here's another pointless vain collection
of all my drawings painting and art!
about Mooncat! and RP characters she is with.

Im a Mooncat or Mooncat is me... my evil twin who sits in my head
and tells me to do things... sometimes it is artwork...
sometimes it is horrid punny things...
MOONCAT made for me by my friend Bowie-Spawan on DA

This one is for ~hawthorne-cat who drew a not-quite!kiriban for me XD:heart:
She wanted her moonkitty to be spazziehfied ^3^
It's all fluffy *A*
She is the moon. She is the moon glow. She is the cat that sleeps in the bowl of moonlight.
She is the warm comfortable fuzzy feeling endless poets and lovers see while staring up at the full moon.

I wanted it glowly... not substancal...
was in Weather Creatures Contest ... Weather Creatures Contest Entries till it was removed unfairly...
the owner didnt give me a change to show her... she just deleted it from the contest...
unfairly.. b/c it was deleted before I was even asked about it... and when I try to explain Im shut down... and told Im complaining... I make art for me - 1st off top of the list.. unless Im being paid - I satisfy myself... BUT when entering contests I follow the rules... prove I didnt follow the rule... and Ill take my art out myself! but the way I was treated was unfair.

In her cat form she is my art muse and her pawprint is my art logo.
Moon - Mooncat - Mooncatt
my own marysue chary
I invented her when I was 7 yrs old...
so she is 38 yrs old and countin or not...
her major influences
(in otherwords my loves at 7 yrs old) were
Legolas/Tolkien's elfs/MiddleEarth stories
Moorcock's Eternal Champion Elric!
oooh yes Im totally guilt of inserting an OC in
to be Elric's companion and lover
and to try to save his lovely pale ass!
(luckily for the world in general
I keep these stories locked up tight in my head
or only wrote them out for my own pleasure!)
and ofcourse D&D (Dungeons and Dragons
I have taken Moon into many many RP worlds
starting with D&D
she is not from 'this' world...
or any other gaming world either...
she began as lab experiment that went wrong about every way it could...
her 1st 100 yrs or so were fairly rough ...than she went insane
and all the bad people went away ...in little bloody pieces...
after that she has become sort of chaotic...
and as long as she doesnt think too much she is funfun!!!
5' (or 5'3" in her boots) LONG white hair in braid, pale skin, bright green eyes, (that change colour with her moods) cat-like elf ears
she's a very cute character, yet she could kick your ass in a heartbeat... she fights like a she cat guarding kittens!!!
she is best as a sniper with that bow! (named: hartwood)...
but she has that short sword (named: silverlaugh)
and long knife (named: quickgrin)
her weapons are semi magical as they are part of her ... not separate so are impossible to steal... to do so would be like chopping off her arms and legs... and Moon can make them appear out of her own body/energy/shadow (but they are not inteligent or magical in that they are any more powerful and strong or fight better)
She is a minor Healer of sorts...
she can direct energys to help a person heal themselves quicker...
very loving yet with her own code of conduct... like a run away...
think of a cat... she is neutral chaotic
(she is quite loyal... in her nature... its just the way she behaves!)
...with a prankster punny mode...
she can also walk thru walls*
and appear wherever she wants... or at lest sometimes...
lol dont want her to be too powerful! no fun to game...
*all walls... even those of time space and relativity.
thats how she gets into games...
My Drawing of Mooncat!
see in Aronael ... Aronael: Characters ... Aronael: RP

(damn glare made this the best photo yet)
Thx U![
Rook] for all your help.*hugs*
My DOLL version of Mooncat!
Username: [
moira hawthorne]
Character name: Mooncat
Gender: Female
Race of the character: sortta a cat deamon
Age: she appears to be & acts like about 15ish...
but she is more like 200/2000 yrs old or older and she doesnt truly know how old she is... the reason is time travel screws you up...
Eyes: Big bright green! (that change colour with her moods)
Blue = extreme anger/or excitement/or she is up to some trickiness.
Gold = sated pleasure/happi
ness/ love/contentment or sexual enjoyment.
Ears: Cat-like elf ears.
Skin: Very pale skin.
Hair: LONG white hair in braid, bangs at front longer earlocks.
Height: 5’
Body built: Slim but muscular for a girl
Appearance: sortta small childish but a mature woman.
((But transforms to a completely white House Cat when she wants.))
Tattoos/Peircings: She has multiple piercings in both ears.
Clothes: Wears a green/black mini tunic dress. or whatever. either boots or barefoot. clothing adapts to where she is...
Preferred weapons: She is best as a sniper with that bow! (named: hartwood)
and long knife (named: quickgrin)...
her weapons are semi magical as they are part of her... not separate so are impossible to steal... and Mooncat can make them appear out of shadow (but they are not intelligent or magical in that they arent any more powerful and stronger or fight better)
Characteristic: She began as life as a lab experiment that went wrong about every way it could... her 1st 100 yrs or so were fairly rough ...than she went insane and all the bad people went away ...in little bloody pieces... after that she has become sort of chaotic... and as long as she doesnt think too much she is funfun!!!
Personality: she's a very cheerful cute character, neutral chaotic in behaviour
dont be surprised if her mood changes suddenly! yet she could kick your ass in a heartbeat... she fights like a she cat guarding kittens!!!
Likes: sex, eating and cooking food, hot chocolate/coffee, having her hair played with, sleeping, defending loved ones.
Dislikes: Abuse or slavery or cruelty. Lovers up and leaving her!
Weaknesses: She has too many 'SPOTS'!!! Her ears are over sensitive.
History: She is a shadow walker / time space travel Adventurer. And she has suffered ALOT in her past (flashbacks of the more painful events)
Magic: She is a nature ability to walk thru walls/shadow walk (time/space/relativity shift) and appear wherever she wants... or at lest sometimes... but it has a tendency to backfire and she gets lost.
Also she can shift to cat form... but than she is fluffy white house cat sized.
Plus being a deamon she has a strong natural ability to heal - she has no scars and will heal much faster than a 'normal' mortal but she cant heal anyone else of more than slight flesh wounds (scratches or bites)
Using any of these magics makes her very hungry
Character Survey: mooncatt
by *hawthorne-cat:
warning: mooncatt is my alterego/marysue oc
I invented her when I was 7 yrs old... so 40 years ago
FULL NAME: Moon, mooncat, mooncatt, sometime Myown, rarely is her name translated into local dialect or language. No last name/surname available. (no parents)
MEANING: moon = white glowy changeable orb the circles a larger mass, cat = small pesky critter that balances between annoying and cute and seem to have nine lifes, is generally assumed to be unreliable, but will shows up when theres food, is assumed of being moody, aloof and antisocial but is actually quite loyal and loving.
NICKNAME: you can likely get away with any silly pet name for her, she may even answer to it.
AGE APPEARANCE: she appears to be & acts like about 15ish... immature/childish... she is small and maybe mistaken for being a young teen, but she a is fully mature female
ACTUAL AGE: tricky one... well... she is more likely 200/2000 yrs old or older and she doesnt truly know how old she is... the reason is time travel screws you up... could be considered immortal.
SPECIES: sortta a cat deamon, she began as life as a lab experiment that went wrong about every way it could... her 1st 100 yrs or so were fairly rough ...than she went insane and all the bad people went away ...in little bloody pieces... after that she has become sort of chaotic... and as long as she doesnt think too much she is funfun!!!
GENDER: female
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: someone willing, mostly always male, maybe sometimes otherwise
MARITAL STATUS: the term 'been there done that' springs to mind...
KIDS: yup. again the term 'been there done that' springs to mind...
OCCUPATION: she is a shadow walker/time space travel Adventurer.
RESIDENCE: none. she is like a leaf of the comic winds. she has some small natural ability to walk thru walls/shadow walk (time/space/relativity shift) and choose to appear wherever she wants... or at lest sometimes... but it has a tendency to backfire and she gets lost.
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: LONG hair in braid, bangs at front longer earlocks.
EYES COLOUR: bright green eyes, (that change colour with her moods)
HEIGHT: 5'/152cm
BODY TYPE/BUILD: slim but muscular for a girl
ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): cat-like elf ears... ((may shift to cat form... transforms to a completely fluffy white small house cat when she wants.))
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): she has no scars - she has a strong natural ability to heal
PIERCINGS: she has multiple piercings in both ears.
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): simple, keeps clean as much as possible, wont pass up a bath, braids the mass of her hair b/c otherwise it needs alot of care.
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: cute, cheerful, childish, most people underestimate her.
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: mischievous grin.
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: alto, bubbly, she has a natural ability to mimic accents and learn languages
WEAPON OF CHOICE: She is best as a sniper with that bow! (named: hartwood) and long knife (named: quickgrin)... her weapons are semi magical as they are part of her... not separate so are impossible to steal... and she can make them appear out of shadow (but they are not intelligent or magical in that they arent any more powerful and stronger or fight better)
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: cute, cheerful, childish, she just pop in so likely surprised.
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): depending on your own personality she may be annoyingly cute, cuddly and persistent, you may be bother by her stubbornness or her chaotic mood swings or you maybe enjoying her loving open sexual nature.
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): you mean you arent dead? ok if you arent dead, she'd be annoying bothersome prankster, I wouldnt eat anything you set down unobserved for too long, and Id check your boots and bed for nasty surprises. as annoying as she is dont pick fights with her, she maybe small but she could kick your ass in a heartbeat... she fights like a she cat guarding kittens!!!
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: eternal optimist, compassionate, loving, loyal, fearless.
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: stubborn, reckless, moody, likely to disappear.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: green no blue maybe gold
FAVOURITE FOOD: chocolate, hot chocolate/coffee
FAVOURITE INSTRUMENT: flute (likes nearly them all)
LEAST FAVOURITE FOOD: C/field/army rations (individual canned, pre-cooked, or prepared wet ration )
HOBBIES: any crafty activity from wherever she is, she to likes make things, draw, read, sleep, cook, bake.
USUAL MOOD: playful
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: yes no maybe to all three
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: she is ticklish, her ears are super sensitive, playing/brushing her hair can reduce her to a puddle, children, feeding stray cats.
MUSIC TYPE: she cant sing or play but loves music, others sing or play, she loves to dance.
SLEEPING PATTERN: curled up buried in sheets blankets pillows and comforter or lovers
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: clean but slightly messy, cluttered.
DESIRED PET: faerydragon
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: time passes her
BIGGEST SECRET: where she hid the bodies
FEARS: heights, loneliness, fears abandonment, longs for a home, a real permanent home...
DRUNK TYPE: the fool, she'd be the nakkid one wearing the lampshade dancing on the table till she suddenly found a lap to curl into to sleep... than she be the first one awake to clean up.
SPECIAL ABILITIES/MAGICS: she is a nature ability to walk thru walls/shadow walk (time/space/relativity shift) and appear wherever she wants... or at lest sometimes... but it has a tendency to backfire and she gets lost.
Also she can shift to cat form... but than she is fluffy white house cat sized.
Plus being a deamon she has a strong natural ability to heal - she has no scars and will heal much faster than a 'normal' mortal but she cant heal anyone else of more than slight flesh wounds (scratches or bites)
Using any of these magics makes her very hungry
DANGER: she suffers from WhiteKnight syndrome, defending loved ones, righting the wrongs of cruelty, abuse or slavery. her own personal danger she has a fairly reckless approach to as well.
SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: ahhhhh this would drive her batty. she want to make their life as miserable as they are making hers.
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: if she thinks its flirting she be tickled pink, she make a huge cheerful joke of it... if she thinks its serious... which she rarely does, she'd secretly love it, deep down she is a sap, as she longs for personal attachment, but been hurt heartbroken so often that she doubts anyone can truly love her forever, plus in the end she KNOWS/fears she'll never be able to stay!
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: this is her constant fatal flaw... she fears this more than anything else... soooo she runs away.
INJURY: doesnt like it, it hurts, but she knows she can heal from nearly anything... so she can be reckless, push herself past what is safe and get herself into big trouble, needing to be rescued, b/c she isnt invulnerable.
LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: work? what is work, everything is play to mooncatt, otherwise why do it.
HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): flirty, teasing, eager, willing.
GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: leap in head first... heart first!
TRUE LOVE VS TESTING DIFF PEOPLE: ooooooh soooo much desires true love. but is willing to try out how ever many men it takes to find it... lol... but really she likely to be FIXATED on ONE MAN AT A TIME...
PROTECTIVE: In an almost obsessive way.
WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: she likely make or bake presents, might bug others to find out her love's secret desires to give as gift to him.
TYPE OF KISSER: tongue battling, eyes closed, toe curling kisser XD
DO THEY WANT KIDS: yes no maybe... it take a peculiar situation for her to conceive... she needs to nest... needs a fair stable quiet relationship... and frankly this doesnt happen often.
HOW ARE THEY IN BED: she has peeled paint!
TOYS?: sure...
FETISHES: maybe...
S+M: doubtful... and dont even think of tying her up! really! dont go there! its messy!
GET JEALOUS EASY: she considers jealous a disease... the opposite of love... and tho she can get greedy for attention... sharing isnt an issue as long as everyone is happy.
MARRY FOR MONEY: never as the motivating factor.
FAVOURITE POSITION: variety is the spice of a sexlife
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: good food, better sex, no plans for the next day... or week... X°D
OPINION ON SEX: as often as possible... likely to talk your ear off telling you about all her opinions on it! but really why talk about when she could show you... hehehe
old old old drawings... from RP chary sheets of CHAMPIONS

the blue one looks suspiciously like storm

my paintball mask - during my purple era

'Last Kiss' Mooncat and Hraem are © to me.. Mooncat is my chary a cat deamon and Hraem is my NPC... this is abit of history for Mooncat for the RP she is in right now. She is pregnant with his child... but he died in a war.. so now she is with Tomoyo, a wolf deamon... so she had to explain what his future child would look like and why he would have wings... and be so dark... ofcourse Tomoyo is gonna be a great adoptive father. Wolves are very loyal. Tomoyo is © [jaderii] Jade Johnson.

'Warriors Kiss'
Theres nothing like almost dieing to spice up your love life!

gonna thru some changes here...
will have to rewrite storys for these pictures...


Username: [moira hawthorne]
Character name: Tsuki-neko (moon-cat)
Gender: Male
Race of the character: Neko Youkai (cat daemon) Nihon (Japanese)
Age: He appears to be & acts like about 20ish... but he is more like 2000 yrs old
and he doesnt truely know how old he is... the reason is time travel screws you up...
Eyes: Big bright green! With vertical pupils.(that change colour with his moods)
Blue = extreme anger/or excitement/or he is up to some trickness.
Gold = sated pleasure/happiness/ love/contentment or sexual enjoyment.
Ears: Cat-like elf ears.
Skin: Very pale skin.
Hair: LONG white hair in braid, bangs at front longer earlocks.
Height: 5’
Body built: Slim but muscular, wide shoulders, slim waist and hips.
Appearance: Sharp fanged teeth, clawed hands & feet. Silver strips on his forehead cheeks shoulders chest arms & legs. NO tail in his Humanoid form. But transforms to a completely white House Cat when he wants.
Tattoos/Peircings: He has multiple piercings in both ears. No tattoo just his natural strips.
Clothes: Wears a white Kimono with silver swirls and spirals embroidery. Never shoes.
Preferred weapons: Katana (teeth and claws)
Characteristic: Warrior of noble but bastard birth
He was still his father's favoured son given a noble's education and training
skilled with sword and hand to hand fighting (ink painting poetry and singing)
Personality: very cheerful neutral chaotic in behavior - dont be surprised if his mood changes suddenly!
Yet very loyal in nature with a strong sense of duty and responsibility
Likes: eating and cooking food, tea and sushi! having his strips stroaked or having his hair played with,
tho tends to use his nails when being petted (putteyfoots), hottubbing, sleeping, defending loved ones.
Dislikes: Lovers up and leaving him! Sneezing!!!
Weaknesses: He has too many 'SPOTS'!!! His ears are over sensistive, his strips are ticklish,
Cat nip is a drug to him... gets him stoned! and he sneezes b/c he is allergic to squirrels
History: He is a shadow walker / time space travel Adventurer
he has suffered ALOT in his past (flashbacks of the more painful events)
Magic: He is a nature ability to shadow walk (time/space shift)
with ALOT of effort he can heat saki thru elmental control
shift to cat form... but than he is a fluffy white cat... house cat sized
being a deamon and thru his mother he inherited a strong natural ability to heal
he has no scars and will heal much faster than a 'normal' mortal but he cant heal anyone else
of more than slight flesh wounds (scatches or bites)
using any of these magics makes him hungry
Anything else: He is Nihon (Japanese) so his native language is Nihon-go.
He speaks poor Ei-go (english).

Commission4-5-Tsuki by~sonettie
A Fishie and his Boys
Tsuki loves Fishie and Fishie loves Tsuki

I made this for a friend sheilkuroi on Y! gallery and her online comic
me: dont be jealious Yuki... hehehehe
Yuki: O_O...........
Taki: looks like he's about to eat fishie ^^;
Yuki: *dives in for the rescue-slow motion and all*
me: no Tsuki wouldnt eat Fishie.... but he will return him very wet...

my chary tsuki as drawn by dana

Tsuki-neko Doll...
And him again in cat mode!
Finally Tsuki-neko Clan Crest!
also see
Mooncatt goes WoW
mooncat avatars
pointy things
go to
other RP charactors
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Hawthorne's Elftown Art
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[moira hawthorne]
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