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X-Men Kitchen 3rd

The kitchen, those parts of it you can see through the smoke, is nowhere near as tidy as kitchen on the first floor, in fact, it looks rather more like the site of a small explosion than a kitchen. The fridge is annoyingly beer free, and a lot emptier than it's first floor counterpart. There is a TV hanging in the corner.

X-Men - Time
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist1

Tuesday, the 21st of September

White entered the kitchen. She took a general look of the place and searched for a glass. She opened the fridge, took out some milk and filled the glass. She sat down and drank it slowly, waiting for some other students to show up.

Korvka walked into the kitchen, still looking very much so asleep. Her hair was damp and hung a bit less wild but where it was drying was beginning to coil smartly. The Russian looked to White and waved an obligatory hand at her since she didn't much feel like talking. Crossing to the cabinet she took out a large mug and then opened the fridge. Pushing aside the other milk, Korvka found the glass jar in the back with the raw milk she could drink, and poured her mug half full. Closing the door, Korvka crossed over to the table and sat a few seats away from White, growing berries to pour into her milk. She faced away from the window so that the bright sun wasn't in her still-tired eyes.

"Hello" said White quietly as Korvka waved at her. She watched her come and go, and she assumed she wasn't a new student because she knew where all the things in the kitchen were. As the russian made berries appear out of nowhere she blinked. "Wow" she said surprised. That was really cool, but White didn't say it out loud. Korvka looked rather depressed and White didn't even know her, so she didn't know what to say. As her milk was running out, she felt the need to eat something. "Um, do you know where the bread is?" she asked, partly to make some conversation, and stood up to look for a plate.

Korvka looked up as White asked her where to find the bread, setting her mug of milk and fruit on the table in front of her. She remembered seeing her briefly from the night before but yesterday seemed like such a blur. If the disappearance had taught her anything it was that they needed to bond together in these tougher times. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand before replying, "Pantry next to the sink, second shelf."

White followed the instructions and found a loaf. "Thanks. Do you want some?" she asked, and picked a plate and a knife from the ones that were drying by the sink. White returned to the table, left the bread and the rest of the things there and went back to the fridge to get some butter. She grabbed an apple that was in a bowl next to the refrigerator as well. "Have you been in the mansion for a long time?" she asked, sitting back where she was before.

"Sure, thanks," Korvka replied when the new girl asked if she'd like some bread. She yawned thickly and shook her head a little to wake herself up. When she looked up, White was already sitting down again with her apple. "A little over two years. My name is Korvka," she said after taking another gulp of her milk-and-fruit breakfast.

"I'm Josephine", White said, "but people usually call me 'white'. For rather obvious reasons". She chuckled. Grabbing the knife, she cut a few slices of bread and offered some to Korvka. "I bet you've seen a lot of strange stuff here in two years. I've only been here a day and I find everything is impressive", she said.

Korvka chuckled sleepily and took the break from White. "Vot kind of pover turns you vite?" she asked, not unkindly. However, the mention of the last two years in the mansion reminded Korvka of all the fascinating characters she'd met over her time here. Munching her toast, Korvka nodded. "This place attracts a lot of interesting sorts. Its a haven for people like you and Flame whose abilities manifest physically. "

Talk of the devil, Flame walked in and headed straight to the fridge and pantry. She normally had a large breakfast, and if they were going to be training she needed it even more. "Morning ladies." A wave to the girls as she started pulling out numerous things for herself and the bowls and plates they would go on. As an after thought, she filled and flicked on the coffee machine.

"Oh, I've been this way since I was born. Albino, you know? My mutation came later, and I'm not sure if my appearance has something to do with it... maybe it does", White said and shrugged. As Flame walked in, she answered with a "hi", and continued with what she was saying. "I can manipulate light... and sometimes create light as well", she said and concentrated to make her hand glow mildly. She didn't want to blind anyone. After a couple of seconds she returned back to normal and took a bite from the apple she had taken. "You um... make fruits grow?" she asked remembering how the berries seemed to have come out of nowhere a moment earlier.

"Mornin' Flame," Korvka greeted to the crimson-scaled woman as she made her coffee. Looking back to White, Korvka listened about her powers with a nod. "Vell, even if it is natural, you vont be looked at strangely here, that's for sure." she reiterated, then finishing her glass of milk and berries. She watched White's hand and squinted a little as the light began to grow and then dissipate. When White kept talking, Korvka realized she'd walked into a conversation and made greater efforts appear less hostile, as she knew she could be in the morning. "I can grow any plant I know of and have touched. Can mobilize them too but I'm still vorking on how to exert perfect control over them."

"She's right; now this," Flame spoke up, pointing to herself with one long nail as she poured out cereal with the other hand into a bowl. "This get looked at strangely no matter where I go." Looking between the bowl and Korvka and held out the bowl towards the girl. "Mind if I steal a selection of berries?"

Korvka wiped her eyes again, feeling more awake the longer she kept her eyes open. "Mmhmmm," she hummed in agreement with Flame. When she saw the bowl, she shrugged and said "Sure. Blackberries, blue berries, raspberry, choke cherries, currants?" As she named off berries, she held out her hand over the bowl and berries dropped from her palm until the bowl was full.

"Thank you." With a little salute Flame took the bowl, back, filling it the rest of the way with milk and sugar and adding it to her other places as she went about continuing to make her meal.

Entering the kitchen, Kaider said "Good morning." Then, as ey saw who was in, ey mentally prepared for a quick departure or something of the like. Kaider then decided to eat something easy and picked a couple of huge muffins from a shelf.

"Well you do look strange. But that's not necessarily bad", White said to Flame. The scaled woman still made her feel a bit uncomfortable though. She continued eating her apple as Kaider came in. "Morning" she greeted. "So, special training session, do you think there are plans to get the missing students back?" she asked. She didn't even know the people who had been taken, yet she was curious to find out what was going to happen.

Korvka did not have the energy to fight Kaider as ey walked in the kitchen. Besides, she'd probably get her chance in the Danger Room at 930. As White kept talking, Korvka wondered how someone could be so awake already. Sure, she was a newcomer so the news of the explosion didn't hit her as hard but there was an overall cheeriness to her demeanor that was altogether untouched by the early morning or the mental invasion, which always left Korvka a little miffed. It was unnatural, it was unwelcome... "I doubt it," Korvka replied to White, taking a bite from a pear she conjured. "Probably practicing to keep ourselves on guard. If ve can recover our lost students it vont be vith the Danger Room's help."

Putting down the apple and knife she had in her hand Flame feel her mood instantly drop at the reminder of lost friends. It wasn't White's fault... but she rather not had thought about it yet. "So much for my good mood." However, she did not want it to dominate today and end up in another possible fight as the day before. A glance to Kaider as ey walked in confirmed that idea. "Hey Kaider." She would try her best not to ruin the day today, for herself or others.

Noticing she had said something she shouldn't, White scolded herself mentally and pressed her lips together tightly. She finished eating her apple and picked a slice of bread, putting some butter on it before munching on it in complete silence.

Daniela came in from the X-Men Hall East 3rd, opening the door slowly. "Uhm.. hi." she said simply, noticing the tension in the air, she was also surprised to see so many people around. She was never one for a big breakfast, so she figured she'd just have a glass of juice. She walked to the cabinets trying not to bump into anyone. She grabbed a tall glass and got some orange juice from the fridge. After pouring three quarters of a glass, she put the juice back and quietly receded into a corner, leaning back on the kitchen counter and drinking the juice in small sips.

"Hm, tension, not a good side dish for breakfast." Flame input again, taking a bite out of one of the apple pieces she had cut, trying to shake everyone out of the mood. "You two ready for more Danger Room?" The comment aimed towards White and Daniela, since Kaider and Korvka were old hands at it by now.

"It wasn't that bad yesterday." smiled Daniela gulping down the last of her juice. Then she headed to the sink and washed the glass lightly before putting it away. "I figure I'll go ahead of you guys." she continued while heading to the door. "Knowing me, I might get lost in the way." she added with a snicker and disappeared out the door towards the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana came into the kitchen immediately after Daniela walked out. "Sup guys?" she asked to the kids in the kitchen. She walked over to the fridge and began rummaging through its contents. Upon finding a Hot Pocket she popped it into the microwave and waited.

Korvka ignored the rest of the people as they came into the kitchen. People like Shana and Flame would already be well acquainted with Korvka's disconnect in the morning. In fact, she was rather proud that she'd made it in before her brother, who was usually the early bird. Growing a bit of celery, she crunched in otherwise, relative silence.

Vlad walked into the kitchen, his wet hair dangling in his grey eyes as he crossed to the pantry. He looked plenty jovial but he wasn't quite ready to start conversation yet, and was completely oblivious to the tension in the room. He'd seen Flame and Korvka and Shana, and quite a few of the newcomers. Smiling at them, he grabbed a large loaf of bread from the back of the pantry. Remembering what had happened yesterday with the chair, Vlad remained standing. He nudged his sister, who looked too sullen as far as he was concerned. <"Hey, cheer up sis. You're going to scare away the new kids if they think that life at the mansion is this much fun,"> he said with considerable cheek, then taking a bite from the loaf.

White nodded at Flame, happy that the conversation subject had shifted. She finished eating and stood up. "I guess we should be hurrying up", she commented checking her watch. They still had time but she was eager to get moving anyways, so she left to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Clicking her tongue Flame picked up a spoon and started working on her other food. "Everyone is in such a rush." She didn't care if she was late to training, it would not be the first time, and worse case it was Wolvie taking them and he would make her run laps or something else which was a pain in the butt. Shooting a wink at Vlad she mixed up the contents of her bowl so it was one big mush before starting to eat it.

Glaring up to her brother, Korvka grumbled some sort of curse and finished eating her celery. <"They should get to know early that I'm not a pleasure in the mornings, and after yesterday I don't give a shit whether I'm cheery or not,"> she replied in the same sleepy voice she'd used when talking to White earlier. Korvka cleared her throat and then grew herself a nice breakfast of grapefruit, a peach, and a large cluster of green grapes which she started eating immediately.

Kaider greeted the ones who came in after em and kept on eating. Ey didn't really have more to add to the conversation at the moment, so ey kept quiet, not encouraging people to speak with their mouths full.

Finishing off half her bowlful, Flame grabbed her cup of coffee once it was made, sipping at it between mouthfuls and glances at Korvka. She didn't try talking to the girl, as she did not seem up to it, aiming at Vlad instead. "She seems like she needs a pick-me-up." Lifting her cup enough to motion she meant caffeine.

Vlad looked over to Flame as she spoke, chuckling. "She hates coffee, she's just totally sour in the morning. Alvays has been," he replied with a pat on Korvka's back that made her cough a little. He was still munching the loaf of bread when he noticed the clock by the sink. It was getting closer to 930. Looking to the rest of the kitchen he said, "Ve had better hurry up," and then walked out the door with a wave to Flame and the rest of the kitchen. He exited to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana took her breakfast from the microwave and began nibbling on it, steam erupting after she took a small bite. As the Hot Pocket cooled down, she worked on eating it faster, since Vlad had pointed out the time. "Trying, trying!" she said, huffing at the heat in her mouth.

With a shrug of her shoulders at Vlad's comment on the time, Flame did not rush her eating, she did not care if she was going to be late. It would not be the first time for training. She smirked at Shana's efforts, wondering how long before the girl burnt the roof of her mouth as she finished her bowl of cereal and continued on her apple slices and coffee.

Though she generally hated reminders, Korvka couldn't help but be glad that Vlad had brought to mind the significance of their first Danger Room meeting in a while. Whether or not it had anything to do with the missing students, Korkva could not help but be reminded of them as she finished her grapes. Without a word otherwise, Korvka walked out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Kaider finished eir muffins and looked at Flame and Shana, who were still eating. "I guess we should head down too... Ya coming?" Having said that, ey also left the kitchen and went into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"Tempted not to."Flame called after Kaider's exit, adding her second plate to the sink to be washed later as she retopped her coffee, planning on taking it with her down into the DR.

Shana nondded and swallowed the last bite of her breakfast. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she bounded out the door.

With a bit of a smirk at Shana's bounce, then a groan at the idea of what was to come, Flame followed on behind out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Myetel entered, raided the closets and started eating.
Myetel finished nearly as quickly as he had begun and put everything that remained back to their proper places, more or less, and left two closet doors hanging. He then ran out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Several hours later...

Once again in the kitchen, Myetel started raiding the food and consuming it.

Upon entering, Vlad noticed Myetel and he scowled but did not back out the door. He crossed to the pantry and grabbed a loaf of bread. Then he went to the refrigerator and took out the makings for a sandwich; lettuce, tomato, mustard, cheese and a jar of pickles. Most of the produce looked to be grown by his sister. He silently set to preparing his food.

Nicole entered and looked at the two already there. She went over and grabbed some bread from the loaf Vlad had and started eating it, not adding anything. She looked shaky and pale as she sat down, not even acknowledging the two boys.

" don't look so good," Vlad said to Nicole with mild concern. He couldn't remember if he'd met her before or not, probably only briefly in passing if at all. "Maybe you should go to the infirmary?"

"I feel a little...drained," Nicole said quietly. She continued to stare at the table in front of her, eating the bread slowly.

"Yeah, you look it," Vlad reiterated. However if she didn't want to go to the infirmary then he wasn't going to push the issue further. Seemed like there was a lot of mention of the place today, what with Shana's episode in the Danger Room and now a sickly newcomer. "My name's Vlad, vot's yours?" he asked, his Russian accent coloring all his words.

"Nicole," she replied. As she ate the bread, her color slowly improved, though not by much. "I think we met briefly before."

"We might have, it's been crazy around here. Sorry if I forgot," Vlad offered as a genuine apology. "If you vont to go to the infirmary, I can show you vere it is," he suggested after making his sandwich and putting away the parts. Then, he leaned against the counter and began eating, though still facing Nicole in case she wanted to know more.

"If you want to walk with me," Nicole said after a moment's thought. It would be better if she went. With her powers, the agony of even a head cold could cause her to put a hole in a wall.

"Sure, let me finish my sandvich," Vlad replied. He then proceeded to eat the sandwich at the same pace as he was eating before. No need to rush if she wasn't falling down yet, and even if she was, he could just carry her. After a few moments, the food had disappeared and Vlad was left licking his fingers. "Ready?" he asked, starting towards the door to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Nicole stood and spared Myetel a brief wave before walking to the door leading to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana entered the kitchen, and ignoring Myetel, dropped into a chair. She held her stomach and she bent over to rest her head on the table, having gained a bit of nausea. After her head had cleared, she stood and grabbed a banana and poured a glass of water. She returned to the table and slowly began to consume her food.

Myetel definitely noticed Nicole enter and probably would've said something, but she seemed like she wanted to have her space, so he just continued eating and eyed Vlad accusingly when he spoke to her. When Nicole left and waved, he responded. He grinned fairly amusedly when Shana entered and considered stuffing some feathers in her hair or clothes to make her a bit more chickeny, but in the end just didn't bother to get the feathers to do that. Therefore, he just finished eating and zoomed promptly out.

Shana finished her banana and water, her black hair starting to turn back to blonde. She rolled her eyes at Myetel, feeling better and thus a bit more feisty. Wondering what everyone was up to, she decided to head out. She rose and walked out the door to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

A few moments later...

Shana walked into the kitchen and began searching through the cabinets for tea bags and potato chips.

Daniela walked into the kitchen following Shana. "I wonder if we can take snacks to the TV room I saw next to the hallway..." she asked, it beat eating in the kitchen, after all. "How about you put the chips in a bowl and I make some tea?" she asked her roommate as she saw her pull out the stuff, something salty and some tea, seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.

"Yeah, we just have to be sure and clean up our mess," Shana said tossing a tea packet to Daniela. She pulled a giant bowl from the cabinet and began to open the ships, then paused. "Would you rather have popcorn? We could watch a movie while we're there." She pulled out a pack of buttered popcorn and waved it around.

"Oh! that sounds like it would be cool!" said Daniela as Shana pulled out the popcorn. She then grabbed a small kettle from one of the cupboards under the counter and turned on the stove. She quickly filled the kettle with tap water and set it on the burner.

Shana tossed the popcorn to Daniela as well and leaned against the counter. "Er, I, uh, don't really know how to make tea or popcorn... I usually microwave my stuff," she said with a silly grin.

"Ehh?! I'm supposed to be sick, you know?" sulked Daniela jockingly before she retried another, smaller pot and a bit of canola oil and salt from the cupboards. She poured a bit of oil in the pot and added the popcorn, then added some salt and closed the pot. Using a washcloth to hold the lid on the pot, she shook it to mix in everything inside, and then put it back on the burner. "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes..." she said as she started looking for a tray and some teaspoon, and hopefully a sugar pot. She had to take care of her brother and father since she was small, so Daniela was used to this sort of thing. "Uhhhm... do you know where they keep the trays?" she asked, halfway inside one of the bottom cupboards, rummaging through old pots and the sort.

Shana laughed at Daniela's comment. "Eh, sorry about that, I'm kind of useless when it comes to cooking." She shrugged, grinning. "Oh, trays?" she asked. "Yeah, I think they're in the cabinet to your right."

Daniela quickly got out of the cabinet and moved over to the next one on the right. After a little bit, she called out "Ah! found one!". Just then, the popcorn started to pop inside the pot, Daniela tried to get out from under the counter but banged the back of her head against the top of the cabinet. "OW!" she said as the stuff over the counter moved a bit from the collision. "That hurt...." she added as she stood back up, tray in hand. She placed the tray on the counter and opened the kettle, which was about ready to boil, and tossed in a pair of tea bags. "Damn counter..." she sulked, rubbing the back of her head.

White entered the kitchen just in time to see Daniela bump her head on the counter. "Are you okay?" she asked walking closer. "What are you girls cooking?"

"ah!" Shana shouted when Daniela hit her head. "Geez, that looked like it hurt! Are you alright?" she asked moving over to where daniela was standing. She looked up to see White enter and waved, asking, "What's up? Wanna join us in a movie?" Quickly shifting her attention back to Daniela, she walked over to the counter where she had hit her head and kicked it lightly, muttering, "You mean ol' counter."

Daniela continued rubbing the back of her head and nodded to White with a smile while some more of the popcorn continued to pop inside the pot. The water in the kettle suddenly started boiling and Daniela started to busy herself around the stove. She pulled out both the pot and the kettle and opened the first, pouring freshly popped popcorn into the bowl Shana had gotten out earlier. Leaving a few unpopped kernels in the pot. Then, she retrieved the kettle, and served some tea in the cups on the tray. "That should be it!" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking pretty satisfied.

"A movie? Yeah why not", answered White. She actually realized she hadn't seen TV since she had gotten here, which was strange. "Yum, popcorn", she said as she watched and smelled it when Daniela put it into the bowl. Still, she searched the cabinets for something else to eat, until she found a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

Shana opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a soda, Coca-Cola, and backed up, kicking the door closed with her foot. "Great, we should head on over and see what we can pick out! I'm excited, I haven't had a movie night with friends in years," she explained, smiling, as she twisted the cap off her drink. Cool steam rolled off the bottle opening and she took a small sip.

White caught the fridge door before it closed with Shana's kick, and picked a coke from in there as well, closing it again. "So, where are we going?" she said, wondering where the TV room was. "Can we carry this stuff there?" she asked referring to the food.

"Shana said it'd be ok, right?" replied Daniela turning to Shana as she grabbed the tea tray. She was feeling much better now that she had gotten her mind off things and busied herself with something, but she still felt like she had to follow the doctor's instructions. "Should we head towards the lounge?" she asked before walking out of the kitchen and into the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana nodded as she walked toward the door, Cola in hand. "Yep, let's just be sure to clean up." She pushed open the door and headed into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

White nodded to what Daniela and Shana said. She followed both girls carrying her coke, cookies and the popcorn bowl.

After the girl's had left...

Vlad entered and immediately saw the pan the girls had used to make the popcorn. After carefully rummaging through the drawers, he found the dry kernels and poured them into the pan. Then he remembered that he had actually had a sandwich, but it had seemed like so long ago since he'd met with all those people in the infirmary. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned the stove on and waited for the corn to pop, easily three times as much as what the girls had made.
After a moment or two, the popcorn was completely popped and actually was overflowing from the pan. Vlad swore a bit in Russian as he dashed to put the popcorn in the bowl he'd taken from White. He put the pan to soak in the sink and then hunted for the salt. Then he opened the fridge to find the butter and sliced a bit to melt on top. Sprinkling some salt over top over the puffed white corn, he decided that he couldn't tell how much the girls would want their popcorn messed with so he took the salt shaker with him in case they felt like watching their figures, or whatever girls did. With the bowl now piled to the top with popcorn, Vlad got the saltshaker and exited to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Michael entered the kitchen and immediately started sniffing the air to find food. Most of what he smelled seemed to be junk food, but then he opened the fridge and found enough to make a rather large sandwich so he quickly found the bread and assembled one. When he was finished it looked more like a stack of ingredients than a sandwich. He put it on a paper plate and grabbed a bag of chips and headed back out the door to X-Men Hall East 3rd, careful not to spill it.

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