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2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: Looks around quietly
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: Can I help you?
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: I was just looking around, I have found an interest in this page so I thought I might come and read the character creation page.
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: Well let me know if you have any questions :). I am happy to help if you are interested in making a character.
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: So, just for my refference, human is the only race being played. Correct?
2011-06-19 [Evolution X]: yes
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: Correct. :) For starters.
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: *Smiles and nods my head*
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: Would a jack of all trades but a master of none be acceptable? That is kinda what I am.
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: As long as you have a weakness, yes.
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: Of course, * nods * . Just as a curiousity, what would you consider a good weakness for a character like mine?
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: Could have ADD :P. Lol. But really I don't know enough about your character to say. Try picking one skill to be below average in (dex, wis, int, etc) and go from there.
2011-06-19 [Evolution X]: or a phobia...
2011-06-19 [Mira Ravenheart]: Phobias are always fun :P
2011-06-19 [Earoluim]: lol, I OCDADDADHD, and yes you can have all of those at once. Regardless of what the doctors say.
2011-06-22 [Asdroth]: So non-occupation
Elizabeth White is a college student majoring in graphic design. So by that I should be able to ask her to write me a small code for an animation of a squeal eating a banana and she would have the skill to do so at a average pass for a student with out to much trouble. or researcher from a library with relative ease on the topic of a colt of Yig or something.
Where her Horse back Riding and Fencing is something she dose on the side.
Is that correct?
2011-06-22 [Mira Ravenheart]: Exactly ^_^
2011-06-23 [Asdroth]: sweet! this is just like the free form Cthulu stuff my game group here in Bakersfield did. you got a occupation then you made up the character, and you had related skills. I like this.
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