Page name: X-Men Hall 1st Hist1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-27 05:17:16
Last author: Roma
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X-Men Hall 1st

This main corridor reaches everywhere on the first floor, the entrance hall, kitchen, classrooms and, most importantly, Professor Xavier's office. The office in question stands down a length of the hallway that seems far less busy than the rest of it, which bustles with students trying to get to their next lesson, or to a meeting place with their friends. A rather tall youth almost knocks your over as he speeds down the corridor on a skateboard, carving a way through the other students.

X-Men - Time

Monday, September 20th

Korvka emerged with her brother. His hand on her shoulder was strong and she wrapped her arm around his middle and leaned into his bulk.

Hugging his sister closer, Vlad looked down at her and grinned a little. They were happy that neither had been hurt but it was obvious by the way Korvka remained silent that there was something on her mind. <"Have you found him? Gone looking? What's on your mind?">

Sighing, Korvka didn't bother trying to pretend that her mind wasn't elsewhere. <"Xavier said that Myetel had already left the mansion before the explosion but I can't help but wonder,"> she answered.

Kaider came from the gathering hall (X-Men RP explosion) and, ignoring the two Russian siblings, took the elevator to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Shana walked through the room with her head down, her face flushed a bit. She cut her eyes toward the siblings for a split second, then cotinued on her way into the elevator toward X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Unconvinced as Vlad was to believing that Xavier had mistaken Myetel's whereabouts, he kept his mouth shut and offered silent support to his little sister. It wasn't that he didn't care whether the boy lived or died, but Vlad wasn't overly concerned about him now that he knew his sister was safe. <"Come on, lets go,"> he said, pushing the elevator button and walking in, heading for X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Korvka entered the elevator and smiled up at her brother. This week had been a rough one, and their history at the mansion was, at first, rocky. However, Korvka was pleased to see that Vlad was at least showing some sign of respect for her feelings for Myetel and did not push the worry further. <"You're right, I'm sure he's fine."> She looked to make sure that the elevator button was heading for X-Men Hall Center 3rd and, seeing that it was, relaxed against the elevator walls.

Strolling out of the meeting area Flame headed the way of the elevator, planning to take it up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, having noticed she was the last to leave. She tried to ignore the fact there should of been a lot more of the older students in the bunch that left the room.

Daniela left the meeting room and barely missed the elevator. "Ahh... darn..." she said, she was kind of tried from the trip and didn't feel like climbing up the stairs, so she just waited for the elevator to come back down. When it did, she took it up the X-Men Hall Center 3rd. Hoping it was the right floor.

"I arrived today," Devin said as he entered with Virgil. "Got settled and told to meet there." He put a hand on Ala as she made a crooning noise.

"Ah.. I see." Replied Virgil wistfully. "So what is your mother tongue?" He asked curiously and innocently.

"As the Americans call it, Italian. Not many speak it here." Devin headed towards the elevator to X-men Hall Center 3rd, pressing the button. "I am not as fluent in English as I would like to be. Some words still confuse."

"Oh, lingua italiana, I knew a girl who spoke that." Then Virgil laughed lightly, "She tried to teach me it, no way man, I was already having trouble with English. A beautiful language though." Was said as he followed Devin to the elevator.

Danielis sauntered into the hall with a stuffed, black duffel back in one hand and a brochure in his other hand. He folded the brochure and stuck in the back of his skinny jean pocket, then used that hand to push up his sunglasses and looked around.

White came in after Danielis and observed the hall. It certainly looked like this was a very, very big house. It was rather deserted though, she thought. "Hi", she said to Danielis again. "I'm Josephine. I don't think I got your name..."

Danielis looked over to White and quirked one eyebrow before he said,"Hello there. I am Danielis." In a regale and almost preppy way but softly and distinctly southern accent and held out his hand.

Danielis's speaking stood out as a bit odd to White, but she wasn't about to say anything about it now, since she had only met the guy. She made a small smile and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you", she said. "Where do you think we should go now? Isn't it strange that there's like, nobody here?" she asked, and looked at the hall. There were stairs, an elevator, and some doors that headed to offices, apparently. Maybe they could find someone there.

Danielis bent down, brought White's hand up, kissed the knuckle lightly and in a dawdling way,"Likewise.." With a thin but wide smile and let go of her hand. He then pulled out his small black cellphone, clicked a button to get the screen to show time and said,"My recko..err um(cough/clear throat) My guess would be that everyone is eating lunch or so, but I am going to Professor Xavier's Office. Though if you would like to, you could come with me?" You, White, can notice that Danielis is trying not to speak with his southern accent, trying to keep it clear and without any dialect that would give away where he is from.

White blushed to the tips of her ears when Danielis kissed her hand. Her pale skin made it all more noticeable and she hated the fact that she couldn't hide it - which made her feel all the more embarrased. "Um - eh", she said, trying to follow the conversation, and stop looking at him. "Right, um, it's lunch time, I hadn't thought about that" she said, and turned to look at where Professor Xavier's office was. "Professor Charles Xavier, yeah. I got this letter from him before coming here", she said, and fumbled around her bag looking for the piece of paper. "We should check. Maybe he's in his office".

Danielis' grin got bigger when he saw White blush,"Maybe.." Then immediately back to a blank face as he walked through the door of Xavier's Office.

White tried to ignore Danielis' grin and avoid blushing any further (without quite succeeding), and closed her bag hurriedly before following him into Xavier's Office.

Nicole entered the hall and looked around. She saw the elevator and figured that there would be someone upstairs. And if not, she could at least find her room. She took the elevator up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Myetel entered in a zoom and ran to X-Men hall 2nd.

White returned to the entrance hall, coming out of Xavier's Office. She walked over towards the elevator, figuring the rooms must be upstairs. How safe was this place if so many students had gone missing? She pressed the elevator button, and while she waited she returned to search the letter she had received, where she remembered her room number had been written down.

Alexis walked into the large hall and was suddenly very homesick. He wanted to go back, but he knew he couldn't. He sighed and looked down at his feet at Luna who was looking around the hall in the way that only cats can. Her lavender eyes seeming to see things that he couldn't. "Well what do you think Luna?" He looked down at her as she turned her lavender eyes up at him. She gave him the impression of content and that it would do, which in turn made him laugh. He pulled a crumpled envelope out of his pocket and looked at it, his Aunt had shown it to him before he left, it was from the owner of the school, Charles Xavier. He looked around and saw the girl from earlier coming out of an office at the end of a hallway, she looked a little shaken and panic and worry were the two emotions that were in the forefront of her mind. "Well I'm guessing she just found out some bad news...let's go see...Xavier.." He hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and picked up the case of his cello. He had been carrying it with him, he had refused to leave home without it. He headed down the hallway and knocked before walking into Xavier's Office followed closely behind by Luna.

Danielis walked out right as Alexis walked in and after seeing White waiting at the elevator he slowly saunters up to her from behind.

As Alexis passed by, White looked at him a little curious, thinking he looked so calm. There would be time to get to know everyone here, she guessed. The elevator opened its doors and she lifted her head from her bag. She held the letter she had been searching for with her mouth while closing the bag, and after hanging the bag on her shoulder she entered the elevator, heading to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Alexis takes a deep breath as he leaves Xavier's office, "He sure is interesting..isn't he Luna?" He asked as he looked down at the white kitten. She turned her Lavender colored eyes up at him and meowed softly, she then seemed to yawn and look around for a place to sleep. Alexis laughed and nodded, "C'mon sleepy head, I'll get you to my room, then you can take a nap as I unpack..." He shouldered on of his bags and gently lifted the kitten off the floor and cradled her in his own free arm. He looked around and saw a flight of stairs and an elevator. He shivered at the thought of being in an elevator and started for the stairs heading up to the X-Men Hall 2nd.

Danielis lets White go up and decided to wait for the elevator to come back down before getting on it to goto X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Alexis walks quietly from the higher floors and looks around. He tries to find an appropriate spot and decides to head out to X-Men grounds, maybe he can find a place to play that wasn't confining.

X-Men Hall 1st * X-Men Characters * Start X-Men

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