# of watchers: 12
Fans: 0
| D20: 17 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
What's my Elftown history?: | I initially joined Elftown because it was a branch off of Elfwood, where I used to post my art. I have been very active ever since I joined in 2003. Almost immediately, I fell in love with Elftown's community. It's a social hub of creative geeks like me! Not only that, but anyone has the freedom of making their own wikis! Elftown also introduced me into the wonderful world of text role playing. Not only am I an avid rper today, but I've also made countless rps myself. Many of which were very successful. The most recent being Run as One. I'm a head mod at X-men United, the longest running roleplay that I've ever witnessed on Elftown(approx 6 years). I keep my main rp characters on a wiki according to setting/rp type: Chel's minions Elftown has also inspired me as a growing artist. Since I joined, I've participated in official Elftown art contests and other non-official contests. I have also hosted several of my own. Through Elftown, I've met artists like myself and have done art trades with several of them. I tend to illustrate every rp character that I create, as well as other player's characters. Without my roleplays, my grasp on Photoshop and drawing might not be as well rounded as it is now. I owe a lot to Elftown. I even post recent works at my art wiki: Chel-chan's Art NEW: I got 2nd place and tied for crew fave in the Halloween contest '09!! (Halloween Art 09, Page 1) |
How can I benefit being on the crew?: | I'm well aware of the Uploading Art Rules and have reported several users to the guards as well as the occasional harassing member or two. I'm a very frequent member on Elftown. I log on twice daily unless I find myself unable to get to a computer(which is rare). When I cannot log on within 24 hours...I go through serious ET withdrawals. Thus- you can count on me to always be reliable and prompt! Ask anyone on my friends list- I spend more time logged on then not and that includes sleep, work and school. Since I've been a member for 6 years, I've seen how this website has morphed. I hope to assist in every way I can in future transformation |
What are my goals for Elftown?: | I am really interested in the Elftown Art Competitions. If given the opportunity, I would love to ensure that all of the rules were followed and assist in the competition ideas and construction. I'm aware of proper HTML formatting and have created countless art competitions in the past. I've also been active in submitting my own work for the official Elftown contests. I would also love to have the opportunity to compose paragraphs for the selected, Featured Art as an Image Boss. I realize this is a title I would have to work for, but I'm ready for whatever is thrown to me. I have been trained in high school and especially art college to have an eye for things and to professionally critique art...the good and the not so good. |
Why the arts?: | Next year I complete my Bachelor's degree in Art, majoring in Illustration and minoring in Communication Design. I feel that Elftown can look better then how it does now. I have been working on design proposals for this site and hope they are taken into consideration if Elftown wants to be a more "modernized" form of web design. |
Conclusion: | I really hope you present me with the exciting opportunity to be a crew member. I can't wait to give back to Elftown! I'm looking forward to helping improve the website that improved me. :3 |
2009-11-04 [Alexi Ice]: Ah! Cute graphics <3
2009-11-04 [Chel.]: Aw! Thanks a lot!
2009-11-06 [Alexi Ice]: One thing; Et isn't expressly an art site, and before you become a boss of anything you are going to do a lot of work with poems, manips, exc. exc. So you might want to convince us you can handle whatever we throw at you ^^
2009-11-06 [Ravenclaw]: Chel's got what it takes, I'm confident in her abilities and talents.
2009-11-06 [Chel.]: Of course, Of course! I'll do whatever I can. As for the 'boss' title...I think I'll just shoot for crew member for the time being. A girl can dream, can't she? ;)
2009-11-06 [Ravenclaw]: let's hope not, considering what Kari can do. Lol (inside role playing humor)
2009-11-06 [Chel.]: Hehehe...
2009-11-06 [Alexi Ice]: No, no! Definatly aim high! But you have got to start somewhere <3 (I've got my eye out for poem boss. Lol)
2009-11-07 [Ravenclaw]: The higher you aim the farther the bullet travels.
2009-11-07 [Chel.]: Alright! :3
2009-11-10 [Chel.]: Thanks to my supporters! You all are so sweet!
2009-11-12 [sequeena_rae]: Nice page. Best app I've seen in a while :)
Good luck!
2009-11-12 [Chel.]: Thanks a lot! :)
2009-12-01 [Nioniel]: Nice app!
2009-12-01 [Nioniel]: :)
Quite welcome.
2009-12-09 [Kaimee]: Congratulation
2009-12-09 [Chel.]: Thanks! :3
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