Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 18 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2004-09-01 00:00:06
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back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 17

Chapter 18: The Metropolis

     “The Metropolis? You mean you’ve been there? Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there myself, but I could never find it. I’m sure it’s so much better than living in the human world.” said Vick.
     “Only about a million times better.” his father answered, proudly.
     “Please tell me about it.”
     He cleared his throat. “The metropolis, eh? Well, you won’t find it if you’re looking for it, that’s for sure. It’s the kind of place you just stumble across. Lucky for me, I stumbled across it at a perfect time. To outsider’s eyes, its just an old, abandoned building, deep in the heart of the city. But once you enter the building, their special aura kicks in.  You see, the building has been enchanted, and the inside is many more times bigger than the outside, it’s like a whole city inside the building. Sure it’s not as fancy as the Forest or Desert Kingdoms, but that’s because it was built in a hurry.”
     “Well, lets see, about 50 years ago, I think, a group of elves in the Desert Kingdom, became fascinated with the human race. But both kingdoms strictly enforced the border of the aura, and no one was allowed to leave, unless of course, they were sent into exile for terrible crimes. So that’s just what this group did. They got together, there was only about 20 of them at the time, and they murdered the entire high court. Every last stinkin’ one of ‘em. So the group got kicked out of the Desert. They all traveled together to the human city to study them. But soon after, the effects of not having an aura around them started to kick in. So, in a hurry to preserve their health, they threw together a new kingdom, where those who were sent into exile, or those who just wanted to leave their kingdoms, could come to live. And not just the Desert Elves, but the Forest ones as well. It’s a city full of runaways and criminals. But surprisingly, they’re all very nice and get along well. And that’s where I’ve been for the last 10 years.”
     “I wish I could have known. I’ve spent those same 10 years, trying to get along in the human world. And it hasn’t been easy. At all.” Vick sighed.
     “Well, as soon as we get back, you can pack your things. I’ll take you there. And you can live happily and never have to worry about her. I’m sure you’ll meet someone else ten times better.” his father replied. 

     Liam screamed in horror and agony as he watched his own dagger be plunged into his bosom. Kyoko, in fear of what she had done, quickly pulled up her nightgown and scampered off the bed, which immediately grew moist and stained with Liam’s blood. 
     “What . . . have . . .you . . .done to . . .me . . .?” Liam managed to ask as a small stream of blood began to trickle down from his mouth. 
     “You! You were going to kill me yourself!” Kyoko yelled as she pointed at him. Just then Toru burst into the bedroom.
     “Liam!” he cried as he rushed over to his bedside. “What happened here?! Who did this to you?!” he yelled as tears streamed down his face.
     Liam said nothing, but pointed up at Kyoko, trembling against the wall of the room. Toru glared at her, but quickly turned back to Liam. 
     “Listen, don’t worry. This will be taken care of.” Liam’s breathing grew heavy and shortened. He began to gasp for the air he so solely needed, but dare not come. Then it stopped altogether. Liam’s eyes rolled back in his head, then Toru gently closed them and got up from the bedside. “You.” He growled at Kyoko. “YOU DID THIS?”
     Kyoko couldn’t speak. “I . . .I . . .he . . . it was . . . I mean he tried to . . .” she whimpered.
     Toru bent down again to the dead King’s bedside and kissed him softly on his blood stained lips. “My King. I love you.” Toru winced as he pulled the dagger from Liam’s dead body, then pointed it at Kyoko. “You will pay dearly for what you have done.” He swung it wildly at her and missed.
      “It’s not entirely my fault, you know.” She said in-between gasps and ducks.
     In his blind rage, Toru, his eyes filled with tears, continued to swing the dagger at Kyoko, now trapped between him and the wall. He sliced her nightgown to tatters and cut at her skin repeatedly. She made her way, silently out of the room, leaving Toru still swiping at the air with the dagger. 
     Kyoko stood outside the door and watched him. Toru, realizing that Kyoko was gone, fell to the ground and wept. He threw the dagger at the ground and lurched over to a coat of arms hanging on the wall. He drew the sword hanging from it and looked back at Liam, lying peacefully on his bed.  “We shall soon meet my King.” he whispered as he shoved the dusty, rusted blade into his abdomen.

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2004-09-01 [Little Insane Cat]: Jeeze Toru really must've liked him alot! I still can't wait for the next chapter. I hope Kyoko and Vick meet up again.

2004-10-26 [DarkAngel666]: wow

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