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2007-03-15 [Paul Doyle]: Ever seen "The Serpent and the Rainbow" about the Haitian zombies? Part if this movie is excellent, and the rest is unintentionall
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: I have not! I'll check it out, though.
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: omg a zombie game... this is what i';ve been waiting for
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: I think, deep down inside, this is what we've ALL been waiting for.
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: Who's in control? I wanna snag up the role of badass zombie hunter before its too late
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: whats this about really?
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: what's it about really? well! Just read the premise! It's all right there.
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: Zombies! Night of the living Dead, 28 days later, Seaun of the Dead
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: Oh, and Ravenclaw: you'll have to write me up a kickass character sheet if you wanna win the role of badass zombie hunter!
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: OK I"M ON IT!!!
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: i've never seen any zombie movies outside of Evil Dead. if you can classify that as a zombie movie...
2007-03-15 [Jeesum Crowe]: I've never seen ANY zombie movies.
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: Evil Dead is not a Zombie movie I should smack you for thinking it is! Gah man they are posessed by ainchent Sumarian Deamons! Didn't you learn anything from those movies? lol
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: no i didnt! cuz I watched them only once and dont plan on watching them again lol so that leaves me with Jeesum. I ahven't seen any zombiee movies
2007-03-15 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's not rocket science.
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: not really, no.
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: lol here you go Pnelma. It's just a rough working I plan to edit it again with a tough of finer detailing. Raven Stark yes I used Raven king as a template but only because I'm stuck in a biker wannabe mode and I already had the picture lol
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: You didn't write it in first person!
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: I wrote in 3rd person didn't I? damn, I'll fix it! as soon as I go potty
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: peepee or poopoo?
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: TMI! =D
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: lol
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: must be Number 2.
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: ...>.<
2007-03-15 [shadow of darkness]: lol i am immature
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: lol I gone ahead and edited raven's bio. Uploading it now
2007-03-15 [Pnelma Tirian]: beautiful! arright, I'll add her to the menu. =)
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: glad you like it. I do plan on making some fine tuning changes. I got a quesion though. Are we talking Night of the living dead Zombies or 28 days later zombies? Zombies that slowly wander around or teh big mean fuckers who run after you and try to kill you?
2007-03-15 [silent_voice]: hehe, i could imagine a zombie walking up to me "BRAAAIINNNSSS
They grab me and tap my head, then start walking away "BRRRAAAIAIIIN
2007-03-15 [Ravenclaw]: i imagined as much
2007-03-15 [silent_voice]: *grin* glad you approve
2007-03-15 [Evolution X]: *stumbles into the room, covered in blood* This sounds like fun! When do I start?
2007-03-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: when you tell me just who the hell you are! "Are You Still Alive?"
2007-03-16 [Karma's Mirror]: Kyoko Arabella Landenson won't let you call her that. And she doesn't love you, I promise.
2007-03-21 [Chel.]: sure...dont invite me... T.T
2007-03-21 [Jeesum Crowe]: Who are you?
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: She's the one who stole a picture for her 'day after the apocalypse' bio, even though she has artistic talent. I don't have a lot of respect for that.
2007-03-21 [lacklustre]: eeee I take it plagiarism is frowned on greatly. It happens.
2007-03-21 [Ravenclaw]: Uh yeah it is. BUt also I know Chel as a talented artist who usualy does her own characters or not at all. Some of the other players in the game nicked their pics also and when questioned about it the GM strongly advocated the use of copyrighted pics.
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: well, from that statement, it doesn't sound like the GM was particularly competent. Chel, you're welcome to join, if you want. Just write up a character and send them to me.
2007-03-21 [Ravenclaw]: Ehh he is a bit... dumb. But still I think with a strong group of players around him he'll straighten out.
2007-03-21 [lacklustre]: hmmmm. Well then I'm glad things aren't a varitable cold war of impending flamming doom.
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: One can only hope.
2007-03-21 [lacklustre]: Oh of course of course. Now if you'll pardon me I got an appearance to make.
2007-03-21 [Ravenclaw]: *Steps out of lustre's way*
2007-03-21 [Chel.]: it actually slipped my mind about ET's rules. I was just used it as a bookmark until I uploaded my own...
I took it down, so it's all good! :P
2007-03-21 [lacklustre]: well w00t!
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: yay!
2007-03-21 [Kamari]: weee! can i be a crazy assasin who do NOT get shot?
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: nope.
2007-03-21 [Kamari]: oh well lol
2007-03-21 [Kamari]: hay do i get to use my charector? hum?
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: if you write it in character and try not to break the fourth wall, and send me the char sheet again without so many cracks in the fourth wall then sure!
2007-03-21 [Kamari]: 4th wall... do you meen #4 of "The abridged Zombie Survival Guide" i'm confused... sry lol i'm hopeless
2007-03-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: ....Somebody explain this!
2007-03-21 [Kamari]:
...the 4th wall... plz explane... i'm confused... very...
2007-03-21 [Chel.]: front page looks nice! :)
2007-03-21 [Evolution X]: ummmmm... is my RPing OK? I mean, you have a lot of rules up there.
2007-03-21 [Ravenclaw]: yeah your good man
2007-03-22 [Evolution X]: WOO! *happy face*
2007-03-22 [Chel.]: My character is made! (yay)
2007-03-22 [Evolution X]: well done. *patpat*
2007-03-22 [Chel.]: I had to change her like 4 times. lol
2007-03-22 [lacklustre]: wow finicky in character design much? :p
2007-03-22 [Jeesum Crowe]: The fourth wall is the wall between the fiction and the audience. So, if you break the fourth wall, the fictional character will speak to the audience. Like in Ferris Bueller.
2007-03-22 [Jeesum Crowe]: Or like Madea broke the fourth wall in I Can Do Bad All By Myself when she was upstairs and they told her to go down the hall to the left and she was like "Where?" and they said it again and she was like "Child, this is a play. You know there ain't no hall here!"
2007-03-22 [silent_voice]: Can i borrow rules and rewrite some Raven?
2007-03-22 [Ravenclaw]: Yeah. I'll be on at the normal time tonight. Or I should be. If you want to colaborate it's cool. Check out the x-rules if you want to get started. there may be a few you want to implement.
2007-03-22 [silent_voice]: Gah, you know how you offered to write the rules? Go ahead lol, ill look them over when your done.
2007-03-22 [Chel.]: XD
2007-03-22 [silent_voice]: Gah i ish lazy////
2007-03-22 [Ravenclaw]: I didn't offer, I offered to help. BUt if you want me to I'll work on it tonight.
2007-03-23 [silent_voice]: Yay! You rule ^^
2007-03-23 [Ravenclaw]: I know
2007-03-23 [silent_voice]: hehe lol
2007-05-04 [Chel.]: ???
2007-07-02 [Piercedskull]: I wana join!!
2007-07-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: Not if you gon' type like THAT.
2007-07-02 [Piercedskull]: Sorry!Typo...I really don't type like that.*hides*
2007-10-07 [Chel.]: ..........?
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