Page name: Blood of the Olympians [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-08-06 23:26:24
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
# of watchers: 14
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Blood of the Olympians



In the beginning, Chronos wrapped the egg of life in his hands and cracked it open to give life to the sea, the sky, and the earth. From these gods came new gods, new titans, trickling down through the ages, taking aeons.

Zeus, self proclaimed king of the gods, overthrew his own father as Kronos had done before him to gain domain over all of Olympus, imprisoning him deep in Tartarus. But, unbeknownst to Zeus, he was only fulfilling a time-old fate, that the past shall give way to the future so that life may continue to thrive.

This same fate would no doubt come again, but Zeus, in his arrogance, took no heed. He was a fool.

It was known among mortal men that the gods would on occasion take an interest in one of them and come to share a bed. So many children were born of these unions, but the stories overlapped and soon far too many were claiming to be the son of a god, and fewer were remembering their heritage. It is through mankind's conceit that they saved many blessed bloodlines from being eradicated. For it had come to the attention of our gods that their progeny was to overthrow them, taking their thrones on high, and Zeus, as well as many of his family, would not stand for it. For decades the world suffered their wrath, born of fear.

A thousand years has passed since the terror of the gods. Faith in them has long since been lost, leaving nothing but infrequent stories, but blood has a way of persevering as it did with Zeus, and his father before him. Fate can not be changed.

And so in the modern era were reborn the souls, destined for greatness that far exceeded that of any human before them.


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Olympian Role Play- Old page!


Time of day

Friday - 5:00 p.m.
Beautiful day - still

Bulletin Board:

February 9, 2017
Due to everything that is going on in my life I have appointed [~Valkyrie~] Co-Gm to help me run things more smoothly. All questions, concerns, and new Characters will still be directed towards [Synirria]. [~Valkyrie~] will just be here to help me with whatever needs I see fit at the time and so I don't have a mental break down ;).

May 12, 2016


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2016-04-08 [Synirria]: As soon as Im done eating my extremely late lunch Ill post and we can get started

2016-04-08 [ancienteye]: AWESOME! XD

2016-04-09 [Painted Autumn]: So we just start whenever?

2016-04-09 [Synirria]: I'm going to post in a second

2016-04-09 [Painted Autumn]: Ancient if you want to post at the duplex I can have Dorian meet you.

2016-04-09 [ancienteye]: Got it! :D

2016-04-11 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2016-04-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I was gonna just give Val a rest until time caught up to her. It would be nice though to have the time of year and time of day and maybe day of the week posted somewhere so players know

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: No probs. :P Hroda's alone where he is, now, but if you want me to move or remove him, just tell me. :o

2016-04-13 [Synirria]: It was supposed to be first thing monday morning, I forget who asked me that already.

2016-04-13 [Artsy]: Late spring/becoming early summer.

2016-04-14 [Painted Autumn]: *chime noises*
The time is now early/mid afternoon.

2016-04-14 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2016-04-15 [Painted Autumn]: Sorry I haven't posted, everyone! I work a lot... A lot, a lot. But I'll be finished tomorrow evening for the week- well, I'll be home anyway! Still have website work and customers to attend to... But I'll be online! So I'll be able to post lots this weekend.

2016-04-15 [Synirria]: I'll try and catch up tonight when we get back from picking up the fish tank. I've just been in a lot of pain the past few days. We're not sure it's a pulled muscle. Sorry I haven't been on but please don't leave me in the dust :-(

2016-04-15 [ancienteye]: Don't worry, Tilly's waiting for you guys. :3 And I hope your leg feels better soon! D:>

2016-04-16 [Synirria]: Hold off on making anymore pages. I'm going to altering things a little bit when I get home from picking up the fish tank

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: Ok the current times I have:
Haidee and Jake: approximately 11 am-noon
Adela and Archer: noon-1
Hroda, Sabastion, Emily: 3:30-4
Jade and Dorian: 5-6

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: What about Risk and Lena? I was thinking around 1-3 because they ate lunch didn't they? I think I caught that post in my haze yesterday

Who else are we missing... Luke!

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Tilly's in the diner...but I got no clue where she is, time-wise. @_@

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: Oh, sorry, I meant Haidee and LUKE are approximately 11am-noon, and I'm sorry I don't know EVERYBODY. I didn't read everything. :(

2016-04-17 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Luke just left the grocery store to get back to work so he's sort of nowhere at the moment. He can fit in when he needs to :) I was going to send him over to Jade's soon to visit her

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Doooo it~ *evil giggle*

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: So that'd be around the 6ish time line. Sweet...
Tilly was with Risk and Lena before lunch so she's probably still around that lunch time riht?

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: ...Ok? XD

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: Or not?

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