Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 14 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-27 23:04:43
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 13

Chapter 14: Preparations

   Vick slammed the sword down into the ground, inches away from Liam's face. Vick's eye twitched as he slowly stood up. “You can have him.” he spat as he tried to cover his bleeding arm.
   “But, Vick, I . . .” Kyoko argued.
   Vick held up his hand to stop her, then silently walked out of the garden.  Liam wearily sat up, wiping Vick's blood from his body.
   “Who said I was just going to let you get away?!” Liam yelled at him as he shook his fist. “Guards!” he called. From out of nowhere, a dozen palace guards dashed out and surrounded Vick. But unlike their previous meeting, he did not struggle, he let himself go, as the guards quickly tied him up. Liam stood up, addressing the guards and Vick. “I'm going to make sure you don't come back. And, you can't come back if you're still here.” He grinned. “Lock him up.”
   The guards exchanged wicked smiles.
   “No, please, you can't!” Kyoko protested. Liam just smiled back. 
   As the guards led Vick out of the garden, Liam asked Kyoko lovingly, “Does this mean you accept my proposal, dear?”
   Kyoko hung her head. “Yes. Yes I do.” Liam hugged her tightly.
   “This is wonderful!” he beamed. “Oh, we'll have to start making arrangements right away, I'm so excited!” He looked down at the suffocated head of Kyoko. “You know, you've made me the luckiest elf alive.”
   Kyoko squirmed her way out of his hug. “I'm so happy for you.” she sarcastically mumbled.

   The guards threw Vick onto a cold and dusty floor and untied him. He had been blindfolded, so he would not know where he was being taken, or the way back. The guards quickly slammed the door behind them, and Vick took off his blindfold. He sat in a small dungeon cell, with mold and moss growing on the walls, and a small pile of hay in the corner. Water dripped in many places from the ceiling, and his only light was a tiny window at the very top of the wall.  Behind the solid wood door, he could hear the guards' voices.
   “Stupid bastard, picking a fight with Liam.”
   “That's for sure.”
   “Lucky for Liam, his little bitch stopped this guy.”
   “Yeah, she has no idea what she's in for though.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “All Liam wants is some ass. That and to be king. He really has no interest in her specifically, he was just waiting for some broad stupid enough to fall for his act. You know, being all high an' mighty turns ‘em on I guess.”
   “Maybe she doesn't love him though. Maybe she just wants a seat in the palace, you know? Royalty and riches. Even I'd marry Liam for that.”
   “Heh, me too.” The voices trailed off. Vick scooted up to the wall, where sat remains of a former prisoner's meal. He flicked it away and shook his head.
   For Kyoko's sake, I hope they're wrong. After what she's been through, she wouldn't let Liam push her around. At least, I don't think she would. But if Kyoko really loves him . . .he couldn't bring himself to think about it. Just nights ago they had exchanged words of love, true love, to each other. Could it really have been hollow? Did she just use him to get to the palace, then become Queen? Never. I know she wouldn't do that. I know she still loves me. Vick quickly stood up, and the blood rushed to his legs, and he felt dizzy. He slid back down the wall. I've got to stop Liam, she could be in danger. He looked up longingly at the tiny window, through which a small stream of light poured through. But how the hell am I supposed to get out of here?

   “All right, this has to be perfect.” Liam declared to an audience of maids and servants. He looked over to his bride-to-be and smiled. “When will you be ready dear?”
   “Whenever, I guess.” she said.
   Liam looked concerned. “Is something wrong? You don't seem very enthusiastic about this. I want you to be happy.”
   You got yourself into this Kyoko, she told herself, now you gotta follow through with it.
   “I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken up, that's all.”
   “Ah, I see.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “Is there a specific day you want to have the wedding?”
   “As soon as possible.” she stated quickly.
   “Really?” Liam directed his attention to his attendants, eagerly waiting his orders. “Well then, we have some work to do!” He clapped his hands together. “Let's schedule this for tomorrow evening, at sunset. Sunset will be nice, right dear?”
   “Wonderful.” Kyoko felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Toru smiling down on her. “You like to sneak up behind people, don't you?” she snapped.
   “You made the right choice. I'm glad.” he said with a grin. “This kingdom will be saved, and it's all because of you.”
   “That's right.” Liam added. “Our children will be the future of this land.”
   “Right, about that . . . “ Kyoko started to explain, but Liam quickly turned back around to the servants.
   “We will need a Master of the Ceremonies appointed, and a banquet prepared. Also we'll have to have this place decorated, and cleaned, because we will be having guests from all of the kingdoms. This is a very special occasion.”
   “All of the kingdoms? You mean there's more than one?” Kyoko asked.
   “Why of course, dear. There are three. This kingdom, of the forest, the Desert Kingdom, and the Metropolis Kingdom. I and my family are from the Desert Kingdom.”
   “Where is that?”
   “It's the farthest away from the human world. Sometimes a few nomadic men pass by, but they cannot enter the Kingdom.”
   Liam patted her head. “My dear, there is an Aura. An Aura is like a shield that surrounds each Kingdom. Humans can't handle the magic energy inside, it would kill them. So they don't enter. It protects us, and when you live inside the Aura, you age normally. For you that would be different. Once you reach adulthood, you stop aging. Within our Aura, we are immune to deaths of ageing and disease. But, if you live outside the Aura, you grow like a human, and eventually die of age. Do you understand?”
   Kyoko nodded her head. “I see.”
   Liam, once again, turned back around to his attendants. “Now, we must send messages of invitation to the royals of the Desert and Metropolis. And Kyoko, is there anyone in particular that you would like to invite?”
   “Of course not. The only people she knows are humans.” Toru chimed in. “Right?”
   Kyoko sighed. “Right.”

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 15

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