Page name: post-mission-six-month-mark [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-04 17:30:18
Last author: iippo
Owner: iippo
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Explanation to this in <blog:1141490>

-Work: I've been in Salpakirja for three months as a trainee-type thing (still on the dole, but a slightly better dole than a regular one). The experience has been good, have really enjoyed working with books, and the amount of books I own has greatly increased in number due to this work. I feel like I've been useful to the owner of the store, in helping with the move to the bigger space, helping with new logo design, and even when ideas for new stuff have been bounced around, I have been a part and a contributor.
             I've also made a contract with Speaking Out to start doing English class/teaching by visiting schools and such... I find it hard to explain because I don't know for sure what it is yet. How much work it'll be is up to me to get contacts with the schools and to make groups, so it's a little shaky because as of right now there is none (my contract starts officially tomorrow, so I need to start getting in touch with schools). And if nothing comes of it at the end of the month, the contract stops.
-finance: I'm more or less in balance with a bit of saving up happening at times (that is then wasted on a weekend trip to England, or books from work :P), and my loan is getting paid in its installments. If a steadier, larger income presents itself, I could pay bigger installments and get it over with sooner. Because really, nothing is going to happen until the loan is done.
-art: The self-portrait project is coming along, both the actual making of the drawings and the academic writing (reflective report). I study and read a lot for this project, about women, about mormons, about technique, and how those things relate to me, to my life and my art practice. Also a lot of professional practice -like aspects (thinking of where to exhibit etc...) are coming along, though nothing solid is formulated. But I haven't been to an art exhibition here (I went to Retretti with my sister, that is the only thing).
-reading: Awesome, I have a lot of interesting things to read. More than I can handle.
-church: I am the second counsellor in Primary. I'm learning tons, the kids are great - though sometimes it's a stress and scary and so on. I also help the missionaries out when I can, which in turn makes me get to know and love them, and we have some really awesome missionaries here, let me tell you. So I hope I'll be able to continue to help them and the people they teach.
-friends: I don't have any that live near here, I must admit. But the ones far away I'm keeping in touch with by email, Skype, Facebook and Elftown, but of course there are failings, like forgetting individuals and not being able to be as close as one would wish. And in the 'more than friends' area there is basically nothing happening. Which I don't mind so much right now. I get my fix of physical closeness from cuddling my dog. :) Over all he's basically an emotional staple for me and our relationship is pretty good: we have fun and I take care of him and he takes care of me.
-family: Is good. No major issues, even though I live at home. My parents are cool. My strange mormon ways confuse them at times, but when they get the gist of it, they're cool with it. Lot of support. 
-home: my room is a mess, but I am slowly getting the upper hand. Just yesterday I sorted the bed and the rug-thingie, books and drawers are done, but there's lots more papers and other stuff to deal with. Line upon line, it's coming. I still have a ton of stuff hidden away in England that I just can't get a grip on and go fetch. Someday, I promise.
-music: I've had a sore throat/cough/bad voice stuff for... a really long time, almost feels like it's been one after another never really getting all the way better, so I haven't been able to sing as I would enjoy the most lately. Though I do sing with the missionaries sometimes. I play the guitar and whack at Jerusalem on the keyboard at irregular intervals. I'm discovering new music to listen to on YouTube from people's recommendations.
-movies: Nothing, aside from last Harry Potter movie. I watch no TV and DVDs only very erratically. Been thinking that I should try to be better at this, it's a pretty good way to relax and not get stressed. Last night I watched a movie on DVD and felt awesome after it. 
-online life: Well, I'm still here. :) Mainly because of friends, but I'm doing some ET work stuff, making a wikipage collection thingie about the mission (great way to sort the whole thing out from my head, I'll get all the stories down and will be able to stop bugging people with the never-ending stories :P)

-direction: I love teaching. So I think being a practicing artist and a teacher of some sort all at the same time is the balance in life I want right now. I like living in Finland, I think I take a lot of it for granted. I really like the Church here. Mind, it is soon winter and you will see me screaming and cursing and wanting out from the snow and ice :P So we shall see. In the longer term I do want a family (but I don't see a Finnish man fitting in that family, so I guess the combination of that effectively makes me the Finnish Trap :P Sorry 'bout that, future husband...) Then again, once the loan is gone, I'll probably get itchy feet and feel the need to move someplace. England and Sweden are both strong contestants, USA not so much, because even though I love so many people there (who are all saying "you should come here!") I don't think I'll ever live there. Extended multi-month adventures, sure. But nothing permanent.

So here it is, my life six months after my mission, and some future plans that we can all laugh at in the future when we find out how wrong I was :P

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2011-09-05 [Lothuriel]: I am so stalking this wiki.

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