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2006-09-13 21:45:40
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The Second page to my RP. ^_^ I'm loved!!!
To WF RP to read back
To WF RP 3 for the next chapter
To WF RP Members To see who's joined. ^_^

Aurelia smiled. "Yes, he is Angel. I am Aurelia. are?" Aurelia frowned. "I do believe.....he was....changed...." Aurelia's voice broke off as she thought hard. When she was a girl, he mother was what the humans called a 'scientist'. She had a lab...sometimes, Aurelia would accompany her mother when they had a big breakthrough. Was it....?

"Oh, I'm  Rachel."

"Well, good Morn' to you Rachel!" Aurelia turned then to Angel. "Shall we be moving on?"

"Yeah. If you two want to join us, you're more than wecome to." Said Angel, speaking to Rachel and Annesa.

"OK I think I'll come  with youfor a  while, and so will  Mikki, my monkey." Rachel took her monkey from Aurelia and started crooningto him and stroking his head.

"OK. What about you Annesa, are you coming? Just one rule, don't eat the monkey. If you want any food, either we can hunt together, or I'll catch something for you if you don't like salted meat and things." Said Angel.

Aurelia smiled. "Well, lets be moving on then!" She turned and started to walk towards the gate. She halted. "SHHH" She strained to hear it again. She swung towards Rachel, "Is there any others in this village?" She looked into the girl's eyes, to see if she was lying. "Any one?!"

Rachel's eyes went wide, "Um, no-one that I know of." Could they possibly have found her here? Would they.....No she wouldn't think about that now, she had other things to worry about. Like that thing creeping around.

"You're positive?!?" Aurelia paniced. The girl was not lying. "No one?!?" She let go of Rachel and started running around the little village. Her bow in her hands. " I know there is some one ......." She mumbled to herself as she knocked her bow.

Angel pulled his sword out and flew up to try and look for the thing. "Aurelia, to your left!" Shouted Angel.

~I'm coming. Even if I can't eat Mikki.~ Anessa told them pointlessly, and launched herself toward Aurelia's left. She had no idea what they were fighting, but she was pretty sure corpses would be boring. Therefore, it was in her best interest to protect them from... whatever they needed protected from.

"Oh no, it's another one of those shadow things." Said Angel. "It's in the second turning on the right!" He called to Aurelia and swooped down to help.

Aurelia dropped her bow and completely zoned out. "Fi're- yondos au- rouco!" Which meant, 'Die sons of the demon!' in elvish. She flipped up into the air, and, screaming, "FI'RE-!", she dived down to the nearest shadow, flame shooting from her palms, her eyes were completely white. The shadow screamed and earsplitting scream and disolved into green mist. Aurelia floated to the ground, eyes closed. There were still two other shadows. Aurelia crumpled to the ground, completely spent.

That took care of that one. Anessa thought practically, and changed course towards the one that was headed for Rachel. Ironically, her dive surprised it enough to turn it away just before it ate Mikki.

Angel flew down, less potent magic in his hand, but he transferred it into his sword. The sword wasn't powerful enough to destroy a shadow creature before, but when he slashed at one of them, a white light erupted inside the creature, making it disappear like...well, a shadow in light.

Rachel was terrefied the shadow-thing Anessa had scared was coming backfor her. She suddely broke free of her fear and floated above her body. She saw herself and knew what to do. With a jolt she came back to Earth and spun, catching the shadow with daggers that blazed white. The thing shattered to the winds and Rachel grabbed her arm with a gasp of pain and collapsed.

~That's three and two. Anessa commented, settling to the ground next to Aurelia. Mikki could take care of Rachel. ~That was fun. Now what?~ Staying with these people would definitely be interesting.

Aurelia was unconcious.

Rachel dreamed of her mother.  She saw her mother in a garden tending flowers talking to  a man with horns. She looked completely happy and so real.  Sudenly a creature floating  above the path interrupted with an evil smile "Hello Rachel we've been looking  for  you."

Rachel  screamed  and  sat up.

Aurelia was unconcious

Angel placed his hands on Aurelia's chest, a faint glow coming from them. It was all so new to him, this magic stuff so he hoped he would be able to heal Aurelia.

Aurelia's eyes fluttered open. "Angel, how very kind of you!"

~What'd he do?~ Anessa asked. ~You were about to come round anyway. I think. The difference between a mouse and a human's skull may make a difference.~

Angel laughed at that. "To tell you the truth, I don't know what I did. Magic, I think."

Anessa peered at him curiously. ~Magic? How? What kind of magic?~

"That  was magic!?," Rachel  said, her eyes wide" but that happened  to my knives and I don't have magic,I can't have magic.. I don't have magic." It can't be magic otherwise I could have saved her. Tears welled up in  Rachels eyes, and she brushed the tears back roughly.No, you couldn't have done anythingabout that

"Anyone can have magic. I didn't have it until a couple of days ago" Said Angel. "What's the matter?" He asked, seeing Rachel cry.

"Nothing" Rachel replied in a hard voice. You wouldn't understand anyway

~So you can learn it? Will you teach me?~ Anessa asked. ~People keep telling me I should have some. And be able to breathe fire.~

Rachel laughed. "Why your  just a lizard and lizards don't breathe fire,"she teased  Anessa.

Anessa stiffened. ~I am not a lizard. I am a mini-dragon.~ She corrected icily.

"Mmmmhmmm I can see that," Rachel was having trouble not laughing at the way Anessa looked "I can also see you  don't joke!" It was too much for Rachel, she erupted in  laughter. Rolling on  the ground she lookedup to see Anessa's face.

Anessa was not laughing. She was getting stiffer and stiffer. When Rachel looked up, she was sitting with her back deliberately turned away from her. ~I did not come to this world to be laughed at. I am a mini-dragon, and if you are too close-minded to accept my existence having never seen one of my kind before, that is your problem. I wish you luck with your magic, for you will obviously need it.

That was just too much Rachel couldn't breathe she was laughing so hard.

Anessa, offended, flew off into the trees and out of sight.

Aurelia was horrer-stricken at what this little girl did to the poor creature. She called for Anessa. "Anessa! Please come back! We need you! Of course you can learn magic!" She was running out of ideas. "I- I'll teach you! See if I don't!" She whirled to Rachel. "As a matter of fact, young lady, Anessa is a very powerful dragon!" She said just loud enough. "You have hurt her honor and her pride. Now, little missy, why don't you apologize right now!" She felt like her own mother. She shook off that idea. She could never be anything like her mother. Ever. Never.

Rachel stopped laughing and sat stunned."You sound like my mother. Your supposed to be fun, besides it was just a joke! Goddess!" Rachel stormed off into a house and because she was so mad an impenetrable sheen showed on the walls.

Aurelia sat down. Great. Juuuuuuuust great. Now instead of 4 travelers, they were down to two. She saw the great shadow pass among the trees again. "Rachel! Anessa!! COME QUICKLY! THERE IS A GREAT EVIL LURKING HERE!!!!"

Rachel dashed out of the house" GET UNER A ROOF!!! They can't come into a house uninvited!" She grabbed Aurelia and threw her into the house she just came out of. -Anessa! Come here! We're in trouble, and we all need to get in the house!- "Angel!" Rachel turned around and saw Angel had vanished.

Anessa had not wandered off. She had been watching all of them from the tree branches, and when they mentioned great evil, she had, after a bit of consideration, flown in through the chimney of the house and was hiding just out of sight, pondering the pros and cons of sticking around further.

Aurelia was searching madly for some kind of weapon. Her bow was still outside where she had dropped it earlier. "It is not safe here! The evil may not be able to come into a house uninvited, but they can destroy a house easily." She looked out of the window and saw the shadow of something that was big and high up. She craned her neck up in order to see it, but saw nothing.

~That's a handy loophole.~ Anessa agreed. ~I wonder how they'll interpret 'house'. Will foundations work? And 'invitation'. If they were ordered after us, it would be possible for them to interpret our entrance as an invitation.~

"There is no misinterpretaion. THis is magic!" Aurelia said.

~But it's the interpretation that makes it work.~ Anessa said, surprised they didn't realize this. ~They know the boundaries of the magic, so they can reinterpret them. Our safety depends on how clever they are. Let us hope they are stupid.~

A crash rang out and the walls of the house shuddered, sending Anessa flipping to the floor. She sighed. ~Not very, stupid I guess.~

Angel was still outside and saw who was bashing at the house. He groaned, the man was Darken Rahl. Angel dived down with his sword high above his head. He crashed the sword down in a blow that would have split Rahl's head if he didn't disappear again. That caught Angel off-balance and he planted his sword through the door by accident. he pulled it out and said, "Let me in will you! That Darken Rahl was here again but he's gone now."

Aurelia trembled. "No!" She yelled at the door. She whispered to Anessa and Rachel, "Don't let him in! He could be Darken Rahl for all we know!! Darken Rahl can change his appearance."

"That's not Darken Rahl! I  know  Darken Rahl and that's not him!" Rachel sprinted to Angel's aid she drew her bow and shot Darken Rahl, but missed. Rachel had her daggers in her hands and ran at Darken Rahl. Her knives flared with a bloody light, and she jumped at him but she got stuck in air that had suddenly become solid.

~That was interesting.~ Anessa commented unhelpfully as Rachel hit the wall. She bounded across the floor and stood peeking out the door, her tail twitching as she wondered whether to get involved in the fight, and if so, what to do.

Aurelia said sarcasticaly, "Oh yes, you really do know him, don't you?" She saw that Rachel was hurt and rushed to the scene without a second thought.

~I wonder how well she knows him?~ Anessa asked, then sighed. ~Behind you, Aurelia. About six shadow-things from the forest. Smaller than the other ones. I'll watch Rachel.~

"We are outnumbered! Darken Rahl is here! We will not win this day." She stood up, staring at Darken Rahl's evil grin. She was terrified. This was the man who had killed an entire species. Hers. This was the man who cruely raped and tortured a mother. Hers. This was the man that hunted and tortured a father and little brother. Hers. The hatred she had for this man was unimaginable. She had been hunting him, hoping beyond hope that she would have enough courage when came the time. This was the time. She didn't have the courage to even lift a finger. She had only enough thought to scream one word before she bolted." RUN!!! " She ran as fast as she could, grabbing her bow and arrows on the way. Once she could run no longer, she was back into the forest. She climbed the tallest tree up to the very top and sat on a sturdy limb. She cried. She cried and cried for the losses she had lost. SHe cried that she had failed them all. Her mother, her father, her brother, her new found friends....

Angel had already killed three of the shadow creatures and was on the fourth when he heard Aurelia shout. He waited for Rachel and Annesa to escape to safety until killing the other tree in one sweep of his sword and attacking Darken Rahl again. What confused him was that Rachel said that she knew Darken Rahl. He would have to speak to her after this.

Aurelia waited for some newfound determination like the heroes in the myths. It didn't come. She just couldn't bring herself to go back there. She jumped to another tree. It was dark, she was she fell asleep. She bolted upright when she saw Darken Rahl's peircing glare staring

Rachel was staring  intently at Aurelia when she woke up. "Good morning  sunshine!" Rachel greeted the disoriented elf. "Would you mind getting yourself together so we  can getb as far from  here as  possible?" Rachel  laughed to herself at the expression on Aurelia's face. "Me'n Anessa saw you  run  up  this tree yesterday,  we can berate you  later  ,  but right now   I  want  to get as close to Dra'na  as  quickly  as humanly,  and droganly.....  you know I really can't use that expression  'cause  only two  of us are human and one of those two is a  offense."

"Cheers for that." Said Angel, but grinning to show he didn't mind. "So anyway, how do you know Darken Rahl, then Rachel?"

"We need to get going. Time for chit chat later." She jumped down from the tree with extreme agility. "Well? Come on!" She was not in a good mood.

Anessa, to be evil, had been creeping silently up behind Aurelia. She suddenly stuck her head right in front of Aurelia's face, filling the elf's vision with green scales, and her nose with carnivore breath. ~Wakey wakey!~

"I heard you behind me, Anessa. Honestly, you're as clumsy as a human!" She started to jog, looking back only once. "I will not meet him again! Come, if you are willing to live!"

~I'm less noisy in the air.~ Anessa assured her, rubbing her nose where Aurelia had unwittingly hit it sitting up. ~Haven't had practice on the ground.~ She bounced into the air and flitted forward to land on Aurelia's head, which was uncomfortable, but interesting.

Rachel ran up  and passed Aurelia and Anessa,"Come on you slowpokes" she laughingly called.Rachel kept running to the stop of a hill and stood looking down in horror.

Aurelia jogged just ever so slightly faster in order to catch up with Rachel. She got to the top of the hill. "Into the bushes!" She grabbed Rachel, who was frozen in horrer, into the bushes.

~What, what?~ Asked Anessa, who, having given up riding Aurelia shortly before she got to the hill, had no idea what was below. She began making her way up to look.

Aurelia rushed a little farthe down the hill to get a closer look. "Stay here!" She hissed to Rachel. Yes. Those....things were what she had feared they were. The living Dead.

~Hey, look! People!~ Anessa commented happily. ~Let's go tease them. Let's go eat supper on their laundry!~ She grinned, caught in a wickedly happy memory that ended with the not-so-happy thwop of a broom hitting her.

Aurelia was back behind the bush when she heard what Anessa intended to do. She grabbed her tail and wondered where Angel had gone to. "Fly out of here! They can catch our scent!" She grabbed Rachel by the waist and hauled her over her shoulder, running as fast as she could. Which was, about, 80 miles an hour.

~Ow-ow-ow!~ Anessa protested this use of her tail. ~Why are we leaving? Things were just getting interesting! Don't you like people?~

Aurelia was not out of breath yet, and she was gratfull. She called over her shoulder to Anessa, "They used to be people, but now they are the Living dead!" She then apologized to the stunned to silence Rachel.

"Those weren't ever  people."Rachel   said  in  a choked  voice."They're  monsters!Let  me go! I can run  for myself!"Rachel  started thrashing  in Aurelia's  arms."What , do you  thing  I'm   too  weak to  do  anything?  since I'm  a  human?"

~Better to be carried than to be dragged along by your tail.~ Anessa complained. ~What's wrong with the divving lead?~

"Everything!,"Rachel  said  savagely"it  makes me  seem  weak  and  like I  can't  take  care  of myself!   Now  let   me go!!"

Aurelia set Rachel down with a thump. She yanked Rachel's hair so that she was looking Aurelia straight in the face. "Now you listen to me, young one. You are a young human. I am a grown elf. Obviously, you cannot run as fast as I can. Understand this, say anything like that, with so little respect, and you will have the consequenses. I am not in the mood this day!"

"Yeah?!  Well  that makes two  of   us!!" Rachel  whirled  around and sprinted int o  the forest as fast as she  couyld, around  95  mph.  She ran blindly tears stinging in her eyes,thinking her private thought s  and  being  defiant how  she could  run faster than Aurelia.

~Uch. Cranky ladies at high speeds. Not good.~ Anessa commented. She considered going after Rachel, then reconsidered. Rachel had called her a lizard.

Angel saw Rachel running at an incredible speed and stopped in front of her. He wondered where everyone else was. He turns his back for one minute and they're all gone. Sheesh.

Anessa looked up at the right time and saw Angel sailing over. Marvellous what coincidence can do for one. As a result, she took to the air to find out more about the hawk-human. Unfortunately for her, Angel was chasing Rachel, who was running at 95 mph (gack!), and she just wasn't made to go that fast, so she found herself settling into a maintainable speed and watching Angel get farther and farther away, until he dropped.

~Hawk-human okay?~ Anessa queried. ~Not shot or such nasty?~

Rachel  kept running until she found a  clearing  where she sat down  and pulled out a very  special cloak. The wearer  of the cloak could  not be seen by any humanoid  form, meaning  humans, elves, ogres, Mud-people, ect.

Angel was getting increasingly out of breath, when he saw Rachel stop, get something out of her bag, and vanish into thin air. "Rachel, are you still there?" He called.

~Hawk-human not hurt?~ Anessa reiterated, scanning the ground below her worriedly.

Rachel sneaked up behind Angel when she saw Anessa flying over-head.-Oh, great now I'm busted, Anessa can see me!-.  Rachel waved at Anessa and made motions for her to stay quiet.

Aurelia tried to keep up with the fast-running youth. Good god! She can run fast! She thought. She saw Angel and Anessa fly overhead. NO! They would be seen by the undead!! Stupid, stupid, stupid flying creatures!!! She cursed. She saw both of them drop and started to run in that direction. Or at least, she thought it was the direction. Soon, she was surrounded by trees. This is aweful! Elves aren't supposed to be lost in a forest!! Aurelia cursed herself.

Anessa zeroed in on Rachel, and saw her waving. ~Hi, Rachel!~ She called. ~Whatcha doing? Say, why's Angel looking so bewildered? And what's with the new cape? It's ugly.~

-He  can't see me!  Please don't tell him I  want to surprise him!- Rachel sneaked up behind Angel and jumped on  his back while she materialized.

Wandering around the forest, Aurelia heard voices. She ran toward them, but stopped when she heard that it was two men, and what they were talking about. "Okay, I think that if we go this way, we will be able to find her." Said the first.

"Nono, my friend. She is most definetly at the village still!" Said the other.

"But, you are blind and deaf! Father Rahl said that the little bitc* had found some older people to help her. They must have left!" Said the first again. Then a woman's voice intervened.

"Will both of you just shut up?? Now, that little girl can't run faster than my messangers. It couldn't hurt to send two of them to the village while the rest of us go onward, now could it?"

"No mistress." They chorused.

Rachel! That must be who they are talking about! Oh no!! She is going to be the end of us! She thought fast. Either we get rid of her, or we stick it out and try to kill them. The second will surely get us killed. What to do, what to do?!?

Anessa watched Rachel ambush Angel and wondered what to do now. Obviously the hawk-human was all right, and she'd found where those two were. So she'd go back and tell Aureli - except Aurelia would have moved. That was it, then.

~Going scouting, see ya, bye!~ Anessa called, and curved off over another part of the forest. She sighed happily as she flew. Life hadn't been this interesting in forever.

Angel got caught off guard and got shoved to the ground, his arms being trapped underneath him. He tried to kick the assailant off, not knowing who it was.

"Stop  moving!!" Rachel said in a feirce whisper"you'll get us killed!" Rachel drew  her cape  over them both and concentrated. They became invisable. The  woman came into the clearing and Rachel  clamped her hand over Angel's mouth"Ssshhh,"she said holding as still as possible. The woman looked around and squinted at certain places, including  the place where Angel  and Rachel were. Finally she walked around the clearing and left.

Shae walked around the clearing where her searchers had said they had seen a little girl fitting the description. No one was there. She whirled around and headed back to camp. "They are going to get it!" She mumbled to herself.

Anessa looked down at the green of the trees below as she flew. She doubled back a bit, just feeling the wind in her wings. Flying was fun, when you had a chance to enjoy it, though she'd have to go hunting soon... she'd been planning on eating Mikki earlier.

Hmm, what was that down there? Anessa swooped lower to look. She nearly squealed with delight. Another human! Wait, no, the first ones said some were bad... Anessa took a longer look. Not a divving lead, not a shadow-thing, not a Darken Rahl-thing... must be fun! She slid through the branches and, slowing without a noise, slipped up behind Shae. (Probably) before the woman heard anything, Anessa settled onto her shoulder.

~Hello!~ She greeted.

Shae halted. "Men? Will you kindly get this thing off of me?" Men suddenly appeared from the tree branches. All with knocked bows. Shae turned to the creature. "Hello, and goodbye."

~What are the stick thingies?~ Anessa asked curiously. ~They look lots like the things the humans had at my forest, except these are different. The flights particularly, these are - hey! Are you trying to kill me?~

Shae had the hints of a smile cross her lips. "Why, yes." The archers pulled their strings(for lack of a better word) back. Shae held her hand up, still facing the ugly thing. "Hold your fire!" This is going to be amusing. She thought.

~Why?~ Anessa asked. ~It doesn't make sense. I didn't do anything to you - not even steal your catch - and you're a human, not a divving lead or a Darken Rahl or a writhing black shadow. Unless...~ Anessa's face darkened. ~You're not a friend of Mikki's, are you?~

Shae was furious. "How dare you use Father Rahl's name in a sentence that way! How dare you use Father Rahl's first name! How dare you talk evily about Father Rahl when you havn't seen him!" Shae was furious. Or his scares... she thought. She lifted her hand towards the archers. "FIRE!"

~Wait a minute! If you do that they'll hit you too - ~ Too late. The arrows were flying. Anessa squeezed her eyes shut and thought dark thoughts about humans. Surprisingly, she was calm, not at all worried about the future. Just feeling a little, well, bored at sitting on someone's shoulder with her eyes squeezed shut.

Anessa peeked. The arrows were frozen in midair a few inches away from both her and Shae. ~I thought you told them to kill me.~ She told Shae.

Angel motioned without moving the cloak to get behind Shae. He drew his sword silently out of its sheath, ready to strike.

This section of the roleplay is over. Please continue to WF RP 3

Username (or number or email):


2006-09-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: oh I'm sorry...*ish really sad* *sniff sniff*

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: All good! Got to play soccer at the park with bunches of bunches of kids... me and like sixteen others against my brother and two others... they slaughtered us :)

2006-09-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: O.O am I the woman?

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: I doubt it... Sicily would have said Aurelia, or something about recognition, if it were her, and as you don't have another character (that I know of), it must be an NPC. An evil NPC. Why are all the NPCs evil? We need good NPCs! Hmm... good NPC... (ellipses...)

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: i  don't know  do you  want  to  be?  you'll then have  two  characters to keep track of

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: hello?!?!? am i talking to myself?

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: I don't think you're talking to yourself. Are you?

Hey, if you're talking to yourself, that makes me a multiple personality!

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: nuh uh!! it makes  me  a talking-to -self  person *so  there  look*

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: No, because I said something, and if you were talking to yourself, that either makes me you, or one of your multiple personalities. Since I don't think I am you (am I?), I must be a multiple personality.

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: Also, mangoes.

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: i LOVE mangoes!!!! they ROCK!!!!* makes lottery sign  w/fingers

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: potatoe frog!

2006-09-12 [Elodicressida]: Mango lasse! (spell check?)

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: *covers  mouth  with  hand* oops! it got away from  me!

2006-09-12 [angrmangment13]: yep!!  :3

2006-09-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: the woman: Shae :P I like being two characters!! YAY

2006-09-13 [Elodicressida]: Yay! More characters! I can't wait to see how Shae deals with the men... but let's give her some success, shall we? *edits page*

2006-09-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: hang on.....aurelia will save you!

2006-09-13 [Elodicressida]: Wait a bit, please... let 'em launch their arrows. I wanna develop Anessa a bit.

2006-09-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: oh! didn't see this comment....hang on...*edits again*

2006-09-13 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: I have started a new page for the RP, WF RP 3 Please go there and start posting!

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