Page name: creampuffs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-23 18:42:48
Last author: pinefairy
Owner: pinefairy
# of watchers: 7
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The loyal order of the Creampuff Society

We the Creampuffs, a judge free wiki all about fun!

We support gay marriage!

This is also a safezone wiki! And please keep it that way:)

<img:>Pagans and Wiccans Welcome<img:>

<img:>~Creampuff Members~<img:>
1[pinefairy]code name-puffles
2[goulet82]code name-particuallypuffy
3[Blaithin]code name-dream puff
4[dizzi]code name-Sugar Free Cherry CheezePuff
5[Panda-monium]code name-panda
6[Insaniac Yoshie]code name-cripsy puff
7[Miss.Kayree]code name-Goofy puff
8[Thorgin]code name- Panzerpuff
9[Moving on in Life]code name-RubberPuff
10[speakyourwords]-Crazy Cheesy-puff lady



This is our link section! A section with a whole bunch of fun links! If you have one that you would like to add one then please leave me a message with the site link!

haha so much fun!

Oh so classic! WE GOOGLE!

1 cup water
1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
4 eggs
Place butter and water in saucepan and bring to a quick boil. As soon as the mixture comes to a boil, add the sifted bread flour all at once, lower flame and with spoon stir vigorously for 2 or 3 minutes, until mixture leaves sides of pan. Remove the pan from the heat and then add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition, until the dough is smooth and glossy. Drop mixture by tablespoons, 3 inches apart, on a greased cookie sheet. Bake in hot oven 450-F for 10 minutes, then at 400-F for 25 minutes. Cream Puffs should be puffed high and golden-brown. Remove to wire cake rack. Cool, cut in halves and fill.


2 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 egg yolks
Warm milk, add sugar which has been mixed with the flour, beat egg yolks and add to the milk and cook until it coats the spoon. Cool and beat occasionally to prevent crust. Add vanilla

If you would like to donate poems that would be awesome! I will be making a theme for every week and putting donated poems in a galley wiki for all creampuffs to see! THNX!

Our new badge made by [dont eat the panda shoes]! Make sure to put it up in your house to support us!


These are our current mascots!



Username (or number or email):


2005-09-13 [Miss.Kayree]: but i like pudding better -.-'

2005-09-13 [dizzi]: the jell-o company, the people that make jello, also make pudding. I know because I make it.

2005-09-13 [Miss.Kayree]: oooo... niftyness.. i just don't like jello that much ^^

2005-09-13 [pinefairy]: yes nifty indeed ya know .......we need more people Spread the word of the niftyness of the creampuffs to your friends!

2005-09-13 [Miss.Kayree]: okies! i shall advertise!

2005-09-13 [Moving on in Life]: Creampuffs, eh? Intruiging...Well...What's it about?

2005-09-14 [dizzi]: Its about being yourself and having fun. Liking creampuffs is a bonus.

2005-09-14 [Miss.Kayree]: ^^ indeedy!

2005-09-14 [dizzi]: ^_^

2005-09-14 [Moving on in Life]: so, random?

2005-09-15 [dizzi]: exactly!

2005-09-15 [pinefairy]: Right! Shall we sign you up? *hopeful looks*

2005-09-15 [Moving on in Life]: Go for it! Sign me up!

2005-09-16 [quilathe_nailo]: sutochlorobovineitis...its a word I made up...^^

2005-09-16 [dizzi]: ... and that means?

2005-09-16 [quilathe_nailo]: fake green cow disease

2005-09-16 [Moving on in Life]: XD

2005-09-17 [dizzi]: GREEN COWS?! I WANT ONE! *bites you*

2005-09-17 [pinefairy]: quilathe_nailo would you like to join? and terini'nestg what would you like ur code name to be

2005-09-17 [Miss.Kayree]: yay for members!!

2005-09-17 [pinefairy]: lol

2005-09-18 [dizzi]: wheeee

2005-09-18 [Moving on in Life]: I want my codename to be "Rubber Duck"

2005-09-18 [dizzi]: *gigglesnort*

2005-09-19 [Moving on in Life]: seriously.

2005-09-19 [Miss.Kayree]: nothing with llama in it..?

2005-09-19 [Moving on in Life]: Well, no, I can't think of anything with llama in it..

2005-09-19 [Miss.Kayree]: puffy llama!

2005-09-19 [Moving on in Life]: naw, I'm not puffy..

2005-09-20 [Miss.Kayree]: O.O

2005-09-20 [Moving on in Life]: I'm still Rubber Duck...But I guess I can still be puffy...for you, carrie ;)

2005-09-20 [dizzi]: I'm sugar free cherry cheezepuff

2005-09-20 [quilathe_nailo]: ~blink blink~ I didn't die! oh wait...yes I did...

2005-09-20 [dizzi]: ^_^

2005-09-21 [pinefairy]: damn that death thingy..

2005-09-21 [Moving on in Life]: Puffy Rubber Duck? will that work?

2005-09-21 [dizzi]: *gigglesnort*

2005-09-21 [Moving on in Life]: Stop gigglesnorting! *thwaps Panda*

2005-09-21 [dizzi]: *ish thwaped* owie... mommy!!! *thwaps back*

2005-09-22 [Miss.Kayree]: *thwaps you both* be nice, the two of you!

2005-09-22 [pinefairy]: *thwaps all and laughs oh so mehniacally*

2005-09-22 [dizzi]: *hires a sniper* get em!

2005-09-22 [Moving on in Life]: She started it!

2005-09-22 [dizzi]: *ish applying bandages to his head*

2005-09-23 [Moving on in Life]: *dies*

2005-09-23 [dizzi]: Oh no! *runs in circles panicing till he runs out of breath and dies*

2005-09-23 [Moving on in Life]: *sits up* you killed me* falls back again*

2005-09-23 [pinefairy]: *runs away in fear of being killed but then decides that life is not worth it....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gets tickled to death by a three eyed monkey walrus*

2005-09-23 [dizzi]: Well, this is productive...

2005-09-23 [Moving on in Life]: yes...WE're getting close to insanity...On that note, you guys should check out my NEW wiki which is untouched by hands other than my own right now, (which means nobody knows about it) Insanity's Finest

2005-09-26 [Miss.Kayree]: .....cheeeeeeeese..

2005-09-26 [Moving on in Life]: TACO!

2005-09-26 [quilathe_nailo]: ~blink~...............~blink~ Oo

2005-09-26 [Moving on in Life]: what? *looks around*....sue-ee! sue-ee! Here piggy piggy piggy!

2005-09-27 [dizzi]: Coming! *runs*

2005-09-27 [Moving on in Life]: *pets panda* good piggy!

2005-09-27 [dizzi]: ^_^ I ish a good oinky oink.

2005-09-27 [Moving on in Life]: yes, you you will make a good breakfast *kills panda* mwahahaha!

2005-09-27 [Moving on in Life]: oh poo....*brings panda back to life *sorry still good piggy..

2005-09-27 [dizzi]: wheeee!

2005-09-27 [Moving on in Life]: wasn't that fun?

2005-09-28 [dizzi]: I saw my life flash before my eyes... it was very boring... I need to do more exciting things.

2005-09-28 [Moving on in Life]: well, now's your chance!

2005-09-28 [dizzi]: *goes skydiving*

2005-09-29 [Miss.Kayree]: *jumps out of the plane too*

2005-09-29 [pinefairy]: ohh i really wanna go skydiving but the age limit in fla is like 18 ...

2005-09-29 [Moving on in Life]: *sets up the expected landing area* It's set!

2005-09-30 [dizzi]: I is thinking I should have brought a parachu-- *splat!*

2005-09-30 [Moving on in Life]: I set up a air bag...I wonder what went wrong...*looks to the air pump* oh, right! I forgot to inflate it! *he laughs to himself, then looks to pnada* Eeew..

2005-09-30 [dizzi]: *ish dead*

2005-09-30 [Moving on in Life]: *pokes the bloody mess*...hmmm.....MEDIC! we got dead one here! See if we can build another one!

2005-09-30 [dizzi]: *is re-built* Now I ish a robot!

2005-10-01 [pinefairy]: woah a robot

2005-10-01 [pinefairy]: MISTER ROBOTO

2005-10-01 [Moving on in Life]: Domo ari gato, Mr. Roboto, DOMO (domo)

2005-10-02 [dizzi]: *dances the robot*

2005-10-02 [Moving on in Life]: *dances with Panda* whee!

2005-10-03 [pinefairy]: yay i have a pic up in my house... its a lil odd yet so am i so i am not worried lol

2005-10-03 [Miss.Kayree]: woot woot! hehehe

2005-10-03 [dizzi]: *gigglesnort* you silly goose!

2005-10-03 [pinefairy]: lol i am really bad at bowling but i always take like 5 minutes to do a pose just so it looks like i am good.... i have a plan

2005-10-03 [dizzi]: haha! I suck at it, I just throw it and pray to whatever god is looking down on me.

2005-10-04 [Moving on in Life]: I just close my eyes, turn in a few circles, and let 'er rip

2005-10-04 [dizzi]: lol. We'd be a riot to watch as a group.

2005-10-04 [pinefairy]: yeah we could get lil shiny jackets with "creampuffs" written on the back of them

2005-10-04 [dizzi]: *gigglesnort* yay a bowling league!

2005-10-04 [Moving on in Life]: I'm team captain!

2005-10-04 [dizzi]: I get to be the mascot! *is a giant bowling ball*

2005-10-05 [pinefairy]: haha we could all dress up as boling pins and play a game of giant bowling

2005-10-05 [dizzi]: HAHAH! That'd be a hoot!

2005-10-05 [Moving on in Life]: *gets a king pin costume* booya, bitch!

2005-10-05 [dizzi]: *runs inro you while wearing bowling ball outfit* BOOM BABY!

2005-10-06 [pinefairy]: *yells strike and does awesomely awesome stike dance*

2005-10-06 [Moving on in Life]: *falls over, and gets pushed back by the pin pusher thingamajig* weeeeeee!

2005-10-07 [dizzi]: I haves a head ach now...

2005-10-07 [Moving on in Life]: If I had a head like yours, It'd ache too

2005-10-08 [dizzi]: .... *kick*

2005-10-08 [Moving on in Life]: *punch* *headbutt* *A* *UP* *DOWN* *B* *START* WHEW...

2005-10-08 [dizzi]: *is videogame whooped*

2005-10-08 [Moving on in Life]: YEAH! *Player one wins!*

2005-10-23 [pinefairy]: ahhhhh i am outa da loop!

2005-10-23 [dizzi]: Lol. probably a good thing

2005-10-24 [Miss.Kayree]: loop loop loop..

2005-10-25 [Moving on in Life]: word.......*PAUSE*

2005-10-25 [speakyourwords]: OOH LA LA!!!! ZE CREAM PUFF!!! *is incredibly excited to find a cream puff wiki* Cream puffs, are amazing. This has been an ongoing inside joke at camp, but we all love cream puffs. *happy dance*

2005-10-25 [speakyourwords]: By the way, how do I become a member?

2005-10-25 [Moving on in Life]: Aqua, are you stalking me? *shifty eyes*

2005-10-25 [speakyourwords]: Haha, I am Carly by the way, and no, I just love cream puffs. A lot.

2005-10-26 [Moving on in Life]:'re on my wiki, and I swears I've seen you on 2 others I'm a part name *drool*

2005-10-26 [speakyourwords]: Haha. I love new wikis. Really, you like the name? Thanks .. my real name is actually Caroline, but everyone calls me Carly. Except for one of my friends, who is German-American, and calls me Caroline and pronounces it in German... (care-o-LIEN-eh) hahaha... I'm weird.

2005-10-27 [Moving on in Life]: yes...all of us are....we wouldn't be here if we weren't. :D

2005-10-27 [speakyourwords]: weirdness = love

2005-10-28 [Moving on in Life]: this is soo true. :D

2005-10-28 [speakyourwords]: Today was awesome. I dressed up as the evil cat from making fiends ( Sometimes I worry about my lack of sanity, but hey, that's me. :P

2005-10-28 [Moving on in Life]: Today sucks, even if it is friday. I gotta work tonight. >.<

2005-10-28 [speakyourwords]: awe, that sucks. Today was cool for me cos I got to play Dance dance revolution with my friends at school,... even though I am REALLY BAD at DDR, its fun. ^_^

2005-11-01 [Moving on in Life]: This is gonna be a hard week. I'm down in Louisiana and have nothing to do. I'm lucky I can get on this computer right now....but I gotta go now, so, I'll see you later!

2005-11-01 [speakyourwords]: Awe... that sucks. Well have a fun trip, even if it is boring ^_^

2005-11-03 [Moving on in Life]: Oh, it's boring alright.

2005-11-03 [speakyourwords]: si senor

2005-11-04 [Moving on in Life]: I'm in an RV the size of a cracker Jacks box that's stuck in the parking lot of an abandoned grocery store turned Disaster Relief HQ

2005-11-04 [speakyourwords]: That really, really was intresting. And it kinda sounds like it sucks. My wrist is sprained thanks to my little brother *smites him* hehe.

2005-11-04 [Blaithin]: I got hit with a volleyball pole yesterday....Kinda hurt heh

2005-11-04 [speakyourwords]: ow that would hurt... my cousin hit me with one those once... she has a lot of energy.. haha

2005-11-05 [Blaithin]: It wasn't a pole you can just pick up and swing around. It was a metal one that holds the net up. The girl who hit me definetely wasn't trying lol

2005-11-05 [speakyourwords]: ow... that sounds like it hurts alot. That's what my cousin did too!! Only we weren't playing volleyball! She was trying to play baseball with a metal pole and a soccer ball. I seem to have bad influences on my cousins, they act very strange. Anyway, I still have the scar from over a year ago, it's amusing. She whacked me in the leg lol.

2005-11-05 [Moving on in Life]: I've been kneed in the face, hit in the head by a soccer ball icked at close range, dove headlong off a counter, bashed my face in on the side of a coffee table, and I'm still sane...I think....

2005-11-05 [speakyourwords]: Haha. I am definitely insane. Although my little brother makes me even more insane, if that is even possible. See, one of my friends showed my brother, Jon, how to pull someone's fingers way brother managed to do it a few times, and my hand really hurts. But I can type, so its all good. ^_^

2005-11-05 [Moving on in Life]: lokl

2005-11-06 [speakyourwords]: YAY we have a tornado watch!! All of western New York does, that is. I don't know why... but I love weather like this. As long as it doens't kill everybody.....

2005-11-06 [Miss.Kayree]: tornados rule. as does lightening. :)

2005-11-07 [speakyourwords]: YES exactly. I love lighting. It's funny cos my brother hates thunderstorms, and I stay up and watch them, and go outside in the rain if I can.

2005-11-07 [Miss.Kayree]: i stay up and watch 'em. :) i have 3 huge windows in my room that go from floor to ceiling.. so it lights up my room :)

2005-11-07 [speakyourwords]: Wow, you're so lucky!!! I have 2 medium-ish sized windows. That would be so awesome to have floor-to-celing windows!!! o.O

2005-11-08 [Miss.Kayree]: i live in a really old house... they're all decorated with fake shutters on the outside, lol

2005-11-08 [speakyourwords]: haha... that's awesome. Usually there aren't many big storms around here, except for snow in the winter (yay!!) Anyways... I'm home while my parents go and vote. Such a big descision - a choice between the people who created the fiscal crisis, and those who will make it worse. ::rolls eyes::

2005-12-05 [pinefairy]: hey guys hows it going! sorry i ahvent been on to maintain but i went out of town and then i just got computer intolerent and did not get on the computer for like a month.. so whats goiing on@

2005-12-05 [pinefairy]: hey guys hows it going! sorry i ahvent been on to maintain but i went out of town and then i just got computer intolerent and did not get on the computer for like a month.. so whats goiing on@ here

2005-12-05 [pinefairy]: Does ne1 want to be added as a member?

2005-12-06 [speakyourwords]: :P sounds awesome to me

2005-12-06 [Moving on in Life]: I do, if I'm not already.

2005-12-06 [speakyourwords]: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2005-12-06 [Blaithin]: Pssst. Go to Holiday Cheer :P

2005-12-06 [speakyourwords]: yuzzzzer :P

2005-12-07 [Moving on in Life]: huzzah?

2005-12-07 [speakyourwords]: hahaha. I wrote a poem about vanilla coke today. Sometimes I worry about my lack of sanity. :P

2005-12-09 [Moving on in Life]: yay!

2005-12-12 [pinefairy]: anyone who wants to be a memeber say yes and put your code name that you wish next to it so i can put it up

2005-12-12 [speakyourwords]: .... Code name? Can that be Crazy Cheese Lady?

2005-12-13 [Miss.Kayree]: noooo.. it has to have puff in it... you can be the crazy cheesy-puff lady!

2005-12-13 [speakyourwords]: omg... that is freaking amazing. that made my day. Crazy Cheesy-puff lady!!! Hahaha thanks for the nickname!!!!!!!!!!

2005-12-13 [Miss.Kayree]: hehehe, yay! anytime ^^

2005-12-14 [speakyourwords]: *dances*

2005-12-16 [speakyourwords]: i think i'm going to try to make some creampuffs. Last time I used the stove....... nevermind. >.<

2005-12-17 [pinefairy]: we should start a small creampuff holiday........ i will tell you all how this wiki gots its name... the birth stroy as it where lol

2005-12-17 [speakyourwords]: YES that would be amazing. National Creampuff day haha. I think I had too much sugar. MUHAHAHAHA.

2005-12-17 [pinefairy]: lol i totally just got in trouble for messing with the chickens in our backyard... geez my bro does it why cant i

2005-12-17 [speakyourwords]: lmao there are chickens in your backyard?? That's hysterical. One of my friends had turkeys in his backyard. Apparently, he fed them pop-tarts. Why eat pop-tarts when you can have creampuffs?!

2005-12-20 [Miss.Kayree]: i like poptarts too.. creampuffs still dominate. i'm all for the holiday! XD

2005-12-21 [Moving on in Life]: I'd like to make a request that my nickname be changed to "Rubber Puff"

2005-12-21 [speakyourwords]: hahaha I love it!!!!! Rubber Puff. *incredibly amused*. I still have to do all my Christmas cards. Yeesh I'm far behind. Just a random comment.

2005-12-23 [pinefairy]: will do

2005-12-23 [speakyourwords]: :)

2006-01-02 [Moving on in Life]: Thanks a bunch >:D

2006-01-03 [speakyourwords]: OMFG!!!! It says I'm the crazy cheesy puff lady and I love you guys!!!! That made my day. Hahaha.

2006-01-03 [Moving on in Life]: XD

2006-01-04 [speakyourwords]: I know the simplest things amuse me, and yes it's pathetic, but I love it! Thanks for the new nickname, I shall force everyone to call me that now. ::evil laugh::

2006-01-04 [Moving on in Life]: I am Rubber Puff! Hear isn't very intimidaing unless it's a crack pipe.

2006-01-04 [speakyourwords]: hahahaha you guys rock. <3

2006-01-10 [Moving on in Life]: nah, it's just me :D. I mean, how much more cooler can you get than having a name like Rubber Puff? It was originally Rubber Duck, but that didn't follow suit...

2006-01-10 [speakyourwords]: lmao.... Rubber Puff is amusing. But still I am the Crazy Cheese Puff Lady meaning that I get cheese, and cream puffs. The best of both worlds! But um, not cream puffs and cheese together, that would be gross..... o.O

2006-01-11 [Miss.Kayree]: eeepe... that would be gross...

2006-01-12 [speakyourwords]: si, very gross indeed :P

2006-01-12 [Moving on in Life]: urgle...Uber nasty

2006-01-12 [Miss.Kayree]: i wanna try :)

2006-01-12 [speakyourwords]: hmm... good luck with that, tell me how it turns out....

2006-01-13 [Miss.Kayree]: hahaha

2006-01-15 [Moving on in Life]: lol

2006-01-15 [speakyourwords]: lol that would be incredibly amusing - cream puffs and cheese. This is random but - I'm so excited!!!! It's a long story, read my ET diary if you want, but I finally might get to have my vision fixed a bit... it's very... messed up lol

2006-01-18 [Moving on in Life]: Really? I'm blind, too! I have HUGE glasses...It's SO not funny..

2006-01-18 [speakyourwords]: Wow!! That's interesting, and I know how you feel. I was born with cataracts, its when your lenses are clouded, so I had surgery. I want to get lens implants, but for now I have to wait. It kinda sucks but o well :P

2006-01-19 [Miss.Kayree]: that's kinda like.. torture. they're teasing you... how rude.

2006-01-19 [speakyourwords]: Yeah, I know, but according to my doctor, your eyes keep growing until you're an adult, and lens implants don't grow with your eyes, so I have to wait. >.< grrrr

2006-01-19 [Moving on in Life]: I had to get my glasses when I was about 10. Blindness runs in the family, though.

2006-01-19 [speakyourwords]: I got glasses when I was... somewhere around 10 months, after my cataract surgery. Gah, today was a horrible day. I found out my best friend is leaving our school. That was random, but... yeah.... :'(

2006-01-22 [Miss.Kayree]: ah.. best friends moving sucks.. two of my friends moved over the summer.. one just happened to be the guy i liked..

2006-01-23 [speakyourwords]: Aw. That really sucks!!! Yeah today was my best friend's last day at my school, and I found out one of my other friends is moving to Puerto Rico. haha, its so random. But anyway... i'm so happy... Regents week has officially started!! 4 days off and no exams... but I do have 2 projects.

2006-01-24 [Moving on in Life]: I've never had any best friends move..I'VE always been the best friend moving away...

2006-01-24 [speakyourwords]: Awe...

2006-01-26 [Moving on in Life]: *cry*

2006-07-05 [Moving on in Life]: I think people have forgotten about this page...

2006-07-10 [Moving on in Life]: I'm gonna cry now...*cries*

2006-07-15 [Miss.Kayree]: i haven't.. it's still being watched.. just hardly here anymore..

2006-07-15 [Moving on in Life]: I've noticed. EVERYONE'S GONE excpet you and me! ^_^

2006-07-15 [speakyourwords]: I'm here. Kinda. I'm at camp. xD

2006-07-15 [Moving on in Life]: LOL I'm always ploppin me arse here. All my favorite wiki's are coming back! Except the one I made.....*cries*

2006-11-24 [quilathe_nailo]: moo

2006-11-24 [Miss.Kayree]: i usually only go to any of my wikis when they're commented or edited...

2006-11-25 [speakyourwords]: haha, me too

2007-06-02 [quilathe_nailo]: me three

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