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2004-04-25 15:32:47
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 8

Chapter 9: One Room

   Lord Toru walked into the palace's shrine. It was outside the palace, completely made of stone and covered in vines. The sweet smell of flowers planted outside mixed with the subtle scent of incense that burned within. He kneeled down in front of the altar which had inscribed the thoughts and prayers of the people wishing to converse with the spirits. He closed his eyes and touched the altar, and a blue swirling mist emerged from his palm. The mist settled on the altar, which carved the sheer essence of his thoughts. 
   He whispered to the looming spirits, “Please help me separate the truth from fiction. Let me know if she is the princess.  I don't want to be in any more pain from the fraudulent women who pose as her. I wish to see the answer in my dreams. Hear my prayer.” Then he bowed his head, snuffed out the incense and walked back to his room.

   Kyoko ran back to the main room where Vick impatiently waited. 
   “I hope you didn't say anything too rash,” he grumbled.
   “He told me he'll sleep on it.”
   Kyoko felt a tap on her shoulder. “Excuse me ma'am. Right this way,” said a maid. They followed her to a large suite. As she opened the door, they gasped in delight. The bed was huge, with red satin sheets, and the carpet was an elegant royal blue. Every inch of the room breathed royalty.   
   “Here we are ma'am, enjoy your stay.”  And with that, the maid hurried out.
   Kyoko immediately ran all over the room, exploring every corner. “Vick, come check out this bathroom!” she yelled.
   She opened the door and revealed an elegant white lavatory. Behind the golden curtains was a gigantic tub with dozens of different soaps. 
   “It's almost too good to be true. When I was growing up, I never saw this part of the castle. I just worked in the back.”
   “Isn't it amazing?” She beamed.
   “So where's my room?” Vick asked.
   “Well . . . the fact is, you don't get one. I think that Toru guy assumed we were...together.”
   They exchanged awkward glances and nervous laughter.
   “How silly.”
   More uneasy laughter.
   “So...I guess I'll just sleep on the floor then,” Vick said nervously.
   “Well, I mean, you don't have to...”
   “No, it's fine. I'll be fine.”
   “Okay. . .”
   He opened the mahogany bureau and pulled out some silk sheets and spread them out on the floor, then let himself fall on top of them. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
   Kyoko peeked her head over the edge of the bed and looked down at him. “Watcha thinkin' about?”
   “Lots of stuff.”
   “I dunno.”
   “Well that's a dumb answer from someone who says their thinking about a lot.”
   Vick rolled his eyes.
   “Really, tell me what you're thinking.” She slid off of the bed and sat next to him.
   He covered his head with the sheets. “Mrrmf,” he mumbled.
   “Come on!” She elbowed him in the ribs then pulled the sheets away. She playfully jumped on him. “Tell me!” 
   “Well...” He sat up and Kyoko nested herself in his lap. “I'm thinking about something...something important...something that starts with the ‘p'”
   “You're kidding. Um...pie?”
   “BINGO! Good night then.” Vick hid his head underneath his pillow. 
   “Oh, come on.” She looked at him with her eyes wide. He peeked up from underneath his pillow, and Kyoko ripped it out of his hands and flung it across the room. 
   Realizing his defeat, Vick sighed. “You.” 
   “What do you mean, ‘you'?”
   “What I'm thinking about.”
   She blushed. “Really?”
   He nodded then took her hand. “Really.” He kissed it.
   Kyoko looked down at her hand. “That was lame.”
   “Wha....?” His voice was muffled by her kiss. Her lips finally met his, as he had wanted since the day she walked into his store. He ran his fingers through her soft hair, and cried. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he knew. He wanted to shout out to the world. I love you Kyoko. I love you. With renewed courage in his heart, he pulled back. 
   Vick put his arms around her and held her head to his chest. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.
   Kyoko gasped, and looked up at him. She was crying too, as she hugged him tighter. “That's the first time anyone ever said that to me. Oh, Vick, I love you too.”
   They sat, in a mutual embrace, and cried in each other's arms.

   Liam paced around his room. Thoughts of the day's recent events circled around his head.
   “Who was that girl?” he thought aloud. “If she really is the princess, then where was she all of these years? And why did she just come back now?” He mused several scenarios in his mind, each more far-fetched than the last. He knew of her parent's untimely death, but why, after running away, did she wait ten years to come back? 
   “She really is beautiful, though. Such passion, and energy.” He looked out the window. “She would make a perfect bride.”

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 10

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