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Aaron Amelia CareenBirthday: Nov 23 1992 Age: 17 Personality: Description: crystal blue eyes with long, straight light brown hair with a slender body of 5'7" and decent sized bust Fashion Style: Aaron style consist of sporty, girly, and comfortable outer wear. She will rarely be seen wearing any type of shoe other than sneakers; however, she always found to be wearing silver jewelry. Her hair is either down or in a messy bun. Tank tops and jeans are her fashion dos and short skirt and pollos her fashion don'ts Fave Band/Music: Three Days Grace Interests: - Photography Club - Soccer Team (up for Captain) - Swimming Team - Anime Club - Creating Writing, Reading - Fav food: apple Current Crush: Nathan Summers Family: - Dad died: Criminal investigator and was shot while on the job - Brother William died at the age of 27: car crash + drunk - Mom dating John who is a stockbroker. - Siblings: Erik (Bi) and Gabriel Residence: - Raised in London, England - Born in Maine - Now lives in New Haven, Indiana Other: - Wicca + Magical - Pay back- got her drunk and got all of her secrets, while using it as black mail. Every other summer came to Indiana - Starting from age 4 Tree branches tied-Hide & seek with boys- tied so they could not find us. - Age 6 Refuse to be in art because of Emo people. | Eva Alexis DemeterBirthday: June 6, 1993 Age: 16 Personality: Description: 5'6" with onyx black eyes and dark brown hair Fashion Style: likes jewelry (mostly necklaces), tends to wear short skirts with tights and boots, anything girly and flirty is her basis, also prefers "unique" items and tends to make her own accessories Fave Band/Music: Owl City Interests: - Photography Club - Key Club - Volleyball Team - Anime Club - Class President - Drawing, Designing - Favorite food: Twinkies Current Crush: Gabriel Careen Family: - Dad: Dead beat who beat Eva -He left him when Eva was 4 - Mom: died with stepdad (Eva, 11) - Siblings: None, Only child Residence: - born in Delphi, Greece - Now lives in New Haven, Indiana - Now lives with Grandmother of her mom (aka Gran) Other: - Pay back for hold purse and rack from store, not bought, but told James it was yours. - Fashion Designer Tree branches tied-Hide & seek with boys- tied so they could not find us. - Age 6 Refuse to be in art because of Emo people Eva’s telling of her life from Ch.10: “I’ll just start at the very beginning. I was born in Delphi, Greece, but moved to New Haven, Indiana a year or so after I was born. My dad was in the military and was stationed over there, but my mom’s hometown was in New Haven. After my dad was out of the military things were really bad between my mother and father. They used to fight a lot. My mom would go out, somewhere, while my dad would get drunk. He used to beat me when I was little while my mom was out, somewhere. He didn’t have a job so he would stay home from me while my mom was at work. He would beat me then, too. He then left my mom and I for some pretty beach body bikini girl when I was four. Thankfully, I don’t physically remember any of this. I just know what my mom’s told me. My mom then married my stepfather when I was about 7. I do remember that. Then one winter night when I was about 11, I was spending the night with Aaron. My grandma picked me up that night and took me to her place. I was so confused because mom and dad knew I was there. They had dropped me off. Then she told me they were in a car crash on the way to the movies. They slid on a patch of ice and the car went into an icy river where they drowned. All my things were then transferred to my Grandmother’s house and I was put in her custody. I’m still living with her, but I’m scared because she’s gotten so old that she can barely walk now. As soon as I graduate, I’m going to make sure she’s taken care of.” “I have my Gran and I love her dearly. She’s the best. It feels like so long ago anyways.” I couldn’t tell her all of the truth. I wouldn’t tell someone I barely know that I think about them every day. I miss them so very much. |
Erik CareenBirthday: February 1, 1991 Age: 18 Personality: Description: 5'11" Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: BF James Family: - Dad died: Criminal investigator and was shot while on the job - Brother William died at the age of 27: car crash + drunk - Mom dating John who is a stockbroker. - Siblings: Aaron (sister) and Gabriel Residence: - Lives in New Haven, Indiana Other: - He's bi. | Gabriel CareenBirthday: May 26, 1990 Age: 19 Personality: Description: black hair, green eyes, well-toned body, 6'1" Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Eva Demeter Family: - Dad died: Criminal investigator and was shot while on the job - Brother William died at the age of 27: car crash + drunk - Mom dating John who is a stockbroker. - Siblings: Erik (Bi) and Aaron (sister) Residence: - Lives in New Haven, Indiana Other: - Best friend is Nathan |
Nathan SummersBirthday: May 13, 1992 Age: 18 Personality: Description: black hair, light mischievous blues eyes, 6’0" body: slim and muscular, six pack abs Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Unknown Family: Residence: - Lives in New Haven, Indiana Other: - Best friend is Gabriel | James DanielsBirthday: January 21, 1992 Age: 18 Personality: Description: 5'9" Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: BF Erik Family: Residence: - Lives in New Haven, Indiana Other: - He's gay. |
ChrissyBirthday: Sept. 8th 1993 Age: 16 Personality: Perky and fun loving Description: Blonde hair with green eyes. She's relatively short 5'4". Fave Band/Music: Counting crows and flogging Molly Interests: Fishing, movies and boys. Current Crush: Unknown Family: - Living with mother -only child -parents divorced. Residence: - Born and raised in Ireland - Still living in the same place as ever Other: | Conner McCoyBirthday: Age: Personality: Description: Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Family: Residence: - Ireland Other: |
KathleenBirthday: Age: Personality: Description: Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Family: Residence: - Ireland Other: | Patrick McGreggorBirthday: Age: Personality: polite Description: green eyes, spiky red hair, Irish, 5'10" Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Family: Residence: - Ireland Other: - Taxi Driver |
LilyBirthday: Age: Personality: Description: Fave Band/Music: Interests: Current Crush: Family: Residence: - Ireland Other: |
2010-07-14 [Eyden13]: By the way both Erik, Nate and Gab are older than us so their b-day has to be before 1992
2010-07-15 [*Phoenix*]: Ohhh. I thought they were still in high school with us....or are they all 18?
2010-07-15 [Eyden13]: 18, this is their last year, seniour.
2010-07-16 [*Phoenix*]: Oh. Got it...
2010-09-03 [Flisky]: I was reading this and realized that Eric and Gabe's birthdays don't work. And even comparing Eric's and Aaron's birthdays don't work...It bugs me. :P
2010-09-03 [Eyden13]: what do you mean?
2010-09-03 [Flisky]: Well, now Erik's and Aaron's birthdays work, but Erik's and Gabe's still don't work. (They're born a little more than a month apart?)
2010-09-03 [Eyden13]: gottcha
2010-09-03 [Flisky]: Heehee. Okay. That works. (She was one busy momma!)
2010-09-03 [Eyden13]: Hey thanks for the help. I don;t now about pheonix, but I never would have realized the dates didn;t work. Hope you'll read the story!
2010-09-04 [*Phoenix*]: I was just coming up with random dates...I didn't even think about that....
2010-09-04 [Eyden13]: hehehe. Well someone did and now it's all good. ^-^
2010-09-04 [Flisky]: Sorry, I'm a nitpicking detail nazi. (You can shoot me later. ^_^ )
2010-09-04 [Eyden13]: It's a good thing you are. It helps our, at least my, writing.
2010-09-04 [Flisky]: I have a thousand person cast of characters for my novels, and it's tough to keep track of them all. :P
2010-09-04 [Eyden13]: Yup. I can totally believe you. Wiki's like this are the only way I survive.
2010-09-04 [Flisky]: I have an overly detailed character database. Which my friends find hilarious because it is in alphabetical order by last name. ^_^
2010-09-04 [Eyden13]: That is actually on the list of things I need to do on Elftown, organixe my characters by name. ^-^
2010-09-04 [Flisky]: It was a two day project for me. :P
So I'm gonna have to wish you the best of luck with that one. ^_^
2010-09-04 [Eyden13]: 0.0 thanks
2010-09-16 [Eyden13]: shot can you send be the link to our convos please
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