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2007-08-13 19:47:15
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Name: Yoko
Age: 3617
Race: Vampire/demon fox
Gender: Male
Status: Death Bringer
Theme Song:Diary of Jane By Breaking Benjamen

<img:>Appearance:Yoko is a vampire/demon fox. He stands about 6"feet tall and weighs about 180lb. His skin is super pale and fair. He has shoulder length ink black hair with the tips dyed red. His eyes are deep pools of silver that shows a glowing fire of passion. He has silver fox ears with the tips black. He wares blue jeans with built in mithral for added protection. He also wears black leather biker boots with spikes on the toes and heels. He wears a black shirt with the same properties as his jeans. He has a long silver fox tail with the tip black. His black trench coat has mithral inside of it as well. He also has a wallet that holds all of his personal stuff such as ids and cash. He wears a watch that has its own unknown random magic. In his coat pocket he has a sack that acts a a sort of pocket plaind that can hold a whole bunch of stuff. When the Hunter's Gaze is activated his pupils in his eyes turn into three pupils.

Weapons: Yoko has only a few weapons seeing as to how he is already powerful enough without them.
Divine Dragon Wraith Katana:a.k.a Wraith Blade
Yoko's best weapon. It is red in apperance and throws of shapes of dragons. It can be summoned at will and also steal a beings soul. The blade can cut through anything and can't be blocked by anything save a powerful weapon of its class.

Black Razor(The most evil of the forbidden weapons black razor was the one that was wielded by the evil demon named Arath. It curses any touched by its blade and only obays those who are evil. Yoko killed Arath and took the blade. He barly ever uses the cursed blade that talks to him when he wields it. It brly ever kills for Yoko. It was nicknamed the Sword of Hate and Sorrow...or the sword of hell.)

Powers:Yoko Demetri's has a variety of powers that he besides his abnormal vampiric strength, speed, and stealth as well as agility.

Dragon of the Divine Flame:({Best energy attack})He launches an attack that is in the shap of a crimson Dragon that sends his opponet to oblivion if they are eaten by it.

Flight:Due to his vampiric powers he can fly at will as long as he thinks of it.

Drain Blood:He is a vampire too after all. It restores health and energy

Regeneration:constant effect. Recovers from injury slowly healing wounds.

Immunites:Demetrius is immune to all illnesses and poisons. He is also immune to all elements and energy attacks as well as all types of weapons except for legendary weapons.

Telekenises:He can move stuff with his mind and rip others body parts off with his mind.

pyrokenises:Can light anything on fire at will

Organ Rupture:He can make an internal organ or organs expload with his mind.

Keen senses:Due to his vampiric nature his senses have been hightend.

Transform:He can transform into a fox. In this form his coat is ilver with all the tips being pitch black.

Personality:Yoko Demetri is a cocky young death bringer who is very brave. He is kind, and considered crazy because of the stunts he pulls to archive his goals. He is also very optimistic and straight forward. You could have no better friend or no worse an enemy. They say if he glares at someone even a devil may cower in a corner for fear of him. He is lonely as well seeing as to how he hides from the world so he doesn't endanger others. He loves to listen to and sing rock style music and play games as well as get girls. He also loves blood. Every fight for him is fun and he thinks of it like a party.

History: Yoko was born 12 minutes before his twin sister Yoka. At that time no one expected him bare the burden of prophecy. His birth was that of an affair of the half human/vampire elf Aireana and the demonic kitsune god Yoku. About an hour after his sister was born his mom died. There older brothers and sisters moved away soon after. There half siblings father was dead. Their grandparents took them in and raised them. At that time in the realm of Azgoth basterds were hated and feared for some odd reason. As Yoko grew older his sister Yoka and himself wished to find their father and kill him. Also as he grew up he became close friends with Quinn his childhood love. She was his only friend save his sister. As Yoko grew up he studied the ways of magic and the sword as well as the ninja. At age 14 he and his sister left to find their father.

When they came upon the realm of their dad they met one of there other half siblings. It was Nitemare. He longed for They soon find out that their siblings on that side where also living on there own. After a long argument the fight broke out. It lasted four hours. During the battle Yoka was knocked out cold. Yoko used his katana which was his Divine Dragon Wraith Katana left for him by his father to kill Nitemare....but he didn't. He let him go. Nitemare used a demonic blast of energy that obliterated the castle and separated the twins. Later they would meet up again in the Earth year of 2003.

Yoko awoke to be in the company of his older brother Galahade. Galahade told him of his destiny and told him about the Divine Dragon Wraith Katana. Soon they are under attack by general Aro who wants Yoko's blood he gets it. The general makes a clone of Yoko....the only diffrence his he has pure long black hair. Soon Galahade and him cross treacherous terrain to find and kill the general and the clone. Soon they find the labatory. Another great fight issues forward as Galahade fights the general and Yoko fights Yoko. The battle is won and both Yoko and his brother think that the clone was killed.....they were wrong. Soon Yoko and Galahade go their seperate ways.

Later on Yoko takes part of many of the greatest wars of the ages. For example he takes part in the sin wars. Both wars of the ring. The war of the first council. Soon a powerful mage places the soul of Sparda within Yoko which takes control.

Yoko still sees and feels everything that Sparda felt. The loss of Lyenn to his older brother Nitemare. The learning of the Forbidden arts. His adventures in Torr with Steel and Tie. The many fights with Nitemare ect ect ect. Sparda drew on Yoko's powers but he did not know it. Then during a fight with Nitemare the spell is broken and Yoko half emerges. Then during the fight with Jyhad he fully emerges but losses the fight being rusty. Jyhad is also revealed to be Sensi.

Soon he is reunited with his lover Quinn and finds out the fate of his home town. They gain revenge and live together as well as have a child. Later on Jyhads lover kills Quinn and his daughter. Yoko killed Steel Sparda's love thinking she was the one who killed Quinn. Yoko vows revenge after he finds out that Onyx killed his family. He travels to another dimshon and meets his great great great well as his sister. In this plane one day on the regular plane is equall to 10 years. Later on Yoko's clone followed Yoko there and had sex with his sister. So Yoka thinks it is Yoko.

Now Yoko has created The Order of Light and Darkness. During this time he heads for the Buddaru Castle to visit his friend Tie. He leaves shortly after his sister gives birth to his clones child. Upon his return Yoko is reunited with Quinn. During the argument Yoka walks in and then utterly angered and confussed tries to kill her self but Galahade rescued her from ceartain death. Remeber she thinks Yoko is the father of the child. So Galahade brings her back into Yoko's room and locks Yoka and Quinn in it and takes Yoko away for an unknown reason and test. After the painful test they return to the room. Galahade takes Yoka and the fox child out. Soon Yoko leaves again to the lands of the Buddaru. It is there he masters the The Divine Dragon Wraith Katana's ultimate attack and saves the lady Azriel from death. Yoko loved her when he saw her during his imprisiment in his own body. They go into the Hearing Chamber talkin to her father Tielandros. Soon he leaves with Azriel to Buddaru Guest Room 2 and proposes to her.

Soon for some odd reason Quinn reappeared and complicated things. The triangle ened as Azi left Yoko and Quinn died again. Yoko tried to patch things up but, failed. Yoko was forced out of the body of Demetrius Tepes

As he travled around the world his powers grew and he found his twin brother Argo. After a long and brutal fight which lasted for about three days underground they went their seprate ways. Afterwards Yoko Demetri was sweept away into a diffrent land by an unknown Avatar. There he hangs out with his twin sister Yoka Erin. Throughout his travels he learned many skills and even killed his step demonic father in his avatar form which brought him to a diffrent land. He has traveled throughout many realms and many other kingdoms after becomeing a pure vampire. His experience is vast and he has learned many dark spells from black mages and necromancers as well as witches. After 500 hundred years of this training and fighting many diffrent types of enemies some who keep on coming and haunting him. He wondered the gothic underworld of the "City of the Damned" and has his own detective agency used to hunt down evil demons and undead as well as other supernatural beings. He hasn't named it yet. Soon he gets word that his brother was on Torr working for his step-dad. He left for Torr.

When he reached Torr he had to fight both Sparda and Demetrius. He killed Sparda, but was felled by Demetrius. He seemed to die after the battle, but remerge elswhere.

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