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2007-10-01 17:58:44
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How far does the golden apple roll?
You decide.


This page, like all things, is under constant construction.
With enough attention, it may just get cooler than this.

                                       I'm willing to bet
                                       there's at least
                                       5 discordians
                                       on this friggin' website,
                                       and I'm determined
                                       for us to get together
                                       and start changing things.

                                       Or at least get together
                                       and start exchanging
                                       much needed conversation.
                                       I know I'm not
                                       the only one
                                       who thinks elftown
                                       is lacking in that arena.

Hand 'em out to yer friends!

If you don't know who the fuck Eris is, or what joys may come from the state of discordia, or something about this funky yin-yang inspires you or intrigues you... go here: and look around, read up. It's all about chaos and order and how it is the balence between those two things that brings about harmony.
It is my opinion that too many people hold the opinion that order=harmony. NOT TRUE! anywhoo-- go to that website. REad the Principia Discordia. Join my not-cult.


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2005-02-14 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: welcome.

2005-02-14 [sacred chao]: kickin' place.

2005-02-14 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *is having conversation with herself*

2005-02-14 [sacred chao]: *because she's pretty sure no one will ever see this shit but her*

2005-02-14 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: and perhaps a few of her closest friends... who already know she's insane.

2005-02-14 [sacred chao]: yeah, but in a good way.

2005-02-14 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *looks around computer lab...*

2005-02-14 [sacred chao]: *...wonders if anyone else here could ever possibly see the humor in this*

2005-02-14 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *doubts it*

2005-02-14 [cunning_b]: Ahh acid faerie and sacred chao having a chat.... hmmmm.... *sneeky* thats all i have to say to the...:P

2005-02-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: say to the.. say to the... what? Oh god, now I'm curious! Don't leave me hangin' like that, man. ;D Thanks fer visiting!

2005-02-15 [nokaredes]: maybe she means say to in you.

2005-02-15 [cunning_b]: :o im a she.... when did that happen? and the "the" thing.... i guess we'll neva find out coz i cant remember why i stopped typing there.... oops :D 

2005-02-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: lol... pothead. (are you?) *thinks at least 5 things at once*... *throws lasso around one of those thoughts*... Would it have been less confusing if you stopped tying at

2005-02-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *laughs at self shamelessly* HAHA! I made a funny!

2005-02-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: So anyway... neat. I have buddies here... but... I'm curious: Do you two know of Eris or the Sacred Chao or anything like that?

2005-02-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *has ADD...* CAN YOU TELL??

2005-02-17 [nokaredes]: do I know those people? no...were you talking to someone else? possibly. am I talking like Donald Rumsfeld? yes, I I have ADD too? YES I DOOOOOO!!!

2005-02-17 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: lol... I was talking to you about you. Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos and change. The sacred chao is that weird yin-yang thing at the top of this page. They aren't people. well... they might be. In some parallel universe. They're most definately screen names of people somewhere... but yeah. I was asking you if you were familiar with the concepts.

2005-02-17 [nokaredes]: erm...probably, but I'm a little high on catnip right now to remember (my cat totally shredded my 4-foot plant in here, and I can smell it >.<)

2005-02-17 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: he heeee... wow. It's a mint you know. *nodding sagely* kheeeheheheeee... puns.

2005-02-17 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: some mints can do some craaaaaazy things, yu no. ... Salvia Divinorum

2005-02-17 [Amtharnis]: Eris is the greek goddess of chaos and change? Sounds like someone familiar. I researched a little about zen buddhism and liked its use of absurdity, but I don't think I've come across Discordism before now. I'll have to look into it... it isn't another one of those potato cults where everyone goes down to the spudists' beach, gets drunk on vodka and dances around in the surf, making sizzling noises and pretending to be potatoes fries, is it?

2005-02-17 [cunning_b]: Hey i know about it :D..... pick me.....oh *jumps up and down with hand in the air*.........

2005-02-17 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: lol... you don't have to wait to be called on to speak up in my classroom, luv. :D Yeessss... most cultures have the equivalent of Eris in their mythos, though her archtype is usually portrayed as this nasty wretchid creature. I coose to think of her as a beautiful mother of progress. It is one of those cults, actually, but your potatoes are only poisoned if you pay the $20 for -- oh never mind. ha ha... what's in a name?

2005-02-18 [Amtharnis]: I thought I had destroyed the last potato cult when I abducted their leader, Grand Master Potato Head, and scattered his pieces to the four corners of the globe. You Discordians aren't trying to resurrect that anti-tomato, are you? I like Greek myths, but I never thought of it in association with the Ying Yang concept before... so it seems very interesting. I'll have to have a better look throught that website sometime.

2005-02-18 [Amtharnis]: Actually, come to think of it, something similar exists in Egyptian mythology between Osiris and Seth if I recall correctly - though I guess that is an interpretation of good and evil, so it mightn't be quite compatible.

2005-02-18 [Dr.No]: Mmm...golden apples....

2005-02-18 [cunning_b]: what a Loki in norse mythology hes abit of a chaos maker :)

2005-02-19 [Dr.No]: I love Loki! I dress in red and black because I used to work for him. Still do sometimes.....He's a good guy. ;-)

2005-02-20 [Amtharnis]: I've been reading about Eris. It is like John Lennon said 'Imagine if there were no apples' - there would have been no Trojan War and we'd be still frollicking around naked in the Garden of Eden. I think the devil was just jealous because he/she fancied Adam, because if he had wanted to get under Eve's fig leaf, he'd have plied her with potato juice instead of a silly old apple. Hey, it seems Loki was the victim of an unfortunate apple episode himself!

2005-02-20 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I dress in rainbows and the unexpected coordination of bits of chaos here and there because I've sworn my life to Eris. Just in case this thing takes off, I hope you like the name Kallisti. ;D

2005-02-20 [nokaredes]: I dress as chaos because I like it...

2005-02-20 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: HELTER SKELTER! Lennon was a chaos mage. It's why the great New Wolrd Order took him out. He knew too much, had too many fans, said too much and was very capable of fucking up all Their plans. Bang. But that gunshot didn't echo nearly as loud as his words did. Discordians (and I certainly can't speak for them all, or even any of them but myself....) Ok-- THIS discordian understands the school of thought to be one that doesn't emphasize chaos as much as it emphasizes the balance between opposites, the neccessity for opposites to exist for either thing to exist. Order has to exist for chao to exist, Up for down, black for white, yes for no, wrong for right.

2005-02-20 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I dress as eris because I like it... and because my arrogance really pisses her off and that's just funny.

2005-02-20 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: the penis mightier than t hes word                      my god I love the english language

2005-02-20 [Amtharnis]: That would kind of make George Bush a believer in Discordism too, wouldn't it? War for peace and all that. For some reason I don't think you'd be too eager to claim him though - better to let the evangelists have him ;)

2005-02-20 [Amtharnis]: I choose not to dress as a god, because I don't have the legs for it.

2005-02-20 [Amtharnis]: Acid Faerie, you should know better than to mention god and the penis thing in the one line... if you've ever seen those classical or renaissance depictions of the male gods, they are a bit touchy about it.

2005-02-21 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: But Jesus was crucified on a big ol' phallic symbol. I mean... it's all right there. Christianity is RIFE with sexual references. George Bush is not only a discordian, he's an illuminatus. He has perhaps(and I'm speaking of him as a symbol of the people he's involved with at this point) he has perhaps the strongest grip on the freedom to spread chaos of us all.

2005-02-21 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: The difference between discordians and illuminati is this: discordians recognise the importance for chaos to exist in order for order to exist. Illuminati don't like this and think they can change it. They understand it perfectly. They just have this delusion that they can tinker with it to such an extent as to make a New World Order...... ha.... the oxymorons in that statment abound. First off, nothing that is new has much to do with order and you can't make the world be ordered into anything no matter how many people you control.

2005-02-24 [Amtharnis]: I’ve never equated the crucifix with a phallic symbol before. It was a Roman decision to nail Jesus to a cross, so it would have to have been afterwards that the founders of Christianity realized it would make a great symbol for the masculinity of their religion – no?

2005-02-24 [Amtharnis]: I bought 'The Da Vinci Code' today. Been avoiding it for ages, but finally thought I'd better give it a read. I said to the lady at the Bookshop: "this better be good after all the raving about it." But anyway, it involves the Illuminati and all that, doesn't it? I've been trying to search the internet for the historical Illuminati, but all I get is discussion about Dan Brown.

2005-02-24 [nokaredes]: I can't find my mom's copy of the Da Vinci Code...and for examples of chaos in beginnings, look at any new wiki!

2005-02-24 [nokaredes]: I linked to this wiki in my description, is that okay? Is there a banner that I can use?

2005-02-26 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: That is BETTER than ok! That is met with much thanks! :D Nah, no banners, be creative. You can use the Sacred Chao at the top of the page, or anything from the first three editions of the Principia Discordia- they were never copyrighted! :D I encourage you to be creative, though, and sybolize discoridanism on your own terms.

2005-02-26 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: And Amtharnis, your quest for information on the Illuminati makes me chuckle. ^^ Of course you won't find them. Your best bet is to read the Illuminatus! Trilogy. It's a big ol' chunk of book, though, put it on your 'to do' list after the Red Tent.

2005-02-26 [Amtharnis]: Oh yeah... they are supposed be to secret and all that. Derh me! All the same, people seem to talk about them a lot. I always had the impression of them as being like the Masonic Lodge. My grandfather wasn't accepted in the Masons because someone used a red marble or something... and after that, I think my Grandfather was thankful he didn't get in.

2005-02-26 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: As well he should have been. Had he been accepted, it would have been at the cost of his dignity and comfort. He would have been hazed, manipulated, humiliated and belittled. All so he would have an "in" in the world of business.

2005-02-28 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I feel blue

2005-02-28 [nokaredes]: I know someone named Blue

2005-02-28 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: super!

2005-02-28 [Amtharnis]: Emotional discordance. Happy and sad - the ying and yang of emotion. Being blue can inspire creativity - like the new poem in your house... but I hope you find joy soon, AF.

2005-02-28 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: You know... sometimes I wish I could be violent. Just sometimes.

2005-03-01 [nokaredes]: When I need to be violent, I am violent. It's rare, but it happens.

2005-03-01 [Amtharnis]: I used to get bullied a lot when I was at school, and one day I decided the solution was to become violent. It was a mistake. People say it is good to release your anger, but I think the more you release it, the harder it becomes to control. When one day you lash out at someone who doesn't deserve it, you realise the person you hurt the most with violence is yourself - you destroy your own soul. But you don't have to believe me!

2005-03-01 [nokaredes]: I have the odd ability to associate a reaction to a feeling or situation. This causes mood swings and it is the reason I can be such a good actor.

2005-03-01 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: And I don't think I will. I wish sarcasm could be translated into richtext somehow. *smacks people who deserve it, over the head.. violently.*

2005-03-01 [Amtharnis]: Sarcasm or childishness? For some reason I am reminded of a song by Alanis Morisette. Isn't it ironic... no, it is just unfortunate.

2005-03-03 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: There is nothing wrong with getting back to your child-like roots. And don't tell me I'm wrong. If you still believe in some fucked-up idea of wrong and right, then I think you need to look into discordianism a little bit more. What's right for one person is very very wrong for another. It's as simple as that.

2005-03-03 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: But then... I could be wrong. Nothing is certain. *maniacal laughter!!* No such thing as Is

2005-03-04 [Amtharnis]: Maybe there is no right or wrong, but everything has its consequence. If you make decisions without considering the effects of those decisions, or ignoring them, then that is your choice. So don't cry 'Oh poor me, the world is against me, it is everyone elses fault that my life is so fucked,' when you yourself learn how discordant the world can be when it doesn't let you have it all your own way.

2005-03-04 [nokaredes]: But there's no way to see all the consequenses of just one action, and every decision affects millions of others. Even small decisions will affect you and other people.

2005-03-04 [Amtharnis]: That is true, but it is like driving a car. You can't possibly know every bump and turn, so it is a constant process of decision making - monitoring and correcting your speed and direction. If you close your eyes and press the accelerator flat to the floor, you will crash pretty quickly.

2005-03-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: but it'll be a helluva ride! :D THE MORE TWISTS AND TURNS THE BETTER!!!

2005-03-04 [nokaredes]: Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts.

2005-03-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Isn't it strange that more people don't sense that?

2005-03-04 [Amtharnis]: That must be the philosophy that a lot of Multi-National Corporations use. It doesn't matter about the future, we'll exploit all of our resources now. But in an Estate in England 300 years ago, someone planted a plantation of oak trees, and these trees were left for 300 hundred years before they were harvested. You might live in the moment, but you are probably enjoying the fruits of other people's foresight, or perhaps the consequences of other people's lack of foresight. It'd be interesting to see whether you will keep your eyes closed. I have a suspiscion you are planning a destination other than in the ditch the wrong way up.

2005-03-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Who is this "you" you so boldly address?

2005-03-04 [Amtharnis]: Who is the you that you accuse of so boldly addressing you as you?

2005-03-04 [Amtharnis]: But it can be addressed to anybody who says they intend to drive with their eyes closed.

2005-03-06 [nokaredes]: Did you know there's a member named [Tri-X]?

2005-03-06 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: yes

2005-03-06 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Don't try to piss me off please. I'm already stupid enough to allow people that itense responsibility. Don't take advantage of it. I don't like the way you seem to talk down to your audience.

2005-03-06 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: It's possible I'm just in a bad mood... no.. no.. I'm not. I'm actually in a really good mood. That's why I'm not diggin your vibes.

2005-03-06 [Amtharnis]: Perhaps you should learn to give the kind of respect that you expect people to give you. I was only trying to contribute to the discussion, to which you responded in a dismissive and petulant way. That did little to impress me, so perhaps that is why I seem to talk down to you - as a response to your behaviour. Do you think you can preach discordia and not expect to be challenged? Banish me for my dissent then, for no matter how pissed off you might be, profanities like piss and fuck run off me like water on a ducks back and do little to harm me. Just tell me now to leave this discussion and never come back, and I will be satisfied.

2005-03-08 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I'm not aiming to do anything directly to anyone.

2005-03-08 [cunning_b]: woah..... i think everybody heres getting a little stressy..... hmmmmm time to lower the tone.... anybody for dancing naked in the streets.....* strips naked and runs out the door *........

2005-03-08 [cunning_b]: oh and no more stressyness amtharnis.... or ill have to do something really a sultana in your hair!..... i willl you know.... its a scary prospect isnt it....

2005-03-09 [Amtharnis]: *throws him the golden apple* Tell that to the goddess, Cunning_B.

2005-03-09 [cunning_b]: ohhh a goddess.... ive never met one of those bafore :)..... but hey im alright with out the golden apple *tosses apple in bin*.... there not so good to eat :P hurt your teeth and all that!

2005-03-09 [Amtharnis]: Of course, you are aware that the golden apple you just threw in the garbage is the symbol of Discordia (the Roman name for the greek goddess Eris)? One of my heroes said that to dissent and to challenge is to be patriotic. I agree with this aspect of Discordism. It might be less stressful, but should you agree with someone for the sake of harmony? People might like you more, but are you truly a good friend to them by telling them what they want to hear, to let them stay in their comfort zone?

2005-03-09 [cunning_b]: ah tis but a symbol tho..... and hey eris would probably it amusing :)..... and the comfort zone thing i agree with.... providing your not just arguing for the sake of argument...

2005-03-09 [Amtharnis]: If you go back and read the reason I gave for my own dislike of violence and why I think it is wise not to succumb to anger, you might realise that I actually do not enjoy conflict... but unfortunately I do not seem capable of being able to avoid it. I think I am argumentative, but I don't think that is necessarily because I enjoy it. There is a reason.

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Point one for Cunning_B... If you're arguing for the sake of argument, then you're just a fuckhead. If you're playing Devil's Advocate for the sake of challenging your friends, even after they request less argumentative conversation, then you're just a fuckhead. Eris is laughing at you. She clears her nostrils in your general direction. Take that golden apple, fools.

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I think this is one of the best wikis I've ever seen, by the way. I mean... LOOK! We're actually TALKING! About ... about... IDEAS!! :D

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: And Amtharnis: Don't ever ask someone to go back and read through something you've said in the past. It's asking for argument and it's expecting a lot from your audience. Present the idea again, in real time, in your own words, again, if it is worth mentioning, if it is worth sharing.

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Anything worth saying is worth saying twice. But mind the context and don't dwell in the past.

2005-03-10 [Amtharnis]: If I went up to Adolf Hitler and said, "I really think you shouldn't murder millions of jews," would have I been arguing for the sake of argument? If I said to George Bush, "I don't think you should invade Iraq," would that be arguing for the sake of argument? No, it would be expressing my feelings on a subject. I do not expect someone to agree with my opinions, and I don't call them fuckheads if they disagree with me.

2005-03-10 [Amtharnis]: Well, actually, I probably have. When people feel strongly about something, discussions can become heated. So there, I even disagree with myself. Perhaps I am a devil's advocate afterall *escorts himself to the dungeons* Amtharnis, you are banished! Woah, I am benny shed - benny shed forever!

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I didn't call you a fuckhead. You assume too much. I called people who do argue and play devil's advocate for the sake of argument, fuckheads.

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: If you think you fall into that category and thus deserve that title, that's your trip, not mine.

2005-03-10 [cunning_b]: ..... whos benny shed?

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Telling Hitler or Bush to not kill other people isn't quite the same as telling me not to be angry. My anger affects only me. Their hatred affects millions. It's a whole different ballpark. An entirely different game.

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: benny shed banished bani shed

2005-03-10 [cunning_b]: oh... ok :).... and are you to still arguing? ah well.... hugs all round then *hug* :)

2005-03-10 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *punches you in the face* just for shits and giggles, as long as we're picking apart each other's symantics, we may as well turn this into a good ol' downhome brawl.

2005-03-11 [cunning_b]: right youve asked for it..... *pokes your nose*

2005-03-11 [Amtharnis]: In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo gets benny shed for disturbing the peace. In one of the movie adaptions of the play, the Prince of Verona says, 'Romeo, thou art benny shed!" and Romeo later weeps, "Woah, I am benny shed... benny shed!"

2005-03-11 [Amtharnis]: I've always wanted to use that line. I am happy now *bites golden apple* Oh fff...

2005-03-11 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *Nelson laugh* HA ha

2005-03-11 [Amtharnis]: Doh!

2005-03-11 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Matt Groening is a discordian. There are so many references in that show, I don't know what to do with myself.

2005-03-14 [cunning_b]: :O a shameless link

2005-03-14 [nokaredes]: heh

2005-03-18 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: aww man... that's an awful lot of text to just shove down someone's throat. I can only watch so many wikis... contrary to popular belief, I have quite a busy life. lol

2005-03-18 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: seriously... makes me choke up and get all short of breath just thinking about it. I should really drop out of school so that I can read the things and write the things and research the things I actually give a fuck about.

2005-03-18 [nokaredes]: Yes, but then it wouldn't be official that you know should just try as hard as you can until you get to college, and get a scholarship...I found out the other day that if I need anything for a class, any material at all, I can get it for free from the school. Like, say, if I took an automotive repair class, they'd get me a car. Not only that, but I'd get to keep the car afterwards! hehehe...I'm gonna take fencing and photography now ")

2005-03-18 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: o.O I'm already in college. And it's proving to be a waste of this communistic anarchist discordian's time.

2005-03-18 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: and other such labels. Really. I don't want to waste four to five years learning what other people want me to know at other people's pace, spending waaaayyyyy too much money to do so.

2005-03-18 [nokaredes]: Ain't scholarships grand? :) Besides, I can get my 4-year degree in only 2 1/2, or so says my advisor-guy...

2005-03-18 [cunning_b]: i thought the point of scholarships was so that you could get a little piece of paper saying "yes so ok this guy isnt stupid and can actually learn", and this bit of paper makes getting jobs slightly easier :)

2005-03-18 [nokaredes]: Right...but it means 'this person did so well in school that we want him/her here no matter what, and we're willing to pay your way.'

2005-03-19 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Don't burn yourself out, whatever you do. If you're not enjoying school, slow down a bit before you spin out.           As far as that little peice of paper... I think that's the lazy way out, quite frankly. If you don't pay for that stupid thing, you can go to whatever classes you want whenever you want and attain all the same information without all the bullshit. Contrary to popular belief, knowledge is absolutely free. As long as you blend in with the class and don't get caught, you can learn everything you want to learn, and then it's up to you to prove that you know it... however you want. You may not be able to put "degree" on your resume, but you can prove yourself in other

2005-03-19 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: ways, and that's even more impressive.

2005-03-19 [nokaredes]: One of the girls in my computer class brought her boyfriend in to do just that, and he got put on the roster and he was there for a whole month before he got found out...they kicked her out of the college.

2005-03-20 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: see, that's where he went wrong... you have to go to classes for which the attendance is too high to notice one lil' ol' student extra. Also, anytime the terms "boyfriend and girlfriend" get brought into a story, stupid shit is sure to ensue.

2005-03-27 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: *wonders if anyone watches this wiki*

2005-03-29 [nokaredes]: there are 7 people who watch this wiki ^_^

2005-03-29 [sapphiresphinx]: hey...I'm not Discordian...but I do have to say it seems pretty cool to me. Maybe this is covered at one of the sites(at a stupid school computer, so they're possibly both blocked and there isn't enough time for me to check and read)...but do Discordians *just* deal with Eris, or is that some archetype-like thing? Thanks :)

2005-03-29 [sapphiresphinx]: Ahh, I was going to say because it seems like it would mesh pretty well w/Egyptian beliefs.

2005-03-29 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: You ARE discordian, silly. You're a fuckin' discordian POPE! That entails absolutely nothing and everything all at once. I don't know. I didn't do it.         Discordians don't have dogma or rules, love. They just are. Some of them are really gungho and get into the labeling process. I personally think that's bullshit. Eris is merely a personification of the concept of chaos and change. And she could definately kick my ass for saying that, but she won't because she's a lazy pothead. Discordianism is basicly the understanding that chaos is just as important as order for either of them to exist. Anything's opposite must exist for either of them to exist. But then... there are no rules

2005-03-29 [sapphiresphinx]: So, basically, in your opinion, a Discordian is anyone who recognizes that chaos is just as essential to the world as order? it certainly does mesh quite well with Egyptian stuff then :P I was also curious because I know someone who works mostly with Yinepu-Wepwawet(Anubis) and is a Discordian...hrmm I don't have anything else to ramble about really, so that's it I guess!

2005-03-30 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: You don't have to ramble. You're not rambling if you have something to say. and uhh... I don't follow Egyptian stuff. sorry.

2005-03-30 [sapphiresphinx]: The Egyptian philosophy is that the best way for things to be is for there to be complete balance between order and chaos, and that each is as nessecary as the other. Too much order leads to stagnance, and too much chaos leads to...ermm well I'm not sure I know the word, but you get it. I hope.

2005-03-30 [nokaredes]: I get it, but probably because I 'follow the whole Egyptian thing.' >.>

2005-03-30 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: "pandemonium."  That is very very interesting... What do you know of the Illuminati? And the eye and the pyramid on the back of your dollar bills? The Illuminati is like.... the other side of the discordian coin. We're not neccessarily enemies... we're just opposites. They understand that order is just as important to exist for chaos to exist. It's just a different angle from which to view the same world. So yeah.. I find it very intriguing that the egyptian philosophy is so closely related to the discordian one.

2005-03-30 [sapphiresphinx]: Ooh, pandemonium fits quite well. thanks :P I don't know much about the Illuminati past the stuff in Angels and Demons(fiction book by Dan Brown). Which is probably exagerrated. It is interesting that the philosophies are so close, where's Discordia come from? A lot of modern occultism is highly influenced by both Greek and Egyptian cultures, so maybe that has something to do with it.

2005-03-31 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I've never read it and only barely heard of it. And it doesn't matter if it's exaggerated or not. You write your own truths anyway. Discordia came from a bowling alley in norther california. shit you not. It also came from the beginning of time. People causing change. It's always been around. It's not even necessarily only People. It's any change anywhere. It's not a religion, so it isn't "practised" or anything... However... Chaos is personified by Eris, or Discordia, the Greek and Roman names for the goddess of chaos. It's all a bunch of crap though. ;D

2005-04-12 [Dr.No]: No it's not.

2005-04-12 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: No, It is Not. It is Not.

2005-04-12 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: "Not" is sybolized in the empty space around and between the two halves of the sacred chao. Just as it is on the back of every dollar bill. The space around and between the pyramid and the illuminatus sybolizes everything that Is Not. But let's remember the rule of opposites. That which exists could not exist if not for the things that don't exist. No up without down. No dark without light. No black without white. No wrong without right.

2005-04-12 [Dr.No]: Exactly. Even nothing is something.

2005-04-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Though nothing isn't as satisfying as something

2005-04-15 [nokaredes]: Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn' depends on what the alternative is.

2005-04-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: True. Walking away can feel countless times better than sticking around.

2005-04-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: But not when you really want something to keep you there.

2005-04-28 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: so... quantum psychology, ey?

2005-04-30 [nokaredes]: *is confused*

2005-05-03 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: So ask questions if you're confused. Ask questions if you're not confused.

2005-05-04 [nokaredes]: why?

2005-05-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: because through questions, you learn answers, duh. That is, if you want answers.

2005-05-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: and by understanding answers and adding to the cache of data and knowledge you carry around in your braincomputer, you become a more complete human.

2005-05-04 [sapphiresphinx]: I think Elftown is sorely lacking in intelligent conversation as well. Although that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. :P

2005-05-05 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: what are you doing to change that?

2005-05-05 [sapphiresphinx]: having intelligent conversation everywhere possible, I suppose...

2005-05-05 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: ask questions relentlessly of everyone about anything

2005-05-12 [nokaredes]: I do that, but in real life. ^_^

2005-05-12 [sapphiresphinx]: I do that, but it just gets me in arguments. People don't appreciate questions all the time :P

2005-05-12 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: well I appreciate them here. And what makes this not real life?

2005-05-13 [nokaredes]: 'cause it's 2-D. 0.o

2005-05-13 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: No it's not. There you are, 3-D, reading the 3-D electodes in front of you, which shoot out little letters and other such symbols that some other very real 3-D person sent you. There are very real thoughts and feelings and people involved. What makes this not real?

2005-05-14 [nokaredes]: Then I don't know. I'm just used to calling any conversations here part of my 'Elftown life' and conversations using my voice my 'real life'. *shrugs*

2005-05-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: But then who are you when you're logged on here? Aren't you still the same you you are when you log off and stand up and walk away?

2005-05-15 [nokaredes]: No, actually, I try to blend in more when I get off the computer; here, I couldn't care less how many people hate me. So, I suppose, here is more 'real life' than anywhere else. ^_^

2005-05-15 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Why don't you do the same in "real life"? Why don't you practice the same social freedom and disregard elsewhere?

2005-05-15 [sapphiresphinx]: Well, it's a bit hard for someone to beat the crap out of you for being obnoxious online ;) and I'm not a big lover of pain, and I'm assuming our friend of the multiple names here(:P) isn't either :P

2005-05-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I don't know who you're referring to, but I personally like a bit of pain now and then. And do you really think that you'd be beaten for being yourself? If this sort of thing would happen, perhaps you should think twice about who you spend your time with.

2005-05-16 [nokaredes]: 'Our friend of the multiple names'...? >.> <.< // I don't do the same thing in 'real life''s different here than there.

2005-05-16 [sapphiresphinx]: I was referring to Never Been Kissed ;) And it's not who I hang around with, it's the people at my school. I don't usually care anyways, and I'm always being told I'm awfully smartassed/loudmouthed/opinionated for someone so tiny...personally I think that, and being a girl, is the only reason I haven't had the crap beat out of me yet :P

2005-05-16 [nokaredes]: I've had the crap beat out of me. As it is, I am very antisocial, and get called 'Geek' behind my back (as if they thought I couldn't hear them...or mind being called a geek. I mean, I am a, it doesn't bother me. But they were trying, and that's what counts. *stops rambling*)

2005-05-16 [Dr.No]: So, what? I'm a geek. We rock. You got a problem with that?

2005-05-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I do. Jesus... you people and your constant urge to evolve... christ. it's disgusting. ;D

2005-05-25 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: I work in a box factory these days. Unleash the chaos. .. pleeease?

2005-05-30 [Dr.No]: Done.

2005-05-31 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: Whee! :D

2005-08-04 [sacred chao]: *change*

2005-08-06 [sacred chao]: so this page has been vacant and silent for quite some time.... does anybody have some SMALL TALK??? :D

2005-08-07 [sapphiresphinx]: people are just backstabbing annoying fucktards.

2005-08-08 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: most of the time yeah

2005-08-08 [sapphiresphinx]: ehhh well, I'm in a better mood now, but I still concur with what I said before :P

2005-08-16 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: why should your mood alter your opinions on things that don't change

2005-08-24 [nokaredes]: When I'm grouchy, I tend to have meaner moods. >_>

2005-08-26 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: well, yeah, but do your opinions change?

2005-08-31 [nokaredes]: ...Sometimes, yes.

2005-09-04 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: are opinions the same as judgements?.. this is nothting to do with you, I'm just curious of any consensus the group might have.

2006-06-09 [sapphiresphinx]: BOO! there are no cats in america, and the roads are paved with cheese!

2006-07-07 [Nadie importante]: isnt eris godess of chaos?

2007-08-12 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: welcome back, kiddies...

2007-09-02 [Diab Soule]: You win.
I'm in.

2007-09-07 [LeafyGreenPuddle]: You were always in. Like flared jeans and cotton. They just make sense.

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