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2007-01-13 [Zab]: XD yah..
Or buy a horse...>_> XD
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: XD My parents won't let me..I asked them about it a while back, but it's the money. :(
2007-01-13 [Zab]: It always is..><
I'm still thinking you should be able to be a ''medryttare'' (''with-rider'' = you borrow the horse against that you do all the caretaking of it a few days a week..) there's no horse dealer or breeding place or so?
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: Yeps..
I don't know of any, no. :(
2007-01-13 [Zab]: I'm looking for a horse now..>_> I'll buy one when I'm sure I'll keep this job (I can have it here) and when everything's done at home so that I can bring it home if I must..x) I'm looking for a small horse, 3-4 years old to train myself, they are often cheaper. And I can keep it almost for free, that's great:) But I hope you can find a horse to ride too..>< Even tho here are 8 horses I can't ride any of them! gerrr!
That's a pity! >< Looked for any? I mean..it might not be fun to work for a horse dealer, but they usually want people to ride their horses to keep them in shape..(tho, the ones I've met doesn't really care how you ride.. or if the jhorse vbarely can carry you..><z)
And there are even more work and less riding in a breedinfg place..(word?)
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: Awwww. :P Good luck to you!
No..I don't really want to look for any around here because they are all expensive and stuck up like I said earlier. >__>
Livery? Not too sure, I think that's the word. :P
2007-01-13 [Zab]: Yeah.^^ Now..if onlyt my driverslicense didn't cost so much..><
You sound so prejudiced..XD How can you know they're snuck up if you don't even know if they're there? XD Well, it's up to you:P And most hoprsepeople seem snuck up in the start, and many are, but there are also those who are quite nice when you get to know them..XD
Livery? Where they breed horses?
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: Aww. :(
Because my mum has met them..>__> She works in a petrol station and they all come in with the trailers and stuff. She's spoken to them and they all seem like they love themselves too much.
Yeps. :P
2007-01-13 [Zab]: :(
Maybe they have another attitude if you come and want to work a bit dfor them? Anyway, it's up to you, I've never met the people, ythat's for sure..XD
I think I have to go soon..
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: I'm not sure..but I don't really want to work for people who seem nasty at first meeting. =/
2007-01-13 [Zab]: Hm..if they're nice when you work for them... why not? x) But I see why it's not a first choice...
2007-01-13 [Atayemi]: They might not be nice. *shrugs*
Night. :)
2007-01-13 [Zab]: XD Of course that's a chance/risk..X
2007-01-14 [Atayemi]: Thanks. :D
It's not that I'm nervous, I just hate to see other horses owned by people who only use them for show or what have you. It's awful, really. :(
2007-01-14 [Zab]: What do you mwean ''only use thwem for show''?
2007-01-14 [Atayemi]: You know, they just keep them in fields, and don't ride them at all. >___>
2007-01-14 [Zab]: *lmao* Why do you hate tyhat?
I mean..horses don't like to be ridden. They like to get outside the field or stall and move, but the rider is really just some necessary evil:P Not that we shouldn't ride them, bnecause if we stopped, they'd soon be gone, but horses rather not have humans on their back:P
Besides; that's where you come into the picture. If the hoerses just go in the fields, there is a big chance trheir owners would be haƄppy if someone, you, rode them:P
2007-01-14 [Atayemi]: Perhaps..I'll just wait until my exams are over, then I'll consider getting a job with horses. I might move to Scotland, or somewhere else. :)
2007-01-14 [Zab]: good luck :D
2007-01-14 [moira hawthorne]: Ive known horses that love to be riden.. that love to jump... that sulk and are bored and even develope bad babits if they are not challenged... the horses that are riden in compition sports, are horses that love to perform and be challenged as much as their riders do...
2007-01-15 [Zab]: Horses like to get out and see stuff? Yers. They like to hvbe a controlefreak on their back? No.
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