Page name: Valusia XXIV [Logged in view] [RSS]
2020-06-28 04:55:24
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XXIII

As mother and daughter parted a noise came from downstairs, Da'Karis turned and looked out the window and saw armed men entering the tavern. "Something is wrong, remain here while I go downstairs. Rosi and the others will come up here in case of danger." He then hurried into his coat and weapons before leaving through the second door. If someone pursued Lady Ravenwood to the inn then everyone was in danger, unknown to him was what was happening on the rear steps up to his chambers.

Alehial puts on the hat quickly and changes her appearance once more. This time to look like Lucas, she then tucks her weapons into her pocket, urging Lily to hide the other weapons on the table.

Lily quickly put away several things and armed herself in the small knives she had been using. She then waved at her mother to handle the weapons on the table and she went to the door to stand to the side, daggers in hand listening intently.

Alehial who looked like Lucas rolled her eyes at her daughter and put everything on the bed, throwing the covers over and then some clothes on top of that to account for the lumps.

The door burst open and Rosi, sporting a wicked gash on her forearm entered followed by the back half of Galin fighting a pair of men shouting "Glory to Soth." Then the smell of smoke wafted to their noses, the tavern was under assault and now on fire. Galin with a mighty shove managed to push the men out of the room and throw the bar but it would not keep them out long.

"Mom!" Lily looked to Lucas with panicked eyes, if the tavern was on fire then they had lost everything. She grabbed Rosi gently and pulled her inside and to the side mumbling a low level healing spell with a handful of the things she kept with her gear. It would help most of the wound.

Alehial who still looked like Lucas cursed and glowered at Galin. "How many? And wheres the fire!" She demanded pulling off the hat of disguise, she wouldn't need it for a moment anyways. She shoves it into her pocket into the hole. She was prepared for at least two things, to kill some bad guys... and save the day if she could.

Rosi ran to Lily and hugged her, the young woman was crying, "They killed Philipe and Rogan as well . They came from everywhere killing everyone in the tavern. Where is Da'Karis?"

Galin looked at Alehial, "Many more than what can be safely fought by our small numbers, I have called for the Guild to come in force. The kitchen is where it started and has spread to the staricase. I can portal us away, back to where I've been staying." he said noting Rosi's head shaking that they should wait for Da'Karis.

"Take the girls... I will hand the fire and the men." Alehial says putting her weapons belt on calmly, once everything was in place she took a deep breath, she would be using many things quickly if she pulled this off. But she wanted both Lily and Rosi clear of the building.

"Da'Karis isn't here so I'm not going anywhere. This is our home." Lily says defiantly, she was with Rosi on this one, and she was crushed that Philippe was killed. She had grown very fond of him. She however grabbed her sword from the bed and tucked her daggers near to hand. She was also ready to fight.

The door burst open and four men rushed inside, "Glory to Lord Soth, death to the false heroes of Andor." Galin unsheathed his sword and moved to take two on himself. Rosi gave ground and Lily realized she was going to get Da'Karis' crossbow. The other two men broke to come at Lily and Alehial.

Lily threw one of her daggers and embedded it into one of the men's necks. As she was doing this and Rosi was going for the crossbow she witnessed her mother changing shape to a very large orange striped tiger. Her mothers favorite shape for many attackers, with a loud hiss Alehial launched herself at the other man. Her weight bowling the man over her teeth digging into the mans neck and sickening crunch and a wet noise as the man tried to suck in air out of a broken and mangled neck.
Alehial turned then and leapt towards one of the attackers on Galin.

Galin easily dispatched his man and turned to say something to Lily who was in front of the large window when they heard noises from beyond the doorway.

Da'Karis had made it to the first floor and saw there was nothing to do, he then began heading up the stairs killing as he went until he reached his door which was open. As he entered he saw Galin with a bloody sword approach Lily and he ran at Galin who turned to see him and leapt. As his feet connected with the larger man's armor he kicked out sending Galin backwards out of the window. The assassin flipped back to his feet and looked for the next attacker.

"Oh Shit! Nice!! Oh... the tiger is my mother!!" Lily watched with an open mouth Galin fly past her and out the window, and then she realized he might target her mother in giant feline form as well. "What's going on downstairs?!" Lily asks ready to continue fighting or to fight the fire.

Alehial would have laughed if she could but instead she turned and prowled to the open door, she then bounded over the carnage Da'Karis had left behind. She was impressed with this one, he was much like Fael and seemed nearly as devoted to her daughter as the Cat man. She refocused on the task at hand, kill bad guys put out fire, check on Lily and when she was done... see if Galin lived.

Da'Karis shook his head, "Nothing lives behind me and the fire is out of control, you must summon Darryl of none of us will survive this." He pulled Lily into his arms and gave her a squeeze happy she was alive.

"I don't think we can summon him Kar..." Lily said hugging him back tightly, she worried about her mother then. "My mom went downstairs!" Lily said looking terrified and pulled away ready to run down the stairs. When a soaking wet Alehial laboriously walked into the doorway. "It's... out." She said sagging against the doorway. She had soot smears all over and she was soaked.

Alehial had used a new spell, and it had wiped her out. "There is a lot of damage, a few smolders but everything has been soaked. Someone needs to check on Galin... see if he is dead." She says taking a deep breath and standing up straight once more.

The floor beneath them lurched and renewed flames roared to life. Below a voice called out, "Lady Ravenwood is the boy Flint with you? I owe him much and not even the fact he married MY child will save him from the flames of my WRATH!!" Another flash and a sheet of flames cut off both doorways from those still inside the tavern.

"He's dead!" Alehial said looking confused. "Get out of the tavern! My measures were only to buy us time! Out the window! Da'Karis first he can catch Rosi. Lily tuck and roll Baby girl!" Alehial grabbed Lily's shirt and pulled her hard behind her to the window before squaring her up with it. Then pushing her through.

Lily rolled her eyes and huffed as she was dragged, then when she was squared up she opened her mouth to say something but was pushed through before she could answer. Only her crazy mothers lessons had prepared her for falling out of a multi story window, add that to her training with Kar and she was prepared for landing. She did look around for Galin once she was upright.

"You next Bucko! Out! I will send Rosi next!" Alehial commands at Kar, she moved over to Rosi and pulled her over towards the window as well. There was no way she could fight that lunatic, there was no way he was even still alive. "Darryl Baby if you can hear us, help would be good."

Darryl came to their minds, "I have been weakened and unable to move more than three of you. I am sorry, but even now we are under attack both here in my home and at the estate."

Da'Karis answered without thinking, "Take them, your mother, sister and Rosi." Darryl began to focus and with a pop Rosi, Lily and Alehial vanished.

Valusia XXV

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