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2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Woo, 22 watchers o.o I thought I'd leave a little message to everybody watching, as the last comment dates back to July of last year XD sorry I haven't been able to get this Wiki really going. I'd set myself the goal to roam Elftown and promote Artistic Enquiries to at least a couple of people a week, but that never really happened. Which is a shame, because I do like my Wiki XD I just hope to be able to get this baby fired up sometime soon. My only idea is to have some sort of fun contest for the artists amidst you, but I wouldn't know what to give as reward (gotta be something other than the Hall of Fame reward). Any ideas, anyone ?
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: A plate of cookies or a nice cinnamon bun? :) Wish you lots of luck in getting it on a roll.
2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Cookies sounds delicious right now o.o if I were anything of a cook, that'd actually be a totally fun reward to give out: cookie giftbox. But alas XD although, considering I imagine most people are non-Belgians and maybe even non-Europeans, I wonder if offering some Belgian chocolate as a reward might interest anyone. Cuz, you know... Belgian chocolate is awesome << XD.
(and thank you for the luck-wishing. <3 XD)
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: OOOh. Chocolate. Though shipping it all over the world would be an issue. :D
2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Oh, I don't mind that. I've been sending chocolate to the US for years now, so I know how to abuse the postal system and get the most out of my sendings << XD (because Belgian shipping fees are freaking insane). I'm thinking this could actually be a lot of fun, and I already have a huge list of available specialty chocolate typed up... I think I could fit in a nice reward for the winner, and a smaller one for the runner-up - that is, if enough people'd be interested and would enter the contest! XD
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: Hmmmm. Adds to list of contests keep an eye on. :)
2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Hehehe I guess that means I already have a participant, huh ? XD
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: Quite likely, depending on the limitations of the contest. :)
2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: That I don't know yet. I'd like to make it as broad (and fun) as possible so that everybody can join. You know, not limit it to drawn art alone, but have poetry, photography, etc.... big artistic melting pot. Right now, I'm thinking the best way to do so, is to use the reward as the contest theme in some way. Just have to figure out how to do so and make it joinable for every sort of artform.
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: Nods, I have thought about having a faery contest for photomanipulat
2009-02-19 [Nocturnaliss]: Well, I don't think it's because you see others as more talented than you, that they'd necesarily not be interested in a commission from you. I've looked at your pictures and thought they were really, really cool... they're yours and unique. So, I'd say, don't sell yourself short, and go ahead with that contest.
2009-02-19 [Skydancer]: Aww, well thanks for that. Its nice to do collaborations with fellow artists here to create the Faery sets.
2009-02-20 [Nocturnaliss]: I imagine it must be ^^ collaborations often yield awesome results.
2009-03-03 [Nocturnaliss]: Again a shout-out to the 21 people watching this Wiki: there's a contest planned, but I'd like to know there'd be people around to join in before I start it. So... please leave a comment or something!
2009-03-11 [windowframe]: Featured Wiki
2009-03-12 [The Last Dragoon]: congrats ^>^
2009-03-13 [Nocturnaliss]: Thank you ^^ I just noticed it thanks to the badge on my house I'd never seen before XD. Thank you for pushing me to do it, [windowframe] <3 now let's hope it brings more people to us :D
2009-03-25 [Kuramasgirl]: What an awesome idea. :o
When I get the chance, I'll have to be fulfilling some of those requests up there, I think. xD This sounds like fun!
2009-03-25 [Nocturnaliss]: Glad to have you on board ^^
2010-05-17 [Eyonic]: :O dis is lookin quite fun, I must explore more!
2010-05-18 [Nocturnaliss]: Please do!
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