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Chapter 11: A Plan

   Kyoko sat silently at the large table, poking at her breakfast. She wasn't hungry at all. More pissed off.
   Liam smiled. “You didn't touch your breakfast dear. You don't like it?”
   “No, it's fine. I'm just not very hungry.”
   “I know you're angry about your attendant, what was his name Toru?”
   “I think it was Vuhh...Began with a V... Vixen?” They both burst out in laughter.
   The two wiped tears from their faces. “VIXEN! HAHAHA!!”
   Prince Liam sighed. “Ahh, well any who, he was a threat to the security of this kingdom. It had to be done. Besides, he smelled.” Lord Toru tried to hold back his laughter, but was overcome and he writhed on the floor in glee.
   Kyoko's anger grew. Just ignore them, she told herself. She finished (pushed around) her breakfast and left the table.
   “What's wrong with her?” Liam asked.

   Lord Toru opened the door to Kyoko's room, where she lay on her bed. He leaned over.
   “Hello!” He grinned.
   “Bug off.” She turned around.
   “Don't tell me you're still mad.”
   “I said go away.”
   He leaned over her. “I need to talk to you.”
   “Last time you said that, you crushed my love life.”
   “Well, speaking of love life...”
   She sat straight up. “What do you mean...?”
   “I was talking to Liam, and...”
   Kyoko shook her head. “No way, no how. Never. Don't waste your breath.”
   “Now, hold on just a second. He really likes you, you know. It's pretty great when you have a prince falling for you.”
   “I told you, I'm taken. What makes you think I'll change my mind?”
   He sat on the bed, and produced a sly smile. “Well, I'm not exactly happy with the way Liam is ruling. He's more concerned with his profits, than the people. That's not a way to run a kingdom, now, is it?”
   “Well, no, but, If you care so much, why don't you become the prince. I mean, aren't you in the royal family?”
   “So, why aren't you the Prince?”
   “The throne is passed down to the daughter, not the son. If there is no daughter, than the son takes the throne once he becomes of age. Once he has reached adulthood. The daughter can rule once the parents see fit, but the son must be 16, which I was not. There was no one to take over the throne when our parents were killed, so Liam, who's parents were friends with ours, had just turned 16. He took over the kingdom.”
   “Ah. I see.”
   “Now, I have a ...plan.”
   Kyoko didn't like how that sounded. “A plan?”
   “Liam likes you. If you marry him, the kingdom is ours again. Since you have the right of way to the throne, you can do whatever you want with him, stay with him, kick him out, the choice is yours. It doesn't matter to me.”
   “Sorry. Like I said before, I'm taken. I really don't care what happens to this kingdom, or you. I barely even know either of you. I'd really rather just go back to where I was before, I knew how to live there.”
   “Will you at least think about it?”
   Kyoko sighed. “Sure, whatever.” She laid back on her side. “You can leave now.”
   “Fine. But do you promise you will consider it?”
   “I said yes. Bye.”

   Kyoko walked through the palace garden. She scuffed her feet on the cobblestone. 
   “God, what have I gotten myself into?” She said aloud to herself. She sighed. Light footsteps followed behind her. Kyoko sighed again. Liam.
   “Hey there!” She could tell he was trying really hard to be friendly. “Enjoying your walk?”
   “Yeah, I guess so.” Kyoko looked down at her feet. Her boots were muddy and worn. 
   “I've been meaning to talk to you about something. It's a little weird asking, but...”
   Oh great, here it comes. 
   “What the heck are you wearing?” A wave of relief flowed through her. Well, now I'm paranoid. She smiled in spite of herself.
   “You don't like it?” Kyoko looked down at her clothes. A brown tank top, some green cargo pants that had definitely seen better days, and her old, trusty, kick-ass army boots. Sure they were worn and dirty, but they had that rustic, vintage charm that could only be reached by wearing them practically every day. What could she say? It was her favorite outfit.
   “Well, it's certainly something I've never seen before. Very...human-ized.”
   “So you don't like it.”
   “No, I didn't say that, it's just...kind of dirty.”
  “Ahh, yes. Well, I'll go jump in that tub in my room then.”
   “Oh, you don't have to use that. We have a spring outside, it's much nicer.” He directed Kyoko over to a bush, which he bent out of the way to reveal the spring. But the word “spring” was an understatement. It was more like a waterfall. The water was sparkling and clear, and it collected in a small, blue, pool, in which grew white lilies, in full bloom. Kyoko touched the surface of the water, and watched the ripples grow and fade out. The water was surprisingly warm.
   Liam backed up. “I'll have a maid bring you some more...suitable clothing.” He walked back into the palace.
   Kyoko, unlaced her boots and ripped them off. She stretched out her toes. Since the day she ran away, she never really got a chance to relax. 
   She dipped her feet in the warm water and wiggled her toes. Walking over to where the water spilled, the private waterfall, she let it flow over her head and unwound.  She began to undress, when she heard rustling in the bush behind her.
   “Liam! If you're still over there, you're gonna get it!!” She held her shirt up in front of herself, to shield his view, tip toed over to the bush and peeked through it.

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