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2006-07-29 [Dil*]: It's spelled 'atheist'. Damnit, and you're supposed to represent us?
2006-07-29 [Sedition]: I dont represent anyone but myself,thus,wh
2006-07-30 [How To Break A Piano]: I've only really ever seen it spelled "Atheist"... Haha, despite the mispelling up there. But who cares, really...
2006-07-30 [Dil*]: It's atheist. Honestly. This page is an question answer page linking off of that awful 'the proof' page in which they claim to have 'proof' of gods existence, yet will not allow people to question their beliefs. What kind of proof is that? If it can't withstand scrutiny, it isn't proof. I'm insulted. And since this is a question answer page for a generic atheist, you'd think that the person would have knowledge enough to at least spell the word atheist correctly. I'm sorry about coming off a bit rude, I'm just *really* annoyed about that proof page. Can I link my page to your page?
2006-07-30 [Dil*]: strong atheism
2006-07-30 [Sedition]: yes,you can link here,and as i said before,that typo was done on purpose.the point of mispelling atheism was me pulling what i like to call a "mortal kombat".as you said,alot of people mispell atheist,especi
2006-07-30 [Sedition]: and ive spent alot of time at the proof being the only athiest there,and pretty much the only opposing force of debate for whats been many months now.personal business has interuppted me for the moment and i havent had the time to keep contributing to the wiki(which i will contribute to soon i promise.).The people there are ordinary people like you and me,and although my short temper gets the best of me and i have had one or two outburst there (seriuos debate is terrible on the nerves),i have to say those people there are good people,i believe religion is inherintly evil,but i also believe it's followers are inherintly good people that can be coerced into doing things their own <c>
2006-07-30 [Sedition]: conciuos(sp?) would other wise be against if it were not for religion.
2006-07-31 [Dil*]: You think you have a short fuse..oh dear ;) I bet I have a shorter one..you can see that from viewing my page.
2006-07-31 [drakkar]: >.>.....never seen a short fuse battle before
2006-07-31 [Sedition]: yeah,i can tell you have the shorter of tempers between us ;) my patience level has slowly increased with experience,ive been a debater for a long time and it takes a bit to get me going now a days (usually it has to be an outright ad hominem attack on me to get me riled up).
2006-07-31 [Dil*]: hehe, I've been debating for years too...but the fuse has grown shorter..latel
2006-07-31 [Sedition]: current times can do that
2006-07-31 [drakkar]: it ultimately depends on the person and there personal peeves
2006-07-31 [Dil*]: ..stupidity?
2006-07-31 [drakkar]: could be a factor
2006-09-12 [Avoral]: "Ad hominem."
You were close.
2006-09-14 [drakkar]: "Ad hominem" saying thats someones argument was wrong
2006-09-14 [Dil*]: no, ad hominem is a personal attack which has nothing to do with the quality or the non-quality of the opponent's arguement.
2006-09-14 [Sedition]: ditto what dil said,which is why im a bit confused at what Avoral is getting at.
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