Page name: linoldbio44 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-16 16:11:15
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 1
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the heady flow of

I drink up the water words
             running through my veins
     between conjoined fingers

hum sighing murmurs
       over the rustling of leaves
                 this is the life

Are you a poet? Make me happy and go submit your work for the Daily Poem.

"Linderel, or Lami as those who are lucky call her, is an intriguing breed. She's Elftown's own Poem Queen, with one hell of a knack for the written word. She also has a knack for contests and you should check them out and enter too! Moving on from a few of the things she does, we shall explore who she is. Lami is kind-hearted and fun but not afraid to tell you if you're being an idiot - and if she's telling you, you probably are one and you probably deserve it. She's the bee's knees when you need a friend and she never ceases to surprise me.

When speaking to her you'll probably find her doing something artsy or creative - she even knits!

Oh, and she probably nitpicked this paragraph. :)"

- [Chimes]


Hello, this is Linderel speaking. You may call me Lin if you wish. Emu there already gave an introduction, but I suppose it's up to me to say a few things for myself before you lose interest and wander off.

So, how about this for a self-summary: I am like an object made of glass.

You can think about the meaning behind that, should the idea entertain you. I'm just going to continue by saying that whether or not you find yourself liking me (many people do; apparently I possess my own special brand of charm), you're probably going to enjoy at least some aspects of my presence here. In fact, it might be even a little bit difficult to avoid seeing me around. I'm involved in quite a few things on Elftown.

As for the so-called real life, I study English in one of the universities here in Finland. Before you ask: yes, I enjoy it immensely. I also have a deep love for the arts. This is, in some ways, rather apparent in my daily life. For instance, I rarely go anywhere without a camera... and I simply cannot imagine living without music. Truth be told, though, I am easily intrigued and will even happily read (or listen to people talk) about subjects that I have no hope in hell of understanding - just in case there was a nugget of information I could comprehend and file away in my mind. No, seriously. I mean it. Knowledge is lovely, and everything is interesting.

In addition to everything else, I like to roleplay. I have tried a few systems, and currently participate in active Dark Heresy and WHFRP campaigns with fellow students. My character preference tends to run towards melee-fighter types although I've also tried others. On Elftown I haven't been quite as involved, but will give due consideration to any RP I happen to come across. I'm also open to one-on-one sessions; however, I tend to set a rather high standard.

Chew on this: I am geek enough to seriously consider taking a tattoo of dice.

I shall leave you to make your way to somewhere more interesting now, but remember: go with a smile.

Oh, also: Check out the pages I am a fan of. They will probably tell you quite a lot about me.
Furthermore, you might want to visit About Lin.

Get back to the bio burial site already!
(Or continue on to linoldbio45.)

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