Page name: X-Men Hall Center 3rd Hist1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-25 01:54:24
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X-Men Hall Center 3rd

The Center Hall on the Third Floor

The only things of interest in this middle section of the hallways are the four corridors that stretch off to each compass point and the stairwell leading back down to the lower levels. One of the corridors seems rather dark, no students pass down it, and none of the lights that run down the middle of the ceiling are turned on.

X-Men - Time

Monday the 20th of September

The elevator arrived and Kaider stepped out of it. Ey idled in the hall for a while, wondering whether ey should wait around and guide the newbies around the mansion.

Shana walked out of the elevator, her cheeks still a bit rosy, and stretched. She looked over and saw Kaider loitering in the hall, and pranced over to it. "Hey, what's up?" she asked, holding her fist out for a fist-bump.

Kaider was unfamiliar with Shana's method of greeting, but read from her mind what ey should do and then did it. "Well, not much, feeling a bit down since most of the people I knew have disappeared... Though I can't say it was all for worse." Kaider sounded more hostile than dispirited, but that was mostly eir way of coping so ey wouldn't slump into a pile of apathetic depression and inaction. "I really shouldn't feel this negative." Ey tried to smile and couldn't. "Do ye need help?"

"Nah, I'm just chilling," Shana said shrugging. "Greeting all the new kids and such." She leaned against the wall and shoved her hands into her pockets. "This does suck, though. I don't blame you for being depressed. We lost our friends." She looked down and frowned, shuffling her feet a little bit. "I mean, the professor will be able to find them.... if they're still alive... Right?"

"Yes... But some people have disappeared for good sometimes." Kaider sighed. "Never so many at once..." Ey shook eir head and wanted to think of anything else. "I really need a distraction. Do you have any ideas besides trying to stealthily chop off Flame's toes?"

Shana looked up and grinned. "Well, we still have friends here so we should be thankful for them... But, umm... Torture the new kids? Haha! Nah..." She looked around the area. "I don't know. Maybe someone will show up soon. Or we could be immature and play hide and go seek." She winked at Kaider, knowing she was intense competition when it came to "blending in" with your surroundings.

Kaider gave a short laugh and then pointed at eir head. "Telepath, remember? Ye won't stand a chance. But doing something immature does strike my fancy."

Shana nodded. "Then you stand a chance against me." She then cocked her head to the side. "I wonder if I made myself devoid of all emotion, would I become invisible?" She poked herself on the chin thoughtfully as she stood upright and began walking around, concentrating on her emotions. Her hair and eyes took on a dark brown hue, but immediately reverted back as she started giggling. "I can't do that! But still, you would make the game fun. Wanna go round up some kids?"

Stepping from the elevator, Korvka noticed Kaider and Shana but didn't pay them any heed. She had more important things to do and think about aside from talking with people she wasn't friends with anyway. <"Come on, lets go to the kitchen. I'm starved," she said to Vlad. She walked to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Vlad nodded and walked with Korvka. However, on his way to X-Men Hall East 3rd he looked over his shoulder and called a greeting to Kaider in passing. He remembered not long ago he had tried to make friends the eir and the two had watched a movie. "Hello, Kaider! Ve are going to ze kitchens, eef you vant to vollow!"

Exiting off the lift Flame gave a glance at those left down the hall before spotting one of her older friends, or whatever relationship the two had since they didn't really share a lot in common. "Can you believe this?! We're just going to sit around and do nothing while who knows what happens to those missing!" It wasn't fair to take it out on Kaider, but it always took things calmly, and this really was what she needed at the moment, a logical view to counter her anger.

Daniela came out of the elevator and heard raised voices, she quickly noticed the group. A bizarre looking woman was talking to what seemed to be a slender guy with a mullet and Shana, the girl she had met earlier. The inhabitants of the mansion sure had flashy looks, she couldn't help but feel rather plain in comparison. She knew her room number, 309, but had no idea which corridor it was in, though she wanted to ask, she didn't want to interrupt them... she didn't want them to think she was eavesdropping either, so instead she stepped out of the elevator, smiled at Shana for a second, and then took out the letter, looking at the number once more and then looking around with a confused expression on her face.

Shana stepped back a little when Flame threw her voice at Kaider, wincing a bit at the verbal beating she was dishing out. She sat back for a minute, knowing better than to interrupt, when she spotted Daniela coming out of the elevator. She smiled back a little uneasily, and noticing the bizarre expression on the girl's face, she turned and skipped over to Daniela. "Sup? Something wrong?" she asked, hands behind her back as she balanced on her toes.

"Oh, hi." replied Daniela as Shana approached her, backing up an inch. "Uhm.. ah, yeah, didn't mean to interrupt you guys but... do you know where Room 309 is?" she said, rather embarrassed, showing Shana the letter she'd gotten from the school.

Shana's face lit up and she rolled her eyes. "Well, you didn't interrupt me. I just escaped Flame's abuse. Annnd, Room 309 is actually my room! So, you'll be my roomie!" She smiled and clapped her hands childishly, ecstatic to have a roommate.

"Ah!, that sounds good!" replied Daniela with a smile. She wasn't aware she would have a room mate, but seeing the rest of the group and looking back on her encounters in the mansion so far, she could've done much worse than Shana. "I'll be in your care then." she added. "Uhhm.. so where is the room? I should probably unpack some of my stuff."

"Sure!" Shana said turning swiftly. "Follow me!" she cried as she darted off to X-Men Hall North 3rd.

"Man... she sure is energetic..." muttered Daniela with a sigh, talking to herself. She slung her bag over her shoulder and quickly followed Shana to X-Men Hall North 3rd.

"It just wouldn't be a contest. I could always hear ye thinking unless ye were in a coma", said Kaider to Shana about the hide-and-seek game. Seeing Vlad walk by and ask em to come to the kitchen, Kaider replied, mostly because Korvka was with him: "I... no thanks." And when Flame came, Kaider sort of winced a little. "I for one am glad that we don't HAVE to do anything. I'm surprised to see ye're still here an' didn't disobey the prof right off your hat", ey said with a grin. As Daniela came and asked directions to her room, Kaider had time to say "North..." before Shana took it over and showed the newbie the way. Ey then realized Shana had left em alone with Flame...

"I'm not that stupid Kaider." A bit of a glare backing up Flame's comment. "It just sucks that we're standing around doing nothing, especially considering how long we know some of the people who are missing." She dropped her hands so her fingers looped inside the loops of her jean shorts. "To lose that many people and having no idea what's happened to them."

"I know that, you don't need to repeat." Kaider looked inconveniently depressed and turned eir eyes to the floor. "Or does it make ye feel better to undermine those who have the best chance of finding them?"

"Shut up Kaider." No sir, Flame does not want your logic here good sir/ma'am/it, not during high emotions.

"Well you're the one who insisted on talking about it!" exclaimed Kaider. "As a matter of fact, I'm fine with pretending that nothing happened." Ey was being a bit more provocative than ey probably should, but apparently even ey had some emotions to be let out, even if it wasn't quite obvious.

"You don't care that we've lost fellow students? Some we've known for years?" Flame actually was shocked by this, it wasn't like these were strangers that were missing, this was kids and tutors they had known for such a long time!

"Of course", gritted Kaider. "Do ye want me to lose it an' fall on the floor crying uncontrollably, or what? I'd really rather talk about something else. The prof will find them and we just need to wait. Unless you come up with something more genius than the collective heads of the teachers."

Flame narrowed her eyes at it. "You're such an asshole sometimes." Because in her current state of mind, that trumped what it just said, but emotions will do that to a girl.

Daniela somehow managed to overtake Shana coming from the X-Men Hall North 3rd she noticed the argument from earlier was still going on, so she crossed her arms and rested her back on the wall, trying not to interrupt.

Shana walked out into the hall from X-Men Hall North 3rd. She noticed that Flame was still agging Kaider on about the whole disappearing mess, and she decided to be an interruption. She ran in between the two yelling, "Heyy! Let's go do something crazy to get our mind off of this, kay?" She looked at both Kaider and Flame, waiting for a response.

"And ye're one for mos– –" Kaider didn't even want to finish saying eir mind, partly because ey felt that trying to hurt Flame back was just pointless and partly because ey didn't want to estrange the new student, who was coming back with Shana. Kaider looked at the two girls, smiled a little weakly and replied: "Yes, please! Did ye have any ideas?"

Korvka walked back into the center hall and looked around for a moment, seeing Kaider, Shana, Daniela, and Flame. Admittedly, Korvka didn't have many friends here at the mansion, even before more than half the school was blown away, but even the sight of Kaider didn't stir any sort of emotional response. If anything, she was closer to hugging all of them than saying something derisive like she might have ordinarily. This was not the time for enemies. "Vlad is still in the kitchen. He is making food if you guys are hungry," she said, her usual booming alto diminished to a glum sigh.

The elevator opened again, admitting Devin and Virgil. Devin walked out and saw the group there. He smiled at them, but it faded quickly at the sight of the not too happy group. Devin looked back at Virgil, then turned to the group. "Ciao, amici," he said, looking at the students.

With a strangled sigh, Flame ran a hand over her face, as if trying to clear away all the bad emotion. She wasn't 'Miss Rules' but even she knew better than to fight in front of the newbies, it wasn't fair on them and she didn't want to cost the school the new kids. "Yeah, I could always go for some food, but you," Pointing a finger at Kaider, "I'm going to slap you silly later for this." Maybe it was easier, at least on the surface to make pretend like nothing changed.

"Vell, he is in zeh kitchen," Korvka replied to Flame, somewhat needlessly but she felt like she needed to say something. Had there been any other circumstances, she might even have introduced herself a little more enthusiastically to the newcomers. Instead, she waved a little and looked at Daniela and Virgil with a face that was not as glum as a moment before but was still far from her usual. "Hello, my name is Korvka," she said, choosing to ignore the comment by Flame. As if Kaider hadn't taken enough of a beating lately.

"AH! hi, I'm Daniela. Daniela Morgan." jumped Daniela when Korvka introduced herself, she hadn't realized she was speaking to her, some other guy and Virgil, who had just come in without causing anyone a concussion, much to her surprise. "Truth is, she's the one with the ideas." she replied to Kaider afterwards, pointing to Shana.

Shana's stomach grumbled a little at the sound of the word 'food' and she looked back towards the kitchen. Feeling accomplished at stopping the fight between Kaider and Flame, and also feeling recognized for having great ideas for pastimes, she placed her hands on her hips and pointed her nose up into the air, smirking a bit. "Yeah, I'm good like that," she said, winking, conceitedly.

"I noticed you downstairs. Velcome to zeh school." Korvka replied to Daniela, her face becoming softer as she spoke, the makings of a small smile pulling at her lips. However, Korvka's face suddenly turned stony as she heard Shana's flippant attitude. "I vood think someone who has been here so long vood take it a little harder dat half our school is missing and likely dead," she growled, her brown eyes sparkling with ire. As her fists clenched at her sides, Korvka forced herself to take a long breath to calm herself, still keeping a glowering eye to Shana.

Shana rolled her eyes and slumped over. "Whatever," she said. "I apologize for trying to lift the freaking mood a little." If there's one thing that could really get on Shana's nerves, it was the fact that people would constantly act gloomy, and even get mad at her for trying to up her spirits as well as others' around her. It could definitely discourage her from trying to be peppy as normal, not to mention, smart off a lot. "Let's just go sob our eyes out while we eat, and never be happy again." She stomped over to the wall and dropped to the floor, curling her knees up to her chin and scowling.

For the first time since the explosion, Korvka laughed. However, it was not the rich laughter of actual amusement that came from her lips, but rather a scathing laughter as she watched the Shana make a fool of herself. "Excuse me vile I grieve, a natural part of zeh healing process, you immature twat," she spat, not caring whether the new people saw her. Those were her classmates, familiar faces that were gone now. She wasn't going to get over them so easily.

"Hey hey now!" said Daniela getting in between Korvka and Shana, "I know stuff is majorly crappy right now, but fighting is not gonna make it better". Daniela felt a bit like she was unfairly coming to Shana's defense just because she was her room mate, but she also realized she couldn't ask everyone to be as numb emotionally as she was, Korvka certainly seemed to care a great deal about everyone who'd gone missing. "Everyone grieves differently and neither of you guys can expect the other to follow your own process. I figure the teachers said they'd take care of it, right?" she added, turning to Korvka. "If the other students were in imminent danger or injured, or something like that, they wouldn't have just let us frolic around the mansion, right? we would be in a room surrounded by teachers, and they would have surely deployed teams or SOMETHING." Hoping she had managed to calm people down a bit, she continued. "The fact we're here, just talking in a corridor tells me things are not as grim as they seem, you trust professor whatever-his-name-is, right? he surely wouldn't be so reckless... that being said." Daniela concluded, turning to Shana with a slight smile. "I propose we have something to eat and then play dodgeball."

A bright, fiery red color began to creep up Shana's hair when she was called and "immature twat" and her eyes faded to a deep black. Shana's legs started shaking and she cut her eyes to Korvka, giving off a death stare. Before she had a chance to say anything, Daniela made her way in between the two to stop the argument. After hearing Daniela's proposal, Shana's eyes lightened back to an aqua blue and she put her legs down and lifted her head. "Dodgeball sounds awesome!" she agreed, standing up and smiling. As she walked back over to the group, she turned to look at Korvka once more. "I never said I wasn't distraught at losing my best friend. I just don't think that it's logical that we all stand around in a big group crying. Life goes on. Yeah, everything about this sucks, and I pray to God that the professor can find our friends." She turned back around, her hair fading back to blonde, and she sighed. "I like to cry alone in my room at night, when the whole world won't see or hear me. That's just me."

"Dio prenderlo," Devin muttered to himself. He looked at the students in the room, wondering exactly what was going on. "Excuse me...What is dodgeball?" he asked Daniela. Devin wasn't shy, but being in a group of students who 1: wouldn't be able to completely understand when he spoke and 2: had different customs than he did made him a bit nervous.

Korvka chestnut eyes rolled heavenward as Shana continued to speak. Obviously this girl was far too idiotic and ADD to comprehend what Korvka was trying to say, and those imbecilic colors weren't helping her cause. Korvka thought she looked rather like a failed cartoon. "It has not even been six hours and you vant to play games. Yeah, dat's grieving." She rebutted hollowly, her lip curled as if the very sight of Shana was giving her indigestion. "You play your games. I figured dat since ve vere all hurting dat ve could support each other but you vant to throw balls so go ahead. I'll let you 'grieve' now." And with that, Korvka turned sharply on her heel and down the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Flame stood back and watched the commotion as it happened in front of her, a raised brow until Korvka eventually stormed off. "Well... That took the steam out of my argument, thanks kids." Seeing others fight helped to distract from her own worries and fear, at least for now. "And as riveting as that was, I'm still starving." Following afterwards into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"You're not." Kaider's statement to Flame's threat of slapping em sounded final, for now. When the elevator opened again and Virgil and Devin arrived, Kaider turned to them and said: "Hello, please don't mind us if bicker a bit. We were just about to do something funnier..." Ey then noticed how Korvka went on about grieving or something and seemed to have an attitude similar to Flame. Kaider sighed. Once the drama between Shana and Korvka was over and the Russian had promptly stomped to her room, ey spoke to Flame privately telepathically: "Korvka seems to have yer idea of being totally serious, so maybe ye should go an' talk to her. Maybe say that we here will support each other by trying to improve our minds an' not fall into depression while you two can mope around an' plan a better agenda to get the missing ones back." Kaider turned back at the new students and went: "I'm Kaider. Ye were Daniela, Devin an' Virgil, right? And dodgeball, well, there are different versions of it, but the basic idea is this: we try to hit each other with gymnastic balls." Ey smiled.

"Already on it Captain It, if she lets me in her room that is." Flame's answer came back to Kaider. "Will give you a yell if I need you to do the leadery, gun-ho, Mr-Miss-Rules, thing for her."

Virgil snapped out of his little daze that he was in and then looked around for Devin."Hey, where do we go to get our rooms?" He asked loudly but it was smooth and almost like a whisper sounding.

Shana stopped in midstep when Korvka began thrashing her again, and closed her eyes. Her shoulders tensed up and she inhaled deeply and loudly through her nose, trying to calm herself. For a few seconds, she forced herself to relax until Korvka was finished being a snob. When Korvka left the room, Shana let her breath loose in an exasperated sigh. "Is it even possible not to argue with that crazy lady?" she questioned aloud, leaning against the nearest wall. She beat her head softly against the wall until she heard the mention of food and dodgeball once again, she turned back toward the crowd and leaned against the wall. "Please let's do something positive. I'm so tired of everyone getting pissed off at how I feel. Did she hear anything I said?" Shana was putting a lot of emphasis to her words, and it was obvious that she was irritated, although her hair had faded completely back to blonde and her eyes shone bright blue.

Devin glanced back at Virgil while he spoke, choosing to try to ignore the argument going on. He shrugged, accidentally dislodging Ala who flitted over to Virgil's shoulder, chirping. He looked over at Kaider, who seemed the most helpful. "Virgil is new," he said. "And I am in my room alone."

Virgil Scratched his head and asked, "Err... Did someone say hi to me while I zoned out?" And he looked slightly downwards and apologetic, plus totally oblivious to the negativity that was in the room.

Daniela was getting a bit confused with all the peopled in the hallway , but nonetheless she heard Kaider's introduction. "Nice to meet you!" she replied nodding. "Just let it go Shana, some people lash out when they're feeling hurt." she shrugged, turning to her roommate. "I reckon some people wanted to grab a bit before we headed out, right?" she said, ready to head towards the kitchen, then she realized she had no idea where the kitchen was. "Uhhh... where's the kitchen?" she asked Kaider, since it seemed to be the one most familiar with the mansion.

"The dorms are in each direction ye see, but I don't know which room ye got. It should be in your letter of admission", replied Kaider to Virgil's question about the rooms. "An' yea, we sorta did say hi to ye but zoning out is fine unless ye blow stuff up while doing so." Kaider grinned a bit, looked at Devin and continued: "Ye're suggesting that ye want a roommate, are ye not? Check yer letters, ye might've gotten the same room." Ey smiled at Daniela before replying to her. "That way." Ey pointed to the east corridor. "So the plan is to eat first an' then play? Let's hope the food stays in..."

Devin pulled the admission letter from his pocket. He unfolded it and looked. "Dormitory 339," he read, looking up again at Kaider. Ala took the opportunity to fly back over to Devin's shoulder, chirping lightly at everyone.

Kaider had raised an eyebrow at the bird before, but now ey really took a good look at it and realized ey really didn't know much about birds. "What's that?" ey asked.

Devin glanced at Ala for a moment and smiled. "Ala, ay!" he said sharply. The small sparrowhawk flew from his shoulder and landed on Daniela's shoulder. She chirped at the girl for a moment, her small head cocked as if listening. Devin smiled to himself. "She is a sparrowhawk, as your language calls her. Ala is her name." He whistled lightly and Ala looked back at him from where she was.

Daniela flinched a bit as Devin's sparrowhawk landed on her shoulder, backing up for a second. She was, unfortunately, a typical city girl, so she wasn't used to wildlife perching on her. Once the bird had safely landed and and chirped, Daniela calmed down a little, turning back to Devin. "She's.. uhm.. cute." she said, standing there, extremely stiff, as if she was afraid the bird would fall should she move much. "Uhhhm... it's well trained, right?" she asked, blushing a bit. She felt dumb but she had to ask, lest the bird went on a berserked rage two inches away from her neck.

In response, Devin made a low humming noise and Ala chirped before she nuzzled Daniela's cheek affectionately. Devin whistled again and Ala took off. The bird was careful enough that not even Daniela's hair was stirred. She landed lightly on Kaider's shoulder, unsure of all the people. She chirped, and Devin laughed.

Daniela couldn't help but giggle a bit as the bird nuzzled her, the feathers made her extremely ticklish. As soon as ala flew away from her, she noticed her own uncharacteristic behaviour and cleared her throat loudly to stop herself. Her whole face had turned red by now.

"Peh," Shana said, narrowing her eyes. "It's not like I'm not hurt..." She stood silent for a few moment, listening to Kaider give information to the new students and watching as Devin's sparrowhawk flew around the room and made adorable chirping noises. Her shoulders relaxed a little more and she smiled at the peacefulness of the bird. "Let's go chow down, then!" she said, her stomach grumbling in protest to a lack of nutrients.

Appreciating Shana drawing attention, Daniela simply echoed "Aye aye. this way, right?" she asked no one in particular as she headed to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Kaider listened to Devin's introduction of the bird. "Okay, that's cool. I hope no one here is allergic to bird..." Ey was rather surprised when the bird flew to em – looking at wildlife was something Kaider was used to, but they'd never really come this close. Ey looked at it, amused. When Daniela left for the kitchen, ey followed, careful to watch the bird if it didn't fly back to Devin.

Virgil lightly chuckled as the bird flew around and said aloud,"She just loves attention, ne?" with a light smile on his face.

Devin smiled and nodded, looking at Virgil. "She does." He followed everyone to X-men Hall East 3rd, his stomach growling slightly.

Virgil decided to follow Devin but not saying anything.

Shana grinned and happily followed the others to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Nicole exited the elevator and looked around. There seemed to be no one nearby and she was completely lost. Her hands glowed black as she was hit with the sudden urge to cry. Nic slid down the wall near the elevator and sat there, her arms over her knees so her hands were propped away from her body while they glowed.

A breeze blew from the stairs as Myetel ran up from the second floor. He would've continued running to the south corridor, but seeing Nicole, he suddenly stopped and stared at her black hands, not really caring that since he stopped, he could be easily seen. He was carrying a bunch or camping equipment and dressed accordingly. He debated with himself for a second whether it would be too inconvenient to ask the girl about her powers or if it would turn out to be cool. Myetel decided to try and walked to Nicole. "Hey, new girl. Are you okay? How are your hands?" He tried to be as polite as he could, which admittedly wasn't very much, but should do for the moment.

Nicole jumped when Myetel appeared seemingly out of no where. Her hands turned a bright silver and a slight heat expansion of the air happened before they reverted back to black. She stared at him for a moment before she wiped at her face with her upper arm and looked at him again. "I'm sorry. It's really hard to control. And I'm really poor at it as of yet." She looked at her hands. "This happens whenever I feel emotions." She shrugged slightly as if she didn't even fully know what it was.

"Really? Do your hands just change color? Did that heatwave have something to do with you?" asked Myetel curiously. "Do you do something else? Would you mind if I examine it?" He thought that might not sound like a good deal, so he added: "Maybe I can help you control it."

Nicole listened to his questions with patience, and it seemed to calm her a bit as the black dissipated. "Yes. Yes, they can turn black, silver, or gold depending on the emotion. The heat comes from the silver and gold power. I can manipulate the energy to do things, though I'm not sure yet how to do it. If you really want to examine it, then by all means, but if I accidentally light you on fire, I apologize in advance."

"You light things on fire?" Myetel made a decision to not let Nicole in his room – though obviously it didn't occur to him that asking a girl to come into his room to be examined would probably end in a disaster in the first place. "I don't mind that, I mean, I can put stuff out well enough. Now if you could be coming into the south corridor, I can take my equipment there. It's this way." He walked into the south corridor so that Nicole actually saw him going.

Nicole nodded at his original statement, standing quickly and following. "Only my silver and gold energies can light things on fire, and I can control the gold well enough. It's the silver, when I'm angry, you really need to watch for." She looked down the south corridor and shivered slightly, the silver flaring to life as a slight fear started. She looked down at her hands, which were quickly heating the room. "Heh, super heated. Can melt through solid steel. Destroyed my house-" Nicole stopped talking abruptly and clenched her hands together, the silver evaporating.

"Oh, that is exquisite!" shouted Myetel from X-Men hall south 3rd. "Could you come over here?"

Nic nodded and followed, not quite sure of herself. Myetel was kind of strange, but he acted alot like a scientist. And she herself was a physicist of sorts. She went to X-men Hall South 3rd.

Korvka felt the warmth from some unknown source as she walked to X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Noticing that Devin was coming with him, Vlad grinned as he leaned against the wall next to the elevator. "So you're a long vay from home. You like it here?"

Devin stood on the other side of the elevator door, a little ways away from the wall so there weren't two imposing men standing in front of it. "It is cold here," he said with a shrug. "And I miss me...famiglia."

With a laugh, Vlad shrugged at his comment that it was cold here. "Then stay avay from Russia at all costs," he said with a good natured smile. When he mentioned family, Vlad nodded in agreement. "Yes, I feel extremely lucky to have family here. She vos here without me for a long time though, kind of hard to see others vonce you are here if you are foreign."

Devin grinned. "I spent a...settimana? holiday? Moscow with me uncle. It is cold...but very...bello?...uh...pretty?"

"Holiday is the right word, yes," Vlad encouraged with a nod of his head. He was determined to help Devin feel more confident with his English, even though he was doing pretty well. "Moscow is all right, ve prefer the country but ve vent to St. Petersburg quite a bit ven ve vere growing up." Looking to Ala, he held out his hand for her to perch if she'd like and asked, "she seems to like people; did you train her?"

Whistling, Devin hitched his shoulder and Ala hopped from him to Vlad's hand, chirping up at him. She hopped up to the crook of his elbow and tucked herself in, her eyes shutting as she let out a sleepy crooning noise. "Since she was a...birdling? Ah, that is not right." He wrinkled his forehead slightly and shrugged. "She is friendly, when she is not...quando non è di pattuglia...searching for other birds."

"Hatchling," Vlad corrected simply, looking down at the bird who had made herself quite comfortable in the bend of his elbow. "You are going to take her to the Danger Room? I don't know if that is such a good idea, she may get hurt. Maybe you should leave her in your room or vith another student," he suggested, wanting to touch Ala but moreso not wanting to hurt her so he just kept his elbow bent.

The look Devin shot him was akin to the expression one would get if you suddenly asked them to strip in public. "I...she stays with me. I do not know if I can...le persone si fidano"

It did not take long for Vlad to realize that he'd touched a little nerve with Devin. But his concern was still for Ala. "Vell, I know Korvka probably voodn't mind, I doubt that stupid git of a boy she's looking for is back yet," he said with marked darkness in his voice, showing for the first time his devotion to his sister. However, he lightened up quickly enough. "I just don't vont your bird to be hurt."

Devin seemed to relax a bit. "Yes. I like Korvka. She is nice." He tilted his head slightly. "Git? What is a...git?"

Daniela walked in from the X-Men Hall East 3rd and noticed the two who had been walking ahead just chatting by the elevator. She stopped nearby and glanced around. "Elevator taking a while, uh?"

"A git...its like a rotten person," explained Vlad. When Devin said that he thought his sister was nice, Vlad just grinned a little. "She has one hell of a temper but she'd never hurt your bird, I can promise you that." Looking up to Daniela as she entered, Vlad shook his head at her. "No, I thought ve vood vait for the rest of the players before just setting off vithout them."

Devin smiled at Daniela and shifted his weight towards the wall. "Are you playing?" He glanced over at Ala and almost laughed at the sleeping bird. Eating that much food usually made her tired. Her head was slowly falling to one side, her eyes were closed.

Daniela simply nodded at Devin's question, putting her hands behind her and resting her back on the wall next to the entrance to the east hallway. "I figure I should, I mean, I've never been good at sports, but I want to check out what everyone can do."

"Was anyone following you out here? Ve seem to have stragglers," Vlad asked Daniela, looking past her into the east corridor to see if anyone was coming through. He grinned to Daniela and nodded. "Me too, I am interested to see vot the newcomers have and to see how someone so tall and skinny can be strong enough to pull me up," Vlad said good naturedly to Devin. He looked down to Ala and smiled. "I think she likes everyone."

Devin smiled at Vlad's comment on his size...or lack thereof, from the sounds of it. "You are light," he said. "Lighter than vendemmiatori back home..." After a moment's thought, he came up with the word he was searching for. "The harvesters." Devin looked at Ala. "I think you might be correct."

The elevator doors opened and Josephine's very white head peeked out before the rest of her body followed. She barely had time to look at the hall much, seeing there was a bunch of people gathered there. "Um, hi", she said. "Can anybody tell me where room - uh" she looked at the piece of paper she had in her hand. "...308 is?"

A little shocked that the elevator doors had opened, Vlad looked at the snowy newcomer and listened to her question. Nodding, he pointed to the north hall where the girls' dormitories were. "Should be down that vay," he answered with a smile.

"And here I thought I might be left behind." Flame's words slightly mumbled as somewhere between here and the hallway the spoon from her bowl had found its way into her mouth as she worked on her meal.

Alexis silently trekked up the stairs carefully juggling Luna, his suitcase, his precious violin case, and bag. It was a lot to carry at once but he was use to it. What he wasn't use to were his surroundings, and as he came around the corner he narrowly missed hitting a table, but his hip clipped it. It jilted him to the left sharply and he lost his footing, he tried to regain it by stepping quickly but he misjudged and landed one foot on top of the other, sending him and his things to the floor. All his things hit the floor but he used his quick reflex's to turn around and clutch Luna to his chest as his back hit the floor. "OOMPH!" was the sound he made as all the air left his lungs. Luna opened her lavender eyes and stared at him curiously before jumping off his chest and landing neatly on the floor where she started to clean a paw. His head having hit his suitcase Alexis sat up slowly with a groan and rubbed the back of his head. "Ow..." he said softly.

Devin jumped slightly as a boy came up the stairs, ran into the table, and fell to the ground. He moved instantly to help, but Ala woke up suddenly and cried out at the sight of the cat. Devin turned again quickly and looked at Vlad. "Hold her," he said quickly. He went over and helped the newcomer up. "Is she trained?" he asked the boy, gesturing at the cat. All kidding in his face gone, his eyes holding a seriousness he hadn't shown earlier.

Shana walked into the hall from the East corridor and noticed the fallen boy and his scattered belongings. Just as she was about to rush over to help him, Devin had beat her to it. She called out, "Hey, you ok, man?" as she walked up to the rest of the students.

"Guess not, considering the mayhem going on." Flame commented on her own previous one, eyeing the others as they went to help.

Vlad was distracted for a brief moment by Flame, who'd sauntered into the room munching on something. In that brief moment, the newcomer had crashed unceremoniously to the ground and Vlad actually started a little, looking down to the boy on the ground who was getting help from Shana and Devin. Then Ala woke up and gave a cry and Vlad looked around, clueless for a moment so he didn't move. His eyes went to the violin case and he instantly recognized what it was; too many years having to sit through Korvka's boring orchestra concerts had taught him what that was. "Ouch," he said with a grimace. "Hope your instrument is ok."

Kaider entered and raised an eyebrow at the disarray in the hall. The others seemed to have it under control, so ey just stopped and watched for now, waiting for the incident to be over.

"Thank you" said White to Vlad before Alexis stumbled and fell into the hall. She recognized him as the boy she had seen entering Xavier's office a moment earlier. She couldn't avoid wondering why he hadn't taken the elevator if he was carrying so much stuff, but didn't say anything and approached to see if he was okay. Seeing everyone seemed to have had the same idea, she was content with picking up the violin case and hold it while he got up.

Alexis took Devin's hand and stood, but with the contact cam the sudden rush of the other's emotions and felt the seriousness of his love for his bird, the worry about his cat trying to attack the bird, then he felt other emotions flying through their connection, worry, anger, hate, love, care, pain, confusion, and too many more to all label. Alexis ripped his hand from the others and clutched his head for a moment, it was filled with too many emotions that weren't his own, he could feel the emotions of several more people in the hall, all wondering about him, and that just added to his already full head. He shook his head and tried to put up a weak barrier in his mind to separate all the emotions from the forefront of his mind, it barely worked. With sweat beading his forehead he looked at Devin and remembered his question. He took a deep breath, "Luna won't hurt anyone or any creature, she isn't trained. But she knows better, believe me. She won't hurt your friend.." He bent over and picked up his bag, and grabbed his suitcase. He looked around and saw a girl with pale features and white hair holding his violin case, he set his things down and walked over to her. "Thank you very much for holding this." He gave her a small smile and gently took the case from her, he set it on a nearby table and opened it slowly. Lifting the lid it he reveal a beautiful deep red violin with a high polish nestled in navy blue velvet. With a deep sigh he smiled and turned to Vlad and nodded, "It's fine, thank you." He gave another smile to Vlad and then looked around the hall, noticing he had drawn quite a crowd. He blushed a soft pink and grabbed his case, "Thanks name is'm new here..and thanks I'm okay. But..could someone help me find room 347?" he asked turning an even brighter red. Luna meowed and walked over to him circling his feet and staring around the room at each person with he lavender eyes. She didn't even react to the bird being held by Vlad. She just looked away then started to clean her paw.

Kaider was a little worried as the newcomer with the white kitten was nearly overwhelmed by his own powers. Ey tried to think of something to do, but Alexis got his mind back together before the situation got critical. "Hello, an' welcome, Alexis. Yer dorm is in the boys' wing, third room on the left." Kaider pointed toward X-Men Hall West 3rd. Like Xavier, Kaider had a bunch of psychic barriers protecting eir mind, especially now since there was previously something around that tried rather hard to affect eir emotions.

Korvka walked into the center room from the south hall, her thin vining markings still pulsating with bright emerald from Nicole's immense heat. Looking to the blushing newcomer and the girl with pale white features, Korvka realized she's have to introduce herself for the third time that day. However, her eyes fell on Devin and then traveled to the new student with an instrument case and she recognized it instantly for what it was, her mouth opening to ask him a question before her mind could stop her with pleasantries. With a little grin on her lips, Korvka pointed to Alexis' violin case and then to the boy himself, who looked quite abashed, and said, "how long have you been playing? I'm Korvka, by the way," she added hastily, waving to the pale girl and looking back to the boy.

Alexis looked at Kaider and then toward the direction he pointed, "Thank you very much..ummm.." He turned and looked at Korvka, her enthusiasm bubbling deep inside him and nearly breaking the thin barrier in his mind. He managed a weak smile and nodded at her, "I'm....Alexis..Meldoon, I've..been playing since I was very small..." His face had gone from red to a soft pink as his body and mind were being overloaded with too many emotions. Luna looked up at him and her own emotions floated into the haze of what was already there, it was a striking difference to feel her emotions amidst all the human emotion in his mind. He took the initiative and concentrated solely on hers. She was wondering if she would get to sleep soon, this cause him to smile even more weakly. "Sure thing...umm, I don't mean to be rude...but..i need to go unpack, maybe we can all talk later..." He shut the violin case and picked it up as well as his other things and with a nod to everyone and a wave he and Luna both walked down towards X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Devin relaxed visibly as Alexis spoke. Then the boy hurried off, and Devin shrugged, not sure what to say. When he turned, he saw Korvka, however, and a smile lit up his face. "Korvka," he said, "I wanted to ask care for Ala." He studied her face to see if she would catch on to what he was asking. "I do not want her hurt while we are playing."

A blast of smoke and dust flew from the X-Men Hall South 3rd, covering any students standing nearby in dust.

A look of angry annoyance came over Kaider's face when the going-ons in the south hall passed beyond raised temperature. "Stop destroying school property, or there will be consequences!" ey shouted.

When Devin spoke to her, Korvka looked over at him, realizing what he was asking. Her eyes widened briefly and she let out a small laugh. To anyone else it would have merely looked like surprise at having been asked to care for Devin's precious bird, but Korvka knew deep down that she was flattered. She just hoped Vlad wouldn't make a big deal of it...or tell Myetel. Its not like she'd done anything wrong..."Yes, I can do that. Should I leave a vindow open for her? And maybe you should teach me some of her calls, I don't know your vistling commands," however her voice was cut off by the smoke and debris shooting from the south hall, the surge of heat causing her markings to flourish with renewed energy. Dusting herself off a bit, shaking her hand in her hair to clear the dust, Korvka shot an unforgiving look back to the south hall. "That new girl is going to blow this place up." Coughing, she looked to Devin and then to Ala in Vlad's arm.

Noting the way that his sister reacted to Devin, Vlad grinned and nudged Devin casually in Korvka's direction. "She is good at music. Teach her your calls and she vont forget them," he added with a furtive wink that was all but blind to the others in the hallway with the smoke and dust hanging thick in the air.

Devin didn't seemed phased by the blast. He shook his hair, getting the dust out of it. Vlad's 'casual nudge' was a bit stronger than he had thought, though Devin managed to not show the force, having absorbed it pretty well. He turned and took Ala from Vlad, carrying her over to Korvka. "They are easy." He made a low whistle, and Ala moved from her perch on his arm to the perch on his shoulder. He had noticed that Korvka had perked up when he saw the instrument case and hoped to impress her with the range and diversity of the commands.

Blind to her brother's interfering ways, Korvka stepped forward to meet Devin halfway as he brought Ala to her. When he showed her the first command, Korvka matched the pitch easily. "So that one vill call her to my shoulder?" she asked, looking to Devin while stroking Ala's feathered chest.

As soon as Korvka let loose the sound, Ala hopped from Devin's shoulder to hers. Devin fairly beemed at her. "Molto buono." Devin hummed after Ala took off, and Ala nuzzled Korvka's cheek. He hummed a different pitch as she hopped down to Korvka's arm.

Korvka grinned as Ala followed her command, perching on her shoulder. She listened carefully to Devin's next two humming commands, making mental note to remember to hum the pitches instead of whistling them. She mimicked Devin and Ala nuzzled her cheek again, this time an obvious grin spreading on Korvka's face. She held her arm stead as Ala perched there and Korvka rewarded the intelligent bird with a little berry that seemed to have formed between two of her fingertips.

Ala seemed to have gotten into the game, as she saw it, and pecked a little harder at the berry than she should have. Her sharp beak tore neatly into Korvka's finger, leaving behind a slice that ran from the tip of her middle finger to the center. At the sight of bloos, Devin whistled sharply at Ala, who retreated to Vlad's shoulder. He stepped forward and took Korvka's hand, immediately wrapping the bottom of his tunic around the cut, stemming the flow. "I am sorry," he said quietly, noticing how close this brought him to her.

Luna walked quietly up the trio and waited patiently. She seemed amused by the way they were teaching each other, but that wasn't the point of her waiting around. Her ears perked as she hear her owner playing his violin and she stretched. Listening to him play always made her tired, but she wouldn't sleep anywhere but next to him. Or at least on his pillow. She decided it was time for her to get noticed and gave a loud pitiful meow.

At the sharp prick on her finger, Korvka winced and withdrew her hand, muttering a Russian curse under her breath. She was not, however, mad at Ala and looked a little sheepishly to Devin as Ala flew to Vlad's shoulder. "No, its fine," she replied as casually as she could muster but her words were cut off by a little gasp as he took her hand and wrapped it in his tunic. Now that they were so close, Korvka looked up at him, temporarily floundering for something to say, the thin lines of flora on her tanned skin throbbing. He was much taller than she, and Korvka forced herself to look away and gain some of her composure back. She pulled her finger from his tunic and smiled a little, "vatch," she said. Quickly, little tiny vines began growing from her injured fingertip, coiling around the bloodflow until the wound was completely wrapped in the leaf and vines. "Lemon balm leaves," she explained. "Helps to stop the blood flow," however, there was still some leaking from around it.

Watching, Vlad made the same little humming noise and Ala nuzzled his cheek, watching Devin and Korvka with what looked to be little interest.

Devin chuckled slightly, a rich tone that seemed to vibrate through him. He tore a strip of cloth from the bottom of his tunic where it was already stained a bit. Taking it, he tied it around her finger. "Tessuto in cotone naturale," he said with a smile. "Uh...cotton weave. Better than Band-Aids," he added.

A little laugh sounded as Devin wrapped Korvka's finger in the shred of fabric from his tunic. "Sorry about your shirt," she said, instantly feeling like a moron for having said it. It's not like she'd wrapped her finger in it; that had been all the Italian's idea. Looking around to the people who were around the hall, Korvka definitely felt like an idiot and said, "I haff a first aid kit and should probably clean this before the blood clots. Vant to show me the rest of your vistles vile I do so?" she asked, gesturing to her dormitory. She made a mental note to leave the door open, if he did decide to follow her. She made the same whistle as before, and Ala flew to her shoulder, greeted kindly by Korvka.

"Yes," Devin said, smiling to himself as she called Ala. The bird had made a friend, and Devin was more than glad that Korvka liked her. He followed her, keeping his eye on Ala.

Astounded by the speed at which people moved and chatted around her, Daniela simply slid down the wall on which she had been resting her back and ended up sitting with her back to the wall, her legs crossed in front of her and her elbows resting on them. And so, she resumed the wait for the world's slowest elevator.

Korvka exited to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Devin followed Korvka to X-men Hall East 3rd.

Looking down to Daniela as she sunk down the wall, Vlad chuckled a little. "I don't blame you. So vere are you from?" he asked the sitting Daniela, pushing the elevator button. It seemed to him that she was perhaps not as comfortable with all the people around, and having people talk around you probably didn't help any. He figured he'd try to get her to speak. Then, shortly after, he looked up to the rest of the people in the center hall and askied, "does anyone disagree vith heading down to the Danger Room and letting the stragglers follow as they see fit? Ve haff been here a long time." Looking back down to Daniela, he waited for her reply.

The question came to Daniela as if out of nowhere, she had been quiet for a while and she really didn't expect someone to suddenly turn to her. "Ah.. uhm." she stuttered for a sec as she sat up, straightening her posture. "New York, always been a bit of a city person." she replied. "You and your sister, I'm guessing you're from europe? Maybe Russia?" she asked, she felt a bit unfair saying it just like that, but the guy was called Vlad and had a thick european accent. Daniela figured stereotypes are what they are for a reason. "I'll just follow whoever goes to the danger room first." she replied with a smile, then she scouted the group of people for Shana, her roomate was the one of few she didn't feel awkward or defensive around and had also been quiet for an uncommon amount of time, given her bubbly disposition.

"Big city girl, huh? This is a big change then for you," Vlad surmised. The girl seemed more uncomfortable than he had initially thought, though quite polite enough. He could understand that this was a little overwhelming, particularly considering the gloomy and emotionally tense day she'd arrived on. "Yes, ve are Russian," he reassured her with a smile.

"I grew up in the city, but I'm not used to people much..." said Daniela as she hugged her knees. "Odd, right?" she asked Vlad with a sidelong glance. "Sorry if I seem a bit off..." she said with a slight nod, she appreciated Vlad making the effort to reach out, she didn't want the big guy to doubt that. But given her experience, her distrust of most people was far worse with men.

Shaking his head at Daniela's question whether she was odd, Vlad let out a rich laugh. "Not really. If you think about it, city folk don't spend much time actually interacting. Just living parallel lives. It vood make sense if you're a bit sick of crowds," he said with a little shrug. He was trying to read her and make sure that he wasn't making her even more uncomfortable. It was, however, something he was accustomed to, being so large and working with other people. Deciding that his size was, as usual, a disadvantage, he too sat on the ground (this time more gracefully than in the kitchen) and was able to look at Daniela without her having to crane her neck.

As Vlad crouched down to sit, Daniela's power flared up for a second, for a minimum instant, as if it was the blink of an eye, a perfectly spherical, reflective shield materialized around the girl, disappearing before anyone could count to even a second. Daniela herself was stunned by the shield, "Eh?" she said simply looking around after it had disappeared into thin air, then she turned to Vlad, backing up a bit. "Uh.. sorry." she said in a sullen tone. "It had never done that before..." she added, normally she had to struggle to produce any demonstration of her power at all. All things considered though, she had not used her power at all for weeks before coming to the mansion. The shield also seemed to have activated in situations where she wanted to protect herself before, even for a second.

Following the drama between Devin and Korvka, Kaider grinned probably a bit too smugly. Ey was more interested in Alexis's kitten, who wandered alone back to the center hall. Ey knelt down next to it and petted it carefully, wondering whether ey could ever make much sense of an animal's mind. Ey then sent a telepathic message to Alexis about it, and having done that, said: "Well, maybe we should get going before we have another incident. Shall we?" Kaider went into the elevator, waited until everyone who wanted to come was inside and took it down to X-Men hall complex.

As ordinary as it was for people outside of the mansion to find him frightening, Vlad had been enjoying not being treated like a threat during his time here and Daniela's outburst caught him off guard. Of course, it didn't appear on his face that he was slightly hurt, he merely chuckled and got to his feet as the elevator doors opened. "Sorry to have scared you," he said down to Daniela as he got in the elevator with Kaider and disappeared down to X-Men Hall Complex.

Hardly put off by the explosion at all, just turning her back so the dust wouldn't land too much in her food Flame gave a bark of a laugh at Kaider's reaction to it, but other than that just stood back, ate, and watched the chaos of everyone around her. This was turning out to be a busy day, for both bad things and good thing. She too joined those in the elevator to go down to X-Men Hall Complex.

"Ah! n-no, wait, you didn't..." replied Daniela reaching out a bit with her hand but Vlad was long gone down the elevator. With a sigh, she hugged her knees again and put her face down so it'd be hidden by her bangs. Well crap... smart move, you moron. she said to herself. Though she wasn't keen on opening up to people, it's not like she ever meant to hurt anyone either.

Luna watched as everyone left and even accepted a small pet on the head from Kaid. She purred lightly and then watched him leave. She sat alone in the hallway before she turned her lavender eyes on Daniela, who was sitting on the floor. She carefully wandered over to her, her instincts on caring kicking in as she sidled up to one of Danielas' knees and rubbed her head against it meowing softly, her master's music could still be heard coming from his room.

Daniela noticed the kitten rubbing against her leg and lowered her hand, very lightly touching Luna's head, she had always loved cats and from her experience, when being pet, they'd rather go to the hand than have the hand approach them. "Hey kitty." she muttered, "Where did you come from?"

Shana had been standing in the corner of the hall for the longest, picking particles out of her well-groomed hair. "Hate this, hate this..." she mumbled, shaking her head a bit. Strings and chunks of her hair and her eyes had faded to a deep violet, indicating that she was irritated at the recent explosion. She picked a few more pieces of dust out, the bent over and shook her head violently. Standing up, she became a bit dizzy and stumbled around, but she caught herself on the nearby wall. Sighing, and mumblings things about "stupid new kids" to herself, she walked over to Daniela and dropped to the ground beside her. "Sorry... People don't mess with my hair. I get crazy." She then looked down at the kitten Daniela was petting and smiled. "Soo, you wanna get to the Danger Room then?" she asked as she lightly rubbed the kitten's back.

White looked from one face to the other, examining her new "schoolmates" with interest. Most looked normal enough, except for the girl with... plants growing around her. Suddenly being too pale seemed like nothing special. There was also this other girl whose hair changed colors. "Your hair is pretty cool! Can you intentionally change its color?" she asked after as Shana was complaining about the mess. "What's a Danger Room?" she answered to the question, even when it wasn't directed at her.

Shana lifted her head to look at the girl who had just addressed her. "Um..." she started, thinking of a way to reply to the girl's questions. "No, I can't do it willingly... well, unless I make myself be happy or something... It kinda changes with my emotion." She patted the top of her hair, which had faded back to blonde since she had calmed down. "And the danger room... well, erm..." She scratched her chin in thought. "I can't really explain it that well. You can follow us there and see for yourself. But, be warned, it's called the Danger Room for a reason."

Luna meowed softly and rubbed her head against Daniela's hand and purred loudly. She then backed away and walked a little away from her and looked down X-Men Hall South 3rd and then looked back at Daniela and the two girls with her. Her masters playing could be heard floating down the hall from his room. She meowed again and looked from the girls to the hall and then the girls again.

Daniela sighed again as if taking in some air, and then stood up. "You're probably right." she said, looking at Shana and the pale new girl. "We should head down, I'm still interested in seeing what everyone can do." she added as she waved to Luna. "Bye kitty." concluded the girl before pushing some hair out of her face and stepping into the elevator with whoever wanted to go down to the X-Men Hall Complex.

"Alright", said White smiling. "I'm Josephine, by the way. Everyone calls me White though", she said and giggled. "Um, I'll drop my bag at my new room and I guess I'll see you there. Where do I need to take the elevator to?" she asked, before the girls left.

Danielis walked out of the elevator to see all the people grouped around and he stopped abruptly.

Shana rose from the ground and suntered into the elevator next to Daniela, passing by Danielis and sending him a small wave and a "Hey." She had never seen him around the mansion before, and figuring he was brand new, she decided to show a little courtesy se he wouldn't feel ignored by the older kids. She then turned to looks at White, saying, "Yeah, once you get settled in, just ride this thing down to X-Men Hall Complex and you'll see the Danger Room. Just walk on in, I guess, but be prepared!" She shouted the last sentence quickly and waved once more as the doors closed.

Myetel walked from X-Men hall south 3rd, carrying some kind of large monitor. He glanced at the few newbies still in the hall but didn't say anything. He went to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Danielis slowly walked out and after Shana said hey he gave a peace sign with his hand and lightly smiled as she walked by, then pulled out the brochure and letter that he had gotten to see what room number he was in.

"Okay", said White. She saw another student walking by, and felt happy to see there was life in this place, after what the Professor had said earlier. She remembered the big guy with an accent had pointed to the X-Men Hall North 3rd when she had asked about her room, so she headed that way.

Just a moment later, White rushed back into the room and pressed the elevator button. She smiled at Danielis. "We're going to the Danger Room, whatever that is. In case you want to join later", she said, and entered the metallic box, taking it down to the X-Men Hall Complex.

"Mmm hm..." Was all that White heard from Danielis as she hurried to the elevator, while Danielis went to Dormitory 369. Then he came back without his duffel back and went down to the X-Men Hall Complex.

Virgil walked through here to the elevator to take down to X-Men Hall Complex.

Nicole followed the same path Myetel took, wearing a funny looking helmet.

Luna sat down on her haunches and twitched her tail in agittation. She felt completely unqualified to be around such un-knowledgable humans such as these that her owner had surrounded her with. After a moment she picked herself up and walked back towards X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Alexis walked quickly down the steps from the hall above and then walked quickly down to X-Men Hall 2nd.


Virgil exited the elevator and went to X-Men hall east 3rd.

Danielis followed Virgil until he noticed that the other boy was going to the wrong direction and turned to X-Men hall south 3rd.

As the lift brought them to the third flood, Flame exited out of it and headed down X-Men hall north 3rd.

Myetel zoomed from the east hall to X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Vlad came from the second hallway staircase and stepped into the center hall. He looked right at the east hallway and contemplated for a moment going to bed but the thought of Flame had crossed his mind more than once. He turned down X-Men Hall North 3rd to see if her room was down that way.

Daniela climbed up the stairs shortly after Vlad and noticed him hesitating before finally heading up the north corridor, where the girl's dormitories where. "Night visit?" she thought, almost out loud. Then she remembered Korvka and Devin disappearing along the dormitories halfway to the elevator for the dodgeball game. "Seriously... it's like the people here are in heat..." she added walking towards the corridors. "I wonder if they're trying to pass off 'horny' as a mutant power..." she snickered before heading into the X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Shana slowly made her way up the stairs, tired of walking in general. With her head down, she moved into X-Men Hall North 3rd.

White entered the hall coming from the second hall, and followed Daniela and Shana to the X-Men Hall North 3rd. She involuntarily yawned and realized she really was tired.

Korvka walked to X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Devin quickly made his way to X-men Hall West 3rd.

Korvka walked to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

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