Ask Lilo edition #10

(Wings by [
This issue is about why Lilo is God and you are pawn. Bow down and pay your respect!
Other questions might be accepted too, if she has time to answer.
And now, your questions:
So you really like Helloween?
I do prefer faster speed metal, but OK...
As a completely inferior pawn to your majesty as an all powerful cat-god, how can I serve you best?
Right now, you should be quiet. I'm sleeping!
Hey there Lilo *waves and pets her*. My cat Cinder alway liked to listen to Ramstein, and it made me curious, how do you feel about music? Thanks for taking time away from your busy schedule for my question.
Rammstein is too slow and angry. It's music for dogs, or something. I like the really fast stuff, but I'm not that much into music, unless flärps that I can chase are thrown to it.
Hail lilo, I was wondering what I should do. You see, I joined the US Army (stupid of me) Well, I got a staff infection in my spine. They are treating me, but they expect me to go through basic training again (which I don't have to do) should I stay in and do basic training all over or get out and not waste an extra 3 months of my life... (maybe I should join your army?)
I'm quite busy sleeping... For me it's OK if you do what you want. No one else can tell you what you want!
*bows in front of Lilo's majesty* Oh, Great Goddess Lilo, would you like to have a great temple with priests, statues of you and all the good staff, where all Elftowners would worship you?
The world is my temple and you can worship me from any place.
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