Page name: linoldbio24 [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-11-26 18:39:11
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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<img:stuff/love-icon.jpg> & <img:stuff/freedom-icon.jpg>

I never know what to write. I've been here for years, and I still spend hours and hours to figure that out each time I revisit my biography. Well, here goes nothing.

I'm Linderel, and due to general consensus apparently being favourable to that direction, you may call me Lin or Linny. There is also Lami. I have a real name, but I much prefer my nicknames, so there is no need for you to know it. I identify with my online personalities a lot more than my real life one, anyway. The Bard may have been right in some way, but for me, the truth of the matter is another.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet."
                   - Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

I live in Finland, the country wedged between two forces that at least once were formidable, and one of them still seems to be, however changed its form may be. The winters are cold, the summers warm enough, and the people are an enigma. It's a pretty nice country to live in, and I've no real complaints about the capital, either.

I have a mother, a father, and an older brother, and as of yet, we live under the same roof. I have an older sister who is not actually related to me by blood as much as spirit. She is my best friend, and even though we only met a few years ago, it feels like a lifetime. In a way, it has been.

You'll often catch me reading or writing, as words are like oxygen to me. As a person who's usually quiet and reserved, the written words have become very important. Reading offers me a simple refuge from the world, makes me think, makes me learn; writing is something I just have to do. It's my way of expressing myself, emptying my head, communicating. As my speaking skills can be pretty poor, my literary ones have perhaps grown to compensate for this.

Actually, I love all kinds of books. Novels, encyclopaedias, textbooks, dictionaries. Especially dictionaries. I've a fascination with languages, and am currently slightly obsessed with perfecting my English. Theoretically, it's my third language, but sometimes it feels like it's my second mother tongue. I can only hope that one day I am that good.

I'm an addict. But not to alcohol or any other sort of drug that word might usually be associated with. No, I'm addicted to gaining knowledge, I'm addicted to music, to the people I love, to my computer, the Internet and especially IRC and Elftown, to tea, to milk. Some of these addictions may be harmful, but at least I admit them. So it can't be all bad.

The two kanji marks at the top are tweaked images of my tattoos. The first one stands for 'love', the second one for 'freedom'. Interpret them as you will, but for me they do have a deeper meaning than merely looking cool. I also have a third tattoo, that in the order of the taking is actually the second one: paw prints underneath my left collarbone. That tattoo has a meaning as well. Just for the record, the kanji tattoos are on the backs of my shoulders - love on the left, freedom on the right. A song worked as an inspiration for this, even if it was only after I had taken the first one.

"Freedom in your right hand, and love in your left hand
Walking and carrying them, sometimes stumbling"
                          - Ayumi Hamasaki, Unite! (translation)

My hobbies include, aside from the aforementioned, photography, baking, bookbinding and roleplaying. I dabble some in drawing, but I'm not very good at it. I'm improving, but it's not anything spectacular. My true talents, I think, are writing and photography. Bookbinding I'm also fairly good at.

Naturally, being a long-time resident, I've accumulated many wikis of my own. Browse them at your leisure.

Artsy wikis of teh Lami
Bio burial site
Lami's reading list

My message to you is the following. I once came up with it, probably in a bout of boredom, and it has stayed in my description since. Some friends have dubbed it 'the warcry of geekiness'. I like that.

"Cthulhu wants you to join your local RPG group, otaku club,
or whatever conglomeration of geekiness is available. Do it."
                          - Yours Truly

Now, then, I think I've nothing left to say. Carry on.

Sincerely yours, Lin. <img20*0:stuff/Paws-icon.jpg>

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