Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 15 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-06-04 01:04:09
Last author: Pianomay44
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 14

Chapter 15: Escape

   Vick finally managed to fall asleep on the small pile of molding hay in the corner. Since that morning, he had not been given anything to eat or drink, and the dungeon guards stood outside mocking him for at least an hour. Once they walked off, Vick was left alone to wallow in his thoughts. He knew that he had to get out somehow, to make things right. There was no way Kyoko really loved Liam, or so he thought. He only recognized the growing threat that Liam imposed. He had put up a pretty good fight when Vick saw him last, and he doubted that Kyoko could stand up to that. But, for all he knew, the guards were just spreading rumors. 
   As he slept, a shadow crept closer. A pair of bright blue eyes peered into his cell through the tiny window. 
   “Vick. Vick wake up.” the shadow whispered. Vick did not stir.
   The shadow picked up a dirt clod from outside and tossed it into the cell. “Wake up dammit.” the shadow whispered again. The dirt clod fell a few inches short of the pile of straw. Vick still slept.
   The shadow sighed and picked up a handful of rocks, and flung them into the dungeon.  “Wake up!” he whispered louder as the stones rained down on Vick.  He sat up. Still groggy, Vick rubbed his eyes.
   “Who's there?” Vick yelled.
   “Shh! Don't be so loud! You wanna get out of here?” the shadow whispered.
   Vick enthusiastically nodded his head.
   “Then shut up and listen.” The shadow stuck a burly arm through the window and pointed at one of the large bricks lining the dungeon. “That one.” whispered the shadow.
   “What do I do with it?” Vick asked.
   “Push it out of the way dumbass. Jeez.”
   “Oh!” Vick crawled over to the stone and forced it out through the wall. A small opening leading outside was created. Vick slowly squirmed through. It was barely big enough to fit, but he managed to get outside. The shadow casually walked up to him. It was tall, and ominous looking, and wore a long, black, tattered cloak and worn boots.
   “Glad to see you can still pull that off. Now, we got us a wedding to sabotage!” the shadow exhorted.
   Vick smiled. He couldn't recognize whoever was underneath the cloak, but something about his presence seemed familiar. “Okay!” Vick cheered, and started running off to the palace. The shadow caught him by the collar.
   “Hold on there, it's not tonight.” The shadow looked around. “I'll come back here five hours after noon tomorrow. Just stay in your cell.” he whispered in Vick's ear. “Then we'll get your girl.”

   Dozens of maids and servants were bustling around the Main Hall, making the last-minute preparations for the night's ceremony. All morning they prepared, and their work had most certainly paid off. The Hall was covered in silk banners and beads, strung from each wall. The throne had been replaced by a stone altar, which had the old royal family's insignia printed upon it. 
   The kitchen produced the same hyperactivity as well. The cooks were preparing the after-wedding banquet, and were careful not to leave out the smallest detail in the meal. The head chef stood proudly, admiring his fledglings' work. He strode down the rows of sinks and stoves and checked each dish for perfection. For this event was to be perfect.
   Kyoko was standing on top of a chair, getting her dress fitted for the last time. Three maids stood at her feet, making the final adjustments.
   She had never felt more like a princess in her life. Standing there, being served, in the most magnificent dress she could ever imagine. It was the purest white, and trailed down behind her. The bodice was tied up in the back with light blue strings, and tapered off into a point in the back, where the skirt was attached. 
   The maids, finished with their work, bowed to Kyoko, then swiftly left the room, leaving her standing on the chair, alone. She sat, and reached for her shoes. They were extremely comfortable for dress shoes, if they could be called dress shoes at all. With their flat bottoms, and cloth covering, they almost felt like slippers on her feet.
   Kyoko longingly looked out the window. I really don't want to do this, and the more I think about it, the less it makes sense. I barely even know Toru, or Liam for that matter. So what it comes down to is me ditching the one man I ever loved, to help out a guy I just met. I wonder if he's ok. I wonder if he's mad. She sighed. But I started this, so I have to finish it. Besides, it's only for as long as I want it to be. I could get rid of Liam tomorrow if I wanted to. I just hope Vick will understand. 
   A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts, and back to the reality of the wedding. “Come in.”
   Toru peeped his head through the door, then walked in. He smiled. “Oh, I'm so excited. I'm going to be the Master of Ceremonies tonight, so don't worry about a thing, it'll all go smoothly. Are you nervous?”
   Kyoko nodded.
   Toru crouched down beside her. “I was just wondering, do you really love him? Or are you just doing this for me?”
   Kyoko swallowed. Theater class is really starting to come in handy. “Of course I love him. Lucky for you, it worked out that you wanted us married anyway.”
   “I thought you said you didn't like him.”
   “Well, I changed my mind.”
   “That's good, then. Liam really is a nice guy, it's just hard for people to see that. I mean, the subjects, and servants, they all despise him. I can't see why.”
   Kyoko laughed to herself. “I guess it's a mystery.”

   A familiar torrent of gravel rained down upon Vick's head, as he abruptly awoke. He quickly removed the loose brick in the wall and squirmed out. There was the shadow again, but less of a shadow in the mid-afternoon light. He still wore the same cloak and boots as before, but now Vick could tell were a deep hue of green. He could make out the features of the man's face beneath his hood. Small strands of white-blonde hair poured out around his face, most of which were wound tightly together in small wispy braids. 
   “Are you ready?” bellowed the shadow.
   “Yes.” Vick confidently stated. He had this strange sense of familiarity to the elf, and questions pestered him at the back of his mind: Who was he? How did he know Kyoko and I? How did he know we were together? Vick wanted to ask him so many things, but his baneful presence made it hard to question his knowledge.
   “Good. Let's go.” He reached into his cloak, pulled out a sword and tossed it to Vick. “We might have to cut a few throats to get in, if you know what I mean.” He then pulled out another, similar looking sword and swung it above his head, and issued a battle cry. “Wahoo! Let's go kick some ass!”
   Vick beamed.

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 16

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2004-05-28 [Little Insane Cat]: It's Vick's father isn't it?

2004-06-04 [Pianomay44]: maybe....

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