Page name: pissed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 13:25:40
Last author: Roxcie
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LEaVe You COCk Suckers !

This is the Pissed Wiki where you can take out your anger with others who are pissed yell at each other do whatever rant about nothingness I don't give a shit ^^ have a bad day. you cock sucking fuck tard! XD


This is a magical place that me [Xerin Zamaki] and [Dezmond] made so you can let off some steam theres no rules eccept don't talk shit to people of this wiki that you meet on this wiki ^^ besides that say whatever you want ^^

This is our banner use if you want I don't give a shit XD


#1:[Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

(present company excluded ^^)

#3:[doggiepog6] You wanna see mean. See me at 3 a.m.

#4: [XxTsomexX] First chick here, and probably the bitchiest... (and the most non lady like with my mouth XD lol)


#6:[Piercedskull]pheonix knows how pissed I can get. *pheonix is laying on the ground bleedind ing and is chared and bullet shells are every where* XD this a a demenstration of her pissedness by [Xerin Zamaki]

#7:[Koho Ai]I'm the last guy you wanna pist off


#9 [Eyonic] oooooooo, blood! me likes blood! now, where to put the body.......

#10 [_Einsam_Ein_] so i am the most bipolar and skitz of everyone, i can't find my sanity (i don't want to) and i love death!.... *thinks to self* hmm.... i think i need a bigger closet to hide these bodies in....

#11 [InsanityAngel] the world needs to screw its self or make people feel good about them selves, and not let them be a fucking loner the everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Anthony Michael Martin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Larry Hansell ♥ ♥ ♥

#13 [Araglas] When will people learn not to use me!? GODDAMNIT!


#15 [Vou] Uhm.... rawr? C: I try not to get angry. It's something that is pointless, but I do get angry. -sigh- I really hate it.

Username (or number or email):


2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh cause I can't. not in town. Immpossible.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *crys* i want something to blow up!

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...humm *sticks grenade down dezmonds throat and pulls the pin and he gose boom blood guts and other shit fly every where*...happy now.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: no...he's my friend *slaps 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: muwhahhaa!

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *glares at 7pheonix7* dumbass

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: *press a button and dezmond comes back together* XD

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *hits 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: oww whats that for...*blows dezmond up again*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: your a dumbass, thats why *takes button*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ^^ no I am not you just took the exploding one ^^ *blows up other button* XD

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: fuck u

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: *press other button and dezmond comes back together* qucik blow hom up again XD

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *pokes 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...yes...

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: hi

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...ook...*throws grenades at Dezmond*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: dumbass

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: your just mad cause I did it first. XD

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: it throw a grenade at you but you wont go boom

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ^^ yeah I know muwhahhaha

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *slaps 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: thank you ^^

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: shut up

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: dumbass

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *slaps 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: <img:stuff/mood6-gif.gif> *shoots dezmond*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *shoots 7pheonix7*

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: <img:44166_1164557401.gif> why did you shoot me...*falls over dead*<img:stuff/mood3-gif.gif>

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: well i thought it was funny *giggles*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: bullets do not effect me. cause I can and also this *presses button and dezmond comes back to life* XD

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: *ish still dead*....*ghost appears*<img:stuff/mood37-gif.gif> Your button is broken... whoooooooooo

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: damn it

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...quick to the delorian.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: huh?

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...what you never watch back to the future...its the car in it..

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: i know that lol we are old lmao

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: nope, but ive been on the ride

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: how old are you emo kid???

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: 13

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: no wonder...I am 18 and i think phoenix is like 16 17 somewhere around there lol

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: lol, i hate my school

i want to blow it up

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: i hated my high school but i love my school now ^^

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: I'm 18 as well you jack ass I turned 18 before you...

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: 90% of my school hates me

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: 100% of my school hates me.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: you dont have any friends?

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: not in my school

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: im sorry, most of my school calls me 'freak', 'loner', and a 'no body'

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: My school thinks im a freak who thinks she some sort of wolf thing and deserves to die in a ditch.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: wow, id shoot them

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: I want them to die.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: i dont even know them and i want them too

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *nods*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: sometimes people tease me so much, it makes me want to die

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *nod*dont say that around tsome.she hates emo people/

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: why the FUCK would you want to die because of stupid fucking people that you could give a shit less about?! fuck!

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: because i hate my life

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: cause they make me feel worthless.

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: hehehehehe, mouse, we know about this topic well

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *twitches* FUCK!!!

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *hides*

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: lol!

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *glares at everyone but eyo* i want to die too but there is no fucking way i am going to let myself get down because if stupid fucking people i would rather have dead then have as friends. if i don't give a shit about them why should i give a FUCK what they think about me?!

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *whimper*

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *deep breaths* sorry... ish

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: you need to go see Him....

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: no i do not. *twitch, twitch*

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: him?

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: my love

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: yup

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ^_^

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: hehehehehe, your obsession....

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *glares*

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: tehehehe

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: we have already had this conversation!

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: two go at it all the time don't you

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well... *blushes* yeah

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: but its fun :P

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: yup yup yup!

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: :)

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i hate lol grrrr

2007-11-06 [Eyonic]: i know

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: BOOM!!!!

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: BOOM where *looks around*....theres no boom you fibed..

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: i want something to go boom, and not the world. i like the world right now

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: aww but world like to go boom boom *plays really loud rock music XD*

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: *starts singing 'like this'*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*shoots mim* lol now hes fifty cent XD

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: awww...i like that song...oh well *starts singing 'clothes off!'*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*closes eyes* can't watch not legal..

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: im not going to take my clothes off, that song is just stuck in my head

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: oh *smacks you in the head till it pops out* XD

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: ....crack heads....

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: OWWW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: your just high it didn't really happen

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: dumbass

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: to knock the song out XD

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: i'm not a dumb ass your just tweakin lmao....or maybe I am O_O

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: *starts singing sexyback*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: I already brought it back then killed it again XD

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: NO NO DAMN YOU I HATE THAT SONG!!!! *head explodes*...*ish dead again*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I like it XD just for that reason peoples heads explode. ^^ good work emo XD

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: fine...*starts singing bad boy*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*looks around* shit their after me again...*runs and hides*

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: not the cops theme song

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: i'm not sure i even know that one

2007-11-07 [Dezmond]: OH THAT ONE!!!

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...oh...I knew that XD

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: yep

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: *starts singing 'hips dont lie'*

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yes because those songs are SOoOoooOOO emo let me tell ya. *rolls eyes* idiotic

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hahahahaha

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: amusing?

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: *starts singing 'shut up'*

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *glares at Emo* oh go play with your razorblades. and stop feeling sorry for yourself. and GROW UP!!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *rolls eyes* to sensitive, much to sensitive. or maybe i am to harsh? ...... hmmm..... guess i should try to be nice...?

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: why should you?

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: shut the fuck up! im sick and tired of people telling me what to do, so fuck off bitches

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hahahahaha, do you really think you can make us leave? You're so fucking pathetic it makes me giggle inside <img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: go die bitch

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: ha, I shall with pleasure. I shall embrace death as a child embraces their mother. Do you honestly think that I wont? do you THINK at all? oh, and bitch is a comment to me because you're calling me a girl dog, and I am very dog-like, hence my nickname 'pup.'

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: if i could think i wouldnt be talking

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: damn, even your grammar sucks. It's so pathetic to talk to the likes of you. gods how I wish I could rip out your throat to silence your complaints and excuses and attempts at insults.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: I don't try to use grammar. Oh, and go ahead and try to rip my throat out. It would be fun to watch.

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hmmmm, no, I think not. I think I would torture you you alive, pore lemon juice on your skinless body, and roast you nice and slowly over red hot coals, poking you every now and then to see if you are cooked yet. hmmmmm, _lonely_one_ would LOVE to help me too <img:44166_1164145221.gif> we could have soo much fun listening to your screams!

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: Ya, keep dreaming

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmmmmm..........what to do now.....

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha. oh and you dumb whore i wasn't telling you what to do i was saying you are a pathetic waste of time that needs to get a life. and i was contemplating on whether to try to be nice to you or not but seeing as how you were rude to my best friend. (not saying she wasn't rude back) i don't think ill waste my time. *sneers*

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: FUCK OFF BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *smiles evily* oh but that wouldn't be any fun.

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hehehehehe, no fun at all!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *sigh* oh sooooo bored!

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hmmmm, we need to find another person to fight with...

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i happen to agree yet no one is on it seems

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: how sad............HOT SAUCE!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: the fiery kind! the kind that doesn't want to wash out easily. so stupid people will try using soap... making it burn twice as bad! *giggles evily*

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: woot! I'll start your torture page now

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yay *jumps for joy*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: *shoots both ones in the head then takes a dump on both their faces*...

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ha you wish!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *moves just in time to not get hit, pulls out a double sided suicide sword and attacks pheonix

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: DIE BITCHES!!!!!!!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *ignores Emo*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...uhh one I don't wish I could do. and two I never miss unless I want to.

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well too bad you just did. *smiles*

2007-11-07 [Hybrid66]: Wow, looks like you guys had fun *hands everyone a cookie*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: no you're just delsional from all the blood loss...COOKIES..wait a posined them didn't you...

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: nope i don't eat cookies thank you. :)

2007-11-07 [Hybrid66]: They aren't for eating... *whispers* ... they have shuriken in them =D
Eat your heart out Betty Crocker

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: lmao XD those are my kinda cookies XD *eats one*

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: ahhahahahaha. Hmmmm, lonely, I think you scared emo away...DARN! I was hoping for a round two!

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: im still here bitch

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha why the fuck would i want to scare emo away? i am just ignoring the whore because she is not worth my time

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: IM NOT A WHORE!!!!!!!

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *pokes pheonix* so... wanna duel? no guns allowed

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: now your just trying to ignore me?

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: yay, I'm a bitch! and yes emo, you are a whore. A stupid-idiot-unintelligent-bitchy-annoying-shitty-cock-sucking-whore.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: IM NOT A FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: yup. you are. It's as simple as that.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: im not the whore, your the whore

2007-11-07 [lonelywolf]: How orginal to comeback with a I am not you are line.

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: its quite difficult for a VIRGIN to be a whore!

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: hahahahaha, good wolfy. and for your information emo, I'm still a virgin, so technically, it it physically impossible, but mentally, I suppose you could call me that.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: im a virgin too, so i can't be a whore

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well then in that case you are a Crotch Pheasant!

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: you have the worst insults

2007-11-07 [Hybrid66]: Want more cookies? ^-^

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: ha. so you say.....By the way are pathetic. have I said that before? do you know why? I shall tell you why. EMO PEOPLES DO NOT LISTEN TO "SEXY BACK" AND DO NOT LOOK LIKE YOU! ahhhh, I feel better now.....

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...allright this place is to get cooled off not to piss each other off so back off or I'll block ya'll from the site.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: whatever bitch

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: emo that gose for you as well..

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: very well pheonix. I shall respect your authority and be *twitch* nice *twitch*

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yes pheonix. ill be nice.

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: ...

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *pouts*

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ^^ I like authority XD by the way you can argue just not on a personal level allrighty ^^

2007-11-07 [InsanityAngel]: why are you pouting?

2007-11-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: because now i have to be nice... ish

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: she loves insulting people when she's in a good mood. so do I!

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh why don't you two insult each other then...

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: oh, but we do that everyday at school!

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: insult me and shut up XD

2007-11-07 [Eyonic]: but how could I possibly insult you and shut up at the same time? that makes no sense what-so-ever.

2007-11-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*shoots himself*

2007-11-08 [Roxcie]: *blinks* Aww, no, don't do that :(

2007-11-08 [Eyonic]: yes, dont. I'm in an odd mood.

2007-11-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: okiday i be back...

2007-11-08 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-08 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*stands there with a huge hole in my head*...I already did XD roxcie did you forget that I can't die XD

2007-11-08 [Eyonic]: tehehehehehe

2007-11-08 [Xerin Zamaki]: now I can hide my money in my head XD

2007-11-08 [InsanityAngel]: I HAVE 2 CUPS OF HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hot chocolate...hmm.... cider is yummy too

2007-11-08 [Eyonic]: ewwwww, hot chocolate. mmmmm. I'll go for cider though...<img:44166_1164218094.gif>

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