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2013-03-15 [Ms. Steel]: I chose to sleep instead of posting last night. 'Cause... yikes. Technically it's Roma's turn, but I could go also, if only to expedite things.
2013-03-15 [Roma]: And of course, this is the day I go into work 2 hours early and then go out all night. Tomorrow.
But honestly, it's not like I've made you wait that long this round of new posts. One day won't kill everyone but if I come back and you've already posted, -shrug-
2013-03-19 [Roma]: This post was a little funny because Valerie is ahead of Vlad, so I apologize if that felt like stalling. I just wanted it to make sense.
BTW...how far does Danger reach? If the woods are still on grounds and all.
2013-03-19 [Duredhel]: Just within the mansion :O
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: ... Rooms... did Vlad pick a 50 foot tall tree? D:... How is he going to get that into a 45 feet tall building?... It's usually 10 feet per storey in a building (the first floor of the mansion is pretty much two storey's high though).
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: Evolution XD, it's an 8 foot tall tree.
2013-03-21 [Figgy]: Uhm... but it's a pine tree, soo... it's not really that heavy >_>
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: .... I meant to say, it's a tiny ass tree, it probably doesn't weight much more than a person. (If that)
2013-03-21 [Evolution X]: ...... you see why I was confused.
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: Like.. the post before sounded like Anthony was almost getting crushed or he was getting hurt by the falling tree, so I specified it was only 8 feet tall XD.
2013-03-21 [Evolution X]: He's not a weight lifter. He would still have difficulty holding up a tree.
He's like a normal guy, and as a normal guy, I have hard enough time bringing in the tree for Christmas when it's not 8 foot.
2013-03-21 [Roma]: I was going off of what Figgy and I discussed at first. Not that big a deal to change how tall the thing is.
2013-03-21 [Evolution X]: I dunno how heavy a tree like that is anyway. I just kinda went with the idea of shade guessing his powers were to do with super strength, and the fact he told Anthony to catch it. I miss-judged how heavy the tree was meant to be.
2013-03-21 [Figgy]: Uh... I don't recall talking about a 50-foot-tree..
Especially since...
2013-03-21 [Figgy]: Evolution, the trees we use as Christmas trees are just light-weight run-of-the-mil
2013-03-21 [Evolution X]: I didn't say you mentioned a fifty foot tree. I just didn't have any idea of size. I must have skipped something. And I don't regularly carry trees around as a day to day activity, so I can't actively guess the weight of a tree from a description of the size. I'm sorry for not being a bloody lumberjack >_>
2013-03-21 [Figgy]: .... Man, you gotta pay attention to what's going on around you.
2013-03-21 [Figgy]: And calm your tits. Ain't nobody jumping your case here. We're trying to explain. At least, I am.
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: Evolution, mate, the 50 foot tree thing is with Figgs and Roma, not you. Vlad cut down a 50 foot tree for the mansion, but the mansion is probably not even 45 feet tall. I asked Roma about it and she said her and Figgs had discussed that. Figgs then mentioned she didn't remember discussing Vlad cutting down a 50 foot tree.
2013-03-21 [Evolution X]: Again, confused because there was a comment that didn't have any direction to it, like a name... and then another with my name in it. I thought both were addressed to me. I'm easily befuddled.
2013-03-21 [Duredhel]: Anyhoooow... now that it's been cleared up, I'll post.
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