# of watchers: 10
Fans: 0
| D20: 3 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
001) [BlackDragon] 0 / 0 002) [Estantia] 0 / 0 003) [abandonedhouse7 7] 0 / 0 004) [Viking] 0 / 0 005) [Sebhar] 0 / 0 006) [shotokan_gal] 0 / 0 007) [Lady of Lore] 0 / 0 008)
2006-10-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: Wow, at this rate i'm going to have to make it weekly :P
2006-10-08 [Shadowsoul]: can i be a judge?
2006-10-08 [Sebhar]: Can I join?
2006-10-09 [Lady of Lore]: ooh! this looks like fun!
2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Sure thing, just add to the current album and when it's closed at the end of the month, I'll add your names and the number of points scored.
Hmmm... At the moment there isn't anything to judge. I thought I'd have a trial month see how things go. Any suggestions are welcome...
2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Decided that as it's proving reasonably popular, I'll make it a weekly occurrence ^_^ Also, the pointing system has been updated. Please feel free to start updating next weeks album as well
2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: It's a little grey but i think the banner and divider will do for now..
2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Oh, one more thing, I'm thinking of handing out bonus points at the judges discretion. They'll go to any songs to which the judge thinks 'ha, i like that one :P' For example grease lighting in weather. What do people think of the idea?
2006-10-09 [abandonedhouse7 7]: That's great! ^.^
2006-10-09 [BlackDragon]: Hmm.. Gregorian and Gregorian Chants do covers.. Should I write the original artist names instead? I've heard most original ones.
2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: original artist names are best yeah....
2006-10-10 [BlackDragon]: okay.. ^^;;
2006-10-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: Only 2 more days on weather for you four people who haven't taken par to to do so ;)
2006-10-18 [Sebhar]: I've attacked it with a vengeance. Is there a way to suggest topics?
2006-10-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: there willl be, i've just had a bad week of homework :P we get a week of school starting tomorrow so i'll get everything sorted then.. Don't panic, i'll get round to it ;)
2006-10-19 [Sebhar]: Thanks ^_^ I've got some ideas.. though I'm sure they've occurred to you already.
2006-10-19 [ArchangelGabriel]: Album Contest Suggestions for suggesting new albums and Album: Weather (Voting) to vote on the album that closed saturday. By the way, the new album may be a little hard, i'll try and choose somethign a little easier for next week.
2006-10-20 [ArchangelGabriel]: Scrap that idea! You're finding it too easy. the album for the 11th of november is going to have to be extra hard then :P
2006-10-30 [Yoruno]: Wow... I want to participate... how can I be included? ^^
2006-11-03 [ArchangelGabriel]: Just think of a song and add it to the album, then when voting begins, your name will be added to the participants..
Number of comments: 37 | Show these comments on your site |
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