2010-01-07 19:26:17
# of watchers: 1
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| D20: 4 |
Name: Zeffern
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Race: Neitmar
Race Description: Neitmar cannot be described as one whole, for they are all completely different. Typically, as their species name suggests, they are nocturnal and vicious creatures with blood lust and the urge for the hunt. They aren't normally dangerous, but their anger is great. Neitmar's can be found in the army of the enemy and also your ally, for they have honor even if they are beasts.
They have the ability to use dreams as portals, often visiting one's mind when traveling to amuse themselves, but in truth the only way back is through a dream or nightmare. But if the victim wakes up, the Neitmar is trapped until he can find another vessel, the catch is, the vessel is taken along for the ride...
Description: Zeffern, whose name means 'digits', has the body type of an eagle with an extra larger pair of wings over the normal ones with three digit dragon claws sprouting from the carpal joint of the wing. From about the chest down feathers turn to silver fur as his legs look wolfish till the three toed scaled paws. On the end of each toe another three toes sprout, giving Zeffern nine claws on each foot... quite a handful in battle. Where the tail feathers would have been there is a long scaled tail with a triangle-shape
d tip meant for maneuvering in the air at the end. Instead of a beak, Zeffern has very short clawed 'fingers' instead of teeth that protrude on the outside of his jaw and muzzle. He has long dog-like ears that are above three pair's of black eyes that glow midnight blue in the light. Zeffern is approximately the size of a small horse or mule.
Personality:Normally Zeffern is just a big puppy dog, always wanting to have physical contact with his companions, overall a very friendly beast. He seems distant at first, not willing to trust, but will actually give you a chance instead of killing you a second later like most Neitmar's. He likes company, likes to talk, if a little too much but is known to carry around small extremely poisonous snakes for company.
Strength(s): He is very strong and can lift up to ten times his weight comfortably and is also very smart. Neitmar's as a species cannot feel pain, giving them a slight advantage to other species.
Weakness(es): Clumsy is a small word for his problem and he often doesn't realize his own strength. He isn't a blundering object in the air, but get him on the ground and you're in for some trouble.

RP Characters of Aeolynn
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