Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 8 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-04-23 00:34:15
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 7

Chapter 8: The Arrival

   It seemed like they had been walking for hours. And they probably were. They left after lunch and headed West out of the city and across miles of outstretched road. Kyoko carried a small bag of personals, and Vick carried nothing.  They walked.
   “How long did you say it took to get there?” Kyoko asked.
   “I didn't. I don't remember, the last time I was there was 10 years ago, and I was running.”
   They walked on along the side of the road. Passing cars came dangerously close, and as far as they could tell, it was on purpose. They kept on walking, as the sun started to set. It was a fiery red, with a halo of white around the orange sun. The few wispy clouds above were a light blue. 
   All of a sudden Vick stopped. He stared off into a black forest along the side of the road. Kyoko stood beside him.
   “What is it?” she asked.
   “We're here.”
He walked into the woods, and Kyoko hurriedly followed after. They walked through a maze of trees and vines and over streams and fallen logs. They continued on for another hour.
   “I thought you said we were here! We've been walking through these woods forever. And look!” She pointed at the ground. “There's our footsteps. We're lost. We're gonna be stuck in this forest forever.”
   Vick held up his hand. “Wait.” He walked over to a thorn bush, and gingerly pushed it aside. “Come here.”
   Kyoko looked beyond the shrub. There it was. The elven city. It was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. Even though it was dark, lamps lit the bustling street. There were markets and shops lining the paths, and in the distance there was a magnificent palace.  There was a long, high fence surrounding the city. Every so often, there was an even taller gate, surrounded with guards. 
   They carefully went through the thorn bush and emerged into the city's limits. Kyoko looked up at Vick then grabbed his hand. They walked up to the nearest gate.
   “What traitors wish to enter our fair city?” one guard asked.
   “People who go to the human world,” Vick whispered out of the corner of his mouth. He puffed out his chest. “My good man,” he put his arm around the guard. “Let me introduce you to someone.” The guard looked like he was in his teens, pretty young. “I present to you, her majesty, the princess, Kyoko.”
   The guard looked her, puzzled. 
   “There's no princess. I have no idea what you're talking about. The only royalty here is the prince Liam, and his advisor, Lord Toru. There's no princesses here.”
    Vick slipped the guard five dollars. He pushed it back at Vick.
   “I have no use for human money. Now do you have your identification?”
   Kyoko looked up at Vick. “I don't have any,” she whispered. Vick hesitated. 
   “What if I told you that if you were to let us in, you would get a spot in the royal council?” Vick suggested
   “I doubt it.” said the guard.
   Suddenly a group of guards walked up to the gate. One of the older ones came up to the front. “What's going on here?”
   “This guy claims that she,” the young guard pointed, “is some ‘princess Kyoko.' I've never even heard of her.”
   The older guard said nothing. He waved Kyoko over. He stared at her for a time. “It can't be her. The princess had long, auburn hair.”
   Vick nervously looked at Kyoko.
   “And blue eyes!” another guard added.
   “My hair is auburn! Look at the roots!” She put her head up to the gate and parted her hair. “And my eyes are blue, these are just contacts.” She took one out and showed the guards, who mumbled to each other.
   “Come with us,” said the older guard. Kyoko stepped through the gate. Vick stayed behind. 
   “Why aren't you coming?” she yelled back at him. She tapped one of the guards shoulder. “Excuse me, that man back there is my attendant. He needs to accompany me.” 
   “Very well,” said the guard. He motioned to Vick, and he stepped through the gates, and caught up with Kyoko.
   “You shouldn't have done that,” he whispered to her.
   “I was banned from the city, I'm not allowed to be here.”
   “No one will notice, it was a long time ago. Right?”
   Vick was silent.

   The entourage entered the grand hall of the palace, where sat someone important looking. He was very tan, and had red hair that touched the floor. He wore a small head piece with a red jewel. He went topless, and wore a floor length skirt.  He had a sophisticated air about him as though he was egotistic and revered at the same time. As soon as the party reached his presence they bowed down before him.
   “Your majesty. This...girl claims to be the princess Kyoko. I assume you can verify this,” said the older guard.
   “Of course,” he said. His voice was light and airy, noble and flowing. He walked over to where Kyoko stood, while Vick hid behind the guards. “Hello, my dear. I am the prince Liam, ruler of this city. You say that your name is Kyoko?”
   “Interesting.” He lifted up her chin, and ran his long fingers through her hair. “I'm sorry dear, but you can't possibly be Kyoko. She is dead. And you don't even look like her.”
   “If you mean my hair and eyes, its not real! My eyes are blue! Really, look!”
   “SILENCE!” A very tall elf came out from a back room. He was even taller than Vick. His long black hair flowed behind him as he quickly walked over. He wore tight satin robes and no shoes. “You!” he pointed at Kyoko.
   “You are the one they are talking about? The one who claims to be the princess?”
   She bowed. “Yes sir.”
   He walked around her, inspecting. “Um, Liam? Who is this guy?” she whispered.
   He stood up. “I am Lord Toru. Second in line to the throne, I might add,” as he glanced over to Liam. “Unless, that is, if you really are the princess. Which I doubt.”
   “Well nice to meetcha! I see you're an elf too.” She held out her hand
   “Yes...I am,” he said confusedly and pushed away her hand. “I have no use for frauds like you. Do you have any idea of how many girls come in her claiming to be her? I don't need that sad kind of disappointment anymore. I'd rather accept the fact that she is dead than have to go through this. So if you don't mind...” and with that walked out of the room.
   “Wait!” she yelled back at him.
   He stopped.
   Kyoko walked up behind him. “I don't care about being a princess. I really don't  I just want to find out who I am. I could care less about riches or living in a palace. I just want to know my past.”
   “Show me your eyes.”
   She took out her contacts and looked at him for what seemed like forever. He stared into her blue eyes then shook his head. “I'm sorry. You're not her.”
   “What!? It's not fair! I walked my ass off all day to get here and you not even believe me!?” She stomped on the floor and threw a childish temper tantrum. “IT'S NOT FAIR!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM ANYMORE!” Lord Toru stepped back. “I mean, if I'm not Kyoko, who am I?” She was in tears.
   “Wait, you...” he paused and thought to himself. “The same mannerisms, indeed, and that temper tantrum was the icing on the cake. You sure do act like her...I don't know. I'll rest on this. Surely the answer will be revealed to me in my dreams.” He looked out the window at the full moon. “It's late. You should probably retire soon.”
   “Where? Outside?”
   “Of course not. You and your attendant will be provided a room.” He called over a servant. “Please show her and her attendant to their room.”
   “Wait, did you say room? As in one room?”
   “That's not a problem is it?”

Next --> Yoroshiku Chapter 9

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2004-04-22 [tenny024]: ahhhh rachel it keeps gettign better and better!!!

2004-04-22 [Little Insane Cat]: aye. I have to agree

2004-04-24 [Pianomay44]: *bow* thanks guys!

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