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2004-08-29 15:49:47
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 15

Chapter 16: The Wedding

   Liam straightened his formal blouse in front of his majestic mirror. As he made his final adjustments to his costume, he smiled to himself.
   “You are looking fine tonight, Liam.” he smugly said to himself. He ran his hands through his silky red hair and tightened his braids. “Alright, I’m ready.” he declared.
   Liam caught a glimpse of Toru in his mirror and turned. 
   “Do you know what to do?” Toru asked.
   “Of course, what kind of fool do you take me for? Not no how do go about my own wedding. How absurd.”
   “Just asking. I just stopped in Kyoko’s room, she’s just about ready as well. She really loves you, you know.” 
   Liam smiled, satisfied. As she should, he thought. After tonight, I will be king. And finally get the power and respect I deserve. But the girl . . . she must learn to respect me as well. Which might take some doing. He sighed. “Lets do this.”

         “Stop lagging!” The shadow loudly whispered to Vick as they darted in and out of the palace garden, nearing their final destination: The Grand Hall, which had finally been completely decorated in accordance to Liam’s fancy. The guards had been removed from their previous posts, protecting back entrances to the palace, and were now standing at the front gate and doors, greeting guests. 
   “I’m coming!” Vick sprinted to catch up with the shadow. 
   He sighed. “This is so much easier when all of the guards are gone, don’t you think?” thoughtfully asked the shadow.
   “Yes, it is. Now why are we hiding if they’re not here?” 
   “There are windows. People could see out of them. We still have to be careful. Now quiet,” the shadow ended as they reached the palace wall.
   The shadow ducked down under the stained glass windows, and crawled over to a large, wooden door. He waved Vick over, and he scurried after. They silently entered the palace, where Vick immediately recognized the door that led to Kyoko’s room. He yearningly looked at the door, as a question to the shadow if he could peek inside, and the shadow solemnly nodded. Excited, Vick swung the door open, only to find no one inside.
   Suddenly, trumpets blared, as the processional music began. It was not like any human wedding music, but a grand and majestic orchestra, that sounded off as a salute.
   “It’s starting.” the shadow called to Vick, who had slumped down on the floor. 
   “Damn it!” he yelled as he slammed his fist on the ground. “We’re too late.”
   “No we’re not. Come on, you can’t be giving up that easily.  It’s just going to be a bit harder now.” 
   Vick reluctantly got up, and left the empty room.

   Kyoko was rushed to the front of the Grand Hall by her two bride’s maids. As the music began she took a moment to get things straight with herself.
   Here we go. I’m going to do this. This does not mean anything in terms of love, or a sexual relationship. I’m doing this for Toru. For my parents. To retrieve my family’s lost glory and honor.  She breathed deeply and exhaled, then started her walk to the altar. She made sure to take long and graceful steps, and not to step on the hem of her gown. As she reached the altar, she looked up and could see the blurred outlines of Toru and Liam through her veil.
   Toru smiled and opened a large book. The outside covering was leather, and had been worn. The pages had long since turned yellow, and were tattered along the edges. A red ribbon book marked his page, as he began to read aloud.
   “Good evening, my friends. We have gathered here today to bear witness to the great and glorious event of Marriage and the Crowning. These two, who, upon falling in love, have come here today to make the promises of eternal loyalty to this kingdom, each other, and themselves. Promises of commitment and dedication, and love everlasting. This evening our heavenly ancestors will mark the beginning of their journey through adulthood, royalty, parenthood, and the becoming of a wise Elder and Eldress, and lead their souls through their life and afterlife.”
   Toru looked up from his book and addressed Kyoko and Liam.
   “My dear sister Kyoko, and dear Prince Liam. Tonight you become the rulers of this Kingdom. Tonight you shall be bestowed upon the task and responsibility of governing this land. And, Tonight, you shall seal the bonds of marriage. Do you accept these obligations?”
   “That I do.” Liam confidently stated. They then turned to Kyoko. 
   “Do you accept these obligations?” Toru asked her.
   “Y . . .Yes.” she said hesitantly. 
   “Wonderful.” Toru reached down to an attendant with two headpieces that were gently laid on small pillows. He picked up the smaller one, and placed it on Kyoko. Then, upon carefully removing Liam’s old headpiece, replaced it with a new one.
   “Princess Kyoko of the Forest Kingdom. I now pronounce you Queen of the Forest Kingdom.” Toru bowed deeply. “And Prince Liam of the Desert Kingdom. I now pronounce you King of the Forest Kingdom.” He bowed again, then went back to his book. He read aloud a passage, written thousands of years ago by their ancestors, a decree that the new coming royalty must hear.

   Vick and the Shadow rushed through the hallways of the palace, hoping to reach the wedding before it ended. Luckily, it seemed that the shadow knew the winding maze of halls by heart. Before long, they had reached the Grand Hall, where Toru still stood, reading.
   “Good, it’s not over yet.” said the shadow. He ducked down behind the seated guests and began to make his way up to the altar, as Vick followed closely behind.. Several confused visitors looked down at the two elves, crawling on the floor, but paid no mind. 
   Toru looked up from his book one last time, and addressed the bride and groom. “Now that you have taken your vows of service to this Kingdom, the time has come for you to seal your marriage as true.”
   Liam took Kyoko’s hand. 
   “This bond can only be sealed with a kiss of true love. As I’m sure you are both aware.”
   Liam nodded. Vick gulped. Well this will show whether or not she’s for real. If she really does love me then this won’t work. Right?
   “As we draw this ceremony to a close, we ask our new King and Queen to seal their love and commitment with a kiss.” Toru looked at Kyoko, then at Liam.
   This is it. Sell it, Kyoko.
   She lifted her veil, then stood on tiptoe to reach his lips, which she kissed with a surprising amount of passion, as Liam, at first shocked, returned that love to her. Vick watched in horror.
   Kyoko let go and the guests applauded the new King and Queen as the sun’s final rays shone through the stained glass windows of the Grand Hall.

   No way. There’s no way. Vick shook his head in disbelief as he and the shadow stood outside the palace.
   “I’m really sorry about that.” the shadow tried to comfort him. “I know what it’s like to lose someone really close to you.”
   “There’s no way you could understand. She said, I mean . . . she lied to me.”
   “Listen, son.” said the shadow as he put his hand on Vick’s shoulder and lifted off his hood. “I do know what it’s like.” 
   “Father?!” He outstretched his arms, and Vick hugged him.
   “You may have lost someone you love, but I’m back.”
   “How are you here?! Where have you been? How did you get escape?”
   “Everything will be explained in good time. Come.”

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 17

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2004-06-04 [Little Insane Cat]: I knew it!!!!!

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