Page name: Venir pt. 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-08-17 15:56:49
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Now in control of the local thieves guild and a number of followers loyal to Lord Soth. Lash and Angie will begin doing the bidding of their master and swell the coffers of both the Guild and the Disciples.

Not far from the thieves guild in a no longer used sewer, Lash had Shadow set up a place for Angie to enjoy her usual hobby without being discovered. And in an interesting idea he had Shadow acquire a gelatinous cube to get rid of the remains. Curretnly Knuri the deft was in a cage with a magical lock. It was the newest addition to her space, and Knuri wasn't going anywhere. He had been trying to escape since he had been captured several days ago, the last one had been the furtherest he ever got.

"Well well well... I've heard you got pretty far this time... My little pet." Angie said as she came close to the cage. Already a knife in her hands. "You've given us information but I'm afraid tonight is your last night. You've given me no new information and the last attempt was unnaccaptable. So tonight we finish it my dear. You and my girls will have the pleasure of the evening." Angie finishes pulling out the curved yet jagged knife, one of her favotires.

"If you weren't such a coward you'd open this door and face me. Or do you think I might get the better of you?" He held up his tied hands and glared at her, if the freak Lash hadn't happened upon him then he'd be free. The cell wasn't large and he could have picked the lock had it not been magic. "If you want me to wail and ask for mercy, go kiss Hextor's cock." he spat the curse at her.

"Hextor being?" Angie asked in calm reply, his threats didn't bother her. He'd stood up to her for three days it was a shame she really didn't have time to break his will and spirit. Standing ready she nodded to the gaurds and undid the lock. Leaping forward she grabbed his hair at the back of his head and put the curved jagged sword up against the man's unclothed neither regions. In fact she kept him naked to show off her blade skills. SHe had roughly an hour to deal with him. Not nearly enough time in her opinion.

"I don't quite need a shave down there, if you are gonna send me to your evil god then get on with it!" Knuri knew he was dead from the second they captured him. He wouldn't die a whining pleading sack of mush. Four years under the mountain, well before Darryl Ravenwood decimated it during his rescue, before he escaped. Those he loved already thought he was dead, so why plead for a life with no one to make a life with.

"when I am given time to enjoy myself I do so to the fullest. You will die and I will torture you until I finally slit your throat and let you join your enemies." Angie answered in reply before she tossed him on the ground and flipped him over. Face down into the dirt arms up she rammed a dagger through his arm careful not to do it sideways so nothing to vital was cut and it would pin him to the ground. She sat on the lower part of him to keep him still. "If you ask for a cleaner death I will grant it. If you scream for me."

He cried out as the dagger entered his arm, it had been a long while before his capture that he had been wounded. "NEVER!" he shouted to her as he tried to buck her off of him. She was a lot stronger than him, it had been the same way when they arrived at her room and she overpowered him. The other one, Tesli, he remembered her name now. She sat and watched from the bed as this one beat him down then bound him and brought him to a guild drop off point.

"You screamed in defiance... it is good enough to me." Angie said calmly... almost happily. She was in a chipper mood now that she was able to cause pain and anguish. Taking another plain dagger she drove it through his calf to hold him still. "Really Knuri, you should know as a fighter I best you in strength and skill." She said happily into his ear as her knife gently stroked his skin without making a single cut.

"I know you should get bent!" he grimaced in pain. The woman just needed to kill him and get this over with. He thought quickly, there must be some way to get her to leave him be long enough to escape. Taking a gamble he said quietly, "The guards know about you and your friends, if you let me live I can lead them away." If Lady Luck favored him at all this might work.

"If they know... We will take care of them. The Disciples of Soth are no fools and we have spies of our own Knuri. Only our spies don't know much about things they work off their orders only. Whimper and cry for me and I will make it a quick death. Continue to defy me and I will slowly drain your body of blood and let you watch as I slowly carve you up." Angie said softly laughing menacingly happily. The truth was they would need to check if the gaurds did know about them. But there was no use keeping Knuri alive. He would find a way out of things. He was a trickster and her orders were his death within the hour.

"I won't cry again for you, and with my last gambit gone, I have no other choice." Knuri said before hammering his head into the stone floor with as much force as he could muster. If he was unconscious there really couldn't be any torture, and she'd just kill him. The guards looked back and forth to each other, the thief was insane. Several groves in the floor caught the blood and a small damn would release it down to the cube in the hole.

"Very well." Angie said with a disgusted tone of voice. Carefully she slit both wrists, his achilies heals and the femeral arteries before getting a nice deep slice from the throat. Standing up she sighed and walked out using a clothe to clean her special dagger. The other two she could get later. But slow drain blood loss even if there was a smidgeon of being awake he would feel it. that was enough. But not satisfying at all.

"Ma'am, would you like us to leave you alone now?" the guards knew that she preffered some privacy after killing. They never had heard all of the details, but assumed it may have to do with some dark rights. Lern treated her with the respect her position required, Boler just didn't want to be her next victim. Knuri twitched once but didn't make any noise, just gurgling as the blood poured from his wounds. The next sound was the gelatinous cube making an excited noise as a small stream of blood ran down to be consumed.

"Leave." Angie commanded. After a few moments she went back in and opened the small grate. Unpinning the body she knew there was plenty of blood to still drain but right now he had lost enough it would be impossible to fight back. She she dragged the body back to the small entrance and dropped it in before closing the door. Sitting against a wall she sighed and cleaned the rest of her blades. There was nothing else for her now. She sat the remainging hour watching the blood on the floor.

After a good while, Shadow emerged from the darkness in the corner of the lair. "I see I am a little late to watch the removal of the prisoner, I thought you enjoyed coating your body in the blood? Not so enthusised with this victim, this time." She was dressed in deep, tight fitting red leather with high boots. Looking down the chute to see the cube dissolving Knuri, they were amazing little creatures. "Ingenious little plan of Lash's to set it down there to dissolve your playmates." she commented looking at Angie with a smile.

"When it is a chore, it simply isn't fun. When I have no time to truelly break them then there is no joy for me to partake in. I enjoy the feel of blood coating my skin... of those who defy me. This Knuri... just gave up. Even tried to kill himself... what kind of way is that for me to enjoy anything." Angie said nothing about the cube and the hole and Lash's intelligence. The fact he still used her body for pleasure... and would again still made her want to kill him all the more. Her blood lust boiled when she thought of Lash and she would like nothing better then for him to somehow betray Soth so she could take her blades to him. But he was an asset. A fresh mind and with knowledge they needed for the job they were given.

"Perhaps you should have "not" allowed him to die on his terms." she said with a small smile. "I find desperation a very heady wine to sip, your friend has been busy getting information for Lash's next plan. I have a slight plan that could use you and your talents, and my reward will keep you from having to languish on Lash's cock for sometime." She sat and fiddled with her boots then waited to see if she sparked any interest. She liked Angie, her talents with the blade and in the bedchambers, and the best part was that Lord Soth thought this was a wonderful idea.

"If you have a plan then you can count me in on it if you need any help. I'll be happy to help you." Angie said standing and walked over to Shadow. Pulling up the boot before reaching back and adjusting the laces, tightening them just an inch or so more. "If Lord Soth backs your plan I am deffinetly in on it. I enjoy the defiance but the desperation if handled well can be also just as exciting. Today however... was not a good day." Angie said softy before standing tall looking down at the body Shadow was inside of. Angie gently moved her hair out of her face and leaned down giving the woman a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth. The idea of a real job to do was deffinetly interesting... and was somthing she wanted to get in on.

Shadow returned the kiss and placed a hand upon Angie's breast, "Such a willing participant and even before asking what the reward is. The answer is yes, Lord Soth backs my plan it will remove a possible ally from the Ravenwoods and bring them into his service. However, I will need you to remove his protection, both the male and female. The male is a fighter, the female a paladin who if she could be corrupted, would be a valuable ally herself." She moved her other hand to Angie's hip and projected all sorts of interesting ideas into her 'friends' mind.

"I will do what I can... Put me where I am needed and tell me what exactly it is I need to do to get the job done for you and our master." Angie said softly letting the images into her mind willingly. She didn't mind a bit about what Shadow was doing and touching and projecting. She didn't mind what kind of reward. She was just glad she had actual orders for a specific and not a broad. Lash just told her to help... over see... punish these men. Shadow offered specific's and orders and timeline's and challanges. Things Angie thrived on.

"Good, I will craft an item that you will place on to the woman and bring her to our side. The man is yours to elminate as you see fit, but all of it must be done in one night. My target is in Malkier in three days, and I plan to use my powers to corrupt his soul. Afterward as your reward." she finished showing Angie what they would do to celebrate their victory. "So, do you believe you can handle this little mission." she asked slipping the hand from Angie's hip to her backside.

"I will find a way to place it upon her. Any place or hidden? Do we want the man dead? Or bring him to us following the Paladin?" Angie asked wanting as much detail about her mission as possible. Then she would complete her mission and return. One day was not a lot of time... but it was certainly possible and do-able. She could kill a man, currupting was apparently going to be mostly done by the device she would be implanting on the Paladin woman. She didn't mind a bit, especially if it got her in even better graces with Soth.

"The place doesn't matter, and the man doesn't matter either, but dead may be better. Perhaps if you could speed up the corruption of her before placing the necklace upon her. The wizard will be defenseless if his guards are unavailable to him, and I can handle him. Angie, you must make sure that the necklace touches the area above her heart, and that means to get her out of her armor." To puncuate this she let Angie see the woman from what Shadow saw of her before.

"Out of the armor and against her heart... I understand. I'll get her alone and get the necklass on before taking care of the man." That was the easy part. In a back alley of any town dead men were often found, one more wouldn't be a bother and the woman would already be in hand at that point in time. The images Shadow showed her let her get a general idea, and she might be able to do this by getting a job as a maid. Or possibly a fellow adventurer and a bath house. That would work. Or befriending them, and getting close to the man before taking care of him and going back for the woman.

"I figured if you wish to have me bring him here, then you can cut at your leasure. Personally, I'd like to see you work my friend." she said showing her the man and even the wizard. "When would you like me to 'move' us to Malkier, I have cleared my schedule and you can make your plans." Her eyes began to smolder with a deep blood red glow, and her hands began to become warm. "Any other questions or things you'd like to know?" she said with a slight smirk.

"No... One day was what you said... and there will be other times for such fun. I will tell Lash that master Soth has a mission for me and We can move off as soon as you'd like." Angie says with a smile running her hand over Shadow's hosts cheek. "Why this wizard in Malkier? The holy country?" Angie asked softly noticing the extra warmth, it was strange she'd never felt Shadow become so warm before. The added warmth at the small of her back made her wary of the pressence inside the small female body hosting it.

"No need to tell Lash, Lord Soth has already decreed ayone I deemed needed is to come with me. Our soon to be friend is a scholar who has information that our master desires and will be useful." She glanced into Angie's eyes and smiled, "Lash was less than happy, I believe he intends on having a little fun with you, so we can leave now and give you time to plan in Malkier, or you can meet with Lash." She knew from being inside the warrior's mind that she preffered women and that she only allowed Lash inside her body because he ordered it. Shadow was if nothing else going to give Angie time away from their commanding officer and this lice ridden country.

"Let me get my pack and we can go." Angie said softly with a smile down at shadow. Leaning down Angie smelled softly at the well taken care of body. Remembering the blood the piercing screams of the man. The soft woman near her and the gentle scent and hands that were touching her body. The chance was being offered to take her away from this and from Lash. She wanted to leave with all haste and now she wanted to get some rest and relax until she got the job done.

Shadow kept ahold of Angie and moved them from her little lair to where she and Lash stayed. Lash was in the room and glowered at the couple, "I hope your missin is quick and successful, I will have need of you soon, as I am planning another absorbtion of a merchant house into our little collective." Shadow released Angie and had a seat across from Lash, "The Master believes my mission is important, and besides you have several dependable men that can take Angie's place. You are just angry because she won't be here for you to take advantage of." she said this as she reached out and touched Lash's hand. He stiffened and looked very cross at Shadow who was laughing slightly, she had made him climax in just one touch.

Angie kept a straight face though she wanted to laugh. She grabbed her pack from the corner and hauled it onto her shoulder. "Master Soth has asked for me to aid Shadow in this mission. It would be unwise to refuse." Angie said looking down at Lash sitting in his cum soaked britches. Angie was unaware of his plans to use her again and she was glad Shadow was taking her away. To much of this and Angie would slit his throat herself. She was at her limits end for now with Lash and his vague orders and his using of her.

"Master Lash, I know you would hate for me to make your manhood quit working. Come along my partner in new endeavours we shall be in Malkier to plan our schemes." She touched Angie's arm and made them vanish from Lash's sight. Arriving into a cozy room in what Angie would assume to be Malkier, Shadow went and sat unlacing her boots and setting them beside her chair. "Have you traveled here before Angie? If not then I will create you a map in case you wish to explore."

"I have never crossed the mountains that seperated the two sides of the continent." Angie said setting down her pack and looking out the window and listening at the door. Once assured of their general safety she took off her armor and dressed in fresh pants and top, though she did add a skirt over her pants and a belt to hold it up. It was the traditional wear of her nation but in plain colors and fabrics to not give it away other then she might have heritage there. She was most comfertable this way or just in pants.

Shadow created the map and began to loosen her clothing, "I have some money, if you would not mind bringing back some food and wine." She then stood and took a looser fit of clothes out of her bag and donned them. "Is there anything you want of need for your planning?" she asked before sitting again. The noises outside were that of a high class neighborhood in the capital city. She had watched Angie change and noted that while she was serving Lash, she still looked very good.

"Just where this trio is. Their hangout that is and most of their habits. I am always ready to deal death when the need is there. While I check out the places I will get a meal and wine for us and bring it back once I am finished." Angie said, her mind on the mission though they hada few days apparently. She wanted to know as much as she could about her mission before she actually went forward with it. It was her job and as a mercenary she was rather good at doing such things on her own. She had for a very long time.

Shadow began to focus on a necklace that she pulled from her pouch, she then threw it and the money inside to Angie. "I will have you item prepared when you return and will help you with anything else I can." she said before settling back into a chair. Angie could feel the power rolling off of her, less than Calibans but impressive all the same. The people of Malkier milled about not taking any notice of her, even the guards passed by without a second glance. Venir was very different from this place, and even the streets were easy to understand, as she found the places on the map easily.

Angie put the neckless in a secure place on her person. Sitting at the inn she pondered, this kingdom was really very different from Venir or even her own home kingdom. This place was much cleaner for one... and people seemed more at peace then any other kingdom she'd ever been to. She knew this was the place they trio should be arriving at and she wondered just how she was going to get the woman alone to put the neckless on... and how to get rid of the man. There were more patrols then she thought there would be... and they often checked back ally's. This became a little harder, it meant she'd have to find a grate into the underground sewers she knew were here thanks to the map.

Hours later she found a grate that would allow her access, and surprisingly it lead from the inn to the local bath house with a large chamber in between. Once completed learning the area, she could get the food and head back to Shadow. A local tavern sold her a basket of food for a decent price and a bottle of wine. And back tracking her journey she got back to the inn where Shadow had gotten their room. Still, no one bothered giving her a second glance or stopping her progress.

Still not having thought of a way to get the neckless on the woman or how to seperate them long enough for her to do the grisly deed she took the food back to the hotel. she stopped before the door and kknocked to let shadow know she had returned, she would need a few days scoping out the couples habits but once that was done she would be ready to make her move for certain. Hopefully it was take no longer then two days or so of observing them to find an opening.

Shadow was laying on the bed eyes closed, most likely either viewing something at a distance or manipulating something. She was wearing a light robe and the fire was the only source of light in the room. "So, how faired your mission my companion?" she asked without opening her eyes. This was her first mission that she suggested to Soth and was surprised he agreed to it. She did relish the idea of brining Angie with her, Lash talked entirely too much and undoubtedly would have brought Angie so he could thrust into her at every chance.

"I got a feel for where it can take place. Now I wait for the oppertunity to fulfill this mission." Angie said simply placing the food and wine on the table before fetching the glasses. She had worked as a servant once before and knew generally what needed doing. She didn't light any other candles or anything. And tossed another log onto the fire. Setting out goblets and plates Angie kept quiet though she was a larger woman so she wasn't stealthy nor was she good at being too quiet.

Shadow sat up, "They have been delayed and will not arrive until tomorrow after the noon hour. I will use a disciple to pass along to the palidan that the bath house is very private and will give her privacy to shake the road dust free. I figure you can approach her there, and begin her slow descent." She stood and approached Angie with a smile, they would discuss many aspects of their plan as they dined. "Everything looks very good and delicious, even the company." she smiled letting the compliment settle on her friend.

"Thank you, you look well rested, is the body holding up well?" Angie asked curiously, she didn't know how it all worked exactly but it was terrifying and interesting at the same time. Meanwhile she would get a few idea's for how to proceed with the Paladin woman in the baths. It wouldn't be too hard of that she was certain frmo one adventurer to another. Angie took her seat and dished her plate and sat waiting, she then poured the wine for Shadow.

"This body will last for quite a long time, if need be I will drain another for life energy enough to keep this one going. I in truth would have killed for a body like this when I was flesh and blood. I find her curves an ever interesting way to distract myself, even in the bath." She smiled taking a long sip of wine before trying the food. She, before her transformation had been rather short and a little heavy; the change to this lithe and supple body was pure bliss.

"I couldn't image wanting to be something else. this body is what i need it to be. How's the wine? I didn't really know which one to choose so I guessed." angie said pouring some for herself, she then began eating using some manners though they were low class, as she was. It was strange talking to someone and nowing inside it is not who they really are. Having housed Shadow for a while Angie felt it really rather odd.

Smiling Shadow leaned back and untied the sash to let Angie see her fully. "I know you are thinking that I am a little cloud of inky blackness inside, but there is no Bidi anymore. At first she could cry out a little as I consumed her essence, now nothing." She loosely tied the sahs again and took a bite of food, she still required it to keep the body healthy and alive. And this was better than the slop they had in Venir, so she moaned in enjoyment of the tastes.

"I agree it tastes worlds better then what's in Venir." angie said ignoring the comment about having eaten what makes a person who they are in light of something she could actually understand and agree with and not be creeped out and thought of as food. Of a sort. Besides shadow was the one in charge of this mission and Angie was there to see it to completion before returning to her previous duties. this was a small repreive only, a type of side mission.

"Perhaps we should take a chef from Malkkier back with us. Improve the food we eat and even make her comely so Lash will spend his extra time railing her instead." Shadow knew her distain for Lash and knew several ways to stop him, but that would anger Soth and even she wouldn't do that. Once the meal was over Shadow stood and stretched before using her abilities to clean and put everything back in the basket. "The evening is ours, if you wish to do anything I will see you when you return to sleep." she said giving Angie freedom to do as she wished.

"Thank you. I will be back in a few hours then." Angie said taking the map with her, intent on getting her gear worked on and learning more of the city, she had a pretty good memory and she never knew when something like that might come in handy. When she was finished she returned knocking on the door before entering. She would wash her hands and face and strip for bed. Of course Shadow might have need of something so once inside Angie waited for Shadow for a moment.

On the small table was a perfect drawing of all three targets and a commoner dress, Shadow laid on the bed nude and smelled of fresh soap. "You've returned, I took the liberty of making that for you to see them and arranged for you to take the place of the maid at the bath house tomorrow. And even better I made that ring which will teleport her male companion to your cage in Venir for you to play with later, minus his equipment of course." Shadow raised her head and smiled at Angie before rolling to her side. "And our young palidan's order prides itself on being chaste and pure, so corrupting her will only require seducing her flesh."

"A task that will not prove hard." Angie answered walking over to study the drawing and the dress. While she didn't mind the roll and the orders she'd never persued a person not actively also willing to as Shadow put it currupt. Angie also wsn't sure how she felt about the male... some males it was a pleasure to torture some it seemed at times like a chore. She would always enjoy the blood however.

"I would suggest the female first, then use your tunnel to go to the inn. Her companion should not cause you too much trouble, then I will handle the wizard myself. Once all of that is done we will take a detour to see Lord Soth with the 'converts' and recieve his praise." Shadow then rolled back onto her back and smiled brightly at the prospect of hearing praise from Soth without Lash being involved. "Then, perhaps we can take a little time away from Venire to rest away from our commanding 'officer'.

"Sounds like a terrific plan Shadow." Angie said as she began taking off her boots and small pack and belt and such. She would wash up a bit then join Shadow in the bed, resting at all was very nice, ever since joining she had been busy not that she minded one bit. But Lash was even getting to Shadow Angie could tell. What Soth had in mind for that man Angie didn't know but anyone should be wary of him that much was certain.

"Perhaps we can take him a souvenir home that he can rail and leave you and Tesli alone for a time. Honestly, I have no idea how he gets any work done at all. But, he has been successful at taking over merchant houses and dealing with certain issues." In truth Lash had more than half of the city under his indirect control and was looking at doing more soon. Soth would overlook the fact he enjoyed burying his cock into Angie and Tesli as long as he kept bringing results.

"I've never put any faith in hoping for such things." Angie said with a shrug as she pulled off her clothes and used the water in the basin and a wrag to wash herself down. Once done she dried off quickly before walking to the bed blowing out candles on her way through the room, she had a knife under the mattress of the bed already and would have one beneath her pillow soon as well.

Shadow made the room comfortable enough to sleep above the covers and turned to watch Angie join her. "Perhaps I need to find more reasons to preform missions outside Venir and bring you along more often. Although that would leave sweet little Tesli to suffer Lash alone." Shadow checked up on Angie's little pet every so often, knowing the two enjoyed one another. She smiled looking at Angie, after removing and smoothing out her scars she was rather exotic looking.

"She does well on her own. She does not detest men like I do, she enjoys Lash's attention well enough, even if she likes the attentions I give her to be sweeter. Though more missions where I actually do something other then keep an eye on Lash would be nice." Angie says with a shrug of her shoulders before laying on top of the bed. Laying on her side and getting comfertable she reaches over and pulls Shadow's body close. "While we may not play... You still picked a wonderful body I have to tell you." Angie said softly the smaller body fit well against Angie's and she would sleep more comfertably holding the body in her arms. She would release Shadow if she didn't wish to sleep this way however.

Almost happily Shadow cuddled to her warmth laying her leg over Angies legs and pressed her lips against Angies neck. "I take it you wish to hold off on our playing until the mission is complete, I like that idea. Even if it would be easier right now for us to touch and tease and taste one another." The other woman had a body Shadow really enjoyed when she had been human, and couldn't help pulling lightly on one of Angie's nipples. Tomorrow night everything willing they would find enjoyment between one anothers legs and in their flesh, a reward that would be from bringing glory to Soth.

"Tomorrow if our plans succeed I will ravish this little body until your throat is hoarse." Angie promised softly running her larger rougher hands over the smooth sides and back of the woman. Angie liked the teasing touch and intamacy Shadow apparently enjoyed just as much giving and receiving. Angie hadn't had one single lover in quiet a long time, Tesli and Lash the closest things so far and even then, she was keeping Tesli as a pet and spy more then anything else. Shadow however ws compeltely mutual and knew what she had been through and her dark hobbies.

"I welcome you to do just that, but mark well I will wring every ounce of pleasure from you until I am drunk from it." Shadow trailed her fingers between the cheeks of Angie's bottom and marked well wear she felt the areas of power and tension for later use. "However Angie I will promise not to manipulate your mind, push you into a lustful state and reap the rewards. However I promise no such thing about tasting these." she said lowering her head and running her tongue over the other womans breast. At the rate they were going they would attack each other the moment that door closed tomorrow night.

Angie chuckled and gently messaged the base of Shadow's skull, angie enjoyed the hot little mouth on her breast very much but she had enough control she wouldn't let it get her off track of the mission. "It is well marked and I thank you for the honor of getting to have you with my mind intact." Angie rumbled softly holding Shadow close, it was obvious Shadow much preferred the female lovers to the male and Angie had no qualms over a being using another's body.

Shadow ran her long probing fingers all over Angie before using them to enter her. They reached further inside than Lash or even Tesli had ever touched and She knew how to use them well. Lashing her tongue over her new lover's breast she marvelled how they were so casual together. Excitement began to almost ooze into the room surrounding them, she was a perfect specimen. Perhaps she should sour Lash's desires for Angie's body so she could spend more time with the warrior.

"Calm yourself Shadow, we have work tomorrow and need our rest or at least I do." angie chuckled pulling Shadow's hands from her body and bringing her head up kissing her thoroughly. While Angie enjoyed being with women she had a mission to do and the mission trumped pleasure by far. So angie would calm Shadow and they would sleep so they could continue the mission and fulfill it for Lord Soth. After all That waas what Angie was here for, if she could not do her mission she was useless and she was far from useless.

Shadow pouted but excepted her reasons and kiss, instead snuggling close to Angie. "We will make formidable friends, in service to Soth and reap his rewards. Perhaps we will even be able to at some point be placed in command of Lash or him be removed from Venir all together." Shadow already thought about how they would go about their mission tomorrow and absently stroked Angie until she began to drift off. Truly she did not need sleep, but it was comfortable laying her head against Angie's breasts so she drew into her mind and played out all the variables tomorrow could bring.

Angie drifted into a comfertable sleep and slept deeply, though any noise too close and she would wake with a dagger in hand. Tomorrow she was to seduce a holy woman, that was something she was rather looking forward to, though she sent a small prayer in apology to the gods for what she was about to do she hoped they understood that someone with no family and no money had to do what they did in order to survive.

The next morning Shadow woke and used her powers to set everything out for Angie to wear and use. Then began to rouse her bedmate for the mission at hand, it would be amazing to do something so important without Lash getting credit. "Time to awaken Angie or I shall use other simpler methods for rousing you." she almost sang to her. While waiting for her to wake, shadow stretched her mind out to find the small caravan heading towards them, it would be too easy. And with her mind giving a slight push she soured the Palidan's mood so she would want to get a bath to wash away the road dust.

"That's just creepy to suggest first thing in the morning Shadow." Angie said stretching on the bed, she didn't mind however and was only teasing. She kissed and nipped Shadow's back genty before sitting up in the bed. "Looks like you laid everything out already... Eager?" Angie asked again standing and going to the water basin pouring water in from the jug and washing her face. After taking care of that she quickly dressed and got ready for the day and the mission to begin.

"If we are successful then all the praise will come our way from Lord Soth and it will sour Lash. Would you not like to find a way to perhaps not have to serve his every whim?" Shadow helped with her laces and fluffed her breasts to the top of the revealing dress, smiling all the while. If things happened as they should it would be a very good day indeed. "I think you will be hard to resist and she'll let you close enough to place this on her." she said handing Angie the amulet.

"I certainly hope so anyways." Angie says putting the amulet in her bodice between the valley her breasts made. Everything Shadow said was something Angie would like to see happen, but also Lash was a good soldier for evil... just horrible man no one could really trust was all. Angie knew she'd have no problems getting this Paladin naked and wet for pleasure from her, after all she was a pro when it came to this area.

A little while later she was in the bath house when the palidan came in complaining about the road and travel. She stopped short and looked at Angie with a little interest, "My name is Forra someone at the gate said this was the best place to wash the dust from the road off." She was wearing armor and Angie could see the sword at her waist. In a fight this woman would be a major opponent, one could only wonder as an ally how formidable she could be. Shadow had before she left the room cloaked her alignment so the palidan's powers could not detect her.

"Welcome Forra, Please come in. Shall I help you to remove your armor?" Angie asked gently, she was doing her best to not seem intimidating, thanks to Shadow This Forra couldn't tell Angie was evil, and it was up to Angie to get Forra off her gaurd and let Angie play with her to weaken her will power. Angie wanted to see the muscles... the body and even the scars this warrior woman should have. It was making her want to speed things up but she was an old hand at this game and knew to take it slowly.

Forra smiled and inclined her head, "I would appreciate your assistance, have you had much experience removing armor? I normally refuse an offer but in truth I am tired, the road has been long and the company grated on my nerves." Removing her cloak she turned and loosened several buckles and allowed Angie to help pull the plates off. "If I could trouble you to remove my greaves from the bottom while I handle the top." Forra was a bit impatinet, she wanted to get into the water and relax.

"We have our share of warriors and travelers on their journeys and quests. Though I've never seen a beautiful warrior like you on the road I have to admit." Angie said softly as she knelt and unbuckled the grieves and pulled them off, making sure to softly brush the paladins skin as often as possible. "If you'd like there are oils I can add to the water to help you relax... I could wash your back for you if you'd like as well?" Angie said trying to be helpful and thoughtful and sincere, that was the way she would earn the quick trust of this woman, and through all that and the touches and softness and pleasure and relaxation Angie would be able to thoroughly currupt and take pleasure in Forra.

Venir pt. 3

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