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2004-09-05 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: yay!! arabs..im pretty sure :)
2004-09-05 [Savior of the Broken]: the first one is DEFINATELY an arab the second one might be a quarter horse, but I'm not really sure about the other one...
2004-09-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: but in the second one the horse is holding its tail...a trait seen in arabs...also..
2004-12-11 [Fire-n-Ash]: The first is a National Show Horse, the second a QH, and the last is a Friesian.
2004-12-12 [Roccoriel]: I rather think the second is an arab. The hindquarters are way to underdeveloped for a quarter. Probably a polish arab though, he's a little stout for an egyption.
2004-12-13 [Fire-n-Ash]: you could very well be right. But you have to take into consideration that (a) not all QH's are build like tanks, I have seen some pretty lithe ones and (b) he/she is at an angle so it is difficult to say. Most Arabs have thinners necks and lighter frames. But as I said about the QH's, there are always exceptions.
2004-12-14 [Roccoriel]: Well, it's not only the muscling that makes the difference. You're right, there are some lightly muscled quarter horses, mostly appendix types. I'm also judging horse number 2 based on the facial structure, arch of the neck, head set and tail set though tail set is a poor indicator, my foundation QH will stick hers up in the air and prance around like a moron from time to time. Also, not all arabs have thinner necks, particularly with the polish lines. Polish Arabians tend to be quick thick when compared to their cousins. Furthermore, I think I can add the fact that horse number two's bridle path extends half way down his neck. That went out of fashion for quarter horses over 40 years ago.
2004-12-14 [Fire-n-Ash]: *ponders* Good point about the Bridle Path, that is very true. Though, I have seen numerous QH's that gallop with their tails held like most Arabs do. I agree that some arabs have thicker necks, but I have not seen an Arab that has had no arch in it's neck at all. ^_^ Though, I doubt any of us will settle with a Quarab. lol!
2004-12-14 [Roccoriel]: I know, and that horse has an arch in his neck. It's hard to see in the picture but look are the line along his crest and in the muscling of his neck. Part of the thickness I think comes from the way he's carrying it.
2004-12-14 [Roccoriel]: Run a google search for galloping arabians and you can judge by comparative anatomy.
2005-01-28 [freakchild]: the second pic is most definately an arab. The tailset, back, and ears are the obvious give aways. No, the head isn't that perfect tiny, dishy, show arab look; however if you've ever been to a breeding farm, you'll see a lot of broodmares with heads like this horse has, beautiful in it's own right, but not extreme. A lot of it is the position of the horse and the angle of the photo. And that topline and rear belong to nothing but an arab. And that is a nice arab neck. Teh first pic is a national show horse, and the third a freisian, without any doubt;)
2005-01-28 [Fire-n-Ash]: All right, all right. You win. Though, I still think that is one heavily set arab though. ^_^ No more hay for you my porky friend *pats horses' head* lol! At least I was correct with the NSH and the Friesian. *woots*
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