Page name: X-Men Hall Complex Hist1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2010-01-27 20:53:55
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X-Men Hall Complex

The halls are covered in large panels of dull grey metal, and are rather bare, plain white lights glare from the ceiling, providing the only light, since no sunlight reaches here. They are mostly empty, and extend onwards in several directions.

X-Men - Time

Tuesday, September 21st

The elevator arrived and Kaider stepped out of it. Making sure no one didn't wander off, ey checked that no one was having a training session and walked in to X-Men Danger Room.

By the time the elevator got down to the floor they needed Flame had basically finished her meal, it may not had been the prettiest of sites for those in the same lift with her, but it was gone. She left the bowl and spoon in the elevator to be picked up later, not necessarily by her.

Grinning to the bowl on the floor of the elevator, Vlad exited the doors and headed for X-Men Danger Room, never having been there before.

"Don't know why I'm doing this willingly, but..." Not needing to finish Flame followed the two.

Daniela stepped out of the elevator, waiting for whoever had chosen to come down with her. As soon as she walked into the hall, her eyes widened. "W-what the hell is this?" she asked herself, unaware that she had actually said it out loud. Is this some military facility?... and... where the hell is the danger room?! she wondered, looking around, noticing that only the newbies, the ones that DIDN'T know where anything was, had stayed behind.

"We're in here!" Vlad's booming voice came from X-Men Danger Room, leading anyone who was astray in the right direction.

Shana walked out of the elevator behind Daniela, and seeing confusion on her face, she stated, "This is where we train and learn how to focus and control our powers. Come on, we'll go in." She smiled when Vlad shouted and walked into X-Men Danger Room.

A moment later the elevator doors opened again, and White came out of it. "Wow" she said when she saw the metallic walls and the clinical lights. It was pretty different to the rest of the mansion, which looked homey despite being a huge place. "What is this place?" she asked rethorically and approached Daniela, who was still standing there. "It's a bit scary, isn't it?"

Danielis walked from the elevator to see the two girls standing there chatting as he sauntered by them into X-Men Danger Room

Virgil slowly walked into here, mumbling to himself about where he should go, not noticing the people in here already.

Daniela shrugged, turning to White. "Like hell it is.." she muttered. 'Sorry, uh.. your name was?" she asked, trying to remember. Jo... josie?. Then she noticed everyone passing by and Virgil, muttering around like a crazy person. "Uhm.. in whatever case, we should go to this Danger room place, right?" she said to the girl next to her with a smile. "Yo! smokey!" she said loudly to Virgil. "We're all heading to the Danger Room." she continued as she walked into the X-Men Danger Room herself.

Virgil jumped as his name was called and after he listened to Daniela,"Alright, I'll be right in there" In a semi-smooth tone except for the alright part, where his voice slightly crackled.

"My name is Josephine", the albino girl answered to Daniela. "People call me White though. What's your name?" she asked, following her into the X-Men Danger Room. She looked at the guy she called 'smokey' and smiled faintly, before entering the room.

Virgil slowly walked into X-Men Danger Room after he finished thinking to himself.

Danielis came from X-Men Danger Room and went into the elevator, taking it to X-Men hall center 3rd.

Virgil came along with Danielis.

Storming out of X-Men Danger Room Flame looked around for something to kick and throw abuse at, yet with nothing in sight she just jabbed at the button for the lift instead, with more force than what was really needed.

Vlad walked casually after Flame, not wanting to say anything that would probably just irritate her further. Whatever she was mad about was a mystery to him and he was indeed curious but he knew better than to poke dragons in the eye. "Hey," he said calmly, putting his hands on her shoulders for a moment as she assaulted the elevator button.

Flame's hands instantly came up to push away the person, until she got a look at who it was. Dropping her hands back to her sides she giving a roll of her shoulders to try and clear the tension from them. "What?"

Keeping his grip very light, not having touched much of anyone since he'd discovered his powers, Vlad grinned a little as Flame recognized it was him. His fingers moved just slightly, feeling the tension in her muscles and hoping to slowly strum it away. Or at least help...hell, he was just glad to be touching her, truth be told. However, his chief concern was for her emotional well being and he didn't overstep his boundaries or turn the maneuver into anything overtly sexual. "O, you know, just vonted to come out here and accost you by the elevator before the rest could see vot I vos up to."

Glancing up at him Flame let out a sigh of a laugh and a smile to go with it. "Ah, such a gentleman. Thanks, just need some time out or I'm going to take Kaider's head off its shoulders." The name of the telepath coming out as a growl as her lips drew back off her teeth, lacking some of the normal intimidation they had behind them since she had recently filed them down.

Vlad listening patiently, merely letting Flame talk as she needed to. When she was through, he noticed her snarl and had to chuckle a little. She was damn hot. "Vell, maybe you could vait a bit. I think the newbies are already scared of the hot-headed females here. Do it avay from others you know. Element of surprise..." his voice trailed off and drummed his fingertip along her shoulders.

"Hey," Flame smirked as she continued. "They got to learn sooner or later the force to reckon with which is Flame." It turning to a grin and a wink. "I'll catch you later big boy, maybe for a more one on one game." Blowing him a kiss as she stepped away from Vlad and into the lift Flame gave him a little wave of her fingers before taking it up to X-Men hall center 3rd.

A grin played on Vlad's lips and he watched her leave, managing to keep his eyes on her face as the doors shut her from view. He then walked back to X-Men Danger Room.

Vlad considered that the others might like to know where the Danger Room Control Room was, and the infirmary, so he did not grab an elevator right away and merely waited by the door to X-Men Danger Room Control Room. Kaider would obviously know more about it than he did, having only played in the danger room once before.

Kaider came out and stood by the door to the infirmary. "I'll just stay here until everybody's left. Wouldn't want them to get lost in here..."

White entered the hall coming from the Danger Room and waited for the rest to join them on the Mansion tour.

Shana walked into the hall, kicking her legs up in a march, quite childishly. With her hands behind her back, she stopped and stood perfectly still, waiting.

Looking at Shana as she marched around, Vlad noticed that only Daniela was left in the Danger Room. "Daniela!" He called out just loud enough to be heard but not quite considered yelling. "Lost already?" asked he, a little grin on his face.

"I'm going, I'm going." replied Daniela rolling her eyes jokingly as she emerged from the Danger room and walked towards the others.

Vlad walked over to the X-Men Infirmary door and pushed it open with his finger, standing well out of the way so White and Daniela could look inside. "This is the hospital so if you or anyvon else is hurt, take them here," he instructed.

"Do people get hurt a lot around here?" White asked raising an eyebrow. With people with the power to blow up stuff or light them on fire, she guessed it wasn't easy to keep the students unharmed. She just hoped she didn't have to pay a visit to the infirmary.

"Well... they have more tendency to do that, what with all the powers an' stuff", admitted Kaider to White. "The best way to not get hurt is to run away if something weird seems to be happening but then the others just start calling ye a coward." Kaider sighed as if ey obviously knew what ey was talking about.

Daniela quietly peeked into the infirmary, it seemed surprisingly well equipped for a school, including some very complicated-looking medical equipment. Though in another place, this may have surprised her, after the danger room, it only seemed natural the mansion would have such an infirmary. She let White speak, nodding in agreement, and then, after Kaider replied, she asked; "Is there a Doctor in the mansion?" She figured it took a professional to handle all that medical equipment, let alone manage the wildly different and unknown physiologies of mutants.

"Are we taking the elevator or the stairs?" asked White to Vlad or Shana, who were the self-designated tour guides. There didn't seem to be much else to see in this area, she thought.

"Ve vill take the stairs since you already know vere the elevator is," replied Vlad. Looking at Kaider, he restated Daniela's question, not knowing the answer himself. "Kaider, is there a doctor on staff here? Is it Hank?" He asked as he walked towards the stairs.

"Yeah, Hank's a doctor, though he's more of a researcher than a practical doctor. Then again, I suppose here that's better", said Kaider. "An' pretty much everyone knows first aid at the least, some are probably almost qualified nurses."

The stairs read "emergency exit only".

Vlad eyed the sign and pointed to it with his thumb. "Vill an alarm sound?" he asked Kaider.

"Well", began Kaider, "I've never tried, but I doubt it. I've been told we shouldn't use it. An' it is a long way up, too."

"Guessing the elevator then, I'll just follow our esteem tour guides afterwards." said Daniela as she pressed the button that called for the elevator. When the double doors opened, she hesitated, she didn't know if she should go first or last, after all, she didn't even know which floor they were going to.

Shana,moved into the elevator, saying "Uh, sure?" She was beginning to think that volunteering to be a tour guide wasn't the best idea, considering her lack of authority skills. She was just a child at heart, after all.

Entering the elevator and pushing the "2" button Vlad pushed the "open" button to make sure the rest of them had a chance to get into the lift. "Coming? Off to the second floor as far as I'm concerned," he said with a little shrug. He was no tour guide either but he could show what he knew.

White hurried to enter the elevator with the group. "Up to the second floor then", she said and shrugged.

Daniela walked into the elevator, large as it was, she was still pushed a bit to the right side of the door, opposite to the elevator control panel. She looked around as if counting heads, wondering if anyone was missing.

"Doors closing," Vlad said aloud though to no one in particular. He pushed the "Door Close" button and the lift began trundling towards X-Men Hall 2nd. "These are classrooms mostly as far as I know," he said with a grin as he looked around the elevator for a moment, feeling rather large but not bothered by it.

Kaider went to the infirmary to check that ey hadn't injured emself more than ey thought and to see that ey hadn't worsened the older injuries from a certain fight. Having confirmed that ey hadn't hurt emself more, Kaider went to eir room, dormitory 390, to sleep.
(OOC: Sorry about the great leap, insert a bunch of excuses here.)

X-Men Hall Complex * X-Men Characters * Start X-Men

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