Page name: X-Men Hall 2nd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-05 02:23:20
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Veltzeh
# of watchers: 18
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The second floor of the mansion is accessible by elevator or by the staircase leading up from X-Men Hall 1st. If the second floor is not the final destination, there is a stairwell that also leads to X-Men Hall Center 3rd. Doors leading to a variety of classrooms line one length of the hallway, while visitor and teachers' quarters can be found running down the other.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Coming up the stairs, Nathan followed the stairs up to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Not far behind, but not in view, Endelyn followed his water trail, also heading to the X-men Hall Center 3rd.

Coming from the classroom hallway, Marcus made his way out in to the main landing for the floor. Looking down at his arm, he could see the faint reddish hue that became quite indicative of needing to siphon off some of the extra blood from his system. He let out a sigh, and headed casually down the stairwell, to X-Men Hall 1st.

God, Korvka was glad to be through with her punishments. Logan had all but whipped her arse day in and day out, and she had polished so many vehicles and waxed so many floors that she had even ventured an angry look when she noticed dirty footprints on the kitchen floors. However, she'd told herself all that time that when she wasn't strapped for time she'd be able to finish her masterpiece and there she was with a surplus of moments and absolutely zero inspiration. Irony, she thought to herself with a harumph of bitter laughter that only a sourpuss like her would find at all amusing. Looking down the hall, Korvka's feet moved slowly in clear lack of a place to go or something to do with herself, hips swinging as her gait was exaggerated. She paused at the landing and looked up the stairs towards the center hall and then immediately looked down the stairs, towards the first hall. As much as she'd craved solitude the past several days, Korvka was not interested in holing up in her room, where she'd feel personally pressured to work on the music that simply did not feel like coming today. Lips pursed for a moment, she decided to descend the stairs into X-Men Hall 1st, wondering what Valerie was up to... However, a moment later she returned and ascended the stair to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Light, with dripping hair and in only sweatpants and a bra, moved from the 1st hall up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, and angry scowl on her face and her hands barely sparking with electricity.

There was a soft tapping of feet as Magnolia became visible as she took the steps down into the hall. She walked down the hall then stopped and looked around the hall, feeling strange for a moment. Then, shrugging it off she went straight to X-Men Music Classroom. She came back out a while later, refreshed and happy. She went back up the stairs to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Jonas passed through, pausing a moment to look for any sign of anyone else. Not seeing any, he shook his head and headed down to the X-men hall 1st, hoping to have better luck.

Met with a now-vacant stretch of corridor, Valerie only gave a passing glance to either side of the staircase leading up from the first floor, just to make sure she wasn't about to run into anyone or anything, before she returned her attention to the glowing screen of her phone. She headed for the staircase leading to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Moving silently on her sneakers, Korvka ascended the stairs and, uncharacteristically, did not so much as glance down the hallway towards the music classroom, and simply foraged ahead to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Jogging up from the first floor, Flame continued upwards to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Coming down to the second hallway from the floor above, Valerie glanced down the length of corridor leading to the classrooms. She hesitated, as if questioning whether she should even check the music room, but she did anyway, opening the door only long enough to peer inside and presume that the space was currently uninhabited. Turning on the ball of her foot, the blonde whipped back toward the stairway leading to X-Men Hall 1st. Korvka must have headed that way, and, even if she went elsewhere, hopefully she could snag one of her other friends.

Endelyn took the stairs two steps at a time, not waiting for anyone that might've been following her. It didn't take long for her to get to the other set of stairs that lead to X-men Hall 1st.

A bit more serene, Kenna made her way up the stairs from the X-men Hall 1st, her face as serious as if she was being called to attention in the military and headed up to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

With a small grumble to himself, Jonas quickly ascended the stairs and merely passed through, heading to X-men hall center 3rd

"Where are they hiding all the damn mutants?" Akantha demanded to know, speaking to no one in particular. She stopped as the hallway of classrooms extended like a runway of hell before her, and instantly her lip curled. "Nope," she promised, and then barged forward up the rest of the stairs to X-Men Hall Center 3rd to see if these led anywhere interesting.

Kenna walked down from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd, holding Valerie's wrist and pulling the girl as she made her way to the X-Men Hall 1st.

Valerie plodded down the stairs as well, coming from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd, and heading down to X-Men Hall 1st, just a stride behind Kenna.

Marcus kept in stride behind the girls, not wanting to let Valerie out of his sights. He deftly tailed them down to X-Men Hall 1st.

Jessica made it up the staircase from the X-Men Hall 1st, and looked around the area. "I don't think this is the right floor." She laughed to herself slightly as she waited for Alyssa to make her way up the staircase. She took notice of all the doors, and reminded herself to come back here, and take a look around.

Making her way up to the landing, Alyssa turned to Jessica, "Well, if these keys go by standard hotel numbering procedures, I'd say not. Our rooms should be on the third floor." With that, the girl whisked herself away to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Jessica pulled out her room key, and looked at the number," I see," she said with a nod. Then, she slowly walked up the stairs to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd following right behind Alyssa.

Marcus came bounding up the stairs and hit the platform landing for the second floor, "How hard can it be to find an over-sized Russian? Honestly?" He sighed lightly as he took off once again, heading for X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Coming down from the X-Men Hall Center 3rd , Jessica began to realize how much of a workout she could get just running up and down these stairs all day, but regardless of that she made her way down the stairs to the X-Men Hall 1st where she would be able to go outside to move her motorcycle.

Running up the stairs from the 1st floor Jessica quickly continued on up to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Heading up from the first floor, Eddie looked around at his surroundings as he lead Rook up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd. Well fuck it if nothing seem to have changed, minus the mass of new students, and dead body parts out in the grounds.

Oliver walked casually along the hall, humming a tune as he walked seemingly now unaffected by any of the goings on in the school. All the drama can wait til morning. he thought with a shrug as he headed to x-men hall center 3rd.

Korvka had barely gotten out of her room, but all the stuff going on tired her terribly. The young woman simply continued up to the x-men hall center 3rd, wanting to get to her bed.

Justin hit the bottom of the stairs and scanned the hall. The place was deserted. "Great now i even find anyone to talk to. Maybe ill have better luck in the main hall." With that he descended to X-Men Hall 1st.

Daniela climbed up from the X-Men Hall 1st a few minutes after Justin and just continued on to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

First Casper, and then Shana came up the stairs behind Daniela, as well, following her all the way up to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

X-Men Dormitories
X-Men Classrooms
X-Men Hall 1st
X-Men Hall Center 3rd

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2010-08-19 [Roma]: Now that they're both in the room, we can start RPing on that wiki.

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: hun, you might wanna change that a little.

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: Thanks, still slightly dizzy despite feeling much better now XP

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: daww bubila! *huggles*

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: *blinks and huggles back confused* Eh? Bubila?

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: doesnt matter, Ill tell you on msn.

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles amused and nods slowly* Okay XP I'm looking forward to the explanation for that one ^^

2010-11-15 [Roma]: Hope you don't mind, Ixel. Val seems like the type to wear perfume. :D

2010-11-15 [Ms. Steel]: It's true. :-)

2011-05-14 [La Luna]: Um she's not really goth, just her lips are purple, she dresses like a I non-goth?

2011-05-14 [Roma]: Again, things that Korvka assumes based on the information she's got. Quiet, shy, dark lips? Yeah.

2011-05-14 [Flisky]: Dammit! Korvka is always in a hurry. And Mihir is across the hall from Maggie. :P

2011-11-09 [Figgy]: If you wanna pick a dorm for Lire, go to X-Men Dormitories and see which ones are free. Just comment letting me know which one you want.

2011-11-09 [Lirerial]: ok :) thanks

2012-01-30 [Roma]: Ix, I have no idea where to post Korvka's cell-phone reply, so I'm putting it here and hoping for the best. XD

2012-01-30 [Ms. Steel]: Yeah, traveling phone conversations can get weird on all of these different pages. Ah, well. It will have to make sense. :-)

2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

2012-04-04 [La Luna]: Gah. It wont link V.V.

2012-04-04 [Flisky]: There ya go. Blame Figgs. She should know by now to close her links. :D

2012-04-05 [La Luna]: :D Thanks Flisky. You rock!

2012-04-05 [Flisky]: It's my job to know code. :)

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