Page name: Dracology [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-10 16:00:17
Last author: Hedda
Owner: ArchangelGabriel
# of watchers: 48
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Hi, I'm [ArchangelGabriel] and welcome to Dracology, a page devoted to the study of Dragons. The entire page has just gone through an ultimate revamp so there may be a few broken links. Make your self at home and feel free to look around.

We were one of the 'Top Fifteen Wiki-pages for the Months of September and October'

We have adopted a dragon called Dimbooyill!!!

New features are marked with <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>


<img13*0:> Dragon Handbook - Everything you want to know about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dracologists - click here to add your name to the list of people who support this page

<img13*0:> Dragons Riddles - Riddle competition, updated every week

<img13*0:> Dragon Quotes - Interesting quotes with dragons in

<img13*0:> Dragons in the Field - A guided tour a round several dragon habitats !coming soon!Not yet operational

<img13*0:> Dracology FAQs - Questions and Answers about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dragon Gallery - Good Pics from Elfwood and Members

<img13*0:> Dracology polls - Voting here may make some real difference to this site <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Comments - Go here and add comments privately   <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Bibliography - Books to do with Dracology

<img13*0:> Dragon Links - Links to other Dragon pages


Dracology Admin:



I am back, i'm ontop of my homework and other stuff so I should be around a lot more. If you have any dragon questions you can contact me. ~[ArchangelGabriel]~

I've started some new sections to Dracology including an entry on the Hydra (may not be fully tested) thanks to the help of [Erestor] and the Dracology polls.
Also I would like to know if any one is intrested in helping with a few articles. If you are contact [ArchangelGabriel].

I am proud to anounce that the Dracology Test is finaly open for the use of all members.

I'd like to really clean up the wiki.I'm looking for five people who are prepared to give up some of their time to help rewrite many of the articles and improve what we already have.
You don't have to be a reporter to help, you could donate art, suggest useful refrence sites or just give opions. I hope many of you will help in this update.
~ [ArchangelGabriel]


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.: Dracology :.

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2004-12-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: Who the creature that had been terorising the people, or the hero who wiped out a species?

2004-12-11 [Sinistra.]: hard to say really

2004-12-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: i would support the chimera o this one.

2004-12-11 [Sinistra.]: lol, ok then

2004-12-14 [cobi]: i am proud to say that there is now a dragon representetive in the Christmas Art Competition - 2004

2004-12-14 [Sinistra.]: kool

2004-12-14 [nunt]: ditto

2004-12-18 [Sinistra.]: :)

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: hey everyone...sorry i havent been on much. too much to do and not enough time to do it in

2004-12-28 [Sinistra.]: :)

2004-12-28 [nunt]: jingle bells...

2004-12-28 [Sinistra.]: jingle bells

2004-12-28 [Ukia]: *considers bringing in bells*

2004-12-28 [BlackDragon]: How was the rest of the song..?

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open slay *repeat till people are die of bordem, get pissed or shoot the singer*

2004-12-28 [Sinistra.]: haha the better 1 is 'jingle bells jingle bells, santa claus is dead, barbie doll barbie doll, shot him in the head, teddy bear teddy bear, came down the chimney, barbie doll barbie doll, shot him in the knee

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: well that was interesting

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: or there's the famous: jingle bells, batman smells, robbin flew away, the batmobile lost its wheel on the M4 moterway.

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: now we have another one though only a few changes. robin laid an egg while the joker got away.

2004-12-28 [Sinistra.]: :D

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: theres an extremly babyish version we have about uncle billy losing his will* on the M4 moterway, but i'm much to polite to mention it.

2004-12-28 [Sinistra.]: no

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: NO? No what?

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: i dont know people come up with too many versions to songs anymore that we cant keep up with them.

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: you know the carol: the shepards watch their flocks by night? well try singing this instead: the sheaperds wash thier socks by night and hang them on the line, the angle of the lord came down and said that red ones mine

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: *snickers* thats a new one on me

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: Really, my mum used to sing that when she was a girl

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: thats kewl. no my family is more into being books worms and hands on then singing

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: you should see my room four shelves about two thirds of a meter long and each with two (three in one case) tiers of books. I must have several hundred books

2004-12-28 [BlackDragon]: O.o

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: *jealous* i love books i still have some books for when i was younger

2004-12-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: you know seeign that there are fifty discworld books and they are quite thick i think i must have aroun two hundred books. And i have the smallest room in the house. How unfair is that?

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: that is highly unfair there must be little to no room for you to move around in that room...

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: Oh i'm fine. My beds like a bunk bed with out the bottom bunk so i have my desk and computer and stuff below it. Anyway i would sacraficve all the space for books..... especaily prattchets :-)

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: lol dedicated to books thats how things should be. though it is hard to find a good book anymore

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: Have you readn Farhenhite 451???

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: to tell the truth never heard of it, it spend most of my time with my nose in dragon stories or something amusing

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: Its a utopian book about a world where its illegal to own books a world where people die and nobody cares. Its really scary for people who can already see the signs. Our world lies on the brink of destruction. With one push books, science and learning could be things of the past....

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: i think it already it people are more concerend about themselves then the things that are going on around them.

2004-12-29 [Sinistra.]: DON'T PANIC i have returned

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: A future when books, religon and lerning are forgotten. Firemen do not stop fires, they start them. Life is lived on wall sized tellies with people who don't exist with soaps that have no meaning. People do not jus thave the wool over their eyes they have several jumpers covering their head.

2004-12-29 [Sinistra.]: ok but don't panic

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'm not

2004-12-29 [Sinistra.]: good, cos i'm here!

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah i agree people are becoming blind to the things around them.

2004-12-29 [Sinistra.]: :/

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: lol what the face for?

2004-12-31 [Sinistra.]: i'm confused @.@

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: dont feel bad i confuzzled now as well.

2004-12-31 [Sinistra.]: :D

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: lol

2004-12-31 [Sinistra.]: happy new year

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: thats right is is new years eve isnt it *throws confetty (sp?)* happy early new year!!!

2004-12-31 [Sinistra.]: ^.^

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: I've kept my promise. The Dracology test is now ready to be taken

2005-01-01 [Sinistra.]: o . o

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: Yep, you need 85% to pass

2005-01-01 [BlackDragon]: Do you really have to do number 15???

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: so long as you get 13 right

2005-01-01 [BlackDragon]: Whoa.... you are much worse then my school ><

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: 13 out of fifteen isn't bad with multipal choice and some have two answers.

2005-01-01 [BlackDragon]: And now you are sounding as an teacher.... scary!!

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: it's easy, go on. You can always try again

2005-01-01 [BlackDragon]: Hehe.. okay. I will try, but not now.. too tired :/

2005-01-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: all right, see ya later.

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: i just completed the "working with dragons - a course in dragonology  have any of u ppl read them... (i hope so!!)  ^_^

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: I will but i'm bogged down with school

2005-01-09 [Sinistra.]: hey lobsang has that role-play thing started yet?

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: This isn't the palce and no Alpha - Omega hasn't started yet.

2005-01-09 [Sinistra.]: sooooooooooooooooorry

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: so by reading the book and completing all the tasks in it  apparently i am a quaulified dragonologist now! ^_^

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: You may be a dragonologist but to be a true Dracologist you'll have to prove yourself with the Dracology Test

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: But you can only take it once you've signed the members list--->

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: ok.. ill try  but i will only be able to answer the questions if they are actual facts about real dragons

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: All the questions are based on information from the pages on this wiki. And this wiki is based on a number of books including dragonology but also others..

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: ok thn

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: its not letting me access the page!

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: You have to join the forum. The link as in the welcome pack

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: ok but i dont know how.. ive neva done that b4

2005-01-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'll send you the link again

2005-01-09 [Tamel]: soz i got it first time!! ^_^

2005-01-12 [Innocent as Sin]: i need to keep up more often anymore

2005-01-12 [aries669645]: I am new and this wiki sounded cool so hi

2005-01-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: Thanks, i try hard. Have a look around and if you want to join go to the members List--->

2005-01-23 [Eriseith]: how do I become a member?

2005-01-24 [Penguinlord]: see lobbo's last comment :-p

2005-01-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: Damn. Due to a change in elftown all templates are mucked up. You'll have to excuse how Dracology looks

2005-01-28 [nunt]: how d'you make templates?

2005-01-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: Find an empty wiki. I used Dracologytemplate although somthing shorter would have been better. then decide on codes. I use LFL (large flame left) and LFR (large Flame Right) for the fire which also opens the h2 and center tags and closes them. YB is the red bullet because it was origianly yellow. RDV is the red divider and RDB is the red divider at the bottom. You just write for instance RDV:<img:*> on the tenplate page and then put Template:(template page) and write the cdes which will become HTML. I could help you set it up if you like

2005-01-28 [nunt]: oooooooh... *runs arround in exitement*

2005-01-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: You tell me what you need and i'll help you do it. Another template i've made is AOT it follows the same y out as the dracology one but with diffrent uses and DT for discworld

2005-01-28 [nunt]: I'll do that

2005-01-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: Cool. I'll probably have to do it tomorrow though

2005-01-30 [Innocent as Sin]: *dances around* officially 18 since the 28th.

2005-02-16 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: a sequel to the book dragaonology was recently mentioned...anyone know details, date of release or antyhing, title?

2005-02-16 [Tamel]: wah??  i wanna kno  whered u hear this??

2005-02-17 [ArchangelGabriel]: It's out. we did put it up on the *Notices* page. #6

2005-02-17 [Tamel]: ahhh rite  thts not really a sequel  ive got tht already had it for ages!! 

2005-02-17 [Alexi Ice]: i am trying to figure out how to adopt a dragon can anyone tell me?

2005-02-22 [Shadowsoul]: YOU GUYS CAN'T SPELL!!!!

2005-02-22 [Shadowsoul]: Check the dragon handbook. there are double letters where you don't need them. There are no double letters when you need them. Your spelling for somethings is absolutley wrong and you don't have good grammar

2005-02-22 [Shadowsoul]: Your hopeless

2005-02-22 [Shadowsoul]: I'm repeating what a friend of mine said when he read the dragon handbook

2005-02-22 [Shadowsoul]: "Who wrote this?"

2005-02-22 [Penguinlord]: well [ArchangelGabriel] wrote all the stuff in here... and he IS notorious for his bad language (hehe). You wouldn't be the first person to have said that...

2005-02-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: My speeliing is abysimal. If you do find any errors just say in the comments (English english not American english please)

2005-02-22 [Alexi Ice]: i cant spell either.. but i have never read the dragon hand book how do i find it?

2005-02-22 [Penguinlord]: the first link on the page after the first divider. Dragon Handbook

2005-02-23 [Shadowsoul]: Well I found some really bad ones! you spell are as arre or sometimes even aree

2005-02-23 [Shadowsoul]: You know I am fascinated about dragons right?

2005-02-24 [Shadowsoul]: I am going to offer to spellcheck the dragon handbook for you guys. You want me to do it?

2005-02-24 [Shadowsoul]: I need a bit of help. I have spell checked it on my computer but I need access to the book itself so I can update it. Is that possible?

2005-02-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: Just leave comments on the apropritate pages. And please we only need one comment at a time

2005-03-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: Does any one ahve any riddles? i'm fresh out...

2005-03-06 [BlackDragon]: Search on google maybe..? :P

2005-03-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: yeah, i guess...

2005-03-07 [cobi]: are you looking for visual riddles nessecarily?

2005-03-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: No. specificaly not visual. unless done on a chess board

2005-03-07 [cobi]: i'll send you one.

2005-03-13 [GriffinDWolf]: The dragons are coming to Animal Planet Sunday March 20 at 8PM EST bringing fantasy to life

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: 0.0! I must see that!!

2005-03-13 [GriffinDWolf]: i can't wait

2005-03-13 [BlackDragon]: Im so glad that you wrote that comment actually, otherwise I should have missed it! Dragon programs on TV are quite unusual sadly

2005-03-13 [GriffinDWolf]: it is sad. i just though everyone should have a chance to know here. and there will be a dragon expert live on the website on the 21st

2005-03-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'm sure i left that comment in the forum ages ago....

2005-03-14 [nunt]: I watched a program recently called "the last dragon" it was a documentary type thing that was about what dragons would have been like if they had existed. Very interesting

2005-03-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: I missed that. My friend sent me txt but i was out at a club dinner thingy watsit.

2005-03-14 [nunt]: soulda recorded it for you.

2005-03-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: lol. I should have asked my friend to

2005-03-21 [Tamel]: do this for me guys  <poll:47243>  bout dragon colour

2005-03-22 [nunt]: brown

2005-03-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: I like blue, with a red tint between the scales

2005-03-22 [Tamel]: kool

2005-03-22 [BlackDragon]: It was a program on Nation Geographic Channel today about dragons; myths and the dragons that live today. Very interesting...

2005-03-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: hmm... sounds good. i wish i had that channel

2005-03-22 [BlackDragon]: NGC is very good, they show quite much things about egypt. By the way, its egypt week on Discovery Channel next week ^_^

2005-04-01 [Innocent as Sin]: Did anybody see the program on animal planet? It had information on what scientists would find if they found a body. Seemed so real in the beginning I was dissappointed when they showed how they did everything. I think the website was

2005-04-01 [Eriseith]: it was awesome! although I didn't get to watch it from the very beginning

2005-04-01 [BantamChick]: er, [ArchangelGabriel] told me to link here... so i am. ^_^ Dragon Luvers. there we go!

2005-04-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: hold on, i'll add it to the Dragon Links

2005-04-01 [BantamChick]: thanks!

2005-04-01 [Tristin Blade]: hello everybody!

2005-04-01 [SpiralDragon]: hey take a look at my dragon art!!!Pauls art

2005-04-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: it's good. Would you like a Gallery?

2005-04-01 [SpiralDragon]: yah that would be great!

2005-04-01 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'll do it tomorrow cause right now i'm flumuxed

2005-04-01 [SpiralDragon]: sure sure!when ever!^o^

2005-04-01 [Tristin Blade]: good for you.

2005-04-04 [Innocent as Sin]: It would be awesome if they did find a real body. man wouldn't that blow the none believers out of the water.

2005-04-04 [nunt]: *dreams of riding her very own dragon*

2005-04-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Thats crulety to dragons that is. Free the dragons! Viva la Resistance!

2005-04-04 [nunt]: *sniff* My dragon's my friend!

2005-04-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: lol, you just think it is. It really wants to fly free and live wild.... Like keeping lions. It's not good

2005-04-04 [nunt]: Then why does it keep coming back? Why doesn't it fly away for good instead of for only a few days at a time?

2005-04-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ahh.. because you have warped it's homeing intincts. it knows no other life

2005-04-04 [nunt]: If it is happy in its ignorance, why does in matter?

2005-04-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: how can you tell it's happy?

2005-04-04 [nunt]: I raised it from a hatchling! I took care of it. It's my baby. I should know!

2005-04-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: What breed is it?

2005-04-04 [nunt]: I dunno, I haven't seen that many dragons to compare it to cept for those big ones that fly over sometimes. It's scales are hairy/furry and not hard but still tough, so I think its from a cold place. It walks on all fours and has padded feet as if it's as at home on the ground as in the air. It's about the size of a very large dog or small horse, and is warm-blooded. It's also an omnivore. What does that make it?

2005-04-04 [Penguinlord]: probably not a "true" dragon then...

2005-04-04 [nunt]: What do you mean a 'true' dragon?

2005-04-04 [Tristin Blade]: yeah what do u meen by that?

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: It means you've been imagaieing it.

2005-04-05 [nunt]: *sniff*

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ah, there there...

2005-04-05 [Tristin Blade]: ur too weird for me

2005-04-05 [Penguinlord]: pfff.... yeah right. Hey doesn't mean you have beenb imagining it, it might just be a... bear or something.

2005-04-05 [nunt]: it's got scales (albeit flexibal and hairy ones) it's a greenish colour and has wings plus four legs, I don't think that could be a bear

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: I have yet to hear of any other furry dragons. Except for Americanus Mex

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: You know what, it would be really cool if you, or someone else could draw that dragon. Its really unusual!

2005-04-05 [nunt]: well... I more or less made it up just then, although I have visualised such a dragon before. I might do a pen sketch sometime

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: It would be fun to see that, or you maybe can ask an Elfwood artist to draw it for you...?

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: Nunt isn't a bad artist. ^_^

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: Sorry! I didnt look in her house :/

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: Thats ok. It's been a long week *screams* OMG its only tuesday!!!

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: I know!! I dont think I'll survive the whole week.. Im having practise in a flower shop (without getting payed) and all I get to do its to put prizes on pots and flowers X_x

2005-04-05 [nunt]: I wish this week would go slower, I'm back at school next week

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: really BD. You put prizes on the pots? That is a really unusual thing to do. I aggree with nunt. Slower weeks all round

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: Yes... flowers pots? Aren't they called that O.o;;

2005-04-05 [Tristin Blade]: ur nuts

2005-04-05 [Shadowsoul]: Good morning people

2005-04-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: Where the frell do you live. here it's good night. Good night. PS BD, you meant prices not prizes. A prize is somethign you win and a price is who much sometihng is

2005-04-05 [Shadowsoul]: Australia, it's 8:10 here

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: Hmm.. who is nuts? =P Good eve Shadow Sorceress

2005-04-05 [Shadowsoul]: Good morning BlackDragon

2005-04-05 [Shadowsoul]: how r u, this morning?

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: Im tired actually, going to go to sleep soon. How are you then?

2005-04-05 [Shadowsoul]: good, nice and awake. feeling quite refreshed actually

2005-04-05 [BlackDragon]: Well, thats nice :)

2005-04-06 [Shadowsoul]: :) Well what have you been doing?

2005-04-06 [BlackDragon]: Drinking tea and doing highlights in my hair ^_^ You then?

2005-04-06 [SpiralDragon]: I love tea!

2005-04-06 [Penguinlord]: hehe i think i would look silly with highlights...

2005-04-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: No sillier than you look normaly....

2005-04-06 [SpiralDragon]: lol^-^...

2005-04-07 [Shadowsoul]: nothing. at school slaving away under a hard taskmaster

2005-04-07 [BlackDragon]: Hehe.. sounds fun ;)

2005-04-07 [GriffinDWolf]: sounds like me

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