Page name: linoldbio26 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-11 08:46:25
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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Dear reader
these passages will have been
corroded by the time
and the space
between writing and seeing--
but as we say,
seeing is believing
so you can only trust me
not to spout nonsense
quite like this so-called poem.

You can read better ones at Coal Black Wings.


Even if one does not believe in gods...
can one still believe in angels?

That's the question of the day.
I tend to think about all sorts of stuff. Philosophical, even if only vaguely, nonsensical, incomprehensible. The big questions, like 'why' and 'how' and 'what'. And then I proceed to confuse myself, sooner or later, because there are only so many threads a person can hold and follow at once and still know where they are.
And yes, this aspect of me tends to be the reason for my occasional rambly moods.

So, who am I really? Perhaps merely a figment of your imagination, like you are mine. Then again, the world feels awfully more real than a simple delusion might, so maybe I'll skip the obscure.

I'm your average, just-out-of-teens young lady who is at a bit of a loss about herself and life in general. No worries, though, everything will be solved in time, and I think I know what I want to do. However, I won't tell you; if you want to know, there are plenty of hints. It's not like it's even hard. Come on, I'm sure you can do it.

Well then, aside from liking to torture myself with obscure and too-hard-for-me-to-understand topics, I have a fascination for languages and all kinds of knowledge. I want to know everything and understand everything. Quite ambitious, I know, but hey, I always was unreasonable and a perfectionist. Beat that. I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi, and before you say it, yes I know my use of the English language isn't perfect either. It's nevertheless almost like a second mother tongue to me by now, and if I make a mistake, I actually want to know about it.

As personality traits go, I'm pretty friendly and good-humoured yet shy - although I'm known to occasionally have a slightly explosive temper. I possess a curiosity factor stretching to infinity, which results in all those questions. If there's information you can teach me, do. I'm always happy to learn new things, and discuss about everything.

I like a lot of things. Languages, for example, but you already knew that. Nature, all the beautiful scenes; sunrises, sunsets, thunder storms, snow, a blue, blue sky. Music is an undying love of mine, I'll listen to almost anything, and I enjoy singing myself. Sleeping, hugging, spending time with my precious friends. Some sports. Pocky sticks, and other things Japanese. Being able to smile in spite of all the bumps along the road.

Yeah, I think I like being me. At least sometimes.

And, because I'm awesome like that, I'm on the bandwagon!

<img200*0:stuff/kirjapari.jpg> I read a lot. There are times when I don't go through as many books as others, but I'm still a bookworm. If it's good enough, interesting enough, I'll devour it and will be blissfully unaware of what happens around me. I'm not even really picky; I'll be as happy to read a children's story as a textbook on development studies. But I doubt you'll be surprised to know that fantasy novels are among my favourite things to curl up with in a comfy chair, a mug of tea sitting on a table somewhere near. Furthermore, related to my love of the English language, dictionaries are a passion of mine. I almost hoard them. Aside from being the very epitome of hawtness, they are quite useful when writing.

My reading list is way longer than all of my limbs combined (probably), and it keeps growing all the time. It'll take me a lifetime to read everything I want to, and believe me, that's a lot of books right there. You can see for yourself at Lami's reading list.

I'm somewhat of a geek, as might have already become clear.
Yet, it's not just about reading and watching movies.
I'm a roleplayer, quite happily crawling in all kinds of holes, Dungeons & Dragons style. I have also been in some LARPs, but being the shy, asocial creature that I am, tabletop gaming is, for me, much more comfortable, MMORPGs and such even more so.
Besides the fact that it is really quite enjoyable, roleplaying gave me the perfect excuse to start another collection; I currently have four sets of dice, plus some stray D6s from wherever (including two tiny ones that are about half the size of the nail of my little finger, adorable!), and, provided I have enough cash on me, I buy a new set almost every time I visit an RP shop.

It's not the only collection I have and that keeps growing. As could be guessed, there are, of course, books, but I also find myself always with more and more stuffed toys. It's a known fact among my friends that I like plushies, so I often get them as presents, and then there are the times when I just can't leave someone sitting on a shelf. Heck, I'll outright admit to it - I still sleep with a toy. In that aspect, at least, I'm still a little girl. Foreign coins are another thing. I used to collect sea shells, rocks, and, once upon a time, bottle tops. Wine bottles. Anything and everything that's pretty and/or could prove useful at a later point in life.
And of course, I collect memories; concert tickets, convention passes, magazines, letters, cards. There are so many things to keep and treasure, though some of them are painful. I've even destroyed some of my memories, but that is a tale to be told at another time.

Cthulhu wants you to join your local RPG group, otaku club, or whatever conglomeration of geekiness is available. Do it.

Now. If you, even after all of this inane babble, want to send me a message, leave me a guestbook note, or anything else to the desired effect of being somehow in contact with me - feel free to do so. I would give you a link to rules of messaging, but I know most of the people passing by will never read it, so why bother? Hint: Use common sense. If you do, we might even get along.


Buh-bye then.

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