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2004-05-02 12:26:41
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Chapter 10: The Dream

   A little girl waddled up to Toru. She wore a long white nightgown and her shiny auburn hair flowed gently behind her. She smiled. It was his little sister, what she looked like ten years ago. Her bright blue eyes shined in the twilight of the deep, black forest. She giggled.
   “Hi big brother!” She was happy to see him.
   “Hi.” Toru didn't know what to say.
   They both quickly turned around to the sound of rustling in the bushes. A white wolf pup ran out. He ran in between the siblings and barked. The little girl picked up the wolf and stroked it. “Isn't he cute?” she asked.
   Toru knelt down and petted the wolf and smiled at his sister. He gently touched her face. “Are you real?”
   She laughed. “Of course I am. I'm fine.” She stood on her tip toes and patted her brother's head. “Are you real?” she chuckled.
   He grinned. “Yes I am.”
   The wolf leaped out of her arms and ran back into the brush. Her eyes followed it sadly. She looked back up at him. “Big brother?”
   She beamed. “I'll see you in the morning!” And with that, she faded into the fog and mist of the black forest. Toru tried to run after her but was lost in the fog. He ran as fast as he could, but could not find her.
   “Where are you?!?” he yelled, but she was gone. Someone was breathing down his neck. He whipped around to see Kyoko's attendant, sword in hand, and breathing deeply, as if he had been running. He was soaked with perspiration combined with the moisture in the air. Memories rushed into Toru's mind. He looked just like the man who killed his parents. The attendant raised his sword above his head and swung it down at Toru. 

   Toru shot out of bed. He looked out his window. It was still night. He grabbed his robe and ran to Kyoko's room. 
   “Kyoko, get out of there!” he yelled as he slammed open the door.
   “YOU PERVERT!” Kyoko screamed as she quickly covered herself with sheets and slammed the door closed. 
   “HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR PEOPLE'S PRIVACY?!” Vick yelled from the floor.
   “Kyoko, it's important!” Lord Toru shouted, out of breath.
   Kyoko cracked the door and peeked her head out. “What is it?!”
   “I need to talk to you now!”
   He lowered his voice. “I just had a dream. I need to talk to you in private.”
   “Uhhgh, fine.” She wrapped the sheet around herself and left the room.
   “Hurry back!” Vick called.
   Lord Toru grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the hallway into his room.
   “Hey! What's the big deal?” Kyoko demanded.
   He sighed. “First of all, my apologies for my treatment toward you earlier this night, you are the princess. I'm sorry I didn't believe you.”
   “No worries.” She smiled.
   “Secondly, I don't want you near that man. You shouldn't trust him. He's a traitor to the royal family, which you are now a part of. In fact, I'm going to have one of our guards look up his file, im sure it's not good. What did you say his name was?”
   “Vi....ncent? Vincent. His name is Vincent.”
   “Well Vincent won't be bothering us any longer. I'll have him removed immediately.”
   “Just because of a dream?! Don't you need any proof?”
   “Not if I get prince Liam to agree. He makes the rules around here, and what he says, goes.”
   “That's not fair! He didn't do anything!”
   “Yet.” He walked out of the room, leaving Kyoko standing there in her makeshift nightgown. She went back to her room, silent.
   “What's wrong?” Vick asked.
   She said nothing, threw her homemade robe down on the ground and climbed into bed.

   “Good morning dear.” Said Prince Liam, cheerfully
   Kyoko was still groggy and wiping the sleep from her eyes. “Unngh.”
     “Would you like some breakfast? I'll have the cook make something special.”
   “That's ok, im not hungry.”
   Vick walked into the main hall and yawned. “Good morning all.” Lord Toru followed behind him.
   “Did you have a nice sleep, Vincent?” Lord Toru asked as he put his hand on Vick's shoulder.
   “Wha?” Out of nowhere a dozen guards came out and seized him. Vick managed to squirm out, then ran back for his room, but the guards caught him and tied him down.
   “Let me go!” But it was no use.
   Lord Toru stepped up to Vick and grinned. “You bastard,” he spat at him. “Traitors and murderers are not allowed in our fair kingdom.” He turned to the guards. “Get him out of my sight!”
   “NO! Stop!” Kyoko ran up to the guards. “Please! He didn't do anything.”
   “Just let it be, Kyoko.” He cracked a smile. “Don't worry about it.”
   “But . . . ” she protested, but Vick and the guards were already out of the palace.
   “Don't worry dear.” the prince comforted her. He gingerly touched her face. “Now, with that out of the way, let us eat.” He led Kyoko to the Dining Hall.
   Kyoko, speechless, walked to the magnificent Dining Hall. She shot an evil eye at Toru. He just smiled. “Asshole.” she mumbled under her breath.

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