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2006-11-16 04:13:15
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Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism, as an aid to meditation.

Things that you will need:

1.) Paper, preferably a large piece of paper. I do not advise using a computer or small sheet of paper. At least 15x15 Inches
2.) Markers/Paint/Colored Pencils/Crayons/Pastels/ Ect. Some sort of coloring item... Color plays a major role in this.
3.) Lined paper. (So that you can write down your main colors, shapes and numbers at the end of doing your project)
4.) If wanted/needed a camera/scanner. If you need help, or would like to show off your work, I would love to do so on this page, or a separate page. ^_^

Within a mandala are meanings to things. Meanings that you find from looking at the predominate number(s) of things, finding the most used color(s), and by finding the most predominate shape(s) within the object. Often while making a Mandala, one finds out a lot about oneself, as well as find meanings to some things such as regarding their personality. Mandalas can be used to relieve stress, help one get away from the everyday things, as well as find roots to things. Mandalas have been used by those who visit Cancer patients as well as every day art teachers and students. Just this past month I completed my third mandala.
If you are considering making a mandala there are a few rules that one should, and are advised to, follow. I will be showing the results of mine later on after I show you all how to create your own.
A mandala is a non-objective art-form. Meaning that there are no recognizable substance matters in it. Examples are like stars, hearts, people, and so on. A mandala is made strictly out of simple everyday things like the swirls and loops (things like a small child would draw). When you begin your mandala you want to start with some form of a circle, which can be in the center or some other place. I did mine from a stencil circle, mostly because I am a perfectionist, but you can draw one free hand if you want.
Before creating your mandala you want to clear your mind of all thoughts. After you do that, you will want to think of a place where you feel comfortable, no matter where that place is. As you do that you will want to imagine the colors of that place, as well. After some time of doing this, open your eyes(yes while you release the thoughts you need to have your eyes closed).
Once you have decided that you are ready to begin to draw your circle, however big or small, place it where you feel it would be best suited. Don't put to much thought into it though, this is a project that does not require one to think. For those people out there that are perfectionist like me, you will have to let things just flow, don't think about what is where, and where to place things. This is a project where anything goes, there is no order, and no set way other then the way YOU do things.
As you start to work on your mandala, make sure you are creating things in all the space, inside and outside of the circle. This may come subconsciously to most, but if you notice as you work that you are overdoing some things in an area, move to another and try working there. Remember this project cannot include objects, only things that would look like a small child who just started drawing would do. Simple swirls, triangles, and other things like that. I will, as I said, provide a few examples for people to look at to know what to do, if they wish.

Helpful Hints
1.)Try not to spend more than maybe an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes on your mandala.
2.) Enjoy what you are doing; this could be a gateway into yourself. Let whatever comes to mind simply flow onto the paper. Don't plan this, it should not take planning.
3.)No matter what your project looks like, it is still good. Smears, color blending and some colors popping out more than others is something that is good.

Once you complete your Mandala:

Once you have completed your mandala, which should not take more than an hour and a half at max, you are going to want to grab something to write with, as well as your extra piece of paper. You are going to place three categories on the paper:
1.)Predominate colors(s)
2.)Predominate Shape(s)
3.)Predominate number(s)

To find your predominate color(s), look for the color most used. If they are all evenly distributed, try and find the color that you used first, that will be your predominate color. You can have a lot of colors that play a role in this, however. I myself had five colors that were equal. If you, like myself, run into that the you try to find what the eye is drawn to first. Your number one color will be the first color you use. If wanted, you can stop there. Personally, I would advise trying to find a minimum of Three (3) predominate colors, and a maximum of five (5). Again I will be willing to help with this if needed/wanted</u>.
Colors most commonly used: All colors will fall under one of these 14!
1.) Black
2.) White
3.) Red
4.) Blue
5.) Light Blue
6.) Dark Blue
7.) Yellow
8.) Green
9.) Orange
10.) Purple/ Violet
11.) Lavender
12.) Pink
13.) Peach
14.) Magenta
15.) Brown
17.) Indigo
To find your predominate shapes, you are going to want to look at:
1.) Circles- This would include ovals and other circular object anything that in some way can resemble a circle.
2.) Cross- This would be something that would cross like an X or anything that has some sort of intersection.
3.) Spiral- A spiral can be swirls, waves of some sorts. anything that really doesn't have a recognizable shape could fall into this category.
4.) Triangle- Anything that could be thought of as a triangle fall into this category.
5.) Square- Squares include rectangles and rhombuses. They're also defined as something that has four corners.


Within the Mandala there are seven numbers that we can explore. All numbers can be easily divided into one of these numbers, or close to them. We will be working with 1-7, Each number having its own special meaning. To find the numbers, simply count up things that You feel are important. Often a number will repeat itself within everything that you do. However, just as often, the number will repeat in a few things or it won't repeat at all.

The meanings

Through all this you may be wondering what the meaning of each of these things are. Sure black is black, a triangle is a triangle, and the number four is going to be four, but what does it mean? Well, don't worry, soon enough you will know what all this means. The easy to read list below will help you.


Black is a color of evil, darkness and mystery, from what we may or may not know. Black is the color of balancing contrast to White. Black represents west in the native american median wheel. In the midevil time christianity black represented the shielding of ones false self. In the art of Alchemy, black represented the beginning of a change, transformation beginning, a process has began.This color may reveal integrating our shadowed shelf into aspects. This color represents the mystery and allure of that which is unknown. if you get a lot of this color, relax, there is no, need to worry. It is fine to get something like this.

This color, in the native american's median wheel represents North. White is the balancing factor of black. This color represents purity. It also represents Virginity. White is the showing of nothingness. The color is a meaning of light, daytime, morning. The color white may signify order of things and clarity of that order. White may mean that something is left out or missing or hidden from you. If white is left on the paper in abundance it means you are ready for eminent change. This color may also represent a challenge to who you as a person are.

Red is a sign of life blood and fire. The beginning and sudden urge to change. This color may also mean an acknowledge of ones sin, or sacrifice. This color may represents the power to destroy. Ones willingness to thrive. This color may represent your anger, or anger that is held at you. Suffering within ones self may also be what this powerful color means.

Blue represents calmness, and inner peace, it also represents the brains reaction to relaxation. In the religious aspects it means spiritual connection. This color can mean that you are supported and cared for by an outside party. Blue represents Water, as well as nourishment. For christians it may represent a Baptism. This color may indicate ones lasting conditions. The color can mean Motherhood and mothering to someone.

Light Blue:
Light Blue is a symbol of unconditional love. It could also mean unconditional compassion, not only for humans, but for things you enjoy doing as well as animals.

Dark Blue:
The color of inner darkness. unconscious workings as well as sleep. Dark blue could mean a life threatening event or a conflict with a mother or mother figure.

Indigo is a color that represents the awakening of ones intuition. It also means wisdom and development in the philosophy of life.

The color of East in the native american medicine wheel. This color represents ones ability to see and to understand. The devolpment of ones awareness of the self. 
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