Page name: X-Men Hall South 3rd Hist1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-27 00:33:19
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X-Men Hall South 3rd

This stretch of the corridor is cold and dark, the lights are either off, or no longer work, and none of the students have even so much as glanced down it.

X-Men - Time

Monday, September 20

Myetel came from the center hall and made a very quick visit to his room, dormitory 360.

Now in his usual indoor clothes, Myetel left the door to his dorm open and let the lamp he set up light the dark hallway. He was carrying a bunch of equipment that he wanted to use on the newcomer, and peered into the center hall to see if she was coming.

Nicole did not like the dark hall. She ignited her hand, the silver heating the cooler air and lighting the hall up. Once it was lit, the color slowly changed to gold as she became more comfortable and walked over to Myetel. Her hand was like a campfire or mini sun, lighting and heating the air.

"Well, maybe I didn't need my lamp." Myetel stood before his door and offered the somewhat ugly-looking helmet-like sensor gird. "Here, put this on your head." He also took two sticker-like electrodes. "And these go on your palms."

Nic eyed the electrodes. "Are those heat proof?" she asked with a small smile. "I wouldn't want to destroy your equipment." Nicole made the energy move up to her forearms, taking the helmet in her hands.

"These ones are", said Myetel, referring to the electrodes. "The head-grid can handle some heat but not continuous flaming. And neither can the floor. Are you saying your whole body will heat up? Are your clothes heat-resistant?" He sounded somewhat concerned.

"My clothes will be fine," Nic said. She looked at the floor. "That might be a problem. And if it's just happy emotions, then I can keep it from reaching the ground or starting anything on fire. It's the adrenaline filled emotions I have a problem with." With a slight huff, she knelt down, the gold turning silver as she for the first time forced herself to be angry. Frustrated. Scared. The silver flared brightly, and she touched the floor. It blackened almost immediately, and she pulled her hand back, shock causing her energy to disappear again. Nicole fell backwards onto her butt on the floor, staring at the black mark. "This could be harder than I thought," she said quietly.

Myetel grinned at the idea that she had fire-resistant clothes. The day she discovered her burning ability must've been a sight. "Ooh, very interesting", he mumbled when Nicole used her powers and his equipment gave some readings to a screen he had put on the floor. "Well, at least marks on the floor aren't an issue, this corridor's seen much worse lately." For a very brief moment, Myetel became furious at remembering the fight and pushed it from his mind. "That didn't seem too hard. Maybe you should find one particular emotion that is least difficult for you to control and try with that and try ignoring the rest?"

Nicole thought for a moment, shaking her head. "The only controllable energy I can form is gold, but that requires happiness. Or at least contentment." Nic rubbed her knees slightly. "And I don't feel content right now. Angry and scared, yes, but hardly content." She looked at Myetel as her hands flared silver again. The energy was stronger this time, though, as it traveled up her arms. Her sleeves fluttered and a wave of heat went outward, the heat not fading.

Myetel looked strangely contemplative. He figured he would need to find a way to make her happy, and he had no clue whatsoever how to do that. "Well... don't you have some happy memories or something? I think the most I can do is spout some general pleasantries about you but I don't know if that will work. Hm." He had an idea, grinned and vanished for half a second. Myetel had gotten a screwdriver from his toolbox and showed it. Its head wasn't properly cross-shaped anymore and was thus useless. "Could you feel controllably angry at this screwdriver for being such bad quality that it broke down after just a little screwing?"

The silver erupted into gold as Nicole started laughing at the statement Myetel just said. (It was funny, after all.) The glow took over her eyes, making them a solid gold as well. The hall lit up like daytime and heated slightly, but not so much as when the silver energy was apparent. Nic smiled at Myetel and shook her head. "The poor tool. I could fix it for you, I think."

Myetel looked rather confused for a split second until he too realized that what he had said must have been rather funny. Fortunately his mind worked fast as well. When Nicole glowed and the hall lit up, Myetel looked at his monitor and went: "Ah yes, that's interesting." He then raised an eyebrow at then suggestion to fix it, but then shrugged. "Well, if you want to. I am hoping hot objects don't harm you. Are you actually impervious to heat or are you otherwise being protected from it? People's powers work differently after all. Anyway, I don't know how good fixing that screwdriver is, since you probably can't change its composure. It will probably get twisted out of shape again."

"I think I'm impervious to heat," Nicole said after a moment's thought. "Though that didn't start until after my powers kicked in." She gestured at the scars on her arm, then shrugged. "That's a long story. But my house was caught on fire when I...When I was home, and I wasn't injured at all." She smiled again and the glow pulsated slightly. "And I can fix it, but it won't keep it from breaking again."

"Hm, my powers never really did anything drastic when they appeared. But I guess each to their own." Myetel chose not to mention his precognitive nightmares because he thought those were private and he never liked to talk about them in the first place. "Well, do what you want with it, though I think it could still work if you can feel angry at it", he said. "Or is there some other way I can help you with it?"

"I can't be angry at an inanimate object," Nic said simply. But, even as she said that, her energy changed to silver anger. It was controlled, however, something she had harbored for years. She threw a shot of energy down, popping herself upward so she was standing without touching the floor or walls. A black mark was left where her energy hit. Nicole carefully formed her energy into a tight ball in front of her, separating it from herself. The hall heated again to desert-like levels.

"Well now, that seems excellent to me!" said Myetel and looked at his monitor again. The heat was getting rather uncomfortable for him by now, though he did like to go into a sauna on occasion. "It is very hot in here now, you know. Is it possible for you not to heat up the room but still throw those heat energy bolts?"

Korvka stopped suddenly when she saw a new girl and Myetel in the hallway. Oddly, it did not bother her that Myetel was with another girl, remembering that he rarely got an opportunity to test his gadgets on willing subjects. However, she put her hand to her brow and wiped away a bit of sweat. "Hi, glad to see you're back, after what happened I vos vorried," she greeted to Myetel. Then she turned to the new girl and waved. "I'm Korvka, velcome to the school. Just come get me ven you are finished," she said.

Nicole nodded and focused on cooling the energy. The heat died slowly as the silver pulsed brighter with light. When Korvka came, however, she lost that little bit of control and a head surge went through the hall, the blistering wind hitting the walls and the other students. Nicole panicked for a moment, the heat increasing, but she quickly got it under control and brought the energy inward, so it was glowing through her eyes and on her hands but not as intensely. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said in a litany as she looked at Myetel and Korvka anxiously, trying to ascertain whether either was injured.

"<Hello, Korvka!>" said Myetel as soon as he saw her. "Happened? ..." His questioning was cut short when Nicole's heat output suddenly increased and he was quick enough to turn away and run into his room to get a foam extinguisher. He pointed it at Nicole but it was obvious he didn't need to use it right now. "Hm, well obviously surprise elements are tricky. I'm sure you can get those under control too. Xavier especially likes to test that in his Danger Room. I've yet to find it truly surprising."

<"Yes, there's been an explosion on the first many are missing..."> Korvka's voice died away, not wanting to interrupt his time with the new girl, but it seemed that as soon as she'd stopped speaking, a surge of heat blew her hair back and forced her eyes shut. Accustomed to warmth as she was, this was quite another matter and she felt the patterns along her body starting to glow brightly. "Damn newbie, that vos some blast," she commented, neither sounding impressed or upset.

"I'm sorry," Nicole said again. She took a deep breath as the energy turned black, absorbing some of the heat as it did so. It was quickly becoming apparent to her that the differences in her powers were as great as the differences in emotions. She looked at Korvka and Myetel quickly. "You...aren't hurt, are you?" Nicole remembered that Korvka introduced herself, and she grimaced slightly at her lack of social etiquette. "Sorry, my Name is Nicole," she added quickly.

Korvka shook her head at Nicole's question. "No, if anything my skin likes your heat. I think you're having some greenhouse effect on me or something," she said hastily, holding out her hand to watch the thin green patterns there throb with color. "Velcome to the school, Nicole."

"<Missing?>" said Myetel and raised an eyebrow. Maybe that was why he hadn't run into anyone on his way in. He then replied to Nicole: "I'm fine, I react quickly." He put the extinguisher down and was secretly a little surprised to hear that the newcomer did have a name. Introducing himself hadn't crossed his mind, but it did now, so he thought it would be polite to do now. "My name is Myetel." He pronounced his name with similar intonation as the Russian he had spoken to Korvka.

<"Yes, there aren't many of us left. Vlad, Shana, Flame, Kaider, you and me I think,"> replied Korvka with slightly less volume than usual. Today was proving to be draining for certain.

A bit of jealousy ran through Nicole as the other two conversed in what she could only guess was either Russian or Swedish or something. A line of silver shot through the black that was surrounding her arms, swirling with it as the emotions battled with one another for dominance. She watched as they spoke, waiting patiently near the wall until they were done.

"<I'd have hoped they'd have taken away the more annoying ones instead of leaving them here.>" Myetel had not exactly been friends with anyone, actually, added to the fact that he usually cared little for other people. "<I'm glad you're safe.>" He noticed the color phenomenon on Nicole's arms and peered at his monitor again. "That's interesting. Do the colors match what kind of energy effect you're about to do? What does it mean if the colors mix?"

Korvka did not reply, she hadn't expected Myetel to be emotional about the whole thing. It was probably why she wanted to see him, to have some type of indifferent stability who could just hold her or something, she shook her head to clear the thought. This heat was getting to her, her marks were glowing like crazy and she felt like something was growing inside of her, a twisting, churning type of sensation. <"I'm glad you are too, I went looking and you weren't around so obviously my first thought wasn't that you'd disappeared to the woods again. I kind of need some comfort...I know that's not really your forte but when you're done it'd be nice to see you."> Korvka said somewhat sheepishly, almost embarrassed to have admitted it.

Nicole continued listening to the two converse. She looked over at Myetel when he addressed her. "Two colors, two dominant emotions. Only the silver and black ever mix." Those had been the colors that had destroyed her home. Nicole saw how Korvka looked at Myetel, and how she spoke, even if she couldn't understand the words.

"<Oh...>" Myetel looked a little stumped, not being used to receiving talk quite like that. "<Well, yes, of course.>" He was a little unsure if he should just stop his experimenting right now, since he did have a good amount of data already, but he could always use more, especially since Nicole's powers were not exactly mapped and controlled. "<This shouldn't take too long.>" He then switched back to English and spoke to Nicole again: "What does the black color signify?"

"Sadness," Nicole said quietly. "Non-adrenelin filled negative emotion." Myetel's expression had changed. Nicole looked at Korvka. The other girl was ruining everything. Nicole was very bad at making friends, after all, and one on one conversations tended to work out best. Nicole had the feeling that she would be shunted off again, and the silver pulsed within the black.

All Myetel noticed was the color of Nicole's hands changing a little, and while he knew and remembered they had to do with her emotions, he failed to connect any necessary dots to realize that she wasn't probably quite fine right now. He was a little too occupied with his own thoughts for the moment as he rationalized his confusion and started solving the issue analytically in his head. Meanwhile, he continued talking about Nicole's powers. "Okay. Well, could you try firing one of those bolts without heating up the whole hall? I bet it could be more effective a heat blast that way since the energy would be concentrated. I'll stand by with the extinguisher in case the floor burns." He obviously didn't care much for the mansion interiors for the moment; it was for science!

With a little nod, Korvka missed the look that Nicole threw her and turned to walk back to X-Men Hall Center 3rd. There seemed to have been some commotion in there...

Thankful that Korvka had left but still quite jealous, Nicole nodded at Myetel and concentrated in moving the silver energy to her right hand. She encased it in the black energy so the heat wouldn't be released. She failed to realize that the energy, like her emotions, fed off of one another and strengthened. She threw the bolt at the floor and the entire hall erupted in blast of dust and small pieces of wood. Nicole fell backwards, her powers encasing and shielding her from the majority of the blast. Once the smoke cleared, a four inch sized hole was clearly visible in the floor.

As soon as the bolt seemed to blow up with a bit more energy than Myetel felt was intended, he shot at it with the extinguisher before covering up his face from the splinters and backing down so fast that they didn't manage to hurt him. Some splinters managed to find themselves into his clothes and hair, however, but he didn't care about that. He looked at the hole filled with some foam and said: "That looked quite nice! How about with a little less energy next time? Or at a slower pace so that it'll actually burn rather than explode?"

Kaider's somewhat unusual voice carried over the halls: "Stop destroying school property, or there will be consequences!"

Nicole sat on the floor, her arms crossed over her chest so that one hand was shielding her face. She almost seemed as if she was half expecting someone to hit her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would do that," Nic said in a very small voice. In her mind it hadn't been that powerful.

Myetel looked extremely annoyed at hearing Kaider's voice, probably even more so because he knew the androgynous twit was right. He turned back to Nicole. "Don't worry about it, that's quite little compared to some other incidents that have happened around here, or so I hear." He didn't seem to be phased at all about being blown with dust and splinters. "But, as much as I hate to admit, I think Xavier will be throwing a fit if we burn more stuff. I guess the Danger Room would be a proper place to test this stuff, or way out in the wilds..."

Nicole wasn't sure what a Danger Room was, but she frowned. "I don't think doing this in the mansion anymore would be a good idea. I like camping, though. I always liked the woods." Her energy had a sudden flash of gold that mingled with the silver and black. This had never happened to her before, but a happy memory moved in to vie for supremacy against the jealousy and slight sadness.

"That's great", commented Myetel to Nicole's statement about her liking camping. He was basically ready to go back at any time, but he then thought that he would need to bring all the sensors along as well as a power generator and his laptop, and for that he would need a vehicle. Since he didn't have a fitting one of his own, he would need to borrow one, and he very much doubted that Xavier would let him do that. Thinking of Xavier also made him think whether he would allow the students to come and go so easily since apparently several of them had just been kidnapped. That took even the super-fast Myetel some time to think, so he stood there, looking ponderous for quite a moment.

While Myetel was standing there, Nicole concentrated the gold energy in her hand, moving over to the hole in the floor. The metal piping was visibly, but cracked. She repaired it by heating her powers and concentrating them on the cracks. They 'welded' closed. Nicole looked up at Myetel and waited for him to say something more than his two word answer.

Alexis slowly entered into the hall, his face a pale, pale white. He almost matched the one girl in the hall. He gasped for air as emotions stormed around his head. He barely was able to read the different numbered plaques on the doors. He grunted whimpered in slight panic as the barriers in his mind started to crumble into nothing. he wanted nothing more than to get to his room so he could do something to calm his mind. Luna trailed cautiously behind him, her lavender eyes watching him carefully, with his staggering steps he didn't look to be in such good of shape. Alexis could have cried when he saw the plaque that covered hos door, and he instantly went into Dormitory 374, shutting the door behind him and accidentally shutting Luna out of the room. Luna sat there for a moment and then went back down the hall to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, her tail hair in the air.

Myetel glared at the newcomer and didn't say anything, since he looked like he wasn't exactly in one piece. Best not to disturb those ones or they blow up. He was much more interested in Nicole's way of fixing the wiring in the floor. "All right, now that's what I'd call controlled use of your powers. Did you know you could do that?" He took a short moment to finish his earlier thinking and said: "I think Xavier's going to get difficult if we try to leave with a bunch of equipment and a vehicle or something. But if we don't explode any more stuff, we could continue our tests here."

"I knew...I've fixed things for my before." Nicole cut off the word before she finished it, as if she didn't want to say it at all. "I don't think the hall would be the greatest place to continue. That boy looked really uncomfortable. Um...My room is supposed to be pretty much fireproof..." She shrugged. It would be easier to do this if she wasn't catching the floor on fire.

"Good, good", commented Myetel about her having fixed things before. He didn't start asking about her family, since he also didn't like to talk of his family. "Should we go into your room then? Is that okay with you?"

"It's fine." She stood and was about to dust herself off and realized there was no point to it. "Do you need help with your equipment?" She stretched her arms over her head, taking a deep breath to relax. Her energy faded as she slowly became emotionless again.

"Great. And no, I just need..." Myetel zoomed off again, putting his lamp back into his room and picking up his monitor from the floor. "...this. And the stuff on you", he added with a small grin. "Which way is your room?"

Nicole watched him move his stuff and stepped back. "I'm in room 399." She pointed back towards the X-men Hall Center 3rd.

"Okay, let's go", said Myetel and headed to X-men Hall Center 3rd.

Nicole followed Myetel.

Luna walked bristly through the hall towards her owners room, following the sound of his Violin playing. She headed straight to Dormitory 374.

Alexis walked quickly from his room, his cello in its case in his hands as he headed to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.


Danielis, after almost tripping over the hole in the floor, entered Dormitory 369.


Coming from the center hall, Myetel ran to Dormitory 360.

Korvka walked to Dormitory 360 and knocked.

Korvka opened the door to Dormitory 360 and entered, closing the door behind her.

Korvka exited Dormitory 360 and walked into X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Alexis smirked as he found the right room and headed into Dormitory 374.

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