Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 12 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-11 21:21:22
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 11

Chapter 12: A Proposal

   Kyoko looked into the bush. “Who's there?” Two hands rose from out of the shrubbery and yanked on her hair. Kyoko grabbed one of the hands and pulled. The bush gave way and out fell Vick. She gasped.
   “Vick!” Kyoko then lowered her voice. “What are you doing here? Didn't the guards throw you out?”
   He dusted off his pants, and stood up. “Yeah, they did.” He looked around the spring and sighed.
   “So, why are you here? Won't you get in even more trouble?” Kyoko was worried.
   “Yeah, probably. I just couldn't leave without saying goodbye.”
   Kyoko hugged him. He smiled back. Then, a stern look overcame his face. “I'm going to go back, but you have to stay here, ok?”
   “Wait, like, forever?”
   He didn't say anything, just turned away. Kyoko looked up at him. “I want to come with you.” she declared.
   “I said no.” He was getting angry. “I want you to stay here. That day Kain walked by my store, you were scared. I never want to see you look that way again. It's not right.”
   “But . . . ” Vick put his hand over her mouth. 
   “I said no. That's final.”
   “But then I won't be with you.”
   “Of course you will.” Vick smiled. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a necklace, and tied it around Kyoko's neck. The necklace was a leather string that had a small black stone hooked onto it by a metal wire. It looked homemade.
   “It'll keep us together. Look.” He squeezed the stone in his palm, and it turned white. In the center, a black mist swirled around, then settled into a small silhouette of two people. It was them. Kyoko could see Vick, with his ponytail, holding a stone on a necklace, next to her. Vick then pulled an identical necklace out from under his shirt. “See? Now we can see each other anytime we want.”
   Kyoko started to cry. “Thank you. I....I'll still miss you.”
   “Hey, hey, it's okay.” He hugged her tight. “It's not like it's a permanent thing. I'll find a way for us to be together. It'll be all right.”
   She sniffed. “Promise?”
   “Promise.” They both turned around to the sound of footsteps approaching the spring.  Vick quickly kissed her on the cheek and ran out of the garden. Kyoko longingly watched him as he ran. He did say he'd think of a way, I guess I could do the same. I'm just going to have to stay here a while longer. She pulled her wet shirt back on over her head.
   “Dear? I brought you something!” Liam called from the other side of the bush. Kyoko pulled the bush aside to reveal Liam holding a magnificent gown. It was long, blue, and flowing, and it puffed out in layers. Each hem of each layer was trimmed with gold floss. The top was a corset, and it was beaded along the strings that tightened it in the back. It was flawless, and Kyoko could see that Liam was taking great care to not let it touch the ground. He smiled. “How do you like it?”
   “It's beautiful!” He held back the bush as Kyoko, sopping wet, stepped out. They walked back into the palace, then Kyoko hurriedly grabbed the dress from Liam, and rushed into her room to try it on.
   Liam sighed. “She has such energy, such an adventurous spirit,” he said to himself.

   Kyoko quickly took off her wet clothes, dried off and slipped on the dress. She took off the necklace and set it carefully on the counter next to the sink in the bathroom. Even walking around in her room made her dizzy and out of breath, the corset was tight, so she sucked in what air she could, then stepped out of her room.
   “So, what do you think?” She spun around, walked down the hallway, and walked back.
   Liam laughed as Kyoko continued to model the dress. “Incredible. Stunning. You look magnificent.” He stared in awe. Here she was, his very own, private, goddess. There was only one more thing he needed to do to make his fantasy complete. Liam cleared his throat. 
   “You know, this kingdom isn't exactly complete.”
   Kyoko stopped. “What do you mean?”
   Liam scratched the back of his neck. “Well, I mean to say, that is, when I leave the throne, I have no children to pass it down to. It's a problem.”
   “Yes it is.” said Kyoko obliviously. 
   Liam coughed. “I mean, I need someone to help me rule this kingdom. I can't exactly do it alone. Do it well, anyways. I need a princess to assist me. To be there for me. To love me.”
   “Okay . . .? Are you trying to say something? If you are, you're not hinting very well. Just come out and say it.”
   Liam wiped the sweat from his brow and sighed. He took her hand. “Will you be that princess, Kyoko?” She gasped.
   “Oh. Um . . .well . . .I . . .” Kyoko stuttered. He looked at her hopefully. Toru was right. But I can't do this! It's not fair to him, or Vick. I . . .
   “You don't need to answer now. Think it over.”
   “That I will,” she said thankfully. She then ran back into her room.

   Liam walked into the Grand Hall, where Kyoko sat by the window. He leaned against the wall, and watched her. Her simple movements, adjusting her weight, scratching her arm, fascinated him. So many thoughts ran around in his head. What was she thinking? Surely about his recent proposal. But in which direction? He had always heard that who you marry is supposed to be the easiest decision you make in your life. So why was it taking her so long? Liam turned and looked out a nearby window. The sun was setting. He sighed. 
   “You can't rush these things,” Liam quietly whispered to himself.  He continued to watch her fidget by the window. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Toru leaned over him and whispered in his ear.
   “So, what do you think of her, Liam?”
   “I can't even begin to tell you. She's just so amazing. And interesting. And you know me, Toru, I like interesting.” 
   Toru smiled. “Liam, do you think I'm interesting?”
   Liam turned around. He looked perplexed. “Well, yes, I guess so, but not in the same sense as when I mean a woman is interesting. You know? Kyoko is interesting, because she's wild, adventurous, and lively, not to mention attractive. You . . .you are interesting, like you are witty and intelligent.”
   “So you mean, a woman is only interesting if she is fair, but a man is only interesting when he is smart?”
   Toru shook his head. “I see who you are now. Now I know what you want.” He walked out of the Hall. Liam turned his attention back to Kyoko, who then turned around to see him watching her, his eyes out of focus, so that, until she said something, he hadn't noticed she had turned around.
   “Is something wrong? Why are you staring at me?”
   Liam focused again. “Oh, I'm sorry dear.” He paused. “You haven't by any chance decided yet, have you?”
   “No, I haven't.”
   “Oh.” He looked down at his feet. “Well, when you do . . .”
   “I'll be sure to tell you.” Kyoko got up from the window and walked outside. Liam's eyes followed her the whole way down.

   The next morning, Kyoko hurriedly put her old clothes back on, which had dried, and ran out into the garden, trying to avoid Liam asking for his answer. She sat down on a marble bench and searched her brain for some sort of answer. What could she do? It wasn't like Liam was a bad person, she just didn't really like him. And what if she were to get power back to the kingdom? There would be no one to pass it down to after her. Sure Toru could take over for her, but he didn't seem to enthusiastic about ruling. Now that she thought about it, she really didn't want to rule either. She couldn't have children, so there would be no one to take the throne after her and Toru passed away.
   She could decline his offer, but then where would she go? Of course she could stay in the palace, but the only reason she was staying there now was because she was waiting for herself or Vick to figure out some sort of plan so that she didn't have to go back to the city, and Vick wouldn't have to come to the kingdom. It wouldn't be very pleasant to be living with Liam after she refused his proposal, he would be bitter and heartbroken. But she couldn't marry him just to regain power. It wouldn't be fair to him, or Vick. All signs pointed to turning down his offer, but something inside kept pressuring her to say yes. Maybe it was family honor. Or helping out Toru. Kyoko just couldn't decide. She sighed.
   Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Liam coming through the door to the garden and walking her way. This is it. She told herself. I need to decide now.
   “Hello dear. I didn't see you wake up, I thought you were still asleep.”
   “Nope. I'm awake.”
   “Yes you are. So, have you been thinking about . . .”
   “If you ask me again, the answer will be ‘no.'”
   “I'm sorry.” Kyoko sighed.
   Liam looked at her face and smiled. He sat down on the bench beside her. Kyoko scooted over to the edge. Liam leaned over and put his head on her shoulder. She continued to scoot, trying to avoid his uncontrollable advances. He held Kyoko still with his powerful arms and kissed her. She tried to squirm free, but his grip was too tight.

   Vick awoke to a sharp-shooting pain on his chest. He ripped off his shirt to the stone on his necklace glowing, white-hot, burning his flesh. He quickly untied it and squeezed it in his hand, the heat subdued, and the rock returned to its black sheen. Something's wrong. He grabbed his shoes and ran west.

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 13

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