Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 17 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-31 23:57:59
Last author: Pianomay44
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 16

Chapter 17: Reunion

     Liam led his new Queen from the Grand Hall into the Dining Hall, where a magnificent feast had been set out. Just seeing all of the food made Kyoko feel sick to her stomach. She held her breath and ran to the corner of the room. Liam quickly followed after. 
     “What’s wrong? Does it smell bad? I’ll have the servants dispose of it immediately.” 
     “No, its not that. It’s...I was nervous. I’m just starting to get over it, that’s all. I think I’ll go lie down.”
     “All right, if that’s what you want.” said Liam thoughtfully. 
     Kyoko ran back into her room, to find that it had been cleared. It was completely empty of what little belongings she brought with her. She searched the dresser for the necklace that Vick gave her, but it was gone. Everything was gone. She burst back into the Dining Hall.
     “LIAM!” she yelled as she stomped over to him.
     “Y . . .Yes dear?” he whimpered.
     “Where the hell is all of my stuff?!?”
     “I . . .I had the room cleared.”
     “So, WHERE IS IT THEN?!?”
     “Well, I moved it into our room. I didn’t think you’d mind.” he wailed as he cowered in her shadow.
     “Well where is this room? I want to lie down. Now.”
     “I’ll show you.”

     “Tell me everything.” said Vick. They had easily snuck out of the Forest Kingdom, and they were back on that familiar road again.  
     “Where do I start?” his father asked.
     “Where we left off. Since I saw you last. You remember don’t you? We were in that same palace. I had gone in her room. And when I came back out, I never saw you again.”
     “Ahh yes. After you went in her room, I had gone off in search of the son. He was in another room, a few doors down. Surprisingly tough, that little bugger.” He pulled up his sleeve to reveal a long scar that ran up his arm. “He got to me before I got to him, so I made my way out of the castle, then the kingdom,  with guards on my back the whole time. But as soon as I crossed the border, they backed off. Seemed that they were afraid of losing their aura. Wimps, if you ask me.”
     “So where did you go?”
     “Where all of the runaways go. The Metropolis Kingdom.”

     Liam led Kyoko into her new bedroom. The effect of walking into new and magnificent chambers of the palace had worn off, and she was just glad to see all of her possessions neatly piled on the bed. Kyoko dashed over to them, and quickly put her necklace back on. She could feel the gentle warmth of the stone and the pulsing heartbeat that it gave off. 
     “Next time you move my stuff, tell me first.” she said as she laid down on her new, bigger, bed. 
     “Is there anything I can get for you, dear?” Liam asked thoughtfully.
     “Nope, I’m good.” Kyoko called from the bed as Liam left the room.
     Kyoko sighed loudly to herself. I can’t believe I went through with it. I actually married him. I kissed him. Well, so I’ll be married for one night. First thing tomorrow I’m calling this whole thing off. Although I kind of feel bad for Liam. He didn’t really do anything wrong to deserve this. But what’ll happen once I ditch him? Will I still have to stay here and take over? I have no idea how to rule a kingdom. Maybe I can get Toru to do it.
     Hours later, Kyoko slipped into a tiny silk nightgown and quickly jumped into bed. She closed her eyes as tightly as she could and tried to fall asleep. She could feel the weight of the bed shift as Liam laid down on the other side. Kyoko scooted to edge of the bed, scrunched herself up and again, attempted to sleep. Liam put his hand on her side.
     “You can’t be going to sleep yet, dear.”
     “And why is that?” Kyoko demanded, eyes still shut.
     “You don’t know?”
     “If I did, I wouldn’t be asking you.”
     Liam cleared his throat. “It is tradition. The night, after one’s wedding, especially within the royal family, to . . .” He cleared his throat again. “To . . . make love.”
     Kyoko’s eyes shot open. “Well, I-I’m really tired.” she quickly defended. “From of the excitement today, I’d rather just sleep.”
     “Are you sure? If you’re nervous or frightened I would understand, a beautiful young girl like you obviously doesn’t know what to expect. It’s all right, I’ll be gentle.” He reached his hand out to her.
     “NO!” Kyoko yelled, as she slapped away his hand and scooted further down the bed. “I mean, no, really, it’s ok. I’d just rather go to sleep now.” She shut her eyes again. She could feel the warmth of Liam’s body draw nearer.
     “I believe you want to re-think your answer, dear.” He whispered as he silently drew a small dagger, and brought it to her neck.
     “I said no!” Kyoko yelled again. Liam, enraged, hit her across the face with the dagger, cutting deep into her.
     “I don’t think you understand. I am your King now, and you will respect and obey me like everyone else. And I will not allow you to disappoint me tonight.” He licked the blood from her face.
     “Get off of me!” Kyoko shouted as she hit the blade out of his hand and onto the floor. She jumped out of the bed and could feel the warm blood trickle down her face. They both looked at the dagger.
     “I don’t know what has gotten into you, my dear, but whatever it is, I order you to stop at once. Toru told me that you love me. And if this is true, I demand that you show me now.”
     Kyoko picked up the dagger. She looked at it, covered in her own blood. She then looked back up at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.” she said, sweetly. He smiled in agreement. Kyoko crawled back up on the bed and straddled Liam. She nonchalantly let the loose straps of her gown fall down her arms, then the top half of the dress with it. 
     “I knew you’d come around, dear.” He said, contented.
     “Of course, my King.” she snarled as she thrust the blade into his chest.

Next ---->Yoroshiku Chapter 18

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2004-08-29 [Little Insane Cat]: you finished the next chapter! I love it!!! it's so awesome!!!! I can't wait till the next one! that was an excelent ending to the chapter!!!!!!

2004-08-31 [Pianomay44]: wow thanks *blush* im glad you enjoyed it, dont worry! more are on the way!!

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