Page name: you&me [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-06 21:30:34
Last author: Lily~
Owner: Shjahjdahdvwa
# of watchers: 40
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Welcome to OUR wiki!! I [Lily~] am the reciever of the wiki, wanna take part too?

<img:>[hji] we'll miss you.

This wiki, is a place reserved to all the people that loves to be inlove, so put all your emotions here...


If you are a member be free to add this banner:

<img:>,<img:>by [Bye bye elftown]

by [someelf]

"You are my heart that can never be broken, you are my soul that can never be lost, you are my body that can never be forgot, you are in my mind day and night, i will never forget the person that brang me to life. Love is who you are and is what made you become what you are. Love may hurt you, and it may come back and haunt you but love is true and love is apart of you. What is love? Is it hate or feelings for people we treasure?!"[~x~kelz~x~]
the most romantic words said HERE YOU CAN FIND BEAUTIFULL THOUGHTS AND PRESPECTIVES WRITTEN BY OUR MEMBERS! the most romantic words said

look also on:
from my heart into yours
it's a wiki where you could add poems and describtions about love..

all about love
it's a wiki where you could add drawings and paintings about love..

Love Pub
Here's a place for all you lovely people can gab to your hearts content. ENJOY!!

A contest to valentines... It already passed but you can add some interesting poems and artwork still!!


NEW!!! For members that wish to have a status message next to their name just message me ([Lily~] in case you forgot} with what you want next to your name.
The Good People that belong to this wiki and will remanin so are:

***R.I.P.[SimpleEuph] We will always miss and love you. No matter where you are.***

[Lily~]-headhoncho. (loves to love and hope) &[wildgriffen]
[Konobi]- A damn fine writer (although it would be nice of his to get some of his works on love)
[Cute Deranged Psycho]
[sexy mama-2-b]
[Lukes' Sami]
[The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]

you will be welcome too! :)

Use the main wiki comments only to talk about things related to the wiki and dont post too much or it will make members go away!!!Use the links to sub wikis!!!


Username (or number or email):


2005-12-14 [someelf]: Eli and I are the only couple ^^' Umm Kaiish.. Can you do me one favour? o.o

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: wazzat?

2005-12-14 [someelf]: Put Sarah/[sequeena_rae] behind our names >.> ^^'

2005-12-14 [sequeena_rae]: O_O =O XD

2005-12-14 [someelf]: I mean it Sarah. Your part of my relationship.

2005-12-14 [sequeena_rae]: *grins*

2005-12-14 [someelf]: :) *Smiles gentle*

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: ... okay so you want me to put [sequeena_rae] by your name?

2005-12-14 [sequeena_rae]: *nods* yep yep

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: okay! ^.^

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: there all done!^.^

2005-12-14 [sequeena_rae]: Thank you ^_^

2005-12-14 [someelf]: Thanks :) *smiles* We have a ... Extra ordinair relationship.. >.>

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: No problem.

2005-12-14 [someelf]: ^__^ *hugs Kaiish*

2005-12-14 [sequeena_rae]: It's not that extraordinary :p

2005-12-14 [Lily~]: What does Kaiish mean? *huggles back*

2005-12-14 [someelf]: Is your new nickname ^^

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: okay! ^#,#^

2005-12-15 [someelf]: Hehe *grins and tackleclingsandkissiescheekie* ^^

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: 0#.#0 ieeee!!!! *trys to bury face away from the smooching lips* AAHH!!! Smoochies!

2005-12-15 [someelf]: XD ^^'

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: *giggles*

2005-12-15 [someelf]: *smiles and pets* ^^

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: *purrs and relaxes* Meow^.^

2005-12-15 [someelf]: ^__^ *pets*

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: *is drowsy* Hey guess what! I sing in a school concert tonght...

2005-12-15 [someelf]: Cool! *goes to hear* ^_^

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: *soft light singing begins* Pie jesu, pie jesu, pie jesu domine, dona aeis... Yay! I love that song. *sighs happily*

2005-12-15 [someelf]: *smiles* good ^^

2005-12-15 [Lukes' Sami]: apperantly my husband and i got taken off the wiki member list, but just the same i will share our most resent lovely event. LAst Dec 6th we bacame parents to our little girl Sandra Leanne D. 6lbs 12oz and 20" long if you go to my house you can see a little picture of her and my hubby sleeping. well that is my good news it dont hurt to share good happy moments does it.

2005-12-15 [Lukes' Sami]: oh our reason for not being on for so long are, Me i was pregant and could not sit for longer than 5 minutes on this comp chair it hurt my back incredibly and my husband he is working ALOT being in the Army and all. ok then well see ya.

2005-12-15 [sequeena_rae]: Woah O_O no need to be so bitchy and congrats! ^_^

2005-12-15 [Lily~]: yay! Babies! I'm sorry. [Lukes' Sami] if you wish to remain in this wiki or wish to be restated as a memeber let me know.Kay? ^.^ congradulations.

2005-12-19 [someelf]: Nawww ^^' Congrats :)

2005-12-19 [Lily~]: I love babies! ^#.#^ they makes me a fuzzzzzy inside! ^###.###^

2005-12-19 [someelf]: X3 Me too ^^'

2005-12-19 [sequeena_rae]: *backs away* teehee

2005-12-20 [someelf]: *grabs sarah by her undies and tackle clings to her then snugs*

2005-12-20 [sequeena_rae]: Omigawd! *covers self* XD

2005-12-21 [someelf]: XD *rofl with her*

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: I'm nekkid! XD

2005-12-21 [someelf]: o.o i never undressed you o.o

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: The point being? XD

2005-12-21 [someelf]: humzzz.. *thinks* no point ^^ *still rofl clinging to you*

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: Wheeee!!!

2005-12-21 [someelf]: ^^' :3

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: :p

2005-12-21 [someelf]: ^_^

2005-12-21 [Lily~]: *raises eyebrow* okay nekkid peeps... peas and caorrots take that else where... *closes eyes*

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: XD

2005-12-21 [someelf]: Okie *goes into closet with sarah and rofl there* ^__^'

2005-12-21 [Hermes322]: O.o interesting convo

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: O_O =O!!!! XD

2005-12-21 [someelf]: :D :3 yeah huh? :3

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: i was not meaning to sound bitchy, if i did i am sorry...some preg hormones are still hanging on in me i guess :P And i would love to be reinstated please i actually liked this wiki not so much drama in it and its fun to watch you guys just joke around, but i will just hang back and pass on the undie grabing and tackling at least for now ;P

2005-12-21 [someelf]: ohhh *slowly slips over to Luke* what did ya say? *she says grinning evily and cackles softly on her way* muahwhaha

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: *grins and huggles all* Wheeee!

2005-12-21 [someelf]: c.c shhh *bops swarah and makes her sneak attack luke aswell* :3

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: *backs up slowly* i got poopie dirty diapers and i know how use them

2005-12-21 [someelf]: XD *sneaks up and slips undies off and puts its on Lukes head* MUAHWHAHAHAHAHA X3

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: O_O What In The World.....*looks out thru a leg hole and starts taking aim with diaper*

2005-12-21 [someelf]: O.O *hides in swarah's bra* XD

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: *airborne diaper slams right into the right cheek of [someelf]*

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: ha ha didnt quite make it in her bra did ya' HA ha

2005-12-21 [someelf]: *eeewww's and goes for a shower* yet your hair is full og shit XD*

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: you forget i am a mom now i am used to having poop on me. babies poop alot!!! where they keep it in their tiny bodies will forever be a mistery for me

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: *expertly cleans off the mess on her hair* TA DA :D

2005-12-21 [someelf]: XD *is clean too now :3* I wanna be a mommie too o.o ;-;

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: wanna hear something funny...if you dont too bad you will, once when my husband [DavyWayy] was cleaning her diaper she farted but it came with a surprise which sprayed all over him on his shirt and pants he was all pooped on he just about threw up, Ofcourse i was on the floor laughing my ass off

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: imagine a 6 foot 2 inches guy saying 'GET IT OFF ME I AM GOING TO THROW UP' and then starts to gag while pulling the shirt away from his skin afraid to take it off cuz it might touch his face on the way off

2005-12-21 [someelf]: LMAO! XD ^^' *rofl again with swarah* X3

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: ha so much for tuff army man huh a lil baby poop brought him to his knees

2005-12-21 [someelf]: nawww poor guy X3

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: and thats cuz he has been to Iraq already he once told me that they had to walk on sewage water with turds in it and all sorts of nasty stuff

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: being a mommy is the best thing in the world but man if you are not ready for it and i mean ready like financially and physically its hard really hard i thank God that we were ready for her cuz tell you what it would have sucked i million dirty diapers

2005-12-21 [someelf]: hehe, yeah I can understand and I know.. psysically i'm ready but the money and livingplace and such.. needs some more time ^^'

2005-12-21 [Lukes' Sami]: well off i go for now got to clean up, but... *huggles everybody* i will see you guys later and i will come prepared with more diapers just incase you have anymore bright ideas.

2005-12-21 [someelf]: say hi to your cutiepie *poks ya baby* ^^ *smiles and hugs back* cya later :)

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: *grins* teehee

2005-12-21 [someelf]: ^^

2005-12-21 [Lily~]: Ewwww! Dirty daipers.... When I first changed my nieces daiper I gaged really bad... *shivers in the nasty recolection*

2005-12-21 [someelf]: XD it's a thing that comes along witht he baby, you have to deal with it :) *grins wisely* :3

2005-12-21 [sequeena_rae]: *grins* Been there, done that XD Especially with 3 nephews and 4 neices

2005-12-22 [someelf]: Hehe, glad that I'm the youngest niece then XD *pokes to her nephuws who all are older then her, and all the other nephuws and nieces who she doesn't know about >.>*

2005-12-22 [sequeena_rae]: My oldest is 12 XD 13 january 10th >.< [celtic chick]

2005-12-22 [someelf]: heh

2005-12-22 [sequeena_rae]: :p

2005-12-22 [someelf]: :)

2005-12-22 [Lily~]: your oldest?

2005-12-22 [sequeena_rae]: My oldest *nods*

2005-12-22 [Lily~]: kid? or niece/nephew?

2005-12-22 [sequeena_rae]: Neice! O_O

2005-12-29 [Lily~]: ahhh okay. I see...

2005-12-31 [Balthizar]: Im back so love me!

2006-01-03 [Konobi]: *Loves*

2006-01-03 [Lily~]: *loves* where'd you go? GUESS WHAT!!! ^.^ *jumps up and down in excitemnet*

2006-01-03 [sequeena_rae]: What? *grin*

2006-01-03 [Lily~]: I got's a boyfriend!!! ^.^

2006-01-03 [sequeena_rae]: Wheee!! Who?

2006-01-03 [Balthizar]: awsome!

2006-01-05 [Lily~]: His name is Nate. [New account elsewhere] I know his hous looks weird... nor does he have a piccy of himself up anymore.

2006-01-23 [Lily~]: ...uh yeah... it didn't work out...

2006-01-23 [someelf]: Aww *Hugs tightly*

2006-01-23 [Lily~]: It's otay.

2006-01-23 [someelf]: Hope you'll be fine.. *Softly snugs* <3

2006-01-23 [Lily~]: I will. He and I dated only a week. I'm fine. *smiles happilly* see?

2006-01-23 [someelf]: *grins* I see ^^ Good *hugs* ^^

2006-01-23 [Lily~]: *huggles* gots ta go... Bye! ^,^

2006-01-23 [someelf]: Okie See you soon! *Snug*

2006-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: *squeeks* I am so unbelievably happy right now....andonly [Lily~] knows why *bounces off the walls*

2006-01-24 [Lily~]: lol *starts to sing* Goin' to the chaple and we're, gonna get ma-ha-ha-ried! Goin' to the chaple of love! *giggles*

2006-01-24 [someelf]: o.o Ya ganna get married? o.o Kinky ^^

2006-01-24 [Lily~]: not me. Kimmie is! *huggles her cousin!*

2006-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: me is engaged......damn!!! What did I agree to?

2006-01-24 [Balthizar]: Awsome!congrats!

2006-01-25 [SimpleEuph]: thank you.....:P

2006-01-25 [Lily~]: lol nice Cous. "What did I agree to?"

2006-01-25 [SimpleEuph]: well Im still bewildered by the whole thing really......he says we're temporarily engaged right now, becuase its not what he want as an engagement ring (kind of like a promise ring)......he said he waiting until he can get me into a crowed place then drop to one knee and ask me..oh great

2006-01-25 [SimpleEuph]: the thing about Justin is, he enjoys embarrasing himself as well as I cant imagine whats going to happen when that time comes

2006-01-25 [Lily~]: YES! Hey I've got an idea, for justin that is. *devil horns grow*

2006-01-31 [someelf]: Congrats ^^

2006-02-01 [Balthizar]: I think the banner should be in the valentine contest.

2006-02-01 [SimpleEuph]: Valentine Banner Contest(you&me) there....I feel as though I want to contribute to this place, plus Im pretty good at getting contest started

2006-02-01 [SimpleEuph]: I know you members must be very why not get creative and make a banner themed for we can post it on this wiki

2006-02-01 [Lily~]: yeah, great Idea cous! ^.^

2006-02-02 [Balthizar]: Im working on it><

2006-02-02 [Lily~]: I've got sumthin' but it's a little dark and I don't think I can put it on the computer. ^.^; It's really big.

2006-02-02 [SimpleEuph]: hmmm....noone you know has a scanner Kai.....I really wish you could post

2006-02-06 [Lily~]: The school has a scanner it's just that the thing won't fit. I'd have to take a piccy of it first.

2006-02-07 [SimpleEuph]: well hopefully you guys will be working on it cause it ends next week, I might be able to extend....but Im not sure if Ill be home next week

2006-02-07 [Lily~]: ah ha... Maybe I can take a piccy of it and get it on here...?

2006-02-17 [Fire fae]: who runs the wiki now? >.>

2006-02-17 [SimpleEuph]: [Lily~], it was handed over it her

2006-02-17 [Fire fae]: ty ^_^

2006-02-27 [Lily~]: Yeah... I didn't ask mind you! But I love workin' on this wiki. it's pretty cool.

2006-02-27 [SimpleEuph]: Well everyone, Im finally out of the house now and living with my fiancee.....whew

2006-02-27 [Balthizar]: grats^^

2006-02-28 [Lily~]: yay!!! gooo kimmmieeee!!!

2006-02-28 [SimpleEuph]: Everything is goin well so far...might be getting a job lined up tommorrow...YIPEE

2006-02-28 [Lily~]: yipee?

2006-02-28 [SimpleEuph]: Yippee???? did I spell it wrong?

2006-02-28 [Lily~]: still... yipee?

2006-02-28 [SimpleEuph]: I got a job...yes yippee...what else should I say???

2006-02-28 [Lily~]: yay. that's what.

2006-03-01 [Clearwater]: hey guys, I'm [Every Rose Has Her Thorn] now, in case any of you were looking for me...

2006-03-02 [Lily~]: kay! Where did you disappear to?

2006-03-20 [Ai~Tenshi]: I'd like to be a member please

2006-03-23 [Lily~]: you gonna stick around?

2006-03-24 [Ai~Tenshi]: Yes.

2006-03-25 [Lily~]: ^____^ OKAY! *is air-headed*

2006-03-27 [Balthizar]: HI all^^

2006-03-27 [Lily~]: Hey! how have you been?

2006-03-28 [Ai~Tenshi]: Sweet. Sorry i haven't responded my Monitor blew...awaiting a new one.

2006-03-28 [Lily~]: it's okay! ^.^

2006-03-28 [Balthizar]: I've been good. How about you?

2006-03-29 [Lily~]: oh I got my first parking ticket this morning.

2006-04-02 [blackfire10169]: why, what you do this time!?

2006-04-03 [Ai~Tenshi]: Parket Tickets Suck

2006-04-04 [Lily~]: Well, I wasn't paying attention and I parked in a cross walk. ^.^; I paid it off that afternoon. I feel so stupid.

2006-04-08 [Ai~Tenshi]: I need a hug!

2006-04-08 [Balthizar]: *hugs*

2006-04-10 [Lily~]: *huggles* What's goin' on???

2006-04-10 [Balthizar]: I got a girl friend^^ [raynesprite]^^Im passing all my clases with 90's^^ and life is good.

2006-04-11 [Lily~]: Sweet. I've got a boyfriend as well and I'm passing all but one class.

2006-04-14 [Ai~Tenshi]: Not good, went to ER last night over fractured toth...Pain

2006-04-14 [Balthizar]: Oo

2006-04-17 [Lily~]: OO owwie! >.< I know how pain is. I went to the dentist last week and I'm still hurtin'.

2006-04-21 [Ai~Tenshi]: I need to go.

2006-05-11 [Lily~]: wow... the conversation pretty much died in here... I leave for one week and this is what friggen happens!! lol come on ppl talk! I know you can!!! lol

2006-05-11 [Elinore]: *tries out vocal chords* Laaa! Well what do you know! I can talk!

2006-05-11 [Balthizar]: woot!

2006-05-11 [Lily~]: lol I know right? What happened to all the conversations going in here? Did you all just jump right off the face of the earth or what?? lol

2006-05-11 [Ai~Tenshi]: I'm here...

2006-05-11 [Lily~]: well you weren't talkin'.... If I were you I'd have started talking to myself... lol

2006-05-15 [Elinore]: i love talking to myself, it's great, only way of being sure you're talking to someone you love and on the same mental level, lol

2006-05-15 [someelf]: And your IQ goes up >_>

2006-05-15 [Elinore]: definitely, can't quite beat talking to youself, hehe. ^_^

2006-05-15 [someelf]: :D *grins* No way ;)

2006-05-15 [Lily~]: lol yup... it works for me.

2006-05-15 [someelf]: :D

2006-05-15 [Lily~]: wOOt! nobody's here... *sings* "it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes" *takes off sweatshirt*

2006-05-17 [Fuu]: excuse me but I was wondering if I might be able to join.

2006-05-17 [Lily~]: I need you to prove that you will stick around and actually be active in this wiki.

2006-05-17 [Balthizar]: Im here><"

2006-05-17 [someelf]: I won't be on for the next fuw days just so you know >_< My buscard stops today, look at my diary for more answers ^^'

2006-05-17 [Lily~]: awww. *is sad*

2006-05-18 [someelf]: Sorry *Hugs*

2006-05-18 [Balthizar]: The next two months you will see me very little><" I will try and make some new banners though^^

2006-05-18 [Lily~]: ^^ okay. ... ov.vo I'm being left alone... *is even more sad...*

2006-05-18 [Fuu]: Okay! ^_^ I will be happy to do that! ^_^

2006-05-18 [someelf]: Well I'm on but not much anyway o.o

2006-05-18 [Fuu]: O.oo.O

2006-05-18 [someelf]: Lmao :3

2006-05-18 [Fuu]: o.OO.o So confuzzled

2006-05-18 [someelf]: Aww ^^ *hug*

2006-05-18 [Fuu]: Yay ^_^ I like hugs, but I have to go and do my homework >.<

2006-05-18 [someelf]: Have fun :3 *grins innocently and dodges any bop* :3

2006-05-22 [Czestawa]: Hi, can I join?

2006-07-03 [baby_chinc_69]: how can i join?

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