as she slowly lowered herself further upon him. He was always so hot! and he filled her nicely. she was concentrating hard, her eyes closed to better feel what she was doing and partially because she was so embarrassed still by a position like this.

Once he was seated as deeply as possible inside Lily, Da'Karis held her there relishing how her body gripped him. He lifted her chin until he could bring her lips to his and he pressed against them in a long kiss. Once they were comfortable kissing, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and massaged her tongue as his hand rubbed her bottom and the other her breast. THe sensation like this needed to last, it would continue to warm his memory even in the coldest place.

Lily moaned into the kiss. Everything he did was evil apparently. But she liked it. The cool air on her upper torso made her skin bubble with goose bumps. Slowly she lifted her hips and then just as slow lowered herself down upon him once again. It was sweet torture, she loved the feeling of him inside of her moving, and he filled her so fully! Her own hands and arms were simply around her shoulders holding onto him for balance, as this was quite advanced balancing for her.

He would have chuckled if not for wanting her not to become self conscious, Lily had changed much since she came here. As she began to rise again he lowered his mouth and enveloped her nipple running his tongue around the tight little nub. It would not be much longer until the both were spent, and then they would sleep until time for them to head out for the next job.

Lily gasped sharply, arching her back as she suddenly sat hard on top of him. That move as well made her throw her head back and cry out as he hit the end of her from the inside. She instantly clamped around him tightly as her warmth rushed from her. She dug her fingers into his shoulders in fear of falling off. Her climax making her head feel light and dizzy all at the same time.

It was hard to describe but at the moment of Lily's climax it felt like her sex tried to coax him further inside her. Da'Karis let her nipple slip from his mouth as he groaned and began to climax. Lily could feel his essence fill her, his arms wrapped around her and he held her close to him. He slipped off the ledge he was sitting on and lowered them into the warm water. Lily could feel the warmth rise up her body until she and Kar were face to face and only their shoulders were out of the water.

"The best." Lily murmured resting her forehead against his breathing heavy. After this she was going to be either very sore or very tired. But she finally got him to agree to take her with him. She finally got to say what she was thinking.

Valusia XXI

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